(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Xmasc</font>

I'm nt very sure bout those chinese brown rice as I've nv given them to my children. But ya.. I recommend u to start feeding when bb is 6mths old too. Hope you are nt mistaken tt I'm starting Jed early. Jed is 1 of e older bb in tis thread as he's a preemie. He just turn 6 mth old on 03-Jan.

I started Jed w 2 tablespoon of Cereal &amp; will gradually increase till able to replace 1 feed of EBM. Anyway Solid foods in the early stage are meant for practice only.

<font color="aa00aa">Michelle</font>

Yupz, it's slightly cheaper but gota hold spree or buy alot to justify e shipping cost so v ma fan leh. I rather buy from BP unless there's a demand for spree.

<font color="0000ff">Sandwich</font>

Oh didn't know borders has such great discounts.. I shld go sign up for their mailing list. I'm buying mainly online as I'm v lazy to go shopping w e kids in tow esp to Orchard area.

Yr boy like Dr. Seuss? Duno why my gal dun seem to enjoy his books, I bot 2 &amp; are all in "cold storage". She's into Maisy &amp; Little Men now.

<font color="aa00aa">KiKi</font>

np, u pay me when u collect. I've yet to receive any confirmation from her though. Hopefully we still qualify for e free delivery.</font>


sam norm doesn't wake up n immediately cry/scream for me in the mornings. but for the noon n pm naps, he wakes up crying w/o fail. i do have to carry him n console him.


is her place near urs? maybe can drop by again n c if she's home?


i dun like dr seuss either. i quite like mr men. nvr read maisy so can't comment. but i think it's the type of story lor. i get rather turned off by things like cat in the hat / the grinch / unfortunate series of events, but like classic ladybirds, fairytales, enid blyton etc.
thanks for your points... sigh.. soo sux... mus really hangon unless they sack me :p...

wat is SRC heated pool?

wow so envy... ur baby sleeping pattern.... so u dun bottle feed at nite too?
jul> lol. my boy so greedy. give him anything, not nice he oso wanna eat la. juz now went for jab, de rotarix jab oral one. so bad to eat, he oso happily eating away, while giving u a funny face. even doc say he is good boy. lol =x

itsy> erms. spree ah? spree is not governed by smh. bp is leh.

jenn> hehe. icic. maybe when i'll kids are all at the eat cereal to replace bm stage, we can all combine orders and order from overseas. now juz wanna sample diff product =p

flower4> hehe. last nite oso same. throw him in his cot to struggle awhile, den he fall asleep after whinning for awhile =x
im thinking of try friso rice cereal...for a start.. oversea one duno they like anot yet...

wonder is cereal heaty?
oic. i only got 1 tin of cereal, because for a start they eat very little so i think 1 tin can last very long. don't dare get too much later not suitable then throw away wasted.

yes, i was looking at the dr suess series too and i got 1 for my girl. i hope she likes it. oh...i didn't know borders got such good deals. will go join the mailing list too. thanks for the tip!

i did not buy the GD learning sets, because not sure if i have the discipline to follow the schedule or not, the original GD are really quite expensive! i read the book and self made some flashcards, more for 'something' to do with my girl everyday, as sometimes i really don't know what to talk to her about, haha. are u thinking of starting the english one with your child? any idea how the chinese one is taught?

which spree organiser is it? can PM me? so nextime i will avoid also! so far *touchwood*, all the spree i join no problems and the organisers are very friendly and nice ppl, when i make appt to go pickup my items, they never MIA one. did she went on holiday? maybe give her a bit more time lor. is it only for your stuff or the other ppl who got from her also have same problem? not sure what u can do...but if she so KL and has really 'disappeared' then maybe you can tell her if she still never mail you the stuff, you will make a police report. did your items cost alot? afterall, you do have the bank account no. which you've transferred the money to rite?

thanks ya...hope i'm not troubling you too much with my 1 tin :p pls let me know when you get it. if the organix preorder can send together, i wld like to try the puree too.
she replied me on the thread, the purees are 6.30 each pack. if we don't qualify for the free delivery how ah? are you gonna self collect or drop order?
Hello everybody, long time... how are you guys coping ? More milk ? More BP ? More gatherings ?
Happy New year !! May 2010 be a great year for all September babies + mummies.
Hi jen, need your advice.
i did order HappyBellies fm the BP but i will oni start feeding in 2 mths time...HB can keep for how long?

think the expiry date is stated on the tin. shd be able to keep a yr or so?


harlow. new yr ah.. sian, no more long hols
flower4> hehe, heard tat happy bellies is not bad. is organic, so juz buy and try

kiki> keke. i bought a few tins, but all is diff one. so if one dun like, try the other one lo

i dun think one tin can last very long wor. think is 10days only i heard, hehe, but if dey dun like it, den can take yrs to finish =x

jul> ahha. my boy nothing to pick. all bm, bm n more bm now. maybe tat's y he seems so interested in our food? lol. juz now i was eating root beer float, his eyes nv leave my cup. i scoop one spoon and pretend to feed him, his mouth open so big. =x greedy boy
SRC is singapore recreation club, my friend is a member so i "tag" along haha because it seems to be the only heated pool i noe :p

haha oops you are rite, i tot you started early phew..thanks for the clarification.

btw any one of u getting the jumperzoo? i think is quite fun for the baby to be able to swing around haha but thinking very wasteful because can sit till 11 or 12kg only. Have anyone rent toys before?
<font color="#6600ff">Jul</font>

Still no email. >.< Why not you PM me instead.

<font color="#6600ff">Melissa, Michelle</font>

Air Dry Bag recommended. I used to use ziplock too... But I didn't like these points:

- Stinks after sometime because my pump is always fresh out of the sterilizer.

- Not Environmentally Friendly

aiyoh.. ok i pm u

wonder if it's a hotmail thing? mayve they set some stupid filter coz i seem to get probs with hotmail accts

no wonder lah. ur boy no variety in his milk haha

just now let sam wear the legwarmers for the 1st time. jialat, cannot go past mid-thigh coz his thighs too fat!
<font color="#6600ff">Jul</font>

I got it.

That amount I pass to you tomorrow... Abit funny to be transferring that kind of amount.
pamelia> okie. i go buy de air dry bag. seems good n cheap =p

jul> lol. my boy oso got thunder thighs now. juz pull up lo. dun care =p
I finally found a way to get my #1 to drink my breastmilk as well...she used to reject it
Put it in her cornflakes...wahahah
Dream feed does not make my boy sleep longer at night!!! argh!!!

usually last feed of the day is 9pm, last nite i tried give him 8+pm, he slept, then i wake him up at 10+pm to feed before i sleep. end up he woke up at 1+am instead of usual 3-4am. bang wall!!!!

i'm very stressed as my #1 had just enrolled childcare for 1 week, she cries when we leave, then night time dunno is it nightmare or not, she keeps waking. then i also started work on Thu. my boy still can't sleep through... i feel sooooo tired!!!! even mount kerb when i drive... duh
<font color="0077aa">Kris</font>
im not using my milk trays already... would u like to buy over from me?
using less than 5 times only..
original packaging thrown away by my MIL (cos she dun like me to keep stuff :/)

my boy refuses to latch on liao... faintz =(
so i express.. but my output is very low... so no point for me to freeze BM liao...
experienced mommies pls advise...
if it is good to buy a soft tip spoon to start off weaning?
in case they "snap" at the sight of spoon? soft tip spoon so wont hurt their gums?
thanks thanks!

wean machine
seems nice to use.. good for going out usage.. but for feeding fresh fruits only?
any advise? =) thanks
waiwai> ops. try to be a little patient k? not all babies the same. i remember i had to try very hard n waited very long to let my boy skip nite feeds. even till now, his dream feed is at 1am n he wakes up ard 630am for his nxt feed.

haha that's true! we can contra off 2moro


i tried! cannot, will slip down coz it's so tight.


think dream feed doesn't work for all bbs. when i feed sam when he's blur blur n sleepy.. after feed he will wake up n be v alert after burp. so it's individual lah.

do u let them sleep in aircon? maybe it's not to do with feed but temp, comfort, noise etc?


i think after u open it, it's also not advisable to keep for many mths. once ur bb really starts eating, it'll be gone in no time. imo jun 2010 shd still be alright.
i'm so dead now... suspect my gal is rejecting bottle?!! been giving her 1 bottle every nite for the past 3wks or so already, started to have problems this wk! first she woke up for 3 nites at ard 4am, then last nite and tonite, she rejected her bottle and keep fidgeting and crying and pushing at the teat! Suspect it's the teat hole so just change the teat tonite too. end up gotta latch her on after almost 4 and half hr after her last feed at 7pm. i even resort to trick her by latching first then remove and shoved the bottle but she still rejects.. Now it's either the brand or my FBM!! SIGH!!

and i'm returning to work in 2 wks time!!! gotta bottle feed her from now onwards. firstly i have to find the prob source... teat or FBM??? scenario testings shall start tmr morn!

she beginning to know i'm the one feeding her as well cos everytime when it comes to her feeding time, she will be looking out for me. Once i ignore her and she cried while looking at me.

Dont know whether to be happy or sad that she's clever to show preference...
Re :Kindermusik Village @ Tanglin Mall

They will be starting a class (class size of 12 babies) for babies under 10 mths in late Jan or Feb. I have already signed up the trial lesson for my boy. Anyone interested, maybe we can all attend together?

Have u tried mixing FBM with EBM? Might dilute the taste? But seriously, I can't taste any diff b/w FBM &amp; EBM, but hey, I'm not a BB

Or u'll have to get ur Hubs to bottle feed her more frequently until she's willing to take lor

prebiously there was no prob with the bottle feed?
oh yah that's another scenerio for me - mix FBM with EBM.. haha

yah gotta get hubby to bottle feed her then.. but if day time only me and her, then i will have to be the one... gonna try out tmr.. bottle feed in the day.

yah previously no prob with bottle feed till last nite! i have left her with my mum b4 while out without her, she takes the FBM and size 1 avent teat and medela teat too.. no prob leh... dont know wat's wrong now.. hubby keeps saying she's clever.

i got 2 wks b4 i start work to get her on bottle schedule.. hope it's not too late! nv tot i needed to do this.. sigh!
If she's really so particular hor, u may have no choice but to bottle feed many times a day. I guess if she's hungry enough, she;ll eat lor?

Oh u only have 2 weeks? Then better step up. U dun want her to reverse cycle else u will be so tired
btw tdy I've been thawing FBM to mix with EBM to feed Sam. Seems ok. He doesn't reject.

But I'm quite scared n have been looking out for changes to his poop in case I din store my FBM properly (I dun have deep freezer n my freezer is so small that I have to keep re-organising it n expose the FBM)

He farted a few times tdy n puked 2x. Not my FBM I hope
jul> lol. yeah meh. erms.. haha. maybe my boy thighs are not so thunderous afterall =x

milkyway> have u tried giving her fbm before? maybe it is tat leh. cos fbm got a metallic smell which me cannot tahan. heng my boy ok at least for now =x

i oso tried mixing ebm and fbm, but i still find it metallic.
not sure why only started becoming so fussy last nite.. been giving her FBM every nite for the past 3wks already and no prob till last nite lor.. yah yah feed her in the day starting from tmr. hope it's just the teat or she's just being fussy at nite. I already wasted 200ml of FBM... threw 100ml last nite and another 100ml tonite. at least forced down 20ml each nite..

gave her FBM b4, no prob leh. been giving her every nite for the past 3wks already and also when i'm out without her, she takes FBM also. dont tell me she's rejecting my FBM, then all the ones in my freezer going to waste!! it's abt a month supply as i last counted. could be more now..
<font color="dc143c">sandwich</font>
BINTAN!! Oh yah..
HB n I were tinking of going away for a short trip during CNY..since he'll be out of job during CNY.. hahaha...
was thinking of Sunway Lagoon or KL....
Bintan sounds nice!!!!!!!! yayy!! Shall ask him tmr!!!

<font color="dc143c">Eunice Boey</font>
Wah...Glenn Doman is Exp leh..my coll spent $1700 on the flash cards..
i bought mine from a BP...malaysia brand... www.dajiadiy.com and i think I'm happy enough..
bought 5 sets...and gonna get another 6 sets for the higher level..(incase the BP no more in a few years time..then my girl wont have complete set...)
spent about $200++ in total nia....

<font color="dc143c">prinzess</font>
wean machine the seller not able to give lower rates...so not collating liaoz..

<font size="+2">baby cubes</font> i'm still waiting for responses...

36 sets then got cheaper...
but so far only 3 sets reserved..33 more sets...

anyone else??

<font color="dc143c">jul</font>
Rayanne has started to poo less..this week she pooed just ONCE a day...and yest she didnt poo at all!!
Finally at 4 months old then she stopped having 3-5 poo a day! Gosh!!
Thanks for the offer but I prefer to get a brand new set.

Hrm...no feedback at all from mummies here on the milk tray??? thinking of getting it since the price is equivalent to about 2 boxes of milk bags and I use at least 1 bag a day
Maybe you should try just letting her cry rather than give in and latch on. My gal prefers my maid to feed her since she's the main caretaker, so when my maid is not around and i have to feed her, i no choice let her cry loh until she hungry and she will take the bottle. But then hor, i don't latch, so she only has 1 choice.

Thanks for the link! have ordered the Air Dry Bag. Indeed it saves the environment.


Hope you'll succeed in bottle feeding her!
<font color="119911">Pamelia</font>
I told your hubby I'm itsy?? Tot I just said I'm a Sept mum.. haha anyway, ya lor, tot I can surprise you but u wasn't in your shop. I wanted to shave off my boy's hair cos they're falling and there're uneven patches, a bit ugly. My mum says your hubby so handsome and young leh! :p

<font color="119911">Rach</font>
Can I ask u how much are the baby cubes here? Else can u sms me? Thanks

just keep trying lah. tdy sunday, can get ur hubs to bottle feed her all day n see how


i think sam's like me. bottom half of legs not fat but the upper part of thighs super thunderous!


sam still poos at least 3x a day
hi mummies,
successful bottlefeed at 9am feed. too slpy to wake up at 6am to bottlefeed so just latched. Then she wakes up at 9am so i warmed up the FBM while she lies beside hubby. When i next went in with the bottle, she looks at me then started to cry cos she know i'm gonna feed her. But i passed the bottle to hubby and left the room. Hubby told me the flow of the teat is too fast for her so gonna try back the old teat at 12pm with FBM. hope she's just fussy last nite. gonna start her on the routine now - day bottle and nite/morn latch.
when u use the air dry bag, do you need to keep the bag with the pumps in it in a ziplock bag or lock and lock container? i'm thinking if i need the bag if i'm going to put the lock and lock container in a fridge. mayb the moisture wont be so bad in a fridge?
<font color="#6600ff">Itsy</font>

I'm a P.I in disguise.
All he needed was information on BB Birth date and I would be able to find out who. Everyone says my HB young... 30+ already still look 20-ish... I'm bound to look older in no time.

<font color="#6600ff">Milkyway</font>

You can put a lock lock in. But not too big.

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">BABY CUBES</font></font>

pls PM me for all enquiries!!
Just click on my Nick to send me a PM.

Pls dun ask me to PM u hor.. Thanks..
