(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

wooohoo. i juz bought a usqueeze warm to relieve my soles. now it makes pumping not so boring =p

milkyway> wow. u got one mth's supply of fbm in de freezer? must be alot. now i got no space in freezer, i m lazy to pump. got like 50bags of 200-250ml milk in freezer, and abt 50glass bottles of 100-120ml milk in freezer. dunno how long i need to store them. and after smelling how metallic fbm are, i abit sian to give them to my boy -_-

prinzess, rach> how much is de wean machine from bp?

jul> haha. better than me. upper or lower half of leg oso thunderous =x
<font color="#6600ff">Michelle</font>

Question not directed at me but I'll still tell you anyway.

Wean Machine from BP is going at $39.90 w/ Norm Postage. BP not on anymore though. If you want the BP Organizer email you pm me I send to you.
pamelia> icic. how much is it before the bp. still thinking whether to get it. cos i dunno if i m hardworking enough to make food for baby, or juz buy those heinz bottled ones. erms..
Anyone keen to get Bravado LMB in hot pink? the webbie is having sale for this colour only at usd 25 and i got a 15% off discount coupon so plus shipping shld be less than s$35 each. but limited sizes, 32B, 38B, 32C, 32D. i shld be ordering tgt with the breastpump parts. anyone keen pm k? this colour quite nice!
michelle - wah if u keep feeding the heinz type hor, very siong cos ex leh! per bottle is $1+ for normal ones and $2-3+ for organic ones. will go pok ah! haha buy the baby cubes and cook once a wk and alternate with the bottled ones lor haha!
Finally at 4mth and 8 days its my joseph's turn to flip. he been sleeping in all directions too. morn i will find his sleeping position directly opposite the position i placed him at nite. dunno how he turned until like that.

his 2 lower teeth r coming out too. the whitish part r really hard n sharp now. no wonder he been biting me. aiyo his teeth show up earlier than his siblings, i gonna miss his gummy bogay smile v soon
<font color="#6600ff">Michelle</font>

Before the BP I think it's 19.50 GBP? So probably rounds up to 45-50 bucks after shipping etc?

It's really cheap compared to it's original retailing price. And I'm a very BUSY MOMMY... So I think that's the gadget that works for me.

isit possible for baby at 4month old plus having green watery poo poo ah? and its very frequent and small small portion..

will its be diarrhea.. is there any off the shelve baby diarrhea medication?
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Baby cubes</font></font>

those who wanna know what or how to use it,
check out it's original website..


I see progress now.. Abt 10 plus orders...
Keep it coming then we can order soon!!
MOQ:36 trays
cookiezz> haha. wkday he go infant care ma. so sch will provide de solid food there. only wkends i give him heinz, so not so shiong? =p

pamelia> oo. so abt 10bucks cheaper. erms. hubby say there is a similar product at ikea, but tat one is to crush garlic one, wonder how much is tat. maybe one day i'll drop by ikea, to let bb try their high chair oso =p

flower4> my boy is having yellowish watery poo =p
<font face="tahoma"><font color="Ff3399">itsy</font>
Why you going to Pam's salon never tell meeeee. I could have dropped your giraffe there!

<font color="ff3399">cookiezz</font>
Josh grew up on a diet of Heinz/Gerber baby food jars leh... Ok lah, actually not that ex. :p
Now he stealing applesauce from Kee cos Kee finds it sour, but Josh lovesss it!

yellowish watery poo ? recently started or?

my duno why recently become greenish watery poo and its very often...
I realy envy u mummies really have time to homemade puree...

i guess i will like shelled buy those baby food jars :p...

same ting... frozen homemade puree also ... same ting need to warm up &amp; feed. and factory made i think they will extra ensure the food are hygene &amp; etc.. at times we make at home duno we manage or blend well or wash well anot.....
<font color="0077aa">Kris</font>
no problem! was just thinking to let it go but have to wait for a few more mths before i can post in the WTS threads...
flower4> all along is yellowish watery poo leh. hehe. dunno isit considered watery, but definitely not solid. so is watery lo. not normal meh? doc nv say no leh
Pamelia> thanks
i email the BP owner

Rach> can we throw the babycube into warm water instead of microwave? :p dont have microwave at home and dont like to use too.
Hi Eunice,
I am interested in kindermusik too. Will call them tomorrow to enquire. Would be good if they have something that starts asap. Cos I'll be going back to work in march and baby will be starting infant care then. So hope to finish the 8 lessons by then. Unless they allow prorating?
Any other options for enrichment classes? Seems like they require babies to be >6 months old?
Actually the classes are more for my benefit I think. Baby's staying awake more now and I got to constantly think of how to keep him occupied. So it'll be kinda like a shortbreak for me. :p
how was ur visit to tmc?

i used to throw baby cubes in warm water instead of microwave. i dun like to heat food using microwave too. esp since research has shown its not beneficial for health
baby cubes

do mummies who are using the baby cube have the dimensions? just wondering if they fit inside my pigeon warmer
Printz n Such

Both Kindermusik and The Little Gym take in babies from 4 mths old. Hopefully our babies can be in the same class at Kindermusik. How old is your baby now?
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">jul</font>
Fits into Pigeon warmer. I put mine into warmer to heat up.

successful bottle feeding at all 3 sessions using both medela and avent teats.. so conclusion for the failed bottlefeed previous 2 nites is that my gal was fussy on both nites.. anyway shall continue bottlefeeding in the day to get her into a routine.. i'm gonna be the one bottle-feeding her tmr so hope it'll be as successful as today since all 3 times were feed by hubby and i was around on the 3rd time.

my freezer is also running out of space now so i only pump enuff just to fill 1 milkbag then i stop pumping so i didnt really clear my breasts lor. hope it dont do damage to my supply. and i only pump 2x a day. keke
what does a 4 mth bb do at Kindermusik??

they baby cubes can definately fit into ANY bottle warmer because they're so small...only 2oz capacity i think.

Doctor say Its viral diarrhea.. Gosh..duno how he get it... soo poorting.. the only suspect by his own drooling or hands sucking..

he keep having watery poo poo hourly..

strange.. i just got him rotavirus vaccination 1st dose on 18 Dec sigh.. think not enuf..

mummies, think we mus be very carful, now esp now our bb drooling alot... mus constantly wash their hands &amp; mouth..

WOW ur boy showing up teeth!!! tat realy fast...wat are the issue to face when baby start teething. fever? fussy? gum itchy?
shelled, kiki

Ok, gd to know that it'll fit into the warmer. Thanks!

Oh yeah, more questions..

1) 1oz cubes are very small. Worth to get? Or shd I just get 2oz?

2) 2oz cubes have markings to make smaller portions if I want to right?

3) So.. I just take the cubes filled with frozen puree, thaw them, then warm them in the pigeon warmer huh?

4) Hard to wash or not? I know the attached lid is supposed to be an advantage, but think they're kinda zorteng to wash?

5) How to sterilise?

6) Read some reviews that the lid breaks off easily, the cubes crack when dropped, n that they fall off the tray very easily. I have those basket type of drawers in the freezer compartment. Already have a hard time storing my FBM. Need to use boxes to stack them b/c of the wire baskets. How to stack these baby cubes ah?

7) Need how many for a week's supply huh?

Hehe temp halt till I think of more qns. Geez.. just started figuring out how to harvest my FBM, now gotta crack my head over purees!!!

Aiyoh.. what's viral diarrhoea? Need to take med? Luckily u went to TMC early to get help.

But very strange. U said small amts only. I tot diarrhoea shd be a lot one?
Ok.. better go sleep. Din have enough last nite coz stayed up to watch the game which they DREW *grr*

Gdnite mummies.. till the next pump
Jul, ya. small amount but very frequently.... now on diarrhea medication.. Virus inside his tummy tat causes diarrhea...

now my boy very weak... very poor ting... and also we need to feed him often cuz he constantly poo &amp; poo.. mus be very hungry....
viral diarrhea? oh dear..sounds bad. did bb need to hospitalise? poor thing. hope your bb gets well soon.

where r u getting your bb cubes from? from rach or somewhere else? i think those that rach is getting are only 2oz ones leh. err...actually not sure how to answer the other questions because i've also not used them before. i guess steralise just throw in the steraliser lor! :p
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">jul</font>
Wah lau, alot of qns leh. I hope you halt here hor.

1) Mine are 2oz, can't be arsed to get 1oz size. Bigger is always better than smaller.

2) 2oz has markings of 30, 45, 60 and 70ml.

3) Haven't figured this out yet, since I haven't frozen any babyfood yet. But I guess yeah, you should be right. Thaw before heating up. <font color="ff0000">[This one should check with Kam or Jenifur]</font>

4) It's definitely easier to wash the corners/cap if you're using brushes. (I wash all my dishes with IKEA dish-washing brushes, so it's easy for me.)

5) Never thought about it, cos never had intention to sterilise. Hurhur. But I figured if it can be microwaved, it definitely can be steam-sterilised.

6) Baby Cubes come with a tray with 8 square "holes" where you place the cubes into. You stack the trays (with the baby cubes inside) on top of one another lah. THey're made to be stackable.

7) Purely depends on how much your bugger can eat. Mine is eating 70ml, twice a day. So that makes it 2 BabyCubes per day. If I don't stop him, he can eat up to 100ml, as demonstrated that day when I gave him cereal. (Apparently he is only not greedy with milk, but he's greedy with food.)

So far what I've been using it for is to separate 1 jar of babyfood into 2 servings, I scoop out half the jar into a BabyCube then keep it in the fridge. Then use Pigeon warmer to heat up (at 70 degree) later.
I can't afford to make &amp; freeze baby food, cos my freezer already no space cos of BM.
I am still waiting for someone to buy me a stupid freezer. I don't even dare to pump too often cos pump already I have no place to keep.
Needless to say, my BM supply has dropped as a result.

milkyway> ops. i'm seeing a drop in my supply with my laziness to pump. zzz. better start building it back soon. else i'm gonna get alot more trouble -_-"

flower4> zzz. my boy oso poo like 6times today. not sure if it diarrhoea. erms.. wat medication ur doc gave ur boy? wonder if i shuld bring him to the doc. not sure if he juz happen to poo more today, or diarrhoea. he juz had his rotarix on sat -_-

1. my baby cubes are 70ml in capcity, and i think that's about the right size to get.

2. yes they have markings at the side so you can freeze 30ml onwards if you want to.

3. i thaw with running water in a bowl before heating up. my older boy doesn't take puree now so what i do with my cubes now is to store stuff like frozen corn, frozen sweet potato etc so that when i need to cook a simple meal for him, i just pop a few cubes into the pot along with his rice/noodles.

4. they are definately easy to wash. i wash them with my blue avent brush.

5. no sterilization is required, cos by the time you baby is ready to wean, most probably he's more than 6 montths old already.

6. out of all my lids, one has chipped off on the top. none have cracked before. and this is after 2 years of usage. so they're quite durable actually. the baby cubes stack nicely in a tray of 10. then each tray can be stacked on each other.

7. like what shelled say, depends on how much yours can eat.
when did you start him on solids? 4.5 months? my boy is 3.5 months now but he's having a wobbly head still, so i doubt he'll be ready soon cos wobbly heads are difficult to feed.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">sandwich</font>

Eh, how come your Baby Cubes are in a tray of 10? Mine is 8 leh!! And since yours is 70ml, same as mine lor. I wonder why yours has 2 more than mine!

I started him on semi-solids on 3rd Jan. So yup, ard 4.5mths.
I didn't intend to start him until at least 5 mths (best if 6 mths) but he's really not keen on milk. (Plus, he always eyes his brother eating.)
Shockingly, he is eating very very well. No tongue thrust reflex at all, so no dribbles or anything. Superbly clean eater as compared to Josh at 6 mths old.

Here's a pic!


(He doesn't like applesauce. Too tart for his liking.)

Sorry, he's topless cos I thought he might get messy, so stripped him down to diapers first. Then afterwards just bath lor. (Lazy mommy.)

alamak! i just opened my freezer to check. you're right. mine is in 8 and not in a tray of 10 ... gotta wake my boys up to get them ready for school. have a nice monday everyone!
morning all, on leave for this wk. cos hubby is having offsite. is down to me and baby to struggle at home together. stressed. wonder wat baby will do to me -_-"

Hi mommies, Borders was having sale last week. Buy 2 books and get 20% off and buy 3 or more and get 30% off. I got some books there. Dunno if the sale is still on this week though.


Anyone knows why baby's poo is greenish in colour? It's not watery like what flower4 has described. It's like the normal poo but it's greenish in colour. My mom told me cos baby xia4 dao4 le4. Is it true? Do I need to consult doctor?
viral infection? hmm now i'm reconsidering if i wnt to give my gal the rotavirus jab... initially opting out cos tot shouldnt be any harm... my gal is like ur boy, keep drooling and sucking her own hands lor. quite unhygenic esp if she get touched by so many people and when she touches things.

green stools? my gal gets that once in a while also leh, otherwise it's normally yellowish watery poo...

hope ur boy is better now.
oh u gave applesauce as first food ar? must be too sourish for K leh.. look at how he squim his eyes. haha.. i'm thinking of giving baby cereal first, so not so 刺激 to the tongues.. blend blend mah... hehe

start semi-solid at 4.5mths.. wow quite early hor.. i think i will wait till 6months ba. so if baby starts to reject milk, means can start on semi-solid?

how much BM are u giving ur baby now that they are turning 4months? i'm still giving 120ml leh. wonder if i should up her intake but she seems ok with 120ml leh..
<font color="0000ff">flower4 / milkway,</font>
Aiyoh, you all got confused or what? Rotavirus is only one of the thousands types of virus that can infect babies. Stomach flu is not caused by rotavirus lah. Baby vacinated with rotavirus doesn't mean he would never get any viral infection after that. It's just like even if you get a flu jab, doens't mean you won't get flu cos there are many different types of virus causing flu. The world is full of germs, one can never have enough vaccination for all types (if there is such thing, no one will fall sick anymore). Vaccine is only made to protect children (and adults) against those more deadly germs, like rotavirus, pneumococcal, etc.

<font color="0000ff">Jul,</font>
I don't use baby cube and don't use a warmer. So can only answer you:

3) So.. I just take the cubes filled with frozen puree, thaw them, then warm them in the pigeon warmer huh?
> I use microwave. Something I thaw the puree (in container) overnight in the fridge. Sometime I defroze straight away in the microwave.

5) How to sterilise?
> Yes, same answers as shelled and sandwich. No sterilisation is needed once baby turns 6 months.
milkyway - shld be ok leh. mine took rota also, tgt w 6-in-1. got low grade fever n was lethargic lor, no diarrhoea. but depends on baby. mine also drool n i very pek chek if ppl touch his hands! esp strangers. so i will wait for them to walk away liao then wash/wipe his hands.

shelled - and i was wondering y k was naked! he looked like totally naked though!

Hi Eunice,
I'll be going on Tuesdays 2.30pm. Only going for jan and feb cos from mar, baby starts infant care and kindermusik classes are conducted at the infant care centre.

Although question not directed at me, just thought I might be able to answer. At this age, kindermusik classes are mainly songs and percussion instruments.

For me, I am enrolling him for 2 reasons:
1) gives baby n me something else to do. Most weekdays when hubby's at work, it is just me n baby.
2) thought letting him be around children and doing something that he'll be doing at the infant care centre might help him to settle down when he starts at the centre.
