(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Gd morning to all mummies!

Pamelia & Gina
Thanks for the advice and recommendation on the rashes on my girl's face. I'm trying to keep area where there's rashes dry. Think it's milk rash near her mouth. She's also got rashes near her eyes but dare not apply calendula cream leh. She likes to rub her face with the mittens and I scared the cream will kena her eyes.

All the babies photos are so cute and adorable. I also wish my girl has dimples but she doesn't.

Photos of Clarice. She's almost 2.5 mths old.

milkyway - wow i forgot all abt mac delivery!!

jul - i am also waiting to move out!! hopefully by next wk... been staying with ILs since marriage and i really cannot tahan my MIL anymore. stayed at my mum's place for confinement only moved back to IL for baby's full month n i cant take it liao!!! i am also planning my "life" alone with baby. haha my CL shld be with me for a wk when i am at new hse so hopefully she can do up my schedule!! so i m planning my meals also. breakfast will be quickies like cereals, bread, milk, yogurt, fruits, etc. lunch will be simple one-dish stuff like pasta and dinner... tingkat too!!! haha my MIL cooks with msg and lotsa oil so maybe tingkat food will be healthier? wahaha!! then weekend i will go on strike n let hubby take care! on paper its like tt, but whether practical anot, we try and update okie???

shelled - hahaha very headache hor, the sizing... i, erm... dun hv msn, or rather i hv but i dun use and not tt i dunno how to use but i juz hate chatting on msn... haha so i will pm u later! been wanting to ask u this, can u like summarise what ur activities for the day so tt the new sahms here can learn? hehe! also wad do u cook for meals? okie... i know i damn kpo... help help a bit okie? ")

hip girdle - updates! kinda solved the riding up prob by pulling it down! realised i wore it too high heh! so last night it was 37" after i put on and this morning, after 13hrs, when i took out, my hips are still 37" hehe! not sure now with breakfast and all. haha shall update again!
morn <font color="ff0000">pam</font>
wah ur baby latch for 45 mins ah? i salute u cos im sure u must be tired working one whole day and 1+am u still latching ur gal for so long!

<font color="ff0000">joopz</font>
yes mine also done in 5 mins kind. im not complainin man cos i always nurse him with eyes closed haha..

my baby "last" feed for the day is abt 8pm after that he can last till 12 midnight but after the 12 midnight feed which i usually give 130ml ebm hoping that he will sleep longer, he still wake up 2-2.5hrly! faintz!! but last nite he woke up 3 hrly. happy!
heh just had a funny thought! if we have a gathering, it will be very easy to spot each other, cos other than carrying babies, we will be wearing glamourmum/bravado/top secret/yummietummie nursing tops and slinging babies in pupsik/mim/bebe au lait! haha machiam like uniform ah! oh yah, not forgetting that we will be wearing bravado bras inside!
<font color="Ff3399">cookiezz</font>
You are very funny thoughts indeed. If we do have gathering then I'll make sure not to wear Glamourmom/Top Secret/Yummie Tummie. Then I use my Lucky Baby pouch instead. But cannot run from the Bravado bra unless I go braless.

My schedule might not work for everyone leh. And it's not really applicable for 1st-time moms cos you guys only need to schedule for one?
myfavchoco> maybe he look like he is smiling cos of his dimples leh =p

bbq98> haha. isit? maybe we shuld bring them out tgt one day. den dey will think they are twins =p

but i think my boy's look change quite abit since tat pic. now he botak, i dun wan post his photos. or rather i seldom take pics now =x

sandwich> ya. i like stripes. juz ordered a few polo ralph stripe polo for him online too =p

rach> haha. dunno leh. tonite den c de yummie tummie agn. maybe juz order de basic tank. since my lacie black oredi oos. so sad.

erms. for pigeon i dunno. but my avent lights off first time means warm oredi. n it takes only 4-5mins even from frozen stage leh

ya. i bought old navy n gap at 20% discount. still waitin to c if got more 20% discount for old navy. cos i forget buy de socks for boy boy. oso bought some ralph lauren polos n hat for my boy. so exciting to do online shopping =p

btw, u all know how to order fr old navy n ship in urself? thinking of learning den i can ship in. but confused with de shipping part

flower4> got alot leh. ex: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/36738/572405.html?1255843780

dey are all at Motherhood, Pregnancies And Babies session

haha. de photographer is my brother lo =p i tell him got time come help me shoot more pics of my bb =p but he's so bz la -_-

lina> huh? who say bf dun need birth control? still will get pregnant one wor. juz no mensus. makes it even harder to calculate our cycle n get pregnant =p

haha. before pregnant, my stomach oredi not exactly flat =x so now oso not flat lo =p mine oso abit flabby still. sometimes i feel stomach area not much feeling, cos skin too much -_-

keke. actually if dey nv give u bottles u can ask. or when u go back mt a for anything, juz go nursery say tat time u discharged, u were not given bottles, n u would like some lo =p

my little monster olways tired but dun sleep den end up torturing me. so his fav hadbit is yawning -_-

haha. i too lazy to pump last nite. but managed to pump 180ml before i went to bed. now breast still full. wonder if i shuld pump or juz let bb settle it =x

i'm hardworking coz bpbian! no pump = no milk for sam!

i nvr have to think how long my milk is in the fridge, coz sure use up v soon one.


y can't u take gelatin?

btw u can get this thing from gp to insert inside, it'll help u to poo. esp if u dun wanna take any laxative due to bf-ing.


i already go on strike on weekends n let hubs do most of the bb work - coz no mil to see me 'bully' her son. oops!

no la.. where got loud? normal like us.. when my ger deep sleep she wun be woken up by loud noises one..

my girl small size leh.. i thk ur boi stl looks ok.. not overweight..
<font color="ff0000">Lina</font>
there's no sprees for Belly bandit.. but i've just received my pupsik yest and they gave me 2x5% discount code....
if anyone is interested, u can get the code from me..its just a one time use..and i got 2....

<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
i pumped at 1plus...then slept till 9am.. hur hur hur.. and my boobs were not engorged???
jialat liaoz...scarly my supply dipped..sianz..very sianz...
last nite HB still ask me to take over and he's very tired..
i mean i understand that he's tired from work la.. but then i tot he enjoyed his feeding session with our girl the nite before..
so ask him to feed..then she keep fussind and he got pek check..then he started to shout at her to keep quiet and ask her what she wants and ask her to TELL him what she wants.

because i tot he's feeding, i came to pump...and then he scolded me for using the computer..hello??? i'm using because I AM PUMPING loh...
not as if i'm sitting here doing nothing?????????
then he ask me to help to feed..and need me by his side!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello? who's by my side the whole day?? frmo 5-11pm i was alone to feed, pump and carry and feed all at the same time lo..
i managed to put on my pumps, carry my girl on my extreme right side and bottle feed her with my left and rocking my butt to pacify her loh..
i'm already multi tasking.. and hoping to clear my boobs again when he's back so that i can have milk for her next feed!!!
if only her daughter will latch, i dun have to pump rite???????????????
sibei TL loh...

<font color="ff0000">joopz</font>
8 weeks liaoz of coz can la.. my girl been going out after 40days laizo.. haha....

<font color="ff0000">cookiezz</font>
ahhaha..u very funny.. i did tot of that as well.. hahahhaha....
everyone will be wearing something similar..
scarly all wear turquoise Glamourmom..or purple.. wahhahha.....

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
ooh..when??? when got 20%?? aiyo.. bo jio..was trying to buy some.. but gap so exp.. old navy cheaper.. haah..
and got further 10% discount somemore.. hehehe...
u buy Old Navy urself ah?wah..then u buy how many hundred??

oh.. u didnt..so u order with who??

actually i didnt even ask for glass bottles when i discharged wor.. hahaa...they know i TBF also leh..

<font color="ff0000">Pumping</font>
just pumped...37min...200ml... sigh..
think my supply really dropped..due to lack of latching for 2 days..and me feeling sooo stressed...
doesnt help that i gotta deal with a frustrated HB from work... grr...
Finally my girl was in a super good mood today..
and she keep smiling to herself while looking at the cot mobile..

But she's still rejecting my breast... :/

<font color="aa00aa">Lina</font> - Your baby also Kopi SuSu ah? heheeh

Same like mine.. hehehe... Your girl so pretty! Deep features like Daddy
I was so inspired by mummies here to take pics of kiddos smiling so I tried to make him smile.. hahah

Then here's what I got this morning...

My boy's 1/2 dreaming 1/2 smiling.. hahah

rach> haha. all those tat have 20% discount close very early. esp those 20% discount on top of sale items one close like within 1day. so i go in c liao order, tat same day itself spree close le wor. juz order with anyone who can offer de most discounts =p

i oso din ask for de glass bottles. is de nurse ask me. r u breastfeeding bb? i say yes, den dey say ok. i give u some glass bottles to store de milk. u can boil them so de label can come off =p so i take lo

200ml alot le ma. y so depressed? everytime i pump only abt 100 leh
<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
ooh.. u mean u spree with Overseas spree huh??wah then like that everyday gotta check ah...siong leh... hahaha...
where got time??
now with her rejecting my breasts, i even more stressed..

guess what?? i just checked my temp.. MY OWN temperature.. 37.7, 37.9.. am i having a fever????
not sure if i'm having mastitis?? my breasts been feeling uncomfy and weird... sigh.......
<font color="ff0000">mama6</font>
she's sleeping...coughing...and rejecting my breasts still...

now i think i'm having a slight fever...37.9....
think i go take a nap..and i think she's gonna wake up anytime...


I've gt FOUR...4 gals!! I used to name them the powerpuff girls bt with the lastest addition, they r nw the FANTASTIC FOUR, haha..

this is the lastest addition:-



we still need birth control during BF-ing. I was still TBF my girl, but then, i still got pregnant!

awww... dimples... so cute

maybe when u offer your breasts to your gal, if she keeps mouth shut, then don't shove into her mouth. or try tickle her nose when nipple, see if she root for it

your boy is so cute. i thought of giving EBM to my girl too, but it is a tough mission to feed her milk nowadays. she just wants to play and refuses to drink milk. i dun want to waste my "private limited" BM leh...

don't worry too much. u can do it. sometimes my boy cries, wants to be carried, but i am busy cooking or doing other things, i will keep saying "wo lai liao!" usually i leave him in bouncer in day time, as he also has reflux, then i drop by to rock him a few times, so he knows i'm still around, then i go back to do things.

your boy has nice double eye lids... so cute
Shelled taking pumping attendance ah? There is no fix time for the starting time of my shift. It starts so long as one of them sleeps because my husband can take care of one by himself. Latest will be 1am when he goes to bed.

Jul, I don't have enough for one baby, let alone two. I supplement with fm.

Michelle, mine is already part of a twin, plus yours, will be triplets.

Rach, your bb has got lots of hair and a curry pok fringe..hehehe.

Stephanie, your husband is not a chinese? Your boy has got non-chinese features.

All your babies so chubby and cute.
bbq, yah.. my kids are Kopi SuSu.. hahaha Daddy is Indian... lol

see my FB for more pics of my other kids..

stephie1735 at gmail dot com..

WaiWAi, hahah so cute.. u guys brought bb to the Bar? can go in meh? hehe
<font color="ff3399">Steph</font>
Why Indian-Chinese must call "kopi susu"?? Now u keep making me wanna drink kopi peng leh...
<font color="aa00aa">shelled</font> - Its how I affectionally describe them... lol.. Hubby Dark, I fair mah.. hahaa so Kopi SuSu loh... lol
wah, all your babies so happy and smiley for their kodak moments ah?!

<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> so cute, your baby has wavy hair!

<font color="0000ff">lina &amp; Steph</font> kopi susu babies are always so gorgeous lah!! <font color="0000ff">lina</font> post your darling daughter's photos leh!

<font color="0000ff">waiwai</font> your baby has a very nice head hor, do you let him sleep on his back or front?

<font color="0000ff">myfavchoco</font> your boy is soooo cute, those dimples are so nice...can he be my daughter's boyfriend? She's one day older though...born 30th august
sigh...Kylie has to be admitted. Baby below 3 months old with fever must be admitted for tests.
suspected UTI. i'm suprised loh, 7 weeks old can kanna UTI??? so mummies, please be careful when you clean your little ones, especially girls
so tired now, no time to pump
<font color="0000ff">girlygirly</font> your baby's double eye lids so prominent...she's so lucky to have 3 older sis. I myself have 2 sis and we grew up being really close, and youngest sis usually spoilt by us! she's the only one not married, so always get a lof of stuff from us!

haha..i haf 2 sisters too! I myself being the eldest. in fact one of my sis delivered 2 weeks earlier then i do. so nw we haf so much to talk abt! we actually sms ea other EVERYDAY!
<font color="0000ff">girlygirly</font> yah, me eldest too! so nice to have sisters, but I dunno whether to give my daughter a sibling as I don't know whether I can manage another kid!!
he sleeps on his back, but i put his head to the side as he spit up milk quite often

that place is a bar cum restaurant keke
rach> juz c what items u wan, den once u free go in find if got sale spree, den post de items, trf money n wait lo =p

bbq98> haha. triplets. ya hor. forget u got twins. so cute =p

kris> wat is UTI?
<font color="ff3399">Paige</font>
I don't mind charred cheese on the edges of baked pasta, but hor... mine is burnt fish fillet! Eeks!

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
UTI = Urinary Tract Infection
Pump Accessories.

Softfit is not good? What do I use for Freestyle if it isn't? How to ensure my boobs are fully emptied? I pump every 2-3 hours in the day for 15-20mins. Is that enough?
aw... all the baby photos so cute.

i've been so dead tired.. my gal giving me problem with her sleeping routine at nights. these few days doesn't wanna sleep from 7pm to abt 2am. and the amazing thing is she actually doesn't sleep much in the day too!

mummies, whats your babies sleeping routine like? eg, in the day, sleep how many hrs, then awake how many hrs? and what about at night? what time do u put them to sleep? and can they sleep throughout the night yet?
does drinking 3-in-1 coffee have any impact on the baby? after giving birth, i drink abt 1 or 2 cups a day only. it should be ok rite??

i was saying my boy seems to be ok with frozen BM, then i jinx myself!! last time i fed him frozen BM was 9 days ago. just now i fed him, he gave me the "wah lau" look. then i gave him 20ml of freshly expressed one, he drank. then i tried the frozen one again he rejected!! then i have to pour away my own BM.... what a waste

why he so picky??? what should i do with the rest of frozen BM in the freezer if he die die dun want???

i think u can use personal fit if not softfit. u can't use standard shield, i think.

wah 2-3h pump is very good liao, i only pump every 4-5h, i hei hei chuan liao.

oh no! waste waste!

haha i also tell sam 'mummy coming' but doesn't work, coz i think he knows i bluff one haha

welcome to the nite owl club!

sam has probs sleeping till 2am too, n i dun drink kopi, so dunno what's the prob????

at 2.5mth, sam still can't sleep thru the nite. he sleeps from 2am-1230pm, 2-4pm. bath at 1pm.

my sil's daughter also kena uti when she was a few mths old. heard she was hospitalised, put on drip, had jabs etc.
mummies -> thanks for all the compliments on my little monster =) Daddy gt no dimples, mummy onli gt 1 side dimple. lucky boy, he gt 2 side =)

Paige -> hehehe.. provided ur daughter don mind to have "jie di lian" kekeke =P
