(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

at what temp should i bring baby to see doc??
her temp has been going up and down since last night, but very hard to get an accurate reading since she keep struggling. highest we got was 39, but 1 hour later, it can drop back to 36
go hospital already? or pd will do

Fenugreek - how many tablets do you girls take? I bought mine from GNC, 610mg. I have beeen taking 2 per day, is it enough?

Seems like your hubby is pretty sensitive. Maybe he is also feeling as stressful as you? Maybe get someone (mil or sister)in to look after the bb for awhile, u & hubby have some "US Time".
Aiyo fever !! Personally I will go KK hospital or NUH or any maternity hospital, just in case if its something serious then bb can get immediate help. I super kiasu...
flower4> np. juz preserve. u will succeed with bottle feed soon. think there are a few threads in the forum where bb refuse to bottle feed. u might wanna check them out

kris> i will go pd. pd told me more den 37.5 need to c him oredi. normal range is 36.5 to 37.5?

lina> 2 per day? i take 2each times, 3times a day =p sometimes i forget to take though
Dear mummies,

would like to ask, do you bathe your babies once or twice a day?
During confinement, my CL bathe baby in the morning and wipe him at nite. After confinement, mil say to bathe him twice a day.. 1 in morning & 1 in evening. I find it too much.

searched websites, it was advised not to bathe baby too much, like 2-3 or 1-2 times in a week!

melissa> i bathe bb in de morning. but if it rains in morning, den nv bathe. at nite before he sleep, i make it a routine to clean him, change him, feed him n put him to bed.
anybody selling off their pump .. i need one urgently possible within today!! coz mine juz die on me!!!

PM me the brand and price please!!!!
<font color="ff0000">Lina</font>,
TMC lactation specialist advised me to take 2 tablets, 3x a day after meal. She said can cut down to 1 tablet, 3x a day if supply is already good. Not sure if this applies to everyone, but I think it's more of case to case basis?

<font color="ff0000">Flower4</font>,
From what you described, I think you hubby is in fact a good dad who is trying hard to care for his baby. Which is a very good thing, as you can read from here, not many daddy wants to get involved much.

You must understand, when baby cries, he/she really make our blood boils. Unless one can keep his cool or is very experienced dad/mum, else sure start to shout/throw temper one.

My suggestion to you - you have to put 100% trust in your hubby, IF he can promise you no matter what happen, he won't hurt the baby. Then leave the baby to him totally. You may leave them in a different room and let him try handle baby alone. Yes, my hubby would be very angry too if i suggested something like it's the milk too hot, to us, we thought we try to suggest some possible reasons, but to them, it's like an insult that they are not good enough to care for their baby, it's MAN problem :p

I know you know this, but just to remind you - baby cries is not neccessarily a bad thing. That's the only way he/she can communicate with us. If you can soothe the baby within a minute, of course that's great. If you can't, just let him/her cry, and you try all the possible thing to soothe him - change diaper, carry him, walk, give milk, etc.

Just to share with you, my baby demands certain ways of carrying her. And it's not 1 particular way. Sometimes I carry with my right hand, she is ok, but sometimes she doesn't want, so change to my left hand, and she stops crying immediately. Baby is baby. Their needs are very basic and simple. And please remember it's not necessarily hunger that makes her cries.

For my baby, just started this week, she also refuses the last feed at night, both latch on and bottle. After a few days of trying, we finally found out that she didn't want milk at that hour. The reason she cries is because she is tired and wants to sleep. So we just carries her and soothe her to sleep, sometimes she wants her pacifier, sometimes she doesn't. Then only after she fall asleep, I feed her EBM about 1 hour later, and it's PEACE!

You have to learn to keep your cool. And be positive!!! Jia you!!!
<font color="ff3399">Steph</font>
Ya lah, it was ME asking abt the difference between landline and HP number for ParentCraft. I thought the mobile line was more of a helpline, and not the line to call ParentCraft for LC appt. So I just called the landline.

<font color="ff3399">Melissa</font>
At most I just bath my bb once a day in the afternoon when my #1 naps. If days are like today, very windy and cold, then sometimes I won't bath him. Just wipe him down lor.
The 1-2 times a week is more of foreign countries where they have 4 seasons, i think. Cos most part of the year would be too cold for babies.
My breast feel sore to touch, not the areola area but the breast. The blue black kind of pain but of course no blue black ehehheee. Why huh ? Is this engorgement ?? Even after pumping it still feels the same.. Softer but still pain to touch.

Wow no wonder no increase in milk supply yet ! I follow the instruction on the bottle hehehee.

I bathe my girl once in the morning or mid day depending on her sleeping time, then one in the evening (without soap) more of a wipe down + change of clothes. Any babies out there like my "DRAMA QUEEN DAUGHTER" who screams out loud (non stop) during shower ??? Headache !!

supply dropping coz i'm tired lor...

the hp no i gave u is lactation hotline. 24h one. the landline u have is office hr only.


wow! miracle leh! sam also had a miracle last nite. i got tired of carrying him n hearing him scream, so dumped him on the bed face down. after struggling n 'eh eh eh eh'ing for 10min, he fell asleep at 12am!

dun stress lah. ur bb not feeling well, that's why not feeding well too. be patient, if u force her to ur breasts now, she may have phobia n forever reject lor. let her get well first.
<font color="ff3399"><font size="+1">SORE BOOBS</font> (not nipples/areola hor)</font>

Same as Lina, I've also been having this sore boobs issue for the past few days. So just now I called TMC ParentCraft to ask for both of us lah. Was told that it's caused due to not clearing boobs often enough. So boobs swell, then after swell a few times, then your nehneh feel sore, bruised and battered lor.

Mommies, please start emptying your nehneh regularly!! I didn't cos my Ameda sotsot mah, but now I can liao!!

Was also told the soreness should pass in a few days once boobs get chance to recover. Which means I should probably need to empty boobies very very often these few days to facilitate recovery. Will need the love of Pumping Pals for the next few nights!

wah! i can imagine how u must have wanted to throw urself down for forgetting the most impt thing. happens to me too lah. think it's goldfish memory


ermm.. me also blur lah. when bb came home from hosp, he slept 7h without feeding due to jaundice - i still tot he was a gd bb!

n i din even know i need to pump - i tot just latch bb n pumping is for when i wanna bottle feed lor! that's how blur i am.

anyway gd that u had a talk with ur hubs. i'm sure u can pull thru! we'll all help each other out here.

tmc fish soup

i love it too! n it's not fishy at all - wonder what's the secret recipe???
I didn't order Glamourmum.

Up to you - for me i will order M la- die die also must squeeze in.
I bought 10pcs of Forever21 tops ( M size) all seems too big, like L or XL.

Is Rayanne feeling better now? dont be too stress k - *hugs*

Yummie Tummie - supplier will contact us for payment right?

Yeah so coincidence - next gathering must put them together and take photo... sure very cute.
'Frozen Ice Cream - so far my #1 has been eating 3-4 sticks/ day. She even request to add some ribena syrup. The way she eat seems so yummie.

i guess my boobs will be too tight for M size but i hay-care la - later order L size then my body too comfortable then cannot slim dwn how.
Now everynight i wear my "lumimi set" to slp - after wearing it, like cannot breath so xin qu. But still insist to put it on - lol

can you share wif me the pros and cons of having 2 maids? i tot of engaging another one more to help out till baby turn 1yrs.
heard many stories abt it- should get from same country or different?

baby's weigh
I'm happy - just weighed Baby and she is 5.9kg . she was oni 2.34kg when she was born and now 1mth 26days she gained more then double.

I know tat smell - is damn disgusting. i think the breast milk has the metallic/ fishy smell is becos we freeze our it together with our food. Usually i will discard the milk is there is smell - so wasted!
Tat is also one of the reason y i bought a freezer . Now my milk smells fresh ... even those frozen one. no more metallic/fishy smell le
<font color="0000ff">lina</font> its only the first night…must persevere, your baby needs time to ‘adjust’ to the routine…mine took me a week to train…I’m sure you can do it!!
lina> haha. u can try up-ping ur fenugreek intake.

my boy used to cry very loudly while in de shower. now i know y. cos he too hungry n i take my own sweet time in bathing him. now i bathe him 1hr after feeding, den he enjoys his shower, n give me all de time i need =p

jul> be careful when u put him down on bed face down wor..

shelled> haa. i oso cannot empty my boobs. cos my ameda pump so useless. now after pumping, i still got enugh to latch bb wor -_-"

i usually pump either at 1am, 3am or 5am =p see if u manage to catch me here tonite =p

happykae> aiyoh. cannot sqqueeze ur boobs like tat one la.. if no space for it, will end up having inflammation?

wow. ur bb grew so much.
rach / steph / michelle / happykae

thanks for the advise on the frozen EBM. I called TMC parentcraft just now and was advised tt it's ok to feed bb with it so long as it's not sour (spoilt). Normal to have fishy/metallic taste.

But hor... i smell liao even i myself wun want to drink it... really disgusting but not sour.... Will prob try to feed her later to see if my bb wants or not
<font color="0000ff">lina</font> like what <font color="0000ff">michelle</font> said, my baby also initially cried when bathing and I realised that she's hungry, so am doing the feed, wait 1 hr then bathe routine and she loves it! Now can even goo-goo with the bath tub!
Thanks for calling up TMC to check it out !
Now it all make sense, no wonder my wonder boob is not harvest as much as the lazy boob. I tried so hard to empty it though, but with the lousy Avent Single Electric pump doom lah.. Think need to engage my little princess to do the work.

Seems like all of you give birth at TMC ? Any mummies deliver at M. Alvernia ? Is the lactation consultant any good ? Don’t remember them giving us glass bottles like TMC yea ?

2 tablets - 3 times a day !! The fenugreek I am taking now is at 610mg per tablet, yours ??
<font color="ff0000">Lina</font>
u ise dual pump ma...
means u need 40min to achieve the same if u wanna compare this way..

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
ya..last nite take a few times liaoz...

actuaaly eat more salmon can liaoz... very good to help in milk production..
i've eaten thru out my confinement and still eating...

<font color="ff0000">Twiggy</font>
wah..... my nipples are pinkish at the tips.. not very sore though..
i have sharp shooting pain all the time...
my baby used to fuss.. but this morning ok..
and she has white spots on her face...........

<font color="ff0000">flower</font>
mid dec gg back to work...

<font color="ff0000">Jul</font>
u can just add the sept thread page to ur fav....
coz for me..even when the page is down at the main forum page, i can stil come in..

yah..she latch at 7am and 9am..and now she's rejecting my breast again...exact same thing yest...
she fed at 7am &amp; 9am..then 12plus refused to take...
actually..she did attempt to suck..she suck 3min..she scream... i walk ard with her..and latch again..this time for 4 min and she scream again....
i really wonder if i should go TMC later...

<font color="ff0000">happykae</font>
she's better in the sense..no more fever...
but she's weird again...
she latched at 7am and 9am, and refust my breast again now.. >.<"
Mum bottle feeding her now.. at least i wont starve her today..yest she didnt drink frmo 9am - 6pm due to my stubbornness and ignorance!!

Yummie Tummie - transfer to the acct in the order form straight away..

u got see an acct number at the bottom of the form??

but why my milk straight from my breast is mettalic smell??

<font color="ff0000">Lina</font>
i delivered at Mount A..
Michelle also Mount A and she got the glass bottles from Mount A..
Japanese Pelvic Girdle - will try when i receive, prob later! and review ah? haha will measure myself everyday to see got effects anot?

Lina - hahaha are we missing something??? we stay so close and i also delivered in mt a!!! catch up with u tmr on these plus the nursing bras!!
wah ur gal putting on good weight, congrats!! mine also 1mth26days today and is 6.35kg but mine was born 3.87kg. so effectively urs really put on lots of weight. well done!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Yummie Tummie, Bravado</font></font>
to make things easy, we;ll close all orders 31st Oct, Sat 10pm okie??

so those still interested, send in ur orders by sat..

<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
hahaha.. i also find days more accurate..

My girl is 51 days today... ahha...

<font color="ff0000">Thomson ParentCraft</font>
i called them again and asked why my girl still dun want breasts.. the LC said maybe she's still not feeling well. so give her some time..
she was given bottle at 1pm..and she only drank 30ml and fell asleep..
i guess she's really not feeling well and not having good appetite... she's still sleeping now...shall feed her the rest when she wakes up...

i kept the unfinished milk bottle in the food warmer.. okay or not??
or do i have to keep in fridge and warm it up again huh??
Hi mommies,
Sorry to interrupt.

I have this Sean Lau Photo package to let go. Already paid $94 to Sean Lau as deposit but the balance($84 exc GST) has to be paid after the session.

This is the "Classic Baby" package (valued at $238) as advertised on Sean Lau's website (www.seanlau.com) but based on the promo i was able to get it at only $178.

The photo session is on this Sat, 31st Oct at 130pm to 330pm. I'm willing to sell this off at a fracture of the deposit, i.e $65 only. Please PM me by end of today.

The package includes:
02 Hours of studio session with Sean Lau
05 Pictures printed on 5”x 7”
01 Reprint on 8”x 12” with framing (Tabletop)
DVD with selected images in high resolution

Let me know. Thks!!
you taste it before giving it to your girl. If taste ok, then it's ok bah. But I won't take the risk, if I were you. You gonna make your own decision lor.

Yes I wanted to die...


I've been downgraded to the toilet for pumping sessions.

Staff/friend needed to eat and went out to buy lunch. I had to pump so I had to use the table and pantry for FIFTEEN MINUTES. Staff came back and I told HB if he needed to eat immediately.. I'd go to the wash basin area, I'M WEARING A CAPE COVERING MYSELF ANYWAY. And my basin area is BLACK AND DARK ( Ask Rach, She knows. ) What is there to see?

Staff came back and ate at the wash basin area holding his pkt of roasted pork rice. I was left with a frikkin 3 minutes?! When I was done I told him to use the table... He kinda ignored me???

And when I went to the front HB told me to do it in the toilet next time... Like WTF did I do wrong now?! @#!$&amp;^*

I feel like F@&amp;*. I've been NON STOP since I woke up.. bathing BB, feeding BB, washing and sterilizing, getting ready for work, packing my pump, reaching work and assempbling pump to pump.. Fow who? My BB and HIS BB. Why the F!@% do I have to tire myself so much and spend so much of my BLOODY TIME?! Have this sick tummy which he says it looks FINE... Can't fit into my F!&amp;@ing clothes !@#$ I really wanna break down and cry right now with tears welling up sitting at the counter, but I'm swallowing it because I don't want this to affect the biz!!!

Even wanting a SINGLE DAY OFF for me might affect business and that's why I'm here after my confinement is over. What appreciation do I bloody get? !@&amp;(*&amp;#
Happykae , Girlygirly;
Any gathering coming up soon for all Sept babies ?? Will be fun to meet up with all mummies + Sept babies..

Girlygirly ~ your daughter so cute hehehee I love Ribena but hate milk, cant imagine the combination hehee

Yea I will try harder tonight, praying + keeping her awake 2hours before the last feed. She tends to sleep after every feed.

Michelle, Paige
Aiyo my girl huh, I tried giving her a bath after her feed but then she's still pretty upset coz she wants to sleep. She gets very upset if anyone disturb her feeding &amp; sleeping &amp; cool air.. (air con). See you tonight too michelle !!

I am using Avent SINGLE ELECTRIC Pump…ummm very very tempted to get the BIG TOY - Medela… Mount A short change me yea ? Never give me glass bottles , argh. How's the lactation consultant, why not we go visit together eehheee.

Oh no, don’t cry… don’t be sad.. You R doing a great job. Sometime man just don’t know how to show their appreciation. Bet he appreciates YOU &amp; everything that you are doing for the business, family &amp; BB. Go grab a choco bar / bubble tea, all you need is SUGAR BOOST… (I sounds like a bad influence - intro junk food) well alittle junk food is better than feeling down &amp; get depressed.. JUNK FOOD keeps depression away !!!
<font color="ff0000">Pam</font>
as u know, ur HB is very protective over u..
Mmm... u gotta work something out urself with him.....

but hugs... its not easy and its been tiring....
try to explain to him and see what can be done??
ask if he'll drink milk pumped in the toilet... and if he says no..ask him why he wants his bb to drink milk from pumping in the toilet??
<font color="aa00aa">Pam</font> - Hush Hush *hugz*... Honestly Men dun understand... maybe you should talk to him calmly one night... Let him know what you are going through and what mummies whom have bfed their babies say about their health.

My hubby also till now also keep telling me to give FM and I have to keep reminding him that our #3 is different in terms of health and mentally as well.. then he keep quiet and okie...

So need to explain to them calmly and simply for them to understand.

Do give him some time, he also first time dad...

We are all here to support you k?
<font color="ff0000">Kam</font>
I threw it away liaoz... i just pumped at 2plus.. think since her tummy is upset.. i better give her fresh EBM..rather than the frozen ones... so i sterilize the bottle and use another already sterilized one to put the milk and now i'm warming it.. by the time she wake up, she should be able to drink liaoz.. sigh... its so sad... to have a not-feeling-well baby.. feel like a lousy mummy... ggrr...

<font color="ff0000">Lina</font>
i'll observe for a few more days as advised by the LC at TMC... maybe if things dun get better, i'll go on Friday if she's still refusing latch... coz need to go back PD for folow up also... might as well..since my PD at Thomson Road...

<font color="ff0000">Pigeon Food Warmer</font>
the light has been coming on and off.. i know its the thermostat... but how do i know the milk is warmed to the right temperature already???
manually time 7min??? coz it comes on and off so many times.. how to know which is the final off tat the milk is ready???
<font color="0000ff">lina</font> me snacking like there's no tomorrow too! just finished half a pack of some caramel biscuits and I'm halfway through my 1 pint of Ben's and Jerry's ice cream....*sigh* how to loose weight like that!...
<font color="ff0000">Happykae</font>
ur bb is sooo cheery.... i miss my bb...hur hur hur....

<font color="ff0000">Pigeon Food Warmer</font>
oh man.. i checked the manual again..it says 17min for 200ml... but if i'm only warming 60ml.. how long should i wait??????????
hi rach

fot yummie tummies transfer now?? cos when we place order think u mention wait for confirmation first... so now confirmed already?? and we add $2.24 for registered mail is it?
Rach, if it's 100ml, then around 15 mins. You will need to test the milk on your hand. The timing is just estimation. Remember not to use 70 degrees to heat your bm.
haven't bathed sam tdy. despite falling asleep at 12am (miraculously!), he still slept till 1230pm, then napped from 2-4pm. praying hard he wun sleep at 3am again

haven't bathed him yet. shall do so at 8pm+/9pm tdy n try to soothe him to sleep!

ur pgien warmer's working?


oh dear.. u must be really upset n stressed. not to mention the remaining hormones still making us crazy enough.

i know ur salon isn't very big, but maybe u can partition off one small claustrophobic square to pump?
