(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

i really "pei fu" some mummies here to have so many kids. i used to think tat i onli wan 1 child but once a blue moon i will think maybe can consider 2. but After giving birth to little monster, i m more firm and confirm tat i onli wan 1. haha

mamato6, paige

comparing ages? i'm 1978 first time mummy.

hmm.. everybody assumes sam is a boy, except once when i brought him to the pd in a pink shirt n the recep tot he was a gal
<font color="0000ff">mamato6Js</font> my girl looks like boy lah, hence all the "boy boy, ah" comments which i have been getting...till now NO ONE has thought that she is a girl- yet!
But my girl looks exactly like daddy though...i can say 80% daddy 20% me.

<font color="0000ff">Jul</font> oh, we sama-sama age! You also first time mummy, so you planning for no.2? I'm quite blessed my girl very very kuai...doesn't cry much and at 6 weeks can sleep through the night, if not hor, I will not even THINK of having no. 2, I didn't want any kids one leh!
<font color="0000ff">myfavchoco</font> maybe no.2 will be a girl - i think girls easier to take care when young? more 'kuai'? Most of my friends who has 1 girl 1 boy said so....hmmm, maybe should ask mummies here who has both girls and boys whether this is true...
wah can't believe ur hub oredi 38! tot both of u haven't pass 30 or at most in early 30's. wah like tat muz ask ur hub for secret to keeping young leh...

*mama to 6Js*
wah ur hub another 'well maintain' one leh...or man juz simply looks younger even without maintaining. I haf tons of lotion to use daily and my hub simply wash face wif water. He has only one towel to wipe body and face.

Before we were married, he once told me a 'joke' abt his bath towel. One day, he bathe forgetting to bring in the bath towel with him which is usually hang on the laundry bamboo. So he shouted for his uncle who dropped by to help him pass the towel on the bamboo to him. His uncle replied: towel? where? where gt towel on the bamboo? There's only one 'FLOOR RUG' nia mah...

YESSS, the floor rug look-a-like towel is my hub's bath towel. so imagine hw nuah it looks...and he uses it to dry his body and face!!! bt then he never haf acne problem...

ya gd to chop chop haf another. the older we r, the more tests we haf to go under, like above 35, muz haf amnio test. bt gd to space at least a yr or two oso otherwise quite stressful to handle two bbs...
no 2 girl???? wat if its a boy again?
my six sense tell me no 2 confirm sure boy, no 3 then will be girl. so don wanna try again. hahhaa
Wow all the babies so chub chub!! Now I see the pics posted, I think my gal not chub enough!

And u mummies r thinking if #2 now?? Initially I wanted 3 children now I just hope to settle for 2.. Mayb #2 ard 2 yrs later lor..

no lah! see how 1st b4 deciding no 2 or not. hubs said stop at 1 liao. me.. i need to see whether i can live thru reflux, nite owl baby first!


ooh.. i hate ur hubs kind of person!
no wonder mom always tells me to marry somebody much older if not as we women bear children and age, we will look older than our husbs if our age diff is 1-2 yrs!

we shall see who is the first here to report baby #2 or #3 ok? but definitely not from me cos i have closed my factory! after this i wanna enjoy my time with my kids as they r growing up, bring them for holidays etccc and not hv to worry n being tied down by another baby and more sleepless nites! hehe....

oh and yes its true. gals r much more easier to look aft than boys. i have so many boys and one gal so u must believe my words haha..
<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
ur K hair also stands? mine stands cos i comb his hair upwards afteer shower so it stays like that whole day haha...
<font color="0000ff">girlygirly</font> ya, afraid of amnio test...somemore i think 3 years in a nice gap...
Now after giving birth to my girl, i now understand what parents say about 'what a joy a child brings' before this, I'm super career minded, didn't want kids one...think they are such a nuisance!

<font color="0000ff">myfavchoco</font> your boy so CUTE, must have more!! contribute to the future 'Singapore sexiest male' pool...

<font color="0000ff">weight loss program</font>
Any success stories so far? I need to loose all these weight to my pre-preg weight/frame so I can fit my working clothes, if not have to waste a lot of $$$ to get myself a new wardrobe!
im jul 1979. M hubby is 8 yrs my senior but sometime when we go out people thought we same age - *faint* Your hubby look young too.
You look tall, so 63kg doesnt look big on u.
i will be happy too if i can go back to 55kg.

i know lah. afterall it took me 9mths to put on those weights so it will take me at least 6 mths to shed off all right. More over now we are on TBF so must eat right and healthy for our lovie.

if u mit my hubby on our next gathering please dun sae he look young - if not he will sure 'suay' me and fly up high to the sky.
Infact when we are dating, my hubby actually look quite old
But since my #1 was bore, he beginning to look younger followed by #2 was bore, even younger. I also dunno y.
my hubby also joke and say, "my son so handsome, next time alot of girl wan him how??" then i veri old fashion de, i say " go poly then can have girlfriend hor"

weightloss, hmmm.. gain 13kg throughout the pregnancy, total loss 17kg... BUT HOR... the tummy still veri big leh... Stomach still bigger than my boobs.. so sad =(
<font color="ff0000">steph</font>
hi 5! i think u will be a young grandma also! nw u only 26 n oredy hv 4!! when i had my 4th i was 28+ n ppl oredy commented i so young.

<font color="ff0000">happykae</font>
u younger than me! men r like tat hor v hao lian haaha... my hub oso gettg younger n younger lor. last time he was fatter n look older. i call him lao hiao lah.

im 1.7m actually i dun think i look fat. tummy oso not big but hor my hips r exploding from the sides! i still wearg my maternity bottoms lo!!
Hi mummies,
Wah.. topic for the day is age?? I feel like I'm 40 though my age is the same as mama to 6Js, born in Sep 1976... that's why hoped to have bb on same day as me but she chose to pop earlier. Sigh. My friends still so kua zhang say I look the same as primary school days, just taller, slimmer, and slightly older when I smile cos got crow's feet.. Think they must mean I'm still childish. So sad... hope my 4 kids won't stress me so much that I age prematurely... Heng, my hubby 2 yrs older so looks older or about the same as me.

Think I still k.o. after taking 2 bottles of chicken essence.. Dunno fortunate or not.. my relatives like to shower me with chicken essence and DOM instead of angpows.. bb full mth lots of clothes for bb, chicken essence and clothes for me... think $$ better.

Thanks for the suggestion of steaming salmon. Also not bad to bake or panfry salmon with red cooking wine with some basil. Today baking cod with rosemary, thyme, basil and sage with some olive oil and hua tiao. Teaching my maid how to stirfry shitake mushrooms with butter and black pepper. She made a mess frying the kailan yesterday... tasted so bitter. No choice.. I ate them myself cos hubby doesn't like it.. He's quite fussy... says maid's cooking not very good so sometimes refuse to eat unless I'm cooking.
<font color="aa00aa">mamato6Js</font>, yah.. if my kids have their kids early, I will really be young grandma.. hehehe

That's why I think close shop liao lah.. else cannot retire early liao..

I 27 in Dec... lol

Think tonight I won't be reporting here cause my boy just slept like 6 hours straight... Oh man... I had to wake him up just now... looks like I'll be entertaining him tonight so cannot come in liao.. sigh

His day/night now upside down liao..
<font color="ff0000">mama6</font>
hahaha.. i only managed to capture my girl's smile with "burst" function on camera loh.. press and hold and it snap snap snap snap....
hahaha.then i choose the smiley ones and save..the rest delete... hahaha.. :p

<font color="ff0000">Pam</font>
the sweetie pic u posted is enough to keep u awake la..she's soo pretty!!
and she looks like u!!

<font color="ff0000">Angeline</font>
my PD told me....milk vommitted out after feed is due to wind...
so must burp well..let's see what ur PD says....

<font color="ff0000">milkyway</font>
hehe..use burst function on ur camera to get the smile! hehee.. :p
what top is that? from where? how come so many of u have that? haha.

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
wah...my Hb come back after 11pm most of the time..like that he no need to talk and play with bb liaoz.
coz in the morning i dun allow him to wake bb up..coz she up means i must get up also....

<font color="ff0000">mama6</font>
hehehe..ur boy's hair very nicely styled?? hahaha....
so sweet!

<font color="ff0000">happykae</font>
thanks... my girl latched at 430pm...for a short while before she started screaming..hope she continues to latch for next feed..which is very soon...

<font color="ff0000">joopz</font>
its supposed to be tight and hugging la... if M may be too long..then end up at ur hips..
i got my XL but i think too big! hahaha..L too small! ahhaa.. but i make do with XL la.. prob get another L in future for when i slim down more.. hur hur..

<font color="ff0000">Jul</font>
haha..we wanted 2 kids initially also.. but after i was warded to the ward after pushing out #1....HB asked me..right in the ward, shall we abort #2's idea?
hahahha....he had a scare in the delivery ward.. kekekkee.. but at least he didnt faint like he tot he would.. hahaha...

<font color="ff0000">myfavchoco</font>
wah.... u lost 4kg more than pre preg!! thats soo good..what do u do???
i still have last 2kg...stuck at 79kg... sigh... 77kg till pre preg..and another 12kg to wedding weight! i can reach 65kg i very happy liaoz. hahaha..

<font color="ff0000">Princess Rayanne's Updates</font>
at 7 weeks 4 days, she's weighing 5.16kg..and she's down with cough and flu.
Given 3 medicine, cough, phlegm, flu and nose drip...
gosh...seeing the 6 bottles of medicine (3 from Wed, Colic, Stomach, Diarrhoea) i really wanna cry...
but she's well and normal...
tried to latch her earlier and she did for a while..though she unlatched many times..htink her nose stuck and she needed to breathe..
i shall go spend some time with her tonite...
home alone..mum's out..and Hb's working as usual... sigh...
jul, after u mention abot e thing thru ass one,i recall during i discharge from tmc they gave me some.. and i tried,wat a relieve
*mama to 6Js* *Steph*
Me THREE!! 'live live' 100% confirmed guaranteed chopped this will be the LAST! Don't want LKK liao still having #5. Bring out pple will wonder im the mother or the ah ma.

WAH...I really don't mind looking childish...I think i will 'soar' into the sky if pple comments tat my eldest gal is my kid sister...so really muz work hard to maintain, haha...

by the way, u haf 2 sisters oso (fr ur pics)?? coz u didn't 'label' them, i assumed...

me beri opposite fr u leh...I wasn't career minded, I wanted to marry young and haf kids young, think kids r such angels and only to realized why my parents shouted at us when we r kids tat: ai yo, u all r such nuisance! cannot keep still or quiet for a minute! *LOLs*

seriously lor...i always wanted children bt it never cross my mind that they will pee, poo and become a lil monster when they start crying.

anyway, angels, devils or lil monsters, I still luv them the way they are
I don't know how much she drink cos I latch on mah. She drink half way then suddenly milk start coming out of her mouth and onto my clothes &amp; bed.

I born on 17 Dec. U're 4 days older than me.

I also think she got wind but need to go PD confirm. Need to find out got other thing anot. She sometimes oso vomit when she's latching on.
My hubby opposite of yours. He asked me when can have #2? He say must have #2 fast otherwise he'll be old liao. He's 6 yrs older than me.

I watched the demo video quite a few times, still can't get my boy in. So disappointed leh, thought can put him in and go out gai gai. T_T

Thing is hor, he hates the cradle position, wants to be carried up right. If put him in the pouch lying down, he sure scream the house down. Haha.. Anyone here using S size pupsik pouch huh?

Poo poo shooting out
I also kenna poo shoot out when changing his diaper. Very powerful leh. My tee, cot, bedsheet all stained with his poo. Jul, i also experience poo coming out from the side of the diaper and the poo was all over my tee when i was carrying him. I was like your hubby, shouting for help. Hehe.. cos if i stand up, the poo sure drip all over.
cud be reflux or heartburn like my bb... he doesn't really vomit out milk but "er nai".
the medicine i got at PD is super expensive &amp; have to feed baby for abt 3wks!! : (
Poor baby.. keep crying after i insert the medicine into his mouth.

Added you on facebook. : )

i got M size pupsik.. just nice, hard to put baby in as it's tight fit, my parents &amp; mil kept commenting the pouch is too small for my baby.. sigh.
i brought him out once in pupsik before.

better bring bb to PD to check. my bb's poo also got abit of reddish stuff, seemed like blood. I asked PD yday also, he don't know, asked me to collect stool sample for analysis. After collection, muz deliver within 4hrs to the lab.
tis morning rushed like mad to deliver.

added you on facebook. : )
<font color="ff3399">joopz</font>
The Pupsik is supposed to be tight leh. If not tight then bb will drop out! Don't care if your bb looks uncomfy or not. If he's happy and it's not uncomfy for you, then means its correct liao. They usually look very cramped and weird position one lor.

My boy also wanna kaypoh kaypoh, so I position him slightly upright so he won't be looking at the ceiling/sky all the way. You try try?

<font color="ff3399">myfavchoco</font>
I also thought I won't have #2 when #1 was a newborn. Everyday don't sleep, cry cry cry cry cry until i ki siao. But look! I just had #2!

I always feel that once they cross the 6 mth mark, they'll be so adorable, you will feel like having another one lor. For me, the magic mark starts at 6 mths, then by the time they're 1 yr old, wah.. i cannot take it liao, my maternal instincts go into overdrive!! Very jialat leh!!

My 6th sense tells me that #3 will be a girl, that's why now I considering very hard. Cos erm... i prefer boys. hiak hiak.

You gain 13kg but lost 17kg?! Can swap or not?!?!

<font color="ff3399">girlygirly</font>
Hahahaha if using "floor rug" to wipe whole body will look young, I think I also wanna try!!

<font color="ff3399">mama to 6Js</font>
I always flatten his hair after bath, but once dry, IT WILL STAND AGAIN!! So ugly! Later 4 mths old i shave him botak botak liao.

<font color="ff3399">happykae</font>
I think we all know we need to give ourselves more time to lose weight, but I guess we just cannot tahan it, right?
So must remind each other to be patient.

<font color="ff3399">sonnigt3</font>
I just had a bottle of chicken essence after dinner just now. My MIL ask me drink at night later can sleep meh? I think she forgot how tiring it is to have bb liao.
Melissa> now where got PD to see???
i'll observe the next poo and see how....
online i google some say cervical cancer..siaoz....

coz she's having green poo...(while on TBF.) and i just saw a little blood stain and i wonder why got blood de.....

how many times does ur bb poo at 7 weeks plus??
mine still have 3-5 poo a day......
Can tell your MIL I slept soundly for 8 hours even after taking 2 bottles... didn't even realise my breasts were leaking until my #2 woke me up. She must have had an easy time in the past.

Think not good to be childish. People don't take me seriously sometimes, even my hubby.

why don't you take your girl to A&amp;E? No PD but think doc at A&amp;E can advise. I did that for my kids when they don't seem well. Either go to KKH or NUH A&amp;E. I find docs quite good at these 2 hospitals...
confinement time i already loss the 13kg le, i think is becos of the red dates drink which i must drink everyday, i drink tat i everyday visit toilet, 1 day bout 4times.. until 5th day i tell my mom i buaytahan liao.. backside pain... then 1 day nv drink, then nv visit toilet wor.. hahaa.. but now i must thanks her for forcing me to drink tat.

after confinement, i tried to control the food intake, don dare eat too much. cos too sad to c my tummy bigger than my boobs. =(

dunno leh. i find pregnancy veri stressed leh. must do so many test. tat time i never do the DS test, then i veri worried i made the wrong choice for not doing tat test. then scare bb not cute still must lie to myself its cute, scare bb gt birth mark, scare bb got this gt tat... scare not healthy.... alamak veri stressed...

then now come out le also veri stressed, always gt those 3gu 6po commenting my bb this and tat... compare my bb wif others... walau... i cannot tahan la
Synopsis On My Boobs.

One side is still VERY LOW. 2hrly I get 70-110ml. ( Crazy Boobs )

I noticed that when it's near my pump time and as I get myself ready to attach the pumps to my bra... My boobs start to leak? Is that the so called "Let Down"? It came to my mind as a joke... It looked like my boobs were "drooling" at the oncoming pump. XD
hahaa.Pam u are funny........

my girl very quiet tonite.. think the 4 different medicine made her drowsy............
i'm going to rest also......
shelled> keke. no leh. din express till emptied. cos super lazy. but heng nv. cos bb woke up. den i juz latch him on again =p else got to go warm up de ebm again =x

mamato6js> wahaha. ur boy hair so much n so chubby. cute cute =p

jul> haha. juz now while i was preparing to bathe my boy, i removed all his clothes. first he poo all over, den he pee all over. basically he was lying in a pool of poo n pee -_-

rach> haha. but pple all say if u wan bb to differentiate day n nite, must keep quiet n make it dark at nite. n no playing with them. plus i wan sleep. so i dun carry him in de nite. so after 11pm feed at nite, dere he goes to de bed. even if he's not sleeping, he is supposed to lie there. i wun bother abt him even if he cries

blood stain where? my boy tat time oso have one very small drop of blood stain near de pee area. doc in de end say it was concentrated urine. so gave him some glucose after latching him
<font color="ff3399">sonnigt3</font>
I also think my MIL had an easy time with her kids. Cos her SIL (aka Hubs' auntie) helped out with the kids almost all the time while MIL would be downstairs helping with the family business. So effectively, she didn't actually take care of the kids much at all. She also admit to me that she feel sibei heng that she didn't have to, cos kids drive her nuts. So naturally, she won't babysit any longer than a few hours for me. Hurhur.

<font color="ff3399">myfavchoco</font>
I think you worry too much lah! During my preg, I only worry about 2 things: Baby's health and whether he is cock-eyed or not.
I also dunno why I always wanna check if my newborns are crossed-eyed. It's the 1st thing I ask the moment they are born! I think cos detailed scan cannot pick up on crossed eyes.

<font color="ff3399">Pamelia</font>
That's a good thing! Then at least no need to spend effort trying to get your boobs to letdown, since they're so automated.
But the way you say it hor... "drooling at your pump" sounds kinda perverted. Hahahaha.

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
Ya lor, sometimes I also dunwan to pump until empty just in case he wake up. But usually my 3-4am pumping i will empty cos he usually don't wake up. If he does then I just let him latch also, eventually he will coax milk out one lah. All my EBM reserved for Joshua!
<font color="ff3399">Night shift jagah reporting for duty!
Please announce your arrival so I can mark attendance!!</font>


Perverted as it is... It is true! XD

Knocking Off And MAY wake up for Night Shift later...

I predict... May be quite soon...
shelled> lol. i'm on duty now. but i guess last one. cos only left one sterilised bottle. unless i sterilise again -_-"
shelled> wat u mean by crossed eyes? haha. my boy can wake up anytime one. so most of de time i wun pump until empty. but than again, like u say lo. even empty, he suck n suck. either got milk or no milk until he fall asleep =p
Hi shelled, I'm still here... Now just going to take a shower before expressing milk... Baby just sleep.. somehow he seems really sleepy today...

Today also officially my Lochia finish!! Yeh! No more Pads... hahah

And baby also officially off mittens..
he can explore his little thumb (best friends for the next few months). Evil mummy will shove his thumb in his mouth if he fusses.. hahahha but it only keeps him occupied for only a while lah.. hahah
jul reporting!

hubs has taken over bb duties n i'm pumping in peace..

haven't pumped since 7pm, got lots of milk (faking myself) haha


i also got that insert coz i had constipation too. good that u're ok now


hm.. when sam was still latching, he also like that. his clothes, mine, the nursing pillow all kena
later on then pd told me it's reflux prob.


oh, i also have npo idea. she's not been feeling well right? maybe better to bring to pd?


haha i also cannot master my mim sling. gog to ask my fren to demo 2moro.


reflux got med meh?
