(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

I just tot the flowers look very cluttered.
Ian has the training cup. My dad bought for him at airport, damn ex! but good quality. Can tahan drop many times :p Do u know the ml for bottle? I need one which can hold more then the munchkin bottle we using.

Hohoho, not sure about that, we have been co-sleeping with the kids all this while and I am very reluctant to chase them out of the room. Probably she will have to look for you in your room, then you bring her to pee, or you can leave a night potty in her room.
your dad bought from airpot surely kanna chop nicely lah! keke.. anything fr airpot is ex! i think i saw this in taka before...but didn't take note of the price. wonder if its cheaper. shd be lah hor? it isn't that ex rite?? think in the website she mentioned 450cc so its 15oz, munchkin 10oz so this one definately bigger! i also need one bigger coz she drinks lots of water, sometimes when i'm out, i got to go 'find' water once the munchkin runs out! u keen? let me know if u wanna tompang. now got 5% off, if got 5 bottles shd make up $80 (so who else wanna tompang my order), can get 10% off! i gonna order tonite.

sigh...suddenly my head very pain! don't want her to come back and sleep in my room. keke... but i think i even more don't wanna wake up, go to her room and bring her to pee! moreover, i don't think i can really hear her call me unless she comes banging at my door! =p
Ya, same here. I have to get old water from restaurant or mac. Okok.. u help me get the green one with animals. Tks
Central meaning town area? Hope weather is good next week. I am thinking of some outdoorsy places. Any suggestions?
okie, noted. later i will email the seller. anyone else? if not by 10pm i will email seller.

hmm...outdoorsy. me not much ideas leh. but i also have to see if kimberly reverts back to her normal napping hours, else difficult to go out also! coz by the time she wakes up its like 430pm already!
*sigh* i think our toddlers are at a stage where they will give us mommies heartattack by trying new 'stunts'! just now kimberly sat on her ball and gave me a cheeky grin like saying 'mommy look! i can do this!'. before i can tell her to be careful and take her off her ball, she lost her balance and fell backwards hitting her head hard on the floor! needless to say, cried like mad! =(
dear mummies,
I would appreciate if you could kindly recommend any good playgroup centres in Tampines West or Tampines Central? My girl is 18 months now, thinking to enrol her into playgroup in order to interact with other toddlers.

Ask u something about courier service... have u used TaQBin from GMarket? Do we need to call them after placing order online?

My items to be delivered are in boxes, do I need to wrap them up in brown paper? Or just put in plastic bag will do?

Kiki> I tot i saw those bottles at spring maternity and a few other shops...
Itsy, rem we were at that shop in Vivo while u were looking for umbrella stroller?? remm RY playing with these bottles and wanted to bring them home??

Connie> heh, I've 2 of those stools from ikea.. I bought the higher one... And RY has her own pink stool from NTUC.. she' ll carry the stool ard the house... Sometimes she will sit on her stool below my bed... Lean on my bed playing with my iPhone... Lol...

I'm still like confined... So lazy to leave home... Now my helper can go wet market, buy fish, chicken, meat, vege etc... Can go post office post parcels, registered mail... Can go NTUC, shop n save etc.. I literally live like a queen at home. Using only my mouth.... Lol..

The thought of leaving home with helper, toddler & baby... Sianz.... Haha see when I'll get out of house... The last time I left home was 31st march... And I dun miss going out honestly... So busy at home with the kids and the sprees... Not enough time man.....
Waiwai> u lucky I read thread today.. Sometimes I totally Ko and few days no read sept thread de...
No need to call them.. They very efficient... So long u place order by 9.30pm, they will turn up at ur place tmr at ur stipulated timings...
I hope u put Ur address at the recipient part and not the person to deliver to...
They supposed to "ship" to u.. Means come ur place to collect.. Then u write the airway bill and tell them where to deliver to... The filling in part a bit confusing initially... But I've figured it out..

If ur stuffs already in boxes, just pass them those boxes lo..
Like my pediped shoes, if only 1 pair, I'll just paste the airway bill over the pediped box... More than 2 pairs, I'll put into courier bag... I bought courier bags for packing and posting out... Loose items I'll put inside courier bags... I no longer use brown paper... Waste time and scotch tape...
Courier bags a bit more exp but I just charge $0.20 each.. Comes with double side tape... Just put the items inside and stick... Save alot time..
more secure also.. Scotch tape also might come out... The cost is abt there... I order by hundreds...
If u wanna put inside plastic bag also can... They just take what u give them de...
I was very tired daily and went to bed once I reach home after work. Wake up around 8-9pm n cook so dumping in everything is the best as I still have drama to chase at that time. Tabao need to walk 1 bus-stop.

MIL age can be my granny already. Paiseh to ask her to cook.

My boy 34 mths now so Jan is 30 mths only.

My gal will beat the thing that she hit against nowaday. Sunday, she hit her head against the car window n she beat it and say "da". She fall down will beat the floor.

You are really lucky lor. My boy also took milk b4 bed. Sometimes, he can takes 2 bottles of water at night thus contribute to the heavy diaper.

I have 3 stool. 1 higher one and 2 shorter. My gal know to use it to step up to take toys from drawers etc.
oh...so u remember how much? since your memory so good! hee...

let me know how much? juz curious!

so by 30mths you managed to toilet train liao? thats not bad! i think in our mothers time, our generation, i heard we're toilet trained by 1yr old leh! nowadays, this generation (us) we're more 'relax' and relie on diapers more, some of my friends kids 4yr old still in diapers! i really hope kimberly will not be on diapers that long...very siong ah!
Hi mums,
I'm looking to buy a 2nd hand rear view baby mirror. Those that allow u to see your rear view facing baby when u r driving. If u have any to sell, do pm me with photos and selling price including local Postage. Thanks.
yeah, i reckon must be quite ex. anyways, most things u get from shops in sg usually way more ex coz they got to factor in the overheads and pass to the consumer! =p
yakult & vitagen
can our toddlers take this already? i bought yakult light for kimberly but she doesn't seem to like it. she drank and made 'funny' faces..and after 2 sips, gave me the bottle! looks like i got to drink it instead! urgh...don't really like to drink yakult! =p but i noticed the sodium level like quite high. is it ok for them to drink this now actually?
Kiki> yah it's prob $19.90 or $23.90 kind I think...
For a water bottle... Lol.... Abit fat and bulky also.. So I didn't buy it then... It was a few months back... Like... 5mos ago??? Itsy, when huh?? U buying umbrella stroller that time...
F is drinking yakult/vitagen/milo packet/ u name it he drank it. Fine leh. Cause he also drinks Alot of plain water. At least 2 munckins bottle.. Of coz limit the packet drinks to once every 2 days or so.. He started off with diluted yakult .. I add water scare he not used to the taste.. Now he say 走 n expect you to hold his hand follow him to the fridge help him open the fridge. He get to choose what drinks he wan.. Sometimes yakult sometimes fruit juice.. : )
oic. ok...

hmm, maybe i shd have diluted it also, perhaps she not used to the taste coz never drank anything else beside water n her FM! =p how do u dilute? u drink half then add water? room temp or warm water?
warm yakult? :S LOL

Ian takes yakult (lite? There's one thats supposed to be not so sweet), milo, yogurt drink and soy milk. I think he still prefers water.
Yunze also can nap till 4+ on days when he's very tired.

Any mums interested in playdate next tues??

I am still confused. Are there only 1 or 2 jabs for MMRV? I was told by the GP, there's 2 jabs for MMRV to be done on the 15mth and 18mth. No need for booster jabs leh. Yunze took his first jab already.
I give XY about 1/4 bottle of yakult/vitamin. Didn't dilute it, but give less. Think someone said yakult is for >2yo, so I give her a bit only whenever HR drinks. She loves it. Haven't given her any other sweetened drinks except these.
Kiki - F drink it cold - direct from the fridge leh. Won't it defeat the purpose if drink it warm.. Den the bateria will die right?
He slurps the whole bottle now. No chance to take back once on his hands..: ) I am fine with it lah. U know me, I ain't so particular with 'junk' food.
<font color="aa00aa">itsy/kiki/kam</font>

Thanks for your replies...

yah... very comical to see her rejecting her potty. I always cant help but laugh. Hub saw it the first time that day n he laughed too! hurhur~

hmm... okok, will just continue to let her try and hopefully one day she wont reject it.

her poop is those very very pasty type... sometimes almost like the adult ones. but if she poop on her diaper she dun cry leh. only got the kek sai face. =P so i reckon its cos of the potty. Jaelle is afraid of shitting in her potty! =P
btw... jaelle hasnt pooped since tues night leh! how huh? Anything I should be worrying abt? Will be taking her to see GP tmr morning cos she's also been having flu since last sat evening. Got better on tues but these 2 days very phlegmy. Can hear the breathing quite xinku lor; esp when slping. sigh~

She was very cranky in school today. fell aslp on her teachers but woke up each time they try to put her down on the mattress. So they had to keep carrying her. She also didnt take her morning snack or lunch provided. but she did eat the porridge i bought for her aft school la.

I think she's teething as well. can see 3 white spots at where her canine will be sprouting.

mommy very xinku... see her lidat even more xintong. sigh~
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

Jaelle has tried yakult lite, yogurt fruit drink, heinz fruit drink, milo, vitasoy. She's ok with all; so far so good. *fingers crossed*
As all are in small packs, i give her the whole pack to drink. she also wont return to me unless its all gone lor.
how long is jaelle's class? I tot it's 2 hr playgroup? If she fell asleep then sounds like she's really unwell. Better let her rest at home. U take care too, plenty of water and vit C.

IMHO, if she usually poo once daily but now suddenly she hasn't for 3 days then it's worrying. Since seeing pd, can let him know.
I think it's normal for her to be afraid of shitting in potty. Maybe more of afraid due to not being used to it. Dunno if this might help, play pretend with her soft toys. Pretend that doll/Teddy needs to poo poo, take off doll's diaper and put doll on potty. Make it seems fun and so smart of doll/Teddy to be able to poo poo in potty. Maybe after seeing te whole process, jaelle won't be so scare of potty time. Ian still cmi, He poop twice in potty cos I caught him at the right time, but he still can't tell me b4 he wants to pop. Since jaelle can, I think she's more ready.
I meant to say that I dunno if the method gonna work cos I feel Ian is not ready so I didn't try on him. Since jaelle seems more ready, u can try.

But dun try now lah. U guys take care and hope j get well soon.
to fry fish, dry fish with kitchen towel, coat with a little flour then won't splatter so much oil. And I agree with Jul leh, ask ur maid or mil to fry lor. I cook daily but never fry fish or fry anything that needs to much oil cos so messy! After frying, dunno what to do with the hot oil. Must wait till it's cool then throw away. So ma fan:p
<font color="aa00aa">itsy</font>

Jaelle is in half day cc. So its anytime from 7am - 12.30pm... I'll usually send her there at ard 8.30am+- n pick her bef 12.30pm. So far, this is the first time she actually fell aslp. Usually happy and excited when I pick her up but today she stood still n cry when she saw me... Had to go over to her then she clinged onto me like superglue.

At home, she acted sometimes ok n sometimes not. Aside from not sleeping well, the mood swings also very erratic. Meal times also same. Didnt eat anything in school. but ate a small bowl of porridge when she reached home and a big bowl of rice with soup and "liao" for dinner. But she wasnt like this is sch ytd. Was told her ate a big bowl of rice. Sigh~ I also duno whats wrong. maybe just purely not feeling well ba...

And cos she's not slping well, her daddy just returned her her "chou chou" which she hasnt seen or needed it to slp for over a mth le... All my efforts wasted! =(

Jaelle used to poop once a day. Then when she started school, she occasionally poop on alt days... now its 3 days! But heng, just now again she came to me n indicated her want to poo. Again, i asked if she wanted her potty n she nodded. Took her potty, she sat happily till the poop is coming then she struggled to get up. And again, she pooped on the floor! And cos she only poop that little bit(considering the fact that she didnt poop for 3 days; tummy very round!), i brought her to the bathroom in hope she will cont'... but she didnt. Anyway, see what the doc say tmr ba...

As for ur method, i tink its worth trying! will try that out when she gets better.
Thanks so much!
For e constipation. U can try giving her some grape or fresh grape juice. This is wat e fruit stall aunty taught me last time n it works for my gal.
Apply flour or corn starch? I'm confuse wif so many type In E mkt. Last time when I need to buy flour for mee Hoon GUI, I can stand there v long cos too many types. So confusing.
Splattering is due to water on fish so as long as u pat the fish dry dry with kitchen towel, splattering will be reduced. Flour part is just what my grandma told me to do so the fish look better. Keke.. Just use normal flour. Make sure oil is hot too so the skin will not stick to the wok and also must be patience to let one side of fish to cook thoroughly b4 fliping it, else the fish will not look good. Good luck! Oh and Ikea sell those wire mesh cover. I find it useful when frying thing, cover can prevent oil splattering out and yet allows ventilation for food unlike wok cover.
So she sleeps better with her chou chou? Haiz.. I understand how u feel. All over again

Did u ask teacher how she's acting in school? Other then not eating well, is she participating in activities? Does she look happy and active? Hope no bully in school.

Anyone took medicine to stop BM before? The doc subscript the tablets but need to take panadol when taking the tablet. Is that a norm? Not sure why, I have stop BF for >3mths, still have milk generated.
Don't feel like taking the tablet to stop the milk. Any side effect?
oh dear, jaelle since tues never poop?! thats 3 days? today got poop or not?? think very constipated! u can try prune juice...maybe can dilute with water as its quite thick. make her drink more water will also help. if she's v phlegmy, better not feed fresh grapes for now. else, if she likes to eat rasins that might also help. u can try to massage massage the belly abit also. put her on her back then stretch her legs and bend to the belly pushing gently. dunno u can understand what i'm trying to describe or not. hee...

sigh..nvm lah, if the chou chou helps her sleep better then maybe boh bian also. when she's better then try to 'wean off' chouchou again lor. hope she gets better soon!

i use corn flour. the flour is to give the fish a crispier golden look...and it also helps it not to splatter so much and not stick to the wok. yep, like itsy say, pat the fish dry first, fire must be hot at a right temp. this one comes with experience to gauge, u fry more then u know liao. =p
<font color="aa00aa">connie</font>

Thanks for the tip! I brought her to see the doc today and was given the lactus syrup. She did poop today but just abit nia... will monitor n see how.. Thanks!
<font color="aa00aa">itsy</font>

Daddy feels she slps better with her chouchou but i dun feel the same... she was actually slping quite ok at night till recently; it kinda got worse. Very pek chek lor! He's away for so long n comes back to change her routine! =(

I did ask her teacher. She's usually doin ok during lesson times bt not last fri. Very cranky and thus got tired and fell aslp. She's been ok today so just hope she's alr feeling better! Her airway still quite blocked at night tho~

I also hope no bullies in school. Was told by her teachers that her classmates do look out for her n cares for her. So Im pretty glad to hear that. =)
<font color="aa00aa">kiki</font>

yah.. she didnt poop on wed n thurs. not a single bit till her tummy looks pretty bloated. But hai hao she manage to poop a bit last night n a bit this afternoon. Altho I feel it shouldnt be that little but better than nothing right?

ok, will try give her raisins since she likes it so much! I get what u mean in regards to the massage. Will try that out tmr cos I just saw ur post nia... =P Thanks!

Just as I was still telling you i succeeded to wean her off her chouchou; her daddy comes back to ruin it! duh~ SIANZ!
RE: Aqua doodle mat
is it rach or waiwai,
i remember either of u brought in the mat b4...
do u still have any more aquadoodle mat (big type)?

can pm me?
