(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Just now wanted to go sleep, then my right boob was full again. Hubs said I should pump before I went to bed, so I pump, then when my letdown came, bugger woke up for milk! Wah lau. So no choice have to ask hubs to pacify him 1st while I finish the 1st letdown then go and latch. Emptied 1 side, then gave him other side, then he use me like pacifier! Suck so long my boob still not empty. In the end kenna scolding from me.

<font color="ff3399">bbq98</font>
So now I am caretaker for graveyard shift? Ok lorrr.

Still got cookiezz, Lina, rach and Jul haven't report yet. Although I notice these few tend to pump ard 5+.

<font color="ff3399">Pamelia</font>
Maybe she's got wind? Or just can't fall asleep. Oddly, that happens to babies sometimes.

<font color="ff3399">milkyway</font>
Sometimes I really K.O then end up daddy gotta wake up and take the boy. Hurhur. Quite shiok, but next day see him orh bak kak, or snoring on the couch, I feel so bad lah.

<font color="ff3399">momoteh</font>
bbq98 very onz one lor. Every nite WITHOUT FAIL. Really must give her "Most Hardworking Night Pumping Mother" award.

Ok. Now i REALLY going to bed liao. Those who pump after I go koonz, ownself mark attendance!

I would like to rent a breast pump for one or two weeks and may consider buying it over. Does anyone have an Ameda Lactaline, Medela PIS or Freestyle that they dont need?
Hi bbq, momoteh...

I just finished pumping.. now going to sleep... just now since 1am have been trying to get my boy to sleep, end up I think I knock out first a few times.. hahah

Then was too tired to pump.. dozed off for a while before waking up at 4 plus and decided to pump...

My initial plan was Friday morning go KFC for breakfast.. now dun think I will be able to make it man.. hahah

Okie lah.. going to sleep liao..

Shelled,thanks for the award. Hehe. I express only 4 times a day so I can't miss any session. Anyway, I usually feed my babies at least once in the middle of the night, then might as well stay awake to pump.
morn early birds!

wah so many of u logged in in the ungodly hours of the nite! im wondering if i give my boy ebm for his nite feeds will he sleep longer? but i cant make myself wake up to go down n heat up ebm leh!

last nite last feed 120ml ebm at 9.30pm n he woke up at 1.30am for next feed. aft tat was 3.30am then woke up at 4.30am i tot wanna feed again but end up i latch him 2 min he unlatch n looked grumpy so i put him down n he dozed off! then wake up for wat??!!

the babies pics r all so cute!! i agree <font color="ff0000">myfavchoco</font> ur boy so charming la! i so love to see babies gummy smiles. keep the photos coming ok! as for mine, mommy always cant click fast enuf to capture his smile on camera.

<font color="ff0000">girly</font>
i saw terrin's pics on fb. she is so pretty! i remember when u first came into this thread u were depressed n wondering why u must hv another baby. now lookg at her dun u think she is all worth it??

<font color="ff0000">linaliu</font>
wah u also another yummy mummy! i cant believe u dared wear ur bikini so fast aft birth!
yah better not make it a habit lor.. I'm trying to change my gal's sleeping pattern too. She's usually awake frm 5pm-12mn refusing to sleep for long. Make her slp then next mom put her in cot her eyes will be big big like goli. Wanted her to slp at 9pm so feed her ebm thinking can monitor how much she drinks but she just don't want to slp after that! Morn she will slp after I feed her sometimes only waking 4hrs later!! Tried waking her also failed.. Sigh.. Mission failed for 1wk already. Gonna keep trying otherwise when I return to work will be very siong leh. Can't do anything till she slp after 12mn!

there's a few time I totally ko and didn't hear or mayb subciously heard my gal crying but just can't wake up... U know wat my hub did? He woke me up and say bb hungry ask me to feed. He didn't even bother to wake up and check wat's wrong lor.

think my boobs abit sot sot
sometimes will b engorged and hard like this morn when i woke. Sometimes can b like soft soft for the whole day!! Wat's wrong ar?? When soft I can't pump out much at all!!
morning! wah, kena spotted for pon-ten!

so tired.. yest sam fussed until dunno what time. i k-o-ed at 2.30am liao, then hubs handled him. couldn't make it to pump n only just woke up!

sitting here n frantically trying to pump as much as possible b4 sam wakes for his feed, which is 15min overdue liao *oops*

no there's no typo in my post. of course he'll wake up for milk every 2/3h but he does sleep from 2am to 1230pm!

kiki, melissa

maybe sam got my genes - i'm a nite owl hiaz..
Hehehee wow so smart, how do u know my shift is 5am ehehe.. Today knocked out so didn’t pump till 8am &amp; I was so tired, dripping /spilled here &amp; there, forgotten how long I pumped. I managed to harvest 110ml. Heheee.

Oh no staying up at night, and u working in the day ! Take a few days off to rest ? Only with more rest you can last longer otherwise you will wear yourself out pretty soon. Take care my friend.

Yummy mummy !! Don’t know about that mate ! I am just desperate to do things and be out in the sun that’s why "THICK SKIN" me pretend the dark dark line down my stomach &amp; flabby lower tummy are not there !!
What's been depriving me of my sleep.


Sometimes I'm in the mood for some strangulation when I see that face and I'm 1/2 dead. X3

But of course I still love her.

BAH!~ I need to get ready and reach shop at 10 when I'm done with my pumping!
Morning all mummies and babies!

I've added you to FB.

Mummies who have FB can add me but my FB quite empty one. Heehee. [email protected]

My girl has been vomitting milk during and after feeds. She on and off will like that but yesterday night she vomitted 3 times and this morning oso. Had to keep chaning her clothes and mine too. Planning to bring her to PD tomorrow morning to find out what's happening otherwise when my hubby go overseas next week I sure jialat one.
shelled - haha smart yup my shift is 5am but but but.... i woke up at 6.30am instead... sorry monitress!! dun book me ok? haha but i wun login at tt time... cos not living at my hse leh so computer is in the living room so cannot pump and surf tgt... if not so early got free show for my neighbours??!!

Pamelia - my boy was wearing the same top to sleep yesterday!
Share wif u all some funny stuff my little monster did.

1) (newborn) my mom used a bean pillow (very heavy, my mom guess inside is green bean instead of sprout) to put on his chest when he is asleep and its long enough to cover his hand too. well, he will swing his hand and the pilow fly and cover his own face. he nv cry and continue to slp. -_-

2) (2weeks) he was lying on the bed pooing so we open up the diaper. suddenly he "fang pi" the poo came out together wif the "pi" and the poo FLY onto the floor, about 1 metre away. luckily nv kanna our face. POWERFUL "PI"

3) (recently) my mom was trying to change his diaper, i dunno hw he urine and the urine shoot upward and kanna his own face.. -_- ||
<font color="ff0000">lina</font>
wat i meant was u dared wear ur bikini so fast n still look so good! my tummy aft delivery is so all over the place!!
myfavchoco - haha!! mine peed on his face too!! tt day after my CL bathed him, we put him on his cot and dried him. then both of us turned around to get clothes/diapers etc. when we turned back, we were puzzled why there was a droplet of "water" on his face!! only boys can do this man!
Y all the babies so smiley one?? By the time I snapped at my gal when she smile, the smile is gone n nv got captured!

my gal was wearing the same top day in day out for the whole of the 1st month!! Cos she so tiny at birth that the other clothes I got for her were too huge, even that top looks oversized on her as seen in my FB pics :p
<font color="aa00aa">shelled</font> - I wish I could do that too but this little one will cry the house down type... hahahah... cause we dun have aircon so windows all open one.. then when he cries, neighbour also can hear one...

During day time, if he's in the living room and cries too much (cause evil mummy doesn't attend to him immediately), neighbour will come and see one.. and she doesn't stay beside us kind... cause we corridoor unit, out of door walk to left is lift lobby, her house is still need to turn right from lift lobby one.. so not exactly very near type.. and she can hear my boy loh.. hahah she will come and see why baby crying and talk to my mum.. hahah

Then the neighbour just beside my house one also can hear... cause when I delivered, we didn't announce to them. Then I always hide in my room during the initial weeks, then one day she saw my hubby and asked if I popped cause they could hear baby crying at night but cause never see me and the baby so not sure if I popped.. hahah *faintz*

Maybe my (20 year old) house no sound proof so good like the new houses? ehehehe

Some more my boy exam week this week, so couldn't risk waking him up in the middle of the night also cause he needs to wake up at 5:30am... *-_-* so have to tahan loh...

Now exam finish already.. maybe I can try? since next door neighbour just moved out.. hahaha *evil grin*

<font color="aa00aa">Fenugreek</font> - I suddenly remember reading someone asking me how much Fenugreek I'm taking... I'm taking 9 pills a day... initially took 3 tabs 3 times a day but now broke it up to 4 times... so Morning 3 tabs, then afternoon, evening and midnight 2 tabs each.. find it better to space out...
milkyway> kke. when u r latching i oredi washing all my equipments, getting ready to go back to bed =p

momoteh> haha. same la. i oso olways scold my hubby if he tok or play with bb at nite. i more extreme. 9pm oso cannot. hahhaa. now i allow him to do tat at 9pm, cos else he got not much time to interact with bb. after his bottle feed at 11pm, den cannot. my hubby know very well liao =p

shelled> hah. u r back agn, thanx for accompanying me. after u left, i oso lazy to pump =x sososo tired

i'm still so much in stoning mode -_-
Mama to 6J,
Hehehee I guess bb amber is covering all the flaws ! I must say the Jamu massage helps in reducing the size of the post natal tummy. . Wow you are really Mama to 6 kids, how did that happen ? Planned ? How do you handle it ? Salute .
finally can "mit up " some mummies ---

so many yummie mummies here

Wah <font color="ff0000">Lina</font> envy leh - you can put on your bikini le.

you look young leh and petite, dun look like a mother of 4 pretty girls.

I showed my hubby your picture - he sae wah dun look like she has 6 children.
you look good.

haha when u were pumping, i was feeding sam.

wow i can't even wear bikini b4 i got preggie *envious*


looks like u leh! i also let sam wear that top in the day. at nite it's the long-sleeved version. he's upgraded to the bigger size one last week coz his tummy's bursting out hee


could it be over feeding? or could be reflux? sam also pukes all the time, then turns out he has reflux prob


sam also had an explosive poo once that flew 1m onto the floor! another time it exploded out of his diaper onto hubs. i was in the kitchen n heard him bellowing "help help". i rushed into the rm, wondering what happened. turns out the poo was on hub's shirt n pants n the idiot just sat there waiting for me to help him clear up! grr

Looks like me? o_O How do you all tell???

The shirts are still wearing my girl, apart from the shirt from TMC that they gave ( and the ribbons are coming off ) and the ones I bought from Jenifurs BP.

She wears this top like day and night. No fixed clothings to wear. XD
Hi mummies, by the way do you realise ribbon tops for infants are not good?

I used to love them so much for my other kids (that's what I bought all ribbon tie tops this time *-_-*) but dunno if Jordan's more active or what, the ribbons keep coming off then he's exposed kekeke. I'm changing all to snap buttons.. so sewing them on my own now...
*mama to 6Js*
thks! U r rite, she's worth it, no regrets. the plus, she is an easy to care for bb, so no complains

agree wif *mama to 6Js* tat u still looks gd in ur bikinis. my tum tum in a great mess! my gals and hub actually find tat it looks 'SCARY'. the other day, hub juz said it AGAIN and i replied: ya la ya la, thks to u!

young? nah...im one of the 'oldest' in this thread...petite? im short at 1.5Xm (paiseh to write out, haha!) 44kg nw.

and ur kae is really happykae, she is smiley in all the pics. ur situation nw reminds me of mine few yrs back. when i delivered my #3, my #2 is like a bb herself...i haf to spent a lot of time for #3 tat i find myself guilty of loving #2 nt enuf. Bt nw, she is so independent n being such a great helper!

i'd confirmed ur request, juz...

U've gt a request!
<font color="ff0000">bbq</font>
ya lo..my girl got wavy hair.. dunno y.....
mine is straight and so is HB.. haha...

<font color="ff0000">Paige</font>
ya lo... wavy &amp; lots hair...

<font color="ff0000">Kris</font>
how was ur girl's UTI detected?

<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
u had lunch at 4pm?? so late...

hahaha...nowadays my girl DUN WAKE UP...and she DUN LATCH...
and she's not feeling well still..so... i also no wake up.....
she sleeps at 2,3,4am..and then wake up at 7-9am... so... i no time to pump. i only pump after i try to latch in the morning...
if she dun wan..then i pump..else i will explode liaoz.. hur hur...
but i'm pumping almost like 2-3times in the day...coz she dun wan latch.. sigh...

<font color="ff0000">Pam</font>
SoftFit is the best one leh... most comfortable than personalfit..

<font color="ff0000">kiki</font>
my girl HAS been sleeping at 2,3,4am...and she can be awake all the way from 5pm....
she just want to be carried..and we'll carry and pacify her..and then finally after one of the feed that she's satisfied, she'll fall asleep in our arms..
and we need to continue carry her, with her tummy on my tummy,then we sleep together..
its not a very good way... but thats the only way we can manage to let her sleep..
then somewhere along the way about 2-3hours later, when we wake up, we'll shift her down in between us...
so she either sleep on my HB or on me eventually.... see who's more energetic (whatever energy left) to soothe her to sleep..

she'll sleep till 5plus or 6plus.. or 7plus..dependng on what time she fall asleep la...

so its NO routine. sigh.... give up liaoz..now with her so fussing and not feeling well..she dun actually cry that much..
but she still wants to be carried else she'll cry once her back touches her bed or our bed..

<font color="ff0000">Melissa</font>
i also late owls during preggy..
sigh..then my mum gloating lo...say see la see la... dun slp la..now ur bb dun wan to sleep..

havent leh...coz she sometimes latch on...in the wee hours.. i think she really hard to breath or suck...
coz give her bottle now she only take 50ml..last time is 100ml okay..
then 50ml also take forever now to finish... >.<"

<font color="ff0000">Twiggy</font>
someone wanna sell PISA.. i cant rem who.. think is a mummy from aug thread?? i help u ask her.. hehehe..
she sms me the other day... i let u know k??

sms me.. 81189422..

<font color="ff0000">GOing PD now..</font>
ok.. no time to read the rest.. reply when i back.. goin to bring girl to PD now.she coughing whole nite..lots phlegm...

Posted on Friday, October 30, 2009 - 5:12 am: - for my record keeping.. last post read.. hehehe,
<font color="Ff3399">myfavchoco / cookiezz</font>
How your boys pee upwards until kenna face?! Penis points downward mah! Ooooh.. maybe your boys have bigger penis than my boy, that's why can shoot so far!

<font color="Ff3399">Steph</font>
Your neighbor also quite kaypoh leh. Baby crying is normal what, why must specially walk over to see?
Mine also old flat leh. In fact, older than your area lor! But I checked with my neighbors they say never hear crying, so maybe my block just used better quality materials, so more soundproof. Hahahaha.

<font color="Ff3399">Michelle</font>
So did you manage to hand express until emptied out? I also sibei lazy to hand express this morning when I pump at 9.30. I think I will only hand express until empty twice a day. When the boys napping, and at night after they sleep. Otherwise squeeze halfway ppl kacheow me!

<font color="Ff3399">happykae / mama to 6Js</font>
Actually I was once told by the old folks that the more kids a woman has, the slimmer (or skinnier) she becomes. Cos all the good stuff go to the kids already! Plus so busy over the kids, natural exercise!!

<font color="Ff3399">Jul</font>
Actually everyone also can wear bikini mah. Just that wear already nice or ugly.
After having Josh I bo chup liao, if not too ugly I will just wear. Cos if I think I look bad now, I'm sure down the road will get even worse as I grow older! Old and wrinkly skin leh!!!
Gd Afternoon!

Jul.. by the time u post i zzz liao lo...

damn sad.. think my ss dropping liao.. either not enuf sleep, stop e nursing tea, bb drank alot or whatever.. just nw i pump for almost 15mins still no letdown n only get a pathetic 30ml on both sides after latching.. need to be hardworking n drink back my nursing tea n pump more liao

hahaha.. had a great laugh at all e posts abt pee n poo.. luckily my didi hvnt perform any stunt on me yet *touch wood*

can add me on Fb too!

[email protected]

haha my email add is as boring as my nick ya..
<font color="aa00aa">shelled</font> - heheh she is very nice actually... LAst time when my girl was throwing her tantrums when #3 was born, I let her cry cause she was rolling on the floor and etc.. Auntie will come and see what happen, give her "san zar" and etc but I did ever tell her not to cause my girl will make it a habit thinking that if she throws tantrum, someone will come give her treats.. then Auntie really never give treats when girl cry...

We live very closely actually, like she gave my girl a lot of her grand daughter's clothes and hair clips... honestly I haven't been buying much clothes for my girl cause her grand daughter's clothes all look like new even though she's already 8...

Then Auntie always cooks things and give us... so when I go do monthly marketing, I will help her buy heavy stuffs like Rice... Dynamo.. cause she one person always walks to balestier NTUC to buy things.. then I tell her heavy things we buy for her..

So baby cry, she will come see what happen.. then like all old folks.. will say things in Chinese like "Orh... u bully Por Por (my mum)... Por Por no smell for you you dun like hor.. Mummy got neh neh smell.. POr POr no neh neh for you.. " *-_-* duh... hahah
Katherine, request sent to your FB.. Aiyo,. I see your girl's pic again so jealous... so pretty leh... Like baby doll like that... Can I bring home? hahaha I want another girl leh... lol

Haha I also ask that question when others say Sam looks like Hubs. But I see Kairi's eyes.. really look like u leh, then the sharp chin n the nose.

I change Sam to long sleeve at nite else MIL will nag

Wah Sam stopped wearing the TMC shirt since week6? Too small leh the stupid shirt.


Heehee I dun wanna look ugly in a bikini leh, rather not wear! later scare everybody off the beach or pool, then how?


Oh yeah, i rem when u first started on the thread. Wow how time flies hor?

Boys Peeing

I kena my hands, tummy, floor, several times liao. Most of the time I try to "hop" the pee with the diaper or nappy cloth or cotton woll. But a lot of times not successful. This am Sam just pee-ed on his own shirt *hiaz*


Maybe ur didi having growth spurt n drinking more?


Wow u have a gd neighbour. Nowadays, everyone who live in flats dun even know who their neighbours are, esp in new estates.
<font color="ff0000">pam</font>
ur gal is gettg chubbier hor! ur hard work pays off!

<font color="ff0000">happykae</font>
thanks! nt easy to maintain figure aft expanding n contracting so many times! plus i dun hv a petite frame like <font color="ff0000">girly</font> to begin with!
*mama to 6Js*

hahahahah...the hair! Joseph has chipmunk cheeks oso tat makes me wanna 'BITE'!! haha..my sis say i biantai n scary, pple will wanna pinch bt i'll haf urge to bite...bt of course i won't really bite la LOLs


yeah rite...juz realized we've been here for 'so long' oredi...
sorry ah i wanna make one more compliment.

<font color="ff0000">happykae</font>
u also another yummy mummy lor! u n hubby look so young! and mother of 3 already!
hello everyone, i delivered thru c section in mid september. But I still have so much weight to lose. About 10Kg! and my tummy is still abit protruding and flabby. Any tips on how to slim down? is it true that mummies who had c section take longer to slim down than mummies who had natural birth?
so cutie those cheeks ---- wanna*pinch*

i guessed we abt the same age right.
My Hubby will be happy to hear tis - he always sae people sae he looked younger then me btw he is 38yrs

Take care Rach you must be tired.

Hopefully those old folk tales are real - now i'm struck at 62kg. i reli wish to go back to my 52kg size.

is gd to be petite leh - my frds who r petite all look so young but in fact there are above 35yrs le.
<font color="ff3399">Steph</font>
Hahahaha. Neh neh smell?!
My neighbors here all elderly folk, and since we don't live with ILs pr my parents, the old folks don't approach us. Heng arh, cos they tend to have a lot of funny funny myths. And they ALWAYS ignore me when I tell them not to give Josh candy everytime they pass by. It's very irritating! I told them I don't want Josh to make it a habit that see ppl then got candy to take, but then they argue say it's not all the time anyway... But 1 day this auntie give, tmr another auntie give... Yah, each of you only give once in a while, but everyday SOMEONE is giving him candy! Worse, they give lollipop.

At least your neighbor can respect your stand as a mother and not defy you. Maybe my face don't look serious enough or what, that's why they don't give me face.

<font color="ff3399">mama to 6Js</font>
Your boy's hair also standing up!! Mine also!! No matter what I do also won't go down. And I dunwan to put bb oil for him cos later very oily leh.
Joshua just pointed to the photo of your Joseph and said "baby!"

<font color="ff3399">happykae</font>
But you haven't even popped v long ago leh... give it some time? I think all mommies will kenna stuck somewhere and then the weight loss just becomes very very slow. If it's any consolation, I'm 72kg now (pre-Keegan weight) and I very happy liao. Now just want the nua nua to go away!!
<font color="0000ff">mamato6Js</font> oh man! I think my daughter looks quite a bit like your SON! No wonder everywhere I bring her people will be like "boyboy ah?" or "wah, boy issit? so cute?!" Last sunday best! I brought her to church in A DRESS and the ushers who greeted us at the door was like, "wah, you deliver already ah! boy ah!so much hair hor!"
<font color="0000ff">girlygirly</font> yalor...but age catching up, I think might be one of the older FIRST time mummy here
If want no.2 then must chop chop have already...:p
<font color="ff0000">happykae</font>
r we the same age? but u look younger than me leh! im nov 1976.

my hub is 41 but ppl always say he look early 30s. heng im 9 yrs younger if not ppl sure say im his older sis! but ur hub really look young

hey i think u n me same boat also? cos now my weight stuck at 63kg!! n i was 52kg b4 i had #5 then b4 this baby was 55kg. everybody said i look too skinny at 52 so if i can go back to 55 i oso very happy oredy!!

Pupsik pouch

Help! I got an S size as I am petite but I can't get my boy into the pouch, seems tight. But length of the pouch is just nice for me. Dunno if I should change it to a M size, might be too long for me? Quite frustrating leh, he seems happy then I try and try until he pek chek.
