(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

oh it's jus one of the virus ar.. hhaha i have the impression that with the vaccine, baby will not have diarrhea leh... but in any case think will just skip it leh..

yes yes.... i dont like it when pple touch my gal too.. face lah, hands lah, one idiot even try to pinch her face lor..

her face already very jialat with milk/saliva rash all over liao... cos she keeps touching her own face, rubbing her eyes with her saliva-filled hands! dont know wat to apply on her face leh.. any idea if there is anything natural that can be applied to her face that can be eaten too??

i already clean her face and hands umpteen times already but still rashes all over.. sigh

printz n such,

Thanks for your reply. So you've signed up for the trial? If possible, can update me on the trial? Cos i just realised it's not free to attend it. Thanks. by the way, any idea if there's any make-up class if we miss the lesson?
I also don't like it when people touch my girl. That day, my mom was telling me she carried my baby to the market and all the aunties were taking turns to carry and play with her. I nearly fainted when I heard it. Imagine all the germs! And she still can say good what, explore her to different people. Next time, she won't be scared of strangers.

My girl also keep touching her face with her all filled with saliva hands. I used the pigeon hand and mouth wipes to clean her hands and mouth.. Think should be ok? For the face, I use CB cream to apply on it. Wonder if the cream is edible though.

i did the stupidest thing !!!!! after birth, beside getting super forgetful, i became stupid too.

i wanna cook salted egg. so i go peel the stuff, clean it and put inside the pot to cook.... awhile later i go see... then i realise the "salted egg" i cook is CENTURY EGG!!!!!!!
milkyway, happymrskoh - i also use CB cream to put on his face, tt is if i rem! haha! mine's a boy, skin too good later too gu niang! but i dun use the pigeon hand and mouth wipes on him yet. actually only intend to use say when he starts solid. for now i prefer to use water cos to me, the wipes are another source of chemicals, so dun want to let my boy eat it, though they use food grade stuff, but still chemicals leh. its juz me lar! but my boy drools more at night!
k is looking good...so cute, look at the layers on his tum tum.

i have those small small tupperwares too. but i think these can't be freezed leh. if you wanna use tupperware to freeze must make sure they're freezable ones, if not might crack i think. most are not mircrowavable also. then again... i think tupperware is not BPA free. actually i'm not sure if BPA is harmful when its frozen, or only when heated. maybe some of the other mums can comment.

kam, sandwich,
after 6 mths we don't have to steralise the baby cubes ah? oh i didn't know that! hmm...then do we still steralise the milk bottles???

milkyway, cookiez,
i think ppl who don't have babies or kids tend not to know that its 'not so good' to touch baby's face. sometimes when ppl go overboard and keep flicking my girls cheeks, esp if keep tapping her chin area (coz v near the mouth), i will tell them not to do so coz too near the mouth will easily kanna germs. coz our hands are actually very dirty!! :p so far ok... but hor...my hb is more particular! there was once a stanger's kids kept touching my girl...he got so mad he actually raised his voice and told the mother to control her kids. i was quite stunned at his reaction actually..so protective of his girl! :p
Wah mummies here are really very protective of your baby hor. I am opposite, I don't mind at all. Whoever wants to touch/carry my baby also can, no problem. But from now I gonna remind myself not to touch others' baby cos not everyone thinks like me and I love to play/carry babies :p

In theory, yes, don't even need to sterilise milk bottles after they are >6 months, or when they start to put everything they can grab into their mouth. But for my #1, I continue to sterilise milk bottles till he was 9 months, then only sterilise once a week (actually it's meaningless), then totally stopped sterilisation when he turned 1 yo.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">sandwich</font>
So yours is 10 in a tray too! Phew. I thought I kenna conned or something.

<font color="ff3399">milkyway</font>
I always felt cereal is a bit too thick to start babies on. Personal opinion lah. So I start them on applesauce. Cos apples has the least possibility of causing allergy mah.
Once 4 days pass, and the food never cause any side effects, then I will give cereal.

Kee has been having 150ml for the longest time already. Never increase leh. I heard some kids don't "reject" or lose interest in milk, so you just have to start them on semi-solids once timing is right. But this one I can't verify cos both my boys just reduce their feeds by a lot when they were ready to eat.

<font color="ff3399">cookiezz</font>
I was guessing some ppl might wonder why he looks naked, so I explained first.

<font color="ff3399">kiki</font>
Thank you.

But my MIL keep saying he is skinny now, how come lost weight, blah blah blah.
He drop feeds until only 4 times a day, each time only 150ml, then like to popiah all the time... Only natural to look "skinny" lor!


hope ur boy gets well soon. but take care not to fall sick yourself.


i haven't decided if i wanna get baby cubes. actually i haven't decided if i wanna puree or buy. kinda lazy but feel that shd do something since i'm sahm.. sian..


thanks gal. my freezer is also jammed full of fbm, can u believe it??? but only 10L coz my freezer is soo small.

sandwich, kam

thanks too


sure will let u know if i'm getting


if it's the normal green colour, it's ok. once in a while sam gets that but it'll go back to normal. one of the reasos is too much foremilk.

btw my mil says it's xiadao too, but.. er.. i dun think so lah

rotavirus is syrup, not jab. rotavirus is very serious one, not like norm diarrhoea.


dun worry, u're not alone. i put my ebm in the warmer (not fridge) to store once

so cuuuttee!!! i want a gal with lots of hair so i can dress her up too

she can stand????


u mean k's intake per feed is the same but he takes lesser fedds per 24h? sam's intake is also stuck at 140-150ml for the longest time.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399"> Jul</font>
Your freezer full of BM?? YAY!!! You have done it!
My freezer is so pathetic, I don't even have 3L of BM ok. Cos it's not like there's nothing else to keep in there. More than 50% of my freezer space already dedicated to BM storage liao, but I definitely won't be able to hit 10L lor! Stupid stupid fridge.

Yup. Kee is taking 150ml 4x a day. Max 5x.

haha..its ok lah...actually i'm ok with ppl touching her cheeks. but chin i more particular coz very near the mouth, touch once ok lah..but if keep touching the chin then i will say lor...else after that i will quickly wipe with the mouth wipes :p

i actually don't really mind relative/friends carrying my girl. but not anybody esp not strangers or young children :p

what does like to popiah mean?

WOW! your girl can stand already??!! thats fast! how old already? thats like amazing. mine still can't even flip :/ i think maybe really too FAT already! *sigh* that photo is really sweet
happymrskoh> same lo. i oso dun like it when my hubby's aunt bring my son downstairs n let those auntie play. faint lo. dey think is toys ah. duno wat those ah peh n ah ma do wtih their hands. dirty dirty touch my boy. zzz

kam> no la. carry is ok leh. but dun play with face la. i mean face quite personal ma. i kiss my boy i find it ok. but i find it wierd to see someone else kissing my boy -_-

so cute. ur gal can stand le. how big is she? my boy still tiptoe when i try to put his legs on de floor
kiki - yah same same, if friends or relatives touch somehow i am ok. cos i know them. but strangers... hmmm... dun like. tt time after my foot reflex the masseur touch my son leh sian right?!

btw, after u all sterilise the bottles, do u let them airdry or cap and wait for next use? wondering if there is a need to buy bottle drying rack
after i sterilise my bottles, i just leave in the steriliser. when i wanna use i just flick off the excess water. i didn't get any drying racks.
<font color="dc143c">cookiezz</font>

I left everything inside the sterilizer after i sterlize.. like kiki, i only take out from the sterilizer n flick out the water when i need to use them...

But.. i havent been sterilizing anything at all for the past 1 month liaoz...

and since mummies here says that there's no need to sterilize after 6 months.. then i think i dun even need my sterilizer anymore!

Coz i havent even give my girl any bottle for a long long time....

Going for 5in1 this wed... and i pray she wont be on strike again...else my pump and sterilizer have to be used again... >.<"
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">kiki</font>
Popiah = flip himself backwards &amp; forwards like rolling popiah!!

<font color="Ff3399">cookiezz</font>
I air-dry the stuff I sterilise. Got a small plastic basket ($2 from Daiso) to put on my dish rack, so it's cleaner and doesn't get messed up with the adult stuff on the rack.

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+2">BABY CUBES</font></font>


I've about 15 orders now...

MOQ: 36.

Anyone else interested, please PM me hor..

We are not really in a hurry to get it since we dun need it in a months time.. but hope to settle it soon...

shelled, jul, kiki,
Thanks! She is 4.5 months now. She can "stand" pretty well and for a long time if we hold her. She just likes to stand. She doesn't like to sit down nor to be on her tummy. She flipped but not very keen, only did that a few times only. But I am hoping that she sits more, cos gonna hold her to stand very tiring leh. And if she doesn't like to be on tummy means less chance to learn to crawl.

kiki, michelle, cookiezz,
Oh, I see.
my girl nowadays doesn't like to lie down. if she is awake,she wants to be in sit position always.. very tiring too! i think it goes in stages...when they can stand, they don't really wanna sit. maybe the 'view' is better :p hmm... i've heard of babies who never learned to crawl and just went straight to standing and walking! possible??
reviewing diapers
was using nepia M size diapers and found that it doesn't quite fit my girl very well at this point. so decided to give drypers a try. it fits well actually and its not that bad and the good thing is, its cheaper!! :p
-- Kam --

Your girl so fast wanna stand! she ba-ba, u fed her well! So cute! wanna pinch her cheeks *oops*

So is it really that after 6 months, no need to sterilise milk bottles??

Currently, after sterlising the bottles, i would take it out to put in ziplock bag. But after awhile, the bag got smell as it's not fully dried yet. I thought of getting a drying rack but scared insects/roaches/lizards touch the bottles at night.
Yes, possible. Some babies don't want to crawl. But I have read that it's actually quite important for baby to learn to crawl. That's why I still put her on tummy though she doesn't like it. My #1 at this age can sit unassisted already.
Thanks! I love chubby baby. Actually I am struggling with milk supply. Started to supplement 1 feed with FM since 2 weeks ago.

It's not advisable to put the bottles in the ziplock bag if the bag is not dry - ideal place for mould and bacteria to grow!

Once baby turns 6 months, if she/he already started to put things into his/her mouth (most babies do cos they start teething), it's actually no point to sterile cos they just pick up anything (non-sterilise, including teether) and put into her mouth, right? If you are concern, then you can cut down sterilisation slowly and monitor, say 1st week only sterilise 6 days, if baby ok no diarrahea etc, 2nd week only sterilise 5 days, and so on.

As long your girl is growing healthy and well, putting on weight, doesn't matter if its BM or FM =)

Ok i will try your method. I just bought another sterliser to put at my parent's place, i thought that need to sterlise bottles until around 2 yrs old. So when i saw that after 6 months, its ok not to sterlise so was surprised at this.

Oh wonder if anyone heard that walkers are not good for babies? because when they are on the walker, usually they are tip toeing so they may develop a habit of tip toeing when they learn how to walk. My cousin advice me on this.
Re walker, there are always 2 schools of thoughts. I belong to those who are against walker. Besides tip-toeing, it doesn't really help baby to walk but to discourage him from learning how to walk properly, and the speed whereby the walker can go is very dangerous if they knock onto something or fall. I use an exersaucer instead.
Bernice> not too sure abt tip toeing but I grew up in walkers n I dun tip toe walk. Haha..
But as long as the feet can touch ground then shld be ok ba..

Dunno y that day Rayanne can't touch ground today she could!! Lol!!

Kam> same Lo, Rayanne loves to stand n sit.. But she quite like tummy too.. But she loves to be carried of all!! Haha..
kam - no worries! so next time u can feel free to carry and play with jacob when we meet for lunch ok? =) haha i had wanted to sterilise once a wk when he turns 6 mths so no point huh? okie! less work for me then! only need to sterilise the pump parts. sigh my hands are getting rough from all the washing! cracked a bit also sob sob! oh wait!! does it mean i dun have to sterilise pump parts also??

thanks to all mummies who answered my qn. hehe so $$$ saved! i try to flick the bottles also but sometimes when the bottles are still hot, the vapour will condense after a while and have quite a bit of water in the bottle which i will forget to flick when i need to feed. but i also scared put on the rack like defeat the purpose of sterilising.

bernice - u bot 2 sterilisers? i wanted to buy also but tot since will stop when baby is 6mths so i din. now thinking abt getting a preloved food warmer to put in my mum's place instead. save the trouble of changing water all the time to warm milk! can warm solid next time also...
Sure, when we next meet :) You are not starting work soon?

Stop sterilizing still can't spare you with the washing though. You still need to wash the bottles thoroughly to make sure no milk residue left over.

It's ok not to flick off all the water. Cos those water are sterilised water, isn't it? I usually just flock briefly, lazy me :)
Re - Walker

I also sat on walker last time.. I guess it boils down on how you monitor your baby and kick the bad habit if they develop it..

Kam - yes yes, they can be dangerously fast when they are in the walker and possibily run over adult feet!

Rach - you mean you already put her in the walker??

cookiezz - Yea i now have 2 sterlisers! aiyo, waste money, got it during the robinsons 20% sale. Since bought already, just use. You can save the money and spend on the food warmer. haha, i'm like u, always changing water in the cup to warm up the milk. So now, my next purchase would be a food warmer. Next time can put the baby cubes inside the warmer also.
Talking about exersaucer, at which stage we can put our babies in there? Its very tiring for me to entertain my little one everyday. She is also tired of the rocker that my sil got for her already.

My little girl also likes to stand a lot. Whenever we hold her hand she will try to pull herself up to go into the standing position. But my mom told me not to let her stand too much till she is 5 months old as her legs are not well developed yet. If she were to stand too much now, she might develop bow legs. Any truth in this?

yup i've finally done it!!! my wildest fantasy is coming true!!!! i've started using up some old fbm to make way for new fbm.

my freezer more pathetic. i stacked very compactly in lock n lock boxes, but still no space.

sam's taking 140ml or so 6x a day.


during antenatal class, wong boiboi tot us to fling excess water off then cap the bottle n leave on the counter. she said l;ike that can keep 24h. she said DUN AIR DRY
re: walker

i am of the against school.

my hubs n his sis used walker n they're bow-legged. me too, plus i walk on tiptoe. his cousins din use walker n none of them are bow-legged
jul - okie thx!

kam - haha sigh, tot can do less work!

bernice - robinsons having sale this wkend again! but dunno if i shld get a new warmer or preloved...

so happy, today jacob's a gd boy! been napping a lot. only woke up to drink milk! peaceful! morning we even napped tgt till abt 10am! yao lan is a must have!
My girl is already enjoying her exersaucer since she was 4 months. Some exersaucer says 4 months, some says 6 months. I personally think theere are 2 things you need to judge for yourself - 1) your baby has relatively strong neck already, and 2) the design of the exersaucer, ie, the baby's feet should be able to touch the floor and not hanging in the air.

robinsons having 20% again? tot just over?

i have 2 pigeon warmers. one at ILs' to use on weekends when we're visiting n one at home. i find the warmer so convenient. can't imagine chaging water n warming for 6 feeds a day
<font color="#6600ff">Teething</font>

Kairi stuffs her hands, Sophie, plush puppy rattler, beansprout pillow in her mouth... Teething? Or mouth itchy?

<font color="#6600ff">Flipping</font>

Since last week I realized she sleeps on her sides... Not sure if she fell asleep while flipping.. If she's just on her sides... It's not considered a complete "popiah" yet right? Complete "popiah" is when she goes 180degrees and lands on her tummy?

<font color="#6600ff">Lying, Sitting, Standing, Being carried, Crawling</font>

She has to be "bluffed" to lie down to sleep at times... I'd have to put her in sitting position, and slowly slide her down till she's completely flat on the bed. She likes to stand.. My MIL and parents say that she has strong bones and muscles? Not sure on that, but I fear that she'll get bowlegged so I refrain from putting pressure on her legs. She likes to rest on my shoulders ( If you've seen the cute little finger picture in my FB ) XD

My HB's niece is 12mths in about a week. She can't crawl. She keeps sliding backwards... Is it because she isn't given much tummy time? She stands on tip-toe too...

<font color="#6600ff">Apart from milk</font>

2 weeks ago I was having plain porridge when I tried giving her a teaspoon of porridge water... Her face got screwed.
Walkers: I was just thinking of getting one.... hmm... now dunno if I should?? Suggestions?

My girl doesn't like tummy time too... Maybe she will be like me, never crawl straightaway walk haha

I will be getting her a FP Jumperoo though...

So happy today, take leave bring my girl for vaccine... shun bian rest.. haha
