(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


Check with you guys. After latching, how much can you expressed out?

Btw, glamourmom has arrived. Will try to send out on Monday. Need time to sort and pack.

I will be ordering medela Freestyle pump again. If anyone still interested, let me know.


i was banking on 3rd mth being the magical mth when sam wud miraculously stop crying, sleep thru the nite, stop being a nite owl, n have no reflux prob! haha
jul> gees. so good to have lots of milk. think my supply dropping again, becos i've been too lazy these few days. hais. no more milk leh. dunno y oso. -_- maybe becos i've not been diligently taking my fenugreek supply too
Finished pumping..

Boobs are flat, floppy n empty..

Unfortunately, bottles are also quite empty...

*stares at bottles hoping there's a parallax error somewhere*
me me!! i'm reporting for duty now...

strangely my boobs felt full today while i was still complaining they were soft ytd...*wonder*
me too reporting duty.
shelled / Rach
I know it should be tight. But so tight that I can't stuff my boy in leh. Tried twice today and he became very grumpy, so cannot continue. My hub was helping me and I'm thinking that he can't always be there to help me put baby in. So can put him up right huh? I try try again tomorrow.

Nice to have your friend demo live for you.

I am dying to go out. Just got a hand-me-down pram, but my boy don't like to lie down for too long and hates the cradle hold. So bring him out like very troublesome now. Me turning 'moldy' at home, sob.

Pain in other boob when nursing
Recently when I nurse my boy on one breast, can feel some pain in the other breast. Is this normal?

Hey, me also july 1979. My first kid only at 30. Don't know if I will have another one although would love to have a girl.

I am still waiting for my boy to grow older when he can interact with me. But it's really happy when I see him smile at me and making noises when I talk to him.
You all really reporting arh!! Wah sei. Now still pending Lina, cookiezz and rach! But I think rach went to sleep liao.

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
I mean crossed-eyed lor. Bak jiu pak jiao, u know? Show you picture nah:

<font color="ff3399">Steph</font>
Lochia Begone! Gong xi gong xi! Now can have sex liao.

My bub also off mittens since Monday cos I can't stand the wet mittens!! Although I can't seem to force him to suck his thumb, he has to do it willingly on his own leh. And he's more of hand sucking than thumb sucking. But who cares?! As long as he diam diam!

<font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
If pumping in peace usually have more milk, I noticed that for myself.
Never pump since 7pm? You've been latching?
How can bottles be empty if you haven't pump for 5+ hrs?! You sure not?!

3 mths hardly magic mark, cos not out of "colic-free zone" yet. And still not as interactive as they would be at 6 mths!

<font color="ff3399">Prettymums</font>
Immed after latching I can get about 30-40ml from that boob? Other boob is usual amt lor (80-180ml depending on when the last pumping was), since bb only latch on 1 side per feed. But usually I only pump about an hour after latching, so I can "harvest" more.

<font color="ff3399">milkyway</font>
Your boobs seem quite inconsistent hor? Happy happy soft, happy happy then full. Mine still feel quite sore from those days when I didn't pump.
Boobs like having fever like that, always feel hot.

<font color="ff3399">bbq98 / happykae</font>
Happy pumping, girls!

<font color="ff3399"> joopz</font>
Is it like something poking the boob kind of pain? I get that also leh! Heard it has something to do with milk being produced, thus got slight pain. I don't like that feeling. Makes me feel weird and uncomfy. BUt no choice leh!
Just took shower.. hahah just now posted say going to shower then baby woke up... So I latched him on lying down then who knows, I dozed off as well.. hahahah

Then when showering, BB woke up so have to cut it short..

Now he sleep already hope can pump in peace then go sleep soon..
<font color="ff3399">Steph</font>
I'm expecting mine to wake ard 1.30 since last feed was 10.30pm. But I hope he doesn't wake! Just now 1am heard him make some noise then heard him sucking hands again. Woohoo, i think he now can successfully self-comfort liao.
<font color="aa00aa">shelled</font> - babies when born will all Pa Jiao a bit mah... but will outgrow it lah.. cause they can't focus yet so always look pa jiao..hahah

Sex... last thing on my mind.. in fact it was already last thing on my mind before concieving... but sway sway (or heng heng) that twice in Dec, I was pregnant... hahah *faintz*

Now I'm so tired loh.. how to have sex... some more dun wan to risk having #5... hahah
my boy still not sleeping frm 9pm onwards... sleep and then wake up within minutes.. just fed him FM so he can sleep with full stomach.. but he is still eyes wide open...
pass him to hubb so i can surf net awhile... lol

not pumping... cos my breast still feel soft leh... =( (since last pump at 5.30pm)
yah lah... i also dont know why... but i was out today in the afternoon so didnt latch her and she was fed EBM. mayb that's why hard hard again? but ytd cant b soft whole day mah and when i tried pumping.. i get very pathetic amt lor.. then now i can at 200ml again!! siao one lor..

and my gal aso a little pa jiao when she stare at me closeup... hahaha

i also get that piecing sudden pain.. but even when not nursing leh.. it can just happen anytime lor.. i dont like it too!!
-Rubs Eyes-

I thought it was 5am... Because she has been sleeping on my stomach and chest for so long!!! When I opened my eyes... It's only 2.35??? T^T So I thought... Heck, just pump... I pray she sleeps through and spare me the torture... I had to sleep like a "Mummy" for I "Thought" 5hrs, but ended up 2hrs. >.<
<font color="ff3399"> Steph</font>
I don't mean that kind of pak jiao lah. But real pak jiao lor. Dunno why got paranoia that my kids will pak jiao.
You also very suay (or heng) leh. Twice nia also can... Must be very fertile indeed! Are you considering contraceptive methods to prevent conception of #5?

<font color="ff3399">Jess</font>
Soft also should pump lah. Stimulate more supply mah. But very tired hor? *sigh* Some days I also pump minimally only when boobs get very uncomfy. Tired leh, esp when small bugger is fussy.

<font color="ff3399">milkyway</font>
200ml?! So good! Ytd you latch her alot is it? Maybe that's why soft soft?
<font color="aa00aa">shelled</font> - Yah loh.. some more I was so busy preparing for my boy's P1 stuffs...
Yes definatelt!!! was thinking of IUD but not sure whether it affects BM supply or not...

I'm super forgetful so Mercilon is out... lol

Will talk to Gynae on IUD on my next visit.Okie, going to sleep now.. nightz
<font color="0077aa">shelled</font>
2am gave my boy "human pacifier" &amp; "BM dessert" after the FM feed..
so no need to pump liao... argh.. after each breast BF, he managed to doze off but woke up few minutes later... so now at 3.06am.. finally sleep liao!! im free.. and no need to pump liao.. he "pumped" for me liao...

and i dun enuff storage bottles and used up my milkbags.. waiting for the lansinoh to arrive!!

my boy eyes oso got a bit crossed when he focused on thing so near to him.. im so worried it might be permanent leh
Today I ending my shift early. My hubs jio me go to bed. (Not for sex cos small bugger sleeping with us tonight.) Hahahaha.
He didn't wake up for his 1.30am feed, so I'm just gonna give him dream feed now so he'll sleep til at least 7am before he needs milk again.

Lina already reported for pumping via MSN. Now left cookiezz. cookiezz!! Where are you?? Tonight pontang huh?
here i am reporting for duty.. hehehe. :p

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
hehe.. u are hen enough... we already spolit the market..so now she'll cry till someone tends to her.. bo bian....

blood stain on the diaper... when u flip open the diaper..the part nearest to me..got a spot of blood...

conc urine?? u brought the diaper to him??

<font color="ff0000">Stephanie</font>
wah..u'll use thumb ah?? i think there's alot of virus in the thumb.. i rather pacifier.. Mmm.. i think better..
my preference..but HB prefers thumb.. Mmmm..

<font color="ff0000">Jul</font>
yah..will prob, most likely (90%) bring her to mama6's PD tmr..

<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
mememe!! wake up laioz.. heh..she latched at 235am...so after that i got up to pump loh...
and man..its 323am laioz..what was i doing for the past 45min after latching? haha...

i HAVE been having the sharp pain across the breasts very frequenty..and its making my boobs very uncomfy..
issit coz i haevnt been latching and pumping as much as i should??
now i pump abt every 6 hours...
3 hours dun feel so full...man..my ss is gonna drop like that....

woo..u still ard??
Me reporting to work. Unbelievable, bb slps from 11pm (last feed) till 3am, cried for milk.I get to sleep from 12 till now, happpy happy. Now after feed, she seems to be awake
. I wanna pump milk though.
okie... i'm done... 20min...and only 100ML ???????? WT.............???!!???
but its after i latched her for 8 min... on my left.. and what happened to my right, which can usually yield 100ml on its own?????????????? grrr..... please dun drop!!!!
Tonight nobody seems to be pumping...
Finishing with then gonna sleep. The day before I was so tired, didnt put the EBM in the fridge
Yawn... done. Back to sleep. Maybe can catch one of you here tomorrow nite. Good nite Lina, if you're still here..

the slings n pouches can be used for upright on shoulder hold too.

i'm also mouldy.. dun go out except a quick dash to the nearby shopping centre on weekends to grab meals. me worse.. sam doesn't latch so i gotta bring out ebm. n can only be out max 4h if not i'll need to pump *hiaz*


no lah, where got latch. but no time to pump coz gotta have dinner, get sam ready, travel home, settle him, bathe.. by the time i get to pump, 5h liao lor.

seriously, i've never filled a bottle before. must be real shiok to have a full bottle.



i dinno it was reflux till pd said so. i was wondering why sam kept vomiting milk.
Hi mummies on FB, can add me: [email protected]

bought it at GNC n hv been taking it for more than 3wks now. can't see much effect leh. anyone has seen improvement after taking it?

steph- urs fm GNC too? the GNC staff told me 1 day max can take up to 6 capsules leh. mine is 610mg.

avent bottle users
anyone has started using teat no.2 for their bb already? my boy is 7wks old. sometimes he can drk fm teat no.2 but sometimes milk will leak fm his mouth. dunno if flow still too fast for him. but it's supposed to b meant for 1mth rite?

haha gd i'm not alone, but i'm done liao :p


parentcraft told me to take 6/day too. i had to take abt 4weeks to see effect.
Good morning, Jul.

Didn't realise it's so early.
Usually can sleep till 5 plus. K.o. again since 11pm last night. Woke up cos of the rain. Starting to pump since my naughty bb is not up yet..

morning.. tot bb not up = good, not naughty keke

i was woken up near 3am, n again at 4am by sam.. n managed to summon enough energy to crawl out of bed.

yawn.. gog back to sleep. tata everyone!
Me dunno to continue pumping or not.. I was lazy, didn't pump before gng to bed. Then woke up staring at the pump just now. Grrrr...

Hello mampoko &amp; sonnigt3! Good morning!
jul- ic. u still taking it nw? do u take 6/day religiously? sometime i forget to take so nt always 6/day. :p wonder if it affects my supply in a way.

sonnig- me slept at ard 11pm wif bb too. woke up at 3+ juz nw coz bb awake for milk. nw my side drizzling wif light thunder. wow...ur bb can sleep so long ar? so gd!
morning momoteh! i really pei fu u all for waking up juz to pump leh. i m awake coz bb woke me up then i can't sleep liao. i latch at nite n pump in the day for oni 2-3 times leh. hw's ur supply? mine can oni hit 100ml for both sides if pump 3 hrly. if 4-5hrly 150ml. bb drinking 90-100ml per feed.
Morning, momoteh!

Not my bb sleep so long... I can't wake up to feed her.
My maid got to feed her EBM ard midnight... Supply not a lot... only 230ml every 6hr.
haha.. I woke up thinking he will wake up! Latching him so i dunno how much he's drinking now. I didn't pump religiously like the rest, sometimes on a good day (with bb cooperating) can pump 4-5x, else it's 1-2x only.. :x
