(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Don't be silly !! If you are a lousy mummy then I am lagi worst ... Feeding my bb evil FM at night. Sometime at night super tired, no one to help me, I blur blur pick up the cold milk on the table then fed my little angel. Only after awhile then I realised the milk was the left over from previous feed..

Now that our Fenugreek tablets are of the same concentration, I will take more !!

Your princess so so cute.... adorable..

heehhe I am glad that I am not alone, especially now that my hubby is not around, missing him. I have to becareful not to get depressed (my excuse to eat junk food). LOVE my choco, Kopi + Bubble Tea...

Jul, the first one was really spoilt. Sensor at 40 degrees not working, so I sent it back. They gave me a new one and it's workig fine. Y leh?
thanks. i miss TMC fish soup! Not really want to buy for boosting milk supply, me just tam jiak want to drink keke

It is normal for heated frozen EBM to have metallic smell. i tried to taste before, it is disgusting!! but my baby seems to be ok with it haha

Trust your hubby, think he lost temper coz he loves baby so much and tries his best to pacify baby. Sometimes i just keep quiet and let hubby handle baby the way he wants, as long as it doesn't do harm. hugz

I bath baby in morning, evening i only wipe with warm water. for my #1, when she was about 3 months old then i started bathing her 2 times a day

don't stress. don't force your gal to your breast until she is ready. hugz

sometimes men just don't understand... talk to him and let him know how u feel. hugz
my boy must dream of striking 4D... lol... he is still yellowish due to jaundice


Poor thing! Don't cry lah.. sometimes men are rather insensitive...

You work in TPY central right? I remember last time my galfriend mentioned some nursing room in HDB Hub.. I searched for the link and here it is. Why don't you check with HDB Hub info counter? It'll also be good to take a short break and walk a bit.. :D

Hi all,
Think I'm quite tired out after 5pm yesterday... My 21-mth-old boy's temp shot to 39 over degrees. Carried him to bathroom and told maid to help me give him a cold shower. Frantically sent him to GP nearby... Lucky much better today.. Just gave him some BM mixed with cereal cos he refused to take his usual milk powder. Sigh.

Now latching bb only 3 times a day so that I can pump out more for my boy to take too...

Thanks for the PM. After discussing with my hubby, I think it's more of a 'want' than a 'need' for the Medela pump since I can express out ard 230ml manually within half an hour at 6-hr intervals. Still quite sufficient for my bb and guess I'll stop bf her when she turns 1 yr old.
Don't worry so much about your girl not wanting the breast.. Mine also a bit cranky at times.
Yesterday refused to latch.. today latch quite well.

*BM odour*
Dunno if I eat too much fish... red grouper, cod, tuna, salmon, etc... the BM I expressed out looks oily and has fishy smell. Has been teaching my new maid how to prepare dishes so hubby bought lots of fish for her to cook for my kids and me.

Mama to 6Js,
I really wonder how you cope with 2 maids in the house... My 2 maids are from different countries and they don't seem to like each other much. I really have to despatch them to different corners of my miserable 5-rm flat to do different things so that they don't end up glaring at each other.
sonnigt3, if they can get along very well, you will also be worried because they may cover up for each other.

Someone was asking about keeping already warmed ebm - you can warm up for max 2 times and if not consumed, must throw it away. Regarding keeping bm 4 hrs in our room temperature, I personally won't leave it that long outside the fridge because that guideline is based on room temperature of 25 degrees or lower.
hwo to post pics here???

birth control> hey. wat method of birth control r u all considering? my gynae recommended me either pill - pill save for breastfeeding now n yasmin when i wanna stop breastfeeding n mirena (basically inserting a device in, can last for 5yrs), basically she say decide based on how long i wan my nxt kid. pill is abt 20bucks+ per mth n mirena is 500-600+ one time cost. anyone to recommend? =p

xiaowei> haha. i dunno. seriously i dun go smell de milk myself =x

paige> haha. ya lo. now my boy loves his shower time. cos tat's when i carry him de longest =p

grrs. loose weight!! my gynae reminded me tat i got 1 more kg more to lose to pre-pregnancy weight. oso tell me i can loose more den prepregnancy weight by going joggin. arghss. but i m still eating my ben n jerry =x

lina> i give birth at mt a. dey give alot of glass bottles, esp when u discharge n bring bb hm fr nursery, dey will ask if u r breastfeeding bb, n will give u at least 10 bottles ;p

keke. de fenugreek we are all taking is de same. gnc 610mg one =p

haha. ur gal sleep 24hrs? find de time when she is awake n dun sleep to bathe her lo. if really so tired den dun bathe her. juz clean her will do. i wun let bathing spoil my boys sleep

rach> i dun really like cooked salmon now. so i take cod fish. i only take salmon belly sashimi. yummy =p

i wait till nearer to sat den i order de yuummie tummie. cos realise slowly alot of the items i wan oos liao -_-

aiyoh. dun olways blame urself if anything happens to bb la. we are all first time mums, n i believe we are oredi doing a good job here. things happen not becos we want them to. we can juz do our best to prevent the same thing fr happening again. cheer up
i believe when de light is off, it is right liao. de light goes on agn cos de temp drops below de needed temp.

pamelia> dun be so affected by ur hubby. sometimes guys are juz so insensitive with words. cheer up k.

if u r really so unhappy, tok to ur hubby, take some time off wk. i mean money is not everything. so dun go to wk if u really dun feel like going. affecting biz might mean less income. but money is not everything. tok to ur hubby ba.

happykae> ur gal smile so happily. i c some dimples. so cute =p
Don't cry... Be strong. My hubby used to complain that the Medela electric pump I used was so noisy and asked me to pump elsewhere instead of bedroom. Guess what, I asked him if he really wanted baby #1 to get sickly in future and bear all the medical bills.. I actually calculated one year's estimated bill amount and that shut him up... But, since it broke down, I changed to Avent manual.
Anyway, bottomline is men usually think of the situation at hand but not of future. So, discuss with him and throw him a few solutions that you can think of.. If he's not happy with any of it, ask him to think of one for you. I always do that to mine and he usually can come up with reasonably good solutions for me.

Glad you talked to your hubby. Guess he's frustrated with an addition in the family apart from job-hunting. My hubby also got more hot-tempered when he was job-hopping a few years back... but, I reasoned it out with him and ignored him once in a while.
My temper also not very good.
<font color="0077aa">rach</font>
sayang ur bb gal.. maybe she got frightened by the fall that y she "reject" ur breast...
take care.. dun think too much.. k?
The problem is one maid will complain about how the other takes care of the kids.. It's quite annoying some times.

Should try baked salmon with herbs like rosemary, thyme and basil, or fried salmon fishhead soup with miso paste. I think quite yummy.. I am baking cod with some lemon juice and herbs for tonight's dinner.
Should be ready soon.
Going to check on my maid frying the vegetables now...
Last time, she stirfried veg and mushrooms with butter when I said stirfry veg with olive oil and mushrooms separately with a little bit of butter. Sigh. Still have to monitor after more than a year...
sonnigt3> wow. u can really cook. sick of salmon cos tat was my pre-wedding diet food. i eat salmon for dinner almost everyday when i was trying to lose weight =x
Heehee...the cute lil girl who asked for milk plus ribena is happykae's...gathering?? *shelled* said muz wait for all to finished confinement first. All finished?? erm...shld left a few?? *think think*

haha...ur gal so clever to think of milk wif ribena. gotta be v tasty, heehee...btw r u in FB?? AND ur princess #3 sure is soooo sweet! bbs/kids wif dimples certainly haf great smile

i count by days too...days easier for me coz my gal 1st of Sept, so sept 30 days + oct today is day28 = 30+28=58 days! haha..haizz anyway SAHM hor sometimes lost count today is which day of the mth oso...i always asked my gal who is schooling what day it is if i need to know coz they need to write date everyday!

maybe coz ur staff is a male lor...so ur hub will be more protective?? He may mean well juz tat he put it across blatantly...

haha..cute boy...looks so clean and smiley
Hip girdle - i just received it and rushed to the bathroom to try after pumping milk! wah... all i can say is, its very tight and quite hard to wear! was afraid i may burst it man (hmm now i know why got so many hooks...)!! i measured my hips in the morning, was 98cm (38.5") (which is within the 100cm limit of the girdle). after struggling in sweat to wear it, i measured my hips again and its now squeezed to 37" haha!!! happy! but maybe cos my hips are flabby, it kinda ride up when i was sitting down to read posts... so needa adjust. shall monitor!
Thanks Michelle, Shelled and Waiwai.

Sigh.. find it so hard to convince mil that only need to bathe once a day &amp; wipe in the evening..
she will say weather so hot, bathe more cooling... blah blah blah.
Makes me wonder if she is the one who is hot or the baby is hot.

any mummies feed their babies ba bao jin feng san?
my mil claimed that all babies grow up eating that.. told her i don't lor, my mum oso didn't feed me that. she like dun believe...
shelled - help me!! i am quite stuck wad size to choose for yummietummie... use your shopping sense on me!! i wear size S or even XS pre-preg. but i look at the size chart, blur.... cos bust = S, hips = S or M and waist = L! like that how ah??

wah liew we exchange mil? my mil insisted to bathe sam at 5pm, even tho i purposely waited to bathe him at 8pm so he can sleep before midnite!

then after the bath, he fell asleep! angry...
I can cook simple things like throw everything together and bake or stirfry... Usually wait for my 2 brothers to cook... They are much better.. even my hubby likes their cooking more than mine... everytime ask me when we goin to my parents' place for meals.

happykae and waiwai,
I'm so envious... your bb smiles so adorably.... mine is perpetually frowning most of the time. Sigh..
Hi Mummys...... can i join this sept thread as i was a sept (1st time) mum too... was stress over taking care of my gal &amp; hoping to seek for some advice here......

My gal is having rash now .. seems to spread to the neck... like red pimple... anyone has the same problem...
My Pump Session In The Toilet.

Thank you mommies... I kinda went to the back of my shop to cry it out. Silly me... I just got sick of the thought that pumping is an extra task and yet I have to "work" harder by walking somewhere out of my premises to pump. >.<

I did talk to my HB. He said that he was not angry with me and just wanted to protect me as he doesn't feel safe with me "baring" a part of me where there's another male apart from him around.

I actually went to the handicap toilet on one of the high floors in HDB Hub and locked myself in it for 20mins for my 6.15pm pump session. It doesn't smell, is clean.. Just that the stupid Ambi Pur kept dispensing every 5 mins.

Lil Jade,

Yup, I know of the nursing room in HDB Hub. But they lock the room at 5pm everyday and I don't think they are open on weekends.


Do let me know if the hip girdle does work... I really wanna wear my jeans back.. I can't hook my scissors pouch on my stretchable pants... And the pouch was a gift from my HB to me when I came back to work... >.< That pouch is almost $400 and I can't put it on myself!
I'll make sure i pump ord then squeeze in it.

True enuf, i cant stand the smell tats y i rather discard then forcing my baby with it.
now she smell so nice what if i force her with the fishy milk then her mouth stinks.

OK i will try to transfer tml.
dunno leh - i tasted my milk tat was dripping, dont hv the smell.
Gd to know her fever is gone = tats most impt.

yeah - im hapi to see her weight shooting up - when i first saw her, she was so small then i told her, Darling, mummy will make you fat fat and chubby k.

Your baby was big leh - 3.87kg is a gd size.

<hugs> Dun cry k.

not sure - Shelled mentioned to wait for all to finish their cpnfinement.
i'm also looking forward 2 a gathering.

My little princess - thanks all for the lovely comment.

i captured tat in the morning- she seems to be real happy every morning. each time you called her name, she smiled. so adorable.

Your prince so cute - today wednesday leh - hope you strike 4D

yeah, she has a pair of lovely dimple -

dunno if is tasty - i dun dared to try

thanks for the lovely comment. yeah im FB.
no worries i also pump in the school toliet but the toliet is pretty clean ...
dun be stress too much

i'm still jumping up and down as to which pump to get....
Wah.. the pics of your smiley babies so nice... I can never seem to get a pic of my baby smiling.. by the time I take, he never smile already...

<font color="aa00aa">Pam</font> - No wonder just now I go over ur side never see you lah.. I passed the Goat's Rue to ur hubby... You try and see, maybe it will help you in increasing your BM... and thanks your hubby again that time buy Fenugreek for me..

My batch of Fenugreek should be reaching in 2 weeks time.. I hope... already going to finish the Fenugreek you bought for me the last time.. guess I have to go back to Goat's Rue before Fenugreek arrives... I took Goat's Rue during my #3 time and it worked really well.. dunno what I'm doing wrong this time cause non works for increasing BM for me... hahaha Fish soup, fenugreek, goat's rue, other soups + plenty water's still not helping.. hahah my stupid boobies on strike this time... hahah

Hope BM will still go up up up...
hello, im a 4th time mommy

if is juz normal rashes can use calendula cream...my gal v prone to rashes as well so i apply for her daily as a preventive measure.

if its inflamed wif pus, better see a PD to get an anti-inflammation ointment...

ur boy smile or no smile oso so handsome...anyway my gal v smiley these few days and so 'talkative' too...bt whenever taking her pics esp wif flash, she will FROZE!! hahaha...
<font color="aa00aa">girlygirly</font> - Thanks Thanks.. sometimes I see his double chin is like @@... hahah very funny leh.. think hor previously I was too engrosed in breastfeeding and didn't really like see my baby's changes...

Then one day, I suddenly realised he got very very jia lat double chin.. hahah was very worried that he's not drinking enough previously but now see his double chin, I quite happy although I do supplement with FM... but also worried that he drink too much hahah
<font color="ff3399">Pamelia</font>
There's almost nothing I can do to help you convince your hubs, but what I can do is to give you some emotional support lor. *hugs*

<font color="ff3399">happykae</font>
Your nick "happykae", make truly happy baby leh! Your girl looks sooooooo happy!! Love the dimples!

<font color="ff3399">bbq98</font>
Yours really broken?! Wah lau. So paiseh I kept telling u it shouldn't be broken.

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
Which pill is your gynae recommending? Cos my gynae don't recommend ANY brands of contraceptives pills at all. WHen I stop BFing J last time, I was still producing some milk, but once I started on the pill the supply drop very very fast lor. FYI, the brand I took was Mercilon. The ONLY form of contraception that would not affect your BM supply is Mirena (the IUD thingy). I'm still waiting for my period to come back so can get it "installed". But... feel a bit icky about having a small piece of plastic inside me leh.

<font color="ff3399">Melissa</font>
I did give my #1 some jin feng san last time (due to MIL's persistency also). Cos he kept crying for no bloody reason and was very fussy. Strangely, it did seem to work. Or could be other factors that cut down his fussiness. Nonetheless, no harm done lah, so just let bb eat it lor. As for bathing bb... it's v tiring for us moms leh! Unless your MIL wanna bath bb herself, then by all means let her go do it lor.

<font color="ff3399">cookiezz</font>
Huh... Yours very fishy situation to tackle. You mind to PM me your measurements so I can help you gauge? Also, how fast have been been losing your preg weight? It all adds up mah. You MSN me?
cookiezz> update us if de hip girdle is good. dun mind getting one if it's good

melissa> haha. i oso nv eat tat wat ba bao jin feng san. old pple got alot of sayings one. so sometimes stay wtih them not very good for us mentally =p

sonnigt3> wah. so good. whole family know how to cook. de only thing i know how to cook is instant noodles n eggs.

pamelia> glad u r feeling better now
keke. dun think too much abt pumping in de toilet. if my new office got no nursing room, den i oso have to go toilet pump liao =x
shelled> i din ask my gynae which pill to take when i still breastfeeding. but she only say to change pill to yasmin if i wanna stop breastfeeding. maybe i'll call de clinic n ask.

y must wait for ur period to come to insert de IUD thingy? i oso feel wierd abt having something inside me. plus i dunno when i wan a #2. so cannot decide whether to go on pill or insert tat thingy.
you got a mail -

my nick Happykae - Kae is my #2 name - i wan her and all my children to be happy hence my nick happykae.....
shelled, no problem lah. I called pigeon n told them my problem. the guy asked me to bring it down. my husband office very near so i asked him to bring it there for them to check.
oh no. can someone stop me from doing online shopping??? from ralph lauren to old navy to gap. zzz. spent like few hundred bucks again!!
sorry i cant rem who was asking me abt hvg 2 maids. was it u <font color="ff0000">happykae</font>?

my both maids r indo cos im an or rather was an indo chinese myself (hv converted to spore citizen last yr). hv never thought of gettg a fili.

one is older abt 40, the other 26. both work really well with each other. i guess the main factor is the age diff. the older one married young so her kids v big already. she treats the younger maid like one of her daughters. plus both of them character v jovial n cheerful so never had any prob.

yah i heard of hvg 2 maids who always argue with each other and keep complaining abt each other to their mam. v irritating n frustrating. i think its a blessing to hv good maids. good maids r really rare nowadays.

i give them specific jobs to do for each of them but at times they get bored n they rotate jobs. for eg, they take turns to cook now. i think once they get used to each other its just a matter of giving in to each other and not be calculative lah
actually like what few mommies mentioned here. ur hub does care abt u. just that maybe he is not careful with his words and we r so sensitive nowadays cos we have a zillion and one things to achieve and so lil time! not easy being a mom!

i think if u r serious abt pumping, maybe can set up a lil pumping corner? then u can pump in peace and have more yield too when u r relaxed!

i think ur hub is not bad to u already la. imagine he willing to go all the way back to the shop to take the funnels for u. if its mine i not sure if he will do same thing!!

living with inlaws is tough.. mentally no good sometimes. keep telling myself positive things or else i will go crazy sooner or later.

Have added you on facebook oso. : )

i think is using the upload attachment icon.
melissa> ya lo. living with parents is oredi not ez. not mentioning living with in laws. pple live tgt all day, day in day out, sure got conflict.
myfavchoco> so cute~~!! de dimples!! haha. i got the same mittens for my boy, but somehow CL lost it somewhere while washing. not sure if she dropped it downstairs -_-
