(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
According to my gynae, the cervix is softer during that time, so will be easier to insert IUD. I'm definitely spacing #3 (if any) at least 3 yrs later. So IUD seems like a better option for me. Not to mention I think at the rate I'm going, surely will forget to take pill one lor. Then later pregnant then jialat liao! IUD is like "put in and forget about it", but I still a bit squeamish about leaving it inside me all the time lah! Like so weird, right?

Actually I was thinking... Since IUD can last 5 yrs, best is put until 5 yrs, then after don't have #3 liao.
I think of juggling 3 kids myself I wanna faintz liao.

<font color="ff3399">myfavchoco</font>
OMG! Your bb so cute!!! I love the dimples!!! Can swap or not?

shelled> ya. i only wan 2kids max. but i definitely dun wan no1 n no2 to be too far age diff if i wan a no2. so thinking if IUD is good for me. feel wierd having something inside. only good thing is i m forgetful so will olways forget to take pill -_-
myfavchoc, your son is soooooo handsome! Yes, I love his dimples.

Michelle, first look, my son looks like yours in the first pic and my husband agrees :p
you like stripes? me too. i have quite a few stripey things for my boys.

your son's dimples are so cute .... i want dimples for me and my boys too, but too bad don't have, heehee

i expressed out for the first time and fed my toddler boy 60ml of EBM last night. he finished all but told me "not nice". after that he went on to drink what he calls his "normal milk", which is FM lah. he says that is "nice". today i didnt even bother to express out for him. hiyah, he doesn't know the good stuff.

mamato6J's idea of setting up a pumping corner is a great idea. i'm thinking that you can use the corner to pump + catch a short nap whenever the shop's less busy.
<font color="ff0000">hollow</font>
yaya.. can transfer liaoz..coz there's quite a number or orders liaoz..so its confirmed.

supplier will proceed to order after 31st Oct... since its a sat anyway... they dun work on weekends in US..

yup.. $2.24 for registered mail..

<font color="ff0000">bbq</font>
yah.. i used 40degrees..
but less than 15min already quite warm liaoz leh.. i put on my hand abit hot....
can feel the bottle is also warm de...
sigh... its so troublesome to warm and heat up EBM....
why she dun wanna latch?????????????? :/

oh... so u manage to get a replacement huh? thats good...

<font color="ff0000">Lina</font>
thanks for ur encouragement.... but this is the 1st obstacle i've encountered since her birth la...
or that is major enough for me to rem...and to be affected..
rejecting our breasts is soooo demoralising.. grrr...

<font color="ff0000">Waiwai</font>
exactly.. i tasted my EBM earlier to ensure its okay also..
man..its sooo yucky... grrr...

but my fresh ones have metallic smell too..when i latch her and its start to drip. i can smell the metallic smell..

how do i know she is ready huh??? now i'm trying to offer my breast every feed and get rejected every feed...then i go warm EBM for her..
hur hur hur...

but when i'm home alone now..i cant even pump coz she wants to be carried...
and i'm slinging her..and i cant pump!! grr....

how nice to capture his smiling face....

<font color="ff0000">bbq</font>
me me me!! so if cannot finish the EBm what to do with it???
put back into fridge and warm the 2nd time????

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
haha..u can put alternative if OOS ma..

u mean when the light off the first time then can liaoz?? but milk still cold leh... it lights off in like 2-3min..
but the manual says 21min!!!

u bought old navy and gap recently????????????
i'm still waitin for the sale to be on..then can buy with 35%.. hehehe.. :p

<font color="ff0000">Jess</font>
she'll still smile and behave quite normally except reject my breasts lo..
thats very demoralising la...

<font color="ff0000">sonnig</font>
i steam salmon with chopped ginger &amp; lots wolfberry... very yummy!!!
marinate salmon with soya sauce &amp; hua tiao jiu... *drool*

<font color="ff0000">girly</font>
left with Gina??? shes like one of the last tt i know of...

<font color="ff0000">Melissa</font>
i feed her pearl powder which is also jing feng san... occasionally.. not everyday...
a dab on her gums thrice... i'll wet my finger with her saliva..then cap it over the bottle, shake shake a bit..so that some will stick to my inger,
then rub on her gums, and repeat it 2 times..

<font color="ff0000">happykae</font>
my dripping milk SMELLS mettalic.. i dunno if it taste mettalic though.. haha..

fever gone..but now she started coughing..with a lot of phelgm sound..and i wonder if its really because i started to take cold stuffs, drinks...
she never had it in the past 6 weeks..
only last week i started to take iced milo... a few sips of rootbeer, and i cant rem what cold stuffs..
then she start to have cough????

haha..both HB and me have dimple... but my girl.. i think have li wo... not jiu wo... she smile more these few days..
and i can begin to see a bit.. haha..

<font color="ff0000">myfavchoco</font>

wah.....ur boy has real nice dimples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my girl has yet to give such a BIG WIDE smile..
if i ever get to see that.. haha..i'll take pics..
i used to take everyday..
nowadays with so many things to do, i dun take everyday liaoz.. haha..
Rach, yes, if you can't finish, put in fridge (but don't mix fresh one with this left over) and can warm a second time. If second time, still can't finish, then pls discard.

Yours is less than 15 mins because less than 100 ml mah. Anyway, the max your milk can go is only 40 degrees if you set it at 40 degree mark and your warmer is working well.

yeah.. so nice to meet up with u &amp; ur boi too..

np for the glass bottles =)

ur boi also ke ai lo... blur blur falling asleep.. too bad u stay further.. if not can meet up at times..
Thank God, 4pm bottle feed is successful… hope can succeed another hubby bottle feed at 12am..

Come to think of it.. he is man and if bb suddenly reject bottle feed and he so helpless ,sure stress more then us. Unlike us we can jus give our breast immediately to stop the crying. Rather stressful for him.but I feel so freak out, when I see his frustration action…
I dun hav sister, my mother is very weak. I dun have any inlaws too.
My hubby currently very protective bb. He say bb still very small he cant simply entrust to other yet. Only he &amp; me.

I try to search thread for bb refuse bottle, I cant find…

You really a calm mind mummy &amp; wife.. I cant understand initially about his action. After u pointed out, its make lot of sense.
GOSH , you are sooo observant &amp; calm.. I jus simply tooo lightly with bb and never go into great details like you.. I will never be like you..

Argh. Think of it.. I have not bathe baby since he is born, is my hubby who bathe him every single day since born, he play with him, make him to sleep, changing diapers much much more then me…..all by him on top of that he vacuum &amp; mop &amp; pack the house.. I think I only BF and wash laudry &amp; dishes.. bb staff I would say he 80% I 20%.

He told me he feel so frustrated,as he plan to bottle feed bb also in the middle of nite cuz im going back to work soon, for nite feed &amp; day feed leave it to him,.so my work wont be affected… currenly nite I BF bb lying down til he asleep.. for me is easy cos of secret weapon our BOOBS.

U never been blur at all from me. U oso done a lot of homework one.. b4 our bb pop. Bb sleeping did not discuss at all, so , u are not blur.. and also the pumping thingy not much of discussion her b4 we pop..
Yamanz. Lucky got this thread. Hug me!

my hubby say give himself til dec09 to fully focuz on bb , then he will start his job hunting again.. he feel tat bb still very small to let other take care..ARgh...

bopianz, my hubby was born without parents..so at times i quite hard to understand why he so protective.
tat why there always no definitely anser to EBM , sterilize &amp; etc, its actually quite uncertain whether we are doing the right things..

like food warmer too. RAach, i facing your problem, my hubby say take out from freezer, turn to high heat,left only 1/4 to smelt the ice portion then turn to low temp.. and squeeze some ebm to test if its warm up? I always disagreed with him tat y i keep saying hot hot hot tat y he get angry too.cuz pigeon food warmer say bottle = 40 degree only mah, so i think he shld put to 40degree portion from the begining, he say by then, by when bb can drink??!! its will take longer time to melt the ice.
u get professional Photopgraher to shoot during ur full month, well shoot.

my favchoco,
58weeks is born when ah?

my bb size is so horrible, pp tot he 3months old. he born 3sep, now way 6kilos or more..was born at 3.4kilos...

my bb oso machiam big size one leh..ytd went to sheryn place saw her daughter, i think my bb overweight.. is it ok for bb to overweight mus we control now? or else in future will be fat?
Aw.... Love the dimples and the smiles!!!

Have to upload my kiddo's pics too.. am way tooo overdue on many stuffs.... Hasn't touched my scrapbook stashs as well since delivery..

Oh man
Girlygirly, happykae.
Ooops blur blur me, it was happykae daughter who eat BM ice cream with ribena. So Girlygirly, how many kids do you have ? Yea good idea, lets wait for all mummies to finish their confinement. Soo exciting to finally meet everybody &amp; put a face to the name.

Birth Control ? As long as we continue pumping the milk to BF our babies we don’t need birth control yea ? Wow you are only 1kg away from your pre-pregnancy weight !! But hows the stomach area going ? Mine still quite flabby despite the weight is going down. Aiyo Mount A. short changed me yea, the nurse who discharge my daughter is a trainee nurse. Maybe that’s why never give me bottles. Your little precious so cute, check out the yawn...

Takes a long time to put the girdle on ? Umm that's not very good !! Time is precious now, cannot do things slowly like last time. Eat also must eat fast !! I need something for the lower tummy coz seems like the skin very flabby. You have MSN ?

Your little boy is so so cute - check out those dimples.. Gonna be a heart breaker !!

Any mummies out there use the bouncing chair to bounce his / her babies to sleep ? Recently I started her on the bouncing chair instead of carrying her to sleep. Now I am worried if I am creating another problem !!!
58days la.. =) he is born on 31 august.

same lahh... when he is 1 month old, people thought he 3 month la. =(
he is 3.9kg at birth, now he is 5.7kg

hi! erm.. could it be heat rash or milk rash? if u're concerned, u bring to pd? is ur bb due for jab soon? maybe can ask the pd then?

pam aiyah.. i also sometimes wanna cry when mil's kitchen sink is full of raw food n oil n dishes n i can't wash my pumpset - which is most of the time!

end up i have to move everything, wash the sink before i can wash bb's stuff!


hiaz sam's aws asleep until 12pm!


huh? u're finishing 2 bottles of fenugreek already? that's fast. i'm just finishing one. u eat more than 6 caps/day?

I din take anything cold during my confinement n sam still got phlegm! Now I take cold stuff, his phlegm has improved. weird huh?


sounds like u're working things out with ur hubs. that's gd. taking care of a new bb is nvr easy, n it takes both of u to work together. big *hugs* we jiayou together k?
Its pumping time again !! BB just slept....
Arggh just now at 10pm when I pump, only hit 40ml.

My WONDER boobs still feeling sore, not much milk coming out..

I just finished pumping. Shall go sleep while Sam is sleeping! feels strange not to have to carry him the whole evening heehee
Sigh.. opinion poll..

I feel like moving home. I'm currently staying with my ILs on weekdays, n go home on Fri nites. Used to be with ILs everyday until week6, then I started this practice.

But I guess I'm kinda outstaying my welcome? Also, feel frustrated at my MIL's interfrence. She does help with the BB, dun get me wrong. Such as, she has a way of carrying him that calms him down n makes him sleep. She also cooks nutritious meals for me, n does the laundry.

But.. she imposes her ides on bringing up the BB. Such as, I feel sometimes Sam doesn't need to be carried. He's just testing for response, n she gives him what he wants all the time, which will make it difficult for me! And there's the bathing issue - I wanna bathe him at nite so he can sleep but she wants to bathe him in the day. And it's really difficult to wash my pumpset n bottles in the kitchen sink coz there's aws raw food lying ard or dirty dishes etc - she's quite a gd cook, makes her own fishballs etc.

So I'm weighing the pros n cons of moving home. I guess my main concerns would be :

1) Food - I can't cook! Guess the prob can be solved by tingkat?

2) Soothing/caretaking of BB - If he cries when I'm pumping or bathing or eating etc, I have to drop everything. No depending on MIL to help carry liao.

3) Housework - I can get my part-time helper to come more often to help clean the hse, but I'll need to handle the laundry myself.

Basically, just worried if I can cope. Maybe I just need to be thrown into the deep end n learn to swim? Coz I suppose when I have help, I will nvr learn to cope?
<font color="ff3399">sandwich</font>
Eh, at least he finished it! Didn't waste your precious milk wor. Imagine if he says not nice, then he just don't drink anymore, that would be such a waste!
Nowadays I value my BM so much more. When I was BFing J, i didn't give a shit about how much I leaked/wasted/etc. But now pump until so xinku, every drop counts! I even try to get the milk off the valve one lor!! *sibei despo*

<font color="ff3399">Lina</font>
My bugger naps in his Fisherprice rocker half of the time. The rest of his sleep is split between the small swinging crib in my room (which we don't swing cos he hates it) and the standard size cot in korkor's room.
In the early weeks, my hubs would rock him to sleep cos he say its the ONLY WAY that K would go to sleep quietly. But once he was able to fall asleep without rocking, we immed stopped. He still fusses once a while to be rocked, but just pretend we deaf lah. Tell him wait, later i rock, wait wait wait, wait until fall asleep lor. Hurhurhur. I am very cunning and evil mommy.
I esp like to let him sleep in the rocker when he's not able to burp after feed. It's more comfy if he has air/wind in tummy.

<font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
I thought you gonna use the Super Shields instead of that stupid Soft Flexishield?? I've been using my Super Shields ever since I got the pump leh. Put the Flexishield back into the box liao.

As for opinion poll:
1) Tingkat, dabao (altho your hubs not v reliable when it comes to this), home delivery services, or simple homecooked meals lah. Pasta damn idiot-proof lor.

2) Alot of us mommies with no extra help also tahan this hor. Either you quickly finish up whatever u're doing (aka pangsai/pompom/pumping) or you learn to catch Sam's schedule and do it at a time when he won't kacheow you. If like you say until so jialat, then I forever no need to shower or pump liao lah.

3) You don't do laundry by hand right? Washing machine is quick and easy de lor. Hanging it up only takes like 10mins max?

If you want to know if you can cope or not, just try first lor. MIL can't and won't be around forever to help also. If MIL asks why you wanna move back, just say you want Sam to get acquainted to his own home/room/cot/etc, otherwise grow up will feel estranged mah.

So all in all I am saying, MOVE HOME LAH. If lazy mommy like me can take care of my kid alone, so can you lah. Surely can cope one.

Haha Sam also sleeps in his rocker half the time, b/c he's usu there 'recuperating' from his reflux after feed, which is a nuisantic 2hourly!

Oh I started him on 100-110ml feeds liao. Sometimes he needs to feed by 2h, sometimes he can tong 3h wor! And.. I notice the first feed after he falls alseep is at least 3h later. Maybe he's finally growing up n starting to 'sleep thru'? *prays hard* Now I just need him to sleep before midnite everyday!

Aiyah I lazy to take out the Super Shields from the box haha. Anyway just use the soft shields until they pichak then throw away. I ordered the old model std shield from medela. It comes in one piece, not like the new model connector plus shield. That's what Parentcraft is using. I hope it's easier to wash, coz the stupid connectors hor.. cannot reach in n wash properly one! Drives me crazy!

Hmm.. I guess u're right. I just need someone to 'push' me home??? Hubs has been saying that I shd try to stay one weekday by myself - like move back on Thu nite insetad of our usual Fri nite, then I spend Fri up there by myself as practice run.
<font color="0077aa">jul</font>
food -
buy grocery with snacks/ biscuits/ milo...
smtimes no time to eat at all.. i just stuff a biscuit or make milo to drink to have the engery
main meals-we just buy or sometimes my mom will help me with cooking or brought home-cooked food over to my place when she's free

soothing/ taking care -
rush to loo, grab a drink, snack when i can when bb is sleeping/ not fussing to carry
i even let him con't to cry cos need to go loo.. make a fast one..
i learnt to carry bb in 1 hand and made FM while doing that, doze off myself while feeding bb.. i need to master a lot of things... lol
shower- do it when my hubb is hm or.. real late at nite when i know bb is going to sleep without mini wake-ups
and i dun pump many times.. cos no time at all (haha.. supply still low..)

hsework -
rush to do everything that is priority when bb is sleeping! so no much rest for me...
laundry and bottles washing/ sterilising is top list!

if u can't cope, ur MIL will come visit u sometimes during the daytime right..? she can give u a hand when she come over, then u can relax a bit to do the bottle washing..

i salute to all mommies! esp SAHM!

jiayou jul!!
<font color="ff0000">bbq</font>
ooh okie.. noted...

<font color="ff0000">Jul</font>
wah... u take cold stuffs and his phlegm improved?? amazing.. haha.

oh u using Medela as well??
Any pumping kakhis? Anyway ,I bought the nursing tea from MIM, 100g for $15. Drank it at 10pm before going to bed.. Woke up at 2.30am feeling breast heavy and slightly engorged.. now pumped 180ml and still pumping. Find the tea really effective, otherwise, it's my MIL papaya fish soup. But I have been drinking that regularly. Not sure if it;s really because of that, or a combination of both.
Very hlad that supply is back..
<font color="ff3399">enxuan</font>
Here! Here! But not pumping now leh. Just fed the boy on 1 boob and going to pump ard 4am before i go to bed. If don't pump, will explode when I sleep! Now right boob feeling quite heavy, but i wanna wait a bit longer so can empty left boob well also.

Congrats on your increased supply! Unfortch for me, supplements very risky cos I seem to react badly towards fenugreek.

Wah, you everynight also pump... very impressed. I only started pumping at night again cause my supply dip. Otherwise, will still prefer sleeping at this hour!
And if anyone is interested in the nursing tea,
here's the link http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/milktea.html
I bought the fruity flavoured pack.

sayonara.. Manage to pump out another 60ml.. WooHOO! Going back to bed... Zzz... very tired leh.
<font color="ff3399">bbq98</font>
What time does your shift start everyday? Like that can tahan arh?

<font color="ff3399">enxuan</font>
Don't be impressed. It's not like I specially wake up to pump hor, it's just that I haven't gone to bed yet! I'm already so used to going to bed late that I dunno how to go to bed early.

I have to be more regulated and pump more often again cos the LC told me the only "cure" for sore boobs is to empty the boobies often. So now I'm back to pumping before I latch bb, then pumping 1 side while I latch him on the other. Like that is the only way I can empty my boobs without compromising my latching on. If I pump AFTER I latch him, he will be choking and sputtering during feed. And I end up pumping air for the latched boob after a while. Sore leh!

I pray hard my sore boobies get better tmr. Cos now I burp him also feel pain when his body press against my boobs.
Why today so few Pumping Pals one?! You all never pump or never report huh??
See lah, I pump then you all don't pump. I don't pump then you all pump. Why huh?!?!?

OK, limbu go koonz liao. Later orh bak kak!
I also 2nd u moving home! Let me share with u my story.
During my last wk of confinement I'm super stressed up and keep crying every nite cos my bb was wailing non stop from 12mn to 3-4am or even 6-7am at times. My mum managed to smoothe her down and I only get frusrated as I don't know wat she wants and just can't stop her fr crying. At that point I keep telling hub that I won't move home as her crying will keep him up and I'm so stressed I might go into depression.

However, after encouragement fr my hub and assurance fr my mum that bb's pattern will change after first month, i moved home lor. Another reason also I want to learn taking care myself and not relying on others too.

Already made comments previously how sahms can cope with bb and still online here.. Really peifu peifu!

I can't cook as well but my mum brought lunch for me almost daily and sometimes I go back with her then she cook dinner. On days she can't come, I just survive on maggi mee, mac delivery, biscuits or watever there is at home lor. The latest lunch I had was 3pm lor.

As for housework and pumping, I didn't manage to pump the first wk and my SS drops also mayb fr stressed and insufficient rest. But now I'm trying to pump once a day. I do some housework but can't finish all so I spread over days. Sometimes the floor can b dirty for days. Do those impt ones first lah and of cos pumping is the most impt! Going toilet and bathing are very challenging. Baby cries just let them cry while we quickly finish up wat we r doing. Sometimes I do housework halfway, my gal cries also can't pick her up with dirty hand mah. So no choice one...

Somehow I've managed already so u will too!! Just give urself time lor.. It took me almost 2 wks which means I just mange to start feeling less stressed!! U can test test first for one or 2 days then see if u can manage b4 throwing white flag ba.. Jia you jia you!!
jess, milkyway

thanks for sharing. really not easy taking care of bb ourselves hor? guess i'm just a scaredy cat. will discuss with hubs this weekend abt moving home. i do miss my own home n the freedom of doing things my way.


u have enough bm for 2? congrats, u must be really disciplined at pumping hor?


congrats! hmm.. i feel like buying tmc's fish soup. i find it really yummy! haha


yeah lor, that's y i think phlegm no connection to cold stuff lah.

yup using pisa
errmm.. y r all of u so hardworking one har? i never never bother to wake up to ppump even during periods of low ss cos i still think my sleep is more beneficial to my ss than my pumping haaha.. finding excuse for my laziness la!

my last pump is ard 10pm. my bb doesnt suck tt much at nite now though he still waking up 2-2.5 hrly. 5 mins n he is done. my next pump is at 6.30am aft i settled my older boys to school.
Morning Mamato6,

My last latch was 1.30am. Ended about 2.15am. And I am now up pumping (but ending soon)

I wanna be hardworking... But I K.O-ed completely!
i been thinking of this nursing tea too, am afraid duno whether asthmatic person able to take?

i have a fren she told me her fren's mum cook Fenugreek dishes for her, oh man, i need to find more info manz... as market one fnugreek supplement have Glatin in it...

btw, i find tat mum in minds very overpriced their items, and gosh, their warming shampoo &amp; shower gel, dun works at all, and its so costly.
Kam &amp; mummies,
yesterday God have plan for me.. i was constipatoin from 12;30AM TO 4AM TIL NOW the stuck thingy still stuck.....im dying my ass sore now.. how ah? piles all swellen. dare not to attempt another push now..

during my sitting in toilet from 12:30AM TO 4AM, MY Hubby manage all bb cries &amp; bottlefeed. its successful..i see him singing whenever bb cry.. tat the first time i see tat!!! manz. God is showing me some signs...

mama to 6Js,
I think our bbb quite alike huh. Waking up for their feeds every 2 to 2.5 hrly. Since this week, when he's up for nite feeds, he's done in 5 mins and knock out. Haha... I was like, what? Make me wake up just for your 5 mins latch.

He's still feeding every 2 to 2.5 hrs leh. I wonder how long more will he stretch his feeding time.

I wipe down my boy at 5+,6pm. After his feed at abt 6 or 7pm, he can sleep for at least 3 or 4 hrs before waking up for the next feed. And he wakes up bright and early at 6 to 7am. I wonder if i should delay his wiping in the evening so he can sleeps past 6, 7am the next day. Or is it normal for bb to wake up at 6am? I'm still quite sleepy at that hour, but manage to make him sleep at 7am this morning after playing with him for an hr so that I can nap for another half hour.. hurhur.

I haven't been pumping again except when I need to go out for errands and he was bottle fed. Me super lazy mum.

Ahh.. all the bbs here are so cute with dimples! Mine no dimples but will smile or grin when I'm in the mood to play and talk to him. He has been responding with the typical "Ang ger" since abt 3 to 4 weeks old. He doesn't like to lie down for too long, will shout for attention.

Haven't bring bb out yet. Just got a hand-me-down pram, thinking of bringing him to nearby mall for a short shopping trip. He's 8 weeks old, can go out liao hor?

I have a wedding to attend in a few weeks time, dunno to bring him along or not. Still not confident bf-ing him in public leh. Any mums have any experience if hotels have nursing rooms?
