(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

i already tightened the belt but she can still squeeze her hands out! already warned her that she's going to fly off if daddy turns or e-break lor. But she dont care! dont know how to stop her from squeezing her hands out leh.. so wonder if booster seat is better??


If the 5-point harness cannot keep her in, what makes u think the flimsy 3-point car seat belt ccan hahaha

Has your hubs tried to turn violently or emergency brake etc? That worked with Sam. But I still have to threaten, coax, order, scold etc him lah. It's a habit. I also keep telling him, "When you sit in papa's car, you have to put on your seatbelt" everytime we get into the car, midway, when he wriggles out. Nag nag nag haha. I'm glad I put Sam in the car seat before he 懂事, else I sure will have probs with him being in a car seat. Now he knows that he MUSt sit in a car seat in Papa's car, & he MUSt put on the seat belt.
hehe...ya, i thought it was so sweet. i'm sure K and his charming little smile will have many friends in school too!

hmm...ok, so put the soup stock to fry, will it become too soggy ah? i will give it a try! i thought wanna try make it more dry so easier for her to eat herself. if soggy its hard for her to scoop it up with the fork.

thanks for asking. today is her 6th day actually. i think she's doing ok. mummy's also learning to 'let go'. haiz...its hard! can't help worrying!

why don't u just buy a thermal bag? it wld be lighter then to carry the foogoo for warming up milk rite?
Cos if you don't want to add any seasoning, then simmer the end product with a little bit of soup stock will make it tastier. Just a bit of stock and simmer for a few min only. Or when you are frying, when it gets a bit dry, instead of adding water, you add soup stock.
kiki> not me.. i'm doing a Thermos BP.. my march mummies.. they somehow have a practice to bring out thermos to warm up their EBM... thermal bag cannot la.. how to pre warm EBM then drink.. lol...

And they need to know if foogo can fit the bottles loh... u using Avent rite?? can help me try Avent can be warmed with Foogo ma?? hehhe.. :p

Kam> u just reminded me... i wanted to make chicken stew..and while going thru my mind the process.. i wanted to use stock to add to my stew...

but just now while cooking.... i forgot all abt it... and i pour a whole big bowl of BOILED water into the stew... *kok head*
<font color="119911">Rach</font>
U can only put v little water else will overflow.

<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
Fry Kway Teow sounds difficult. May need oil, else all stick together.
<font color="119911">kaydenmom</font>
Congrats! Gonna be tough looking after twins plus a NB. Get helper/nanny/childcare?
avent bottles cannot, i just tried, its too fat!!

kam, itsy
i'm thinking use unsalted butter or olive oil shd be ok bah? i think the kuey teow like a bit oily already so shouldn't stick rite? hmm...i'd try tomorrow and see how it goes.

Wow u so fast planning what to buy for my #2. Thaddeus I more kan cheong, plan way ahead. #2 all last minute then buy but lesser things to buy also

My boy can also squeeze his hand out from the car seat belt. Already tighten very tight , he also can squeeze her hands out.
I use oil. What I meant is to fry kway teow might need more oil. Now I sometimes use seasoning to cook some of his food eg fried noodle or meat patties. No seasoning like very bland :p

I will cook the kway teow in boiling water first, set aside b4 adding soup or use it to fry. U use it straight from the pack?
Or u can do a think sauce eg bolognase so not need t fry with oil and also easy for Kim to self feed.
yep, i wash then i boil it first. but just a very quick one should be enough rite? coz i don't want it to turn all soggy since i'd be frying it.
ahaha...hungry ah? but i don't think u wanna eat the food we cook for our tods. its probably tasteless to us but to them still quite yummy!
Hi all,
Thanks to all those who added me on the fb!
Really new to fb so no photos yet. Really enjoyed looking at all the photos. Too bad,Dun think can join in any activities. I think I will return perhaps after two years and we might move to china.
I am currently in Perth Australia . Husband pursuing phd.
Managing 3- sigh still not sure what to do. Was planning to get back to work when twins turn 2 but now I think hard. I am into lab work and I guess all the skills will be obsolete!
Condoms- high failure rate. Aussie dr say 30% failure rate. ESP if not used properly. I can elaborate if anyone is keen
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

if u scared too soggy, dun add too much stock!

If u dun want soupy kueh teow, u can try frying a bit of garlic n onions using a bit of olive oil then add some minced pork and/or whatever ingredients u want then add the kuay teow... Vege goes last. after that, add a bit of stock and let it simmer for a while till stock turns dry. I tink that shud do the trick...

oh ya! remember what i told u? to blanch or boil the kueh teow first bef cooking to remove the excess oil that is alr on the kueh teow itself.

Good Luck!
-> Jul
I have an M size Pupsik which is too big for me hence I only used it a few times b4 I gave up.

If u stay in the East, u can take mine to try on the size if u are still planning to buy one (u dun need to buy from me).
<font color="ff6000">kaydenmom</font>
Hahaha...it'll be fun to have the 3 play together when they are older. Hope you'll be able to work things out somehow...

<font color="ff6000">kiki</font>
It's nice to know that you've sorted it out. But I still think it's "strange" why they don't allow.

Ah...so nice that she has friends looking out for her. Then you can fang xin.

<font color="ff6000">Failure</font>
Wah, condom so high failure right one arh? Those before menopause how to prevent. *keke* Like many people accident hor?

Anyway, any tips on having girl girl?
Conceiving a girl
I have read some books and did some research online previously when I was planning for #2. unfortunately, mine was also planned accident and got a boy :p Here are some tips which I have :

1.) Eat more acidic foods , For example:
oranges, lemons, limes, vinegar. This diet will increase the PH level in your body and kill of more of boy sperm because they can't survive.

2.) When having intercourse, make sure the penis is penetrating only 1 or 2 inches in. This will allow the boy sperm to die out before it reaches the egg and give the girl sperm a chance to go the longer distance.

Dr Shettles recommends the "missionary position"be assumed during intercourse for the girl. This makes it less likely that the sperm will be deposited directly near the opening of the cervix. Shallow penetration by the male at the time of his orgasm will further help ensure that the sperm passes through the vaginal canal, where secretions are naturally more acidic and therefore favor the female-producing sperm.

3.)Frequent ejaculation lowers the propotion of Y sperm, so a girl is likely1. Therefore, there is a practice known as "blanket bombing". In order to increase the chances of having a girl, you should have sex everyday from the end of your period up to 2 1/2 to 3 days before ovulation. After this point, do not have unprotected sex until several days past ovulation.

4.)Avoid orgasm on the female partner, to keep the vaginal environment slightly acidic and friendlier to the XX sperm.

5.)Choose to make love a few days(2 to 3 days) before your ovulation. This gives the girl sperm the advantage of lasting longer while the boy sperm dies out waiting. X sperm will survive long enough to meet the egg when its finally released.

If your periods are very irregular, you can try out either these 2 formulas to see which applies:
Formula 1 :
Day for intercourse = earliest ovulation date - 3 days
Formula 2 :
Day for intercourse =
number of days in shortest cycle - 14 days - 3 days
*You must have abstain after the Day for intercourse.
If after 3 or 4 months failing to conceive, you can advance to the next day (Day for intercourse + 1), try for another few months, move on to the next day and so on.
Hello All,
Wow, am trying to 'scan through' the thread, so much to read after not checking for about a week!

<font color="0000ff">itsy</font>
PM me your email add so I can add you to my private blog?
or my public blog (yes, am having 2 blogs to manage now) is at www.buzz-about-baby.blogspot.com. Thanks <font color="0000ff">kam</font>

Not sure how long I will be able to maintain 2 blogs!

<font color="0000ff">potbelly, princess, kiki</font>
Thanks, yes, am trying hard not to think about work, my mistake of bringing my laptop here, so did checked email once and good thing battery died and converter was with the hubs, so haven't been able to turn on the comp until now!

If you guys read my latest blog about the sales here, its pretty good, right?!!

<font color="0000ff">kaydenmom</font>
are you L*** W**? I added you to my fb already

It's a gd thing that you "see open" liao. I'm sure that if anything fishy were gog on, K would be able to let you know throught her behaviour at home right?


Whoa! I wanna go to the States too! I wanna go on a holiday to ANYWHERE! haha


For me, I did everything last min with Sam. Until I was not ready when he popped out! Was so stressed, lost, depressed, regretful.. etc then. I learned my lesson! This time round, since I know some things SURE must get, might as well get it done quickly.

Coz in the later stage, gotta prepare Sam to go to school, prob get a new maid, train her, etc so maybe no time to buy liao.


I'm at NE. It's ok. I went to Mothercare &amp; tried. Now I'm just wondering if I'm being too frivolous. Already bought a LOT of maternity clothes *oops*


Oh it's you! Ok ok, later I go add you on FB.
yep, i blanched the kuey teow first. she ate the fried kuey teow i made but i think perhaps its abit too dry! i used quite a lot of soup stock leh but i think the kuey teow absorbed everything up! i think perhaps the only way to make not 'too dry' kuey teow is to add more oil! think i'd stick to the soupy kind nextime! though soup wld be quite impossible for her to self feed!

u're still there or back in sg already? yep, saw the shopping article in your public blog, so envious!!! wished i was there too! i'd probably shop till i drop! lol. is it easy to shop with katey in tow? for me, its quite hard actually coz kimmy will fuss if i stop (the stroller) for too long! hey, add me to your pte blog? will PM you my email!

i think kimmy is settling down in her daily playgroup. i was so surprised she didn't wail today! i'm feeling more at ease now.
yep, u're rite. i'm sure if anything 'wrong' was going on, i'd be able to see the changes in her behaviour at home. i'm also hoping she won't cry later when i pick her up too! hee... am i asking for too many good things in a day? =p

hahaha nope, by all means ask for more! Then even if fall short of target, still reasonable good Monday

We staretd saying goodbye to Sam last week instead of sneaking off like ILs advocate. This am he didn't bawl when we left. Hopefully it's not a fluke! At least one thing down for Sam's growing up. Still got potty training, self feeding, mental prep for sibling, to go. Wah! So many things to do!
oh i love acidic food.. that's why 2 gals! my period is irregular and No i dont have intercourse everyday! :p

then how to have boy??
Then we'll be really on "making baby" mode but not "making love" mode liao.

I also love acidic food, but we have a boy and a girl! It's very hard to predict one lah. You know there are not just 1 XY sperm and 1 XX sperm leh. You have to kill all thousands of XX or XY, but if just 2 or 3 of the sperms survive, your chances of having the sex of the baby of you want is lower. In theory, yes, I agree, this is quite scientific, but hor, in practical, very tough to achieve.
no worries lah... 顺其自然 lor. happy with 2 gals too.. i save $$$... everything fr S can b passed down! now searching for name.. thinking of S too.. but hubby wants Queenie to go with the chinese name.. 沁Ni (haben decided which Ni.. mayb 妮) but i want 沁Min (敏 or 旻)

ohh gd luck!!
haha...tough luck! still cry when i picked her up! teacher said i didn't pack enough snacks for her and she started crying after she finished her snacks and saw her classmates still eating! but i don't want to pack too much snacks coz its only for 1.5hrs and when she comes back, she got to eat lunch which as it is...driving me nuts already coz she refuses to eat up nowadays. =( sigh...

baby girl/boy
i think i read somewhere that if u want boy, must eat lots of meat meat n meat! and if want girl eat more veggies/fruits! lol... dunno how true. also, they say that if the guy is more stressed, will produce girl! my hb always likes to joke that his office colleagues must all be very stressed coz 90% have baby girls!

woohoo! not preventing, so maybe we might hear good news from you soon too! =p kekeke...

Share with us the good news


Ooh.. names.. Guess will be my turn to have headache in a few mths' time. I dunno what to go with the 'generation' character if it's a boy again!


Haha got snacks = won't cry huh? I hope Kimmy isn't eating too much snacks hence affecting her appetite?
i dont have generation character to follow..would be gd if there is actually.. my own name i have. but tot of using back similar middle char as #1... #1 got her name thru those fengshui master as we dont know wat name to choose... #2 think no need to go to fengshui master lah just use same middle name as #1 and mixed nad match for the 3rd character.

actually alot of pple dont know how to pronounce 沁. haha. i feel 敏 seems more girly compared to 旻. there is a male korean star with 旻 in his name.
I just assumed it would be the same as 敏 loh, I didn't know this word thoo.

Oh, I thought 沁 same prononciation as 心, but it's not! I learned 2 new chinese words today :) Actually, if you want to make use of the fengshui master's idea, then you should pick words that have the same number of strokes for the 3rd character, esp that you intend to use the same 2nd character.

errmmm 沁 is pronounced as QIN 4th sound. It's mean seep through as in 沁入, 沁透。

errm do i really need pick words of the same strokes as #1's 3rd char??
