(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

I tried to find the moh website and cpf website.. dun have also... anyone know wat is the cost comparison between raffles hopsital and mount alvernia?

<font color="0077aa">jul</font>
i think the dispos. undies belongs to MIM la... she blur :p
so she's not going there herself this sat?

so how? i ordered on behalf then u all transferred the money to me, then i will pay by thru IB to Little dreamers? =P

yea lo.. me too.. the rompers at BP oso took me long to decide :p

already feeling the soreness at pelvic.. esp after sitting too long, lying in bed too long.. have to hold on to something whenever need to get up and walk too...
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul

I'm using e shampoo &amp; bodywash cuz I nt using e herbs. If u using e herbs den tink normal shampoo/bodywash shld b fine bah</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jess

The sale till when huh? I might wana drop by MIM to get some nursing wear</font></font>

Issit? I ask her. She said MIM is in same place as Lil Dreamers? Maybe that's y she asked u to buy?

U can carry hor? Coz Rach not getting car that weekend. I guess we TT the $$ to ur bank acct to pay u lah.

Haha u dun order first hor. Lemme think abt it then tell u after lunch my cfm-ed order haha.
I thot of buying the shampoo, dry confinement powder and healing spray leh. But I'll be using herbs to bathe also.

Now also dun kn wana buy anot. Haiz. Mi oso 三心两意 liao. hee.
Hi mums,
Are any of you doing pre/post natal massage?
I've gone for one session of pre natal massage. Enjoyed it. But my feet looked swollen after that. Not sure if it is because of the massage, or that I didn't notice it intially. It doesn't hurt, just looks swollen.
Just wondering if post natal massage is really beneficial. Any experiences to share?
Also, has anyone tried this massage lady, Tanti before? Any feedback? Her website is below.
<font color="0077aa">jenifur</font>
we are talking abt Little Dreamers having sale.. till 22jul (wed)

MIM having discount on Nursing dresses this wk only.. and they are opening on this sat lo.. so i can "shun bian" browse and ask about the preggie/ nursing tea =)

oh so it better to use the warming shampoo/ bodywash? our body will really feel the "coldness"?? i wont be using herbs..

<font color="0077aa">jul</font>
yea yea.. they are having the same add.. i told my hubby liao.... he will be the one carrying :p

cut-off date tmr ?? haha yes..
do we need to communicate by msn? or here is "legal" lol
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul

Depends on how often u use lor.. I still hv more den 1/2 bottle left.. only wash my hair like 3 times since I discharge.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Angeline

Actually up to individual preference de.. it depends on how you see it. Just like some ppl believe it's a MUST to do confinement</font></font>

Saw from little dreamers website that if purchases more than S$150 (after discount) got free delivery. Mayb we can consolidate the orders and request for free delivery.

The studio is at Ang Mo Kio.
Details and address would be included in the confirmation email when you reserve a timeslot.

jess! I want order from little dreamers too!!

1) Warming Body Wash for Confinement $16.90 x1
2) Warming Shampoo for Confinement $17.75 x1

Thanks! To collect on 25th @ their opening please :D
G'noon Mommies,

My friend told me that during pregnancy cannot shave any body hair. If wanna shave, Must say " Excuse me Baby " If not the baby will have very little hair! How? XD
Pam, usually bbies will look like their parents when the parents were born. If both u and your hubby had whole head of black hair at birth, I don't think the shaving part is going to change that :p

But if you are paranoid, no harm following then.
I dun think i brave leh...i think i timid by opting for c-section. Natural then brave...I very pei fu mommies who can do natural de
But i really really scared the pain, dun dare. Then somemore if there not big enough for bb to come out, will have to snip...faint
I will be doing half body type so hubby still can see bb come out and i will still be awake
but doc say wun feel the pain during the procedure.
Yupe...the date was recommended by gynae. She say it is safe. Also hope that all will go well.
bbq98> keke. i experience tat sometimes in a day. i juz give bb a pat, den he'll move somewhere else. find him so cute =p

milkyway> i only clearing abt 10wks of maternity leave + infant care n child care leave after edd. lucky all my leave for this yr can be brought forward to nxt yr. so i juz need to clear 1/2day more of leave brought forward from last yr. maybe tat y my mgr face not so black? keke =x

itsy> juz make sure when u get the car seat, see if it's suitable for infant. cos not all car seat are suitable for infant. usually rear facing one are infant suitable. forward facing are from 9mths of birth. cos it'll be dangerous to let a 1mth old infant sit a car seat meant for 9mths onwards

jul> i using braun. my oso 100+. in fact i bought the more costly one. 139bucks or so. cos i believe dey do de job faster, n got light function, so can see de hair clearer. haha. =p

erms. wat is pelvic pain? i dun really know how to feel. but i got a funny pain coming from under my ribs everyday. make me feel juz uncomfortable the whole day. not sure wat pain or wat to do oso. juz live with the pain i guess?

katherine> i oso din put the cheese in freezer wor. suppose to put in freezer meh? i only put in chiller. left abt half a tub after clearing half tub on sat with hubby

jess> haha. de rompers shuld b ok. cos at most if cant button at the btm, den dun button lo. cos mostly he'll be wearing his diapers too. pants/shorts mostly i buy 3-6mths n 6-9mths. nv buy 0-3mths. cos they all look so small =p

hehe. wanna buy juz buy. dun think too much. will end up not buying, or ended up de items all oos. alot of nice ones i bought earlier oos liaos. but sometimes will suddenly come in alot of nice stock. tat time after i bought, alot of new stuffs came in. den i think n think. ended all oos -_-"

so it's becos pelvic sore tat y everytime after sitting too long so hard to stand? keke. ya. everytime after getting down from car, i feel both side of my butt so pain, make me so hard to walk. like need stand awhile, den can walk again -_-"

flower4> lucky i ask hubby fix up de ikea drawers early. so now everytime when we come hm from shopping of bb items, i'll head to his room n pack them all in de cupboard. end of nxt mth i'll start bringing them out to wash =)

puroland> i dun think is fully deductable from medisave wor. i think up to 1700 or so for hospital stay or something like tat n another dunno how much from gynae op. oso not very sure.

after going for hospital tour at mt a on sat. think i'll be going for single room. cos de 2beded i find abit no privacy. n i dun really like sharing toilet with pple. plus i'm a light sleeper. if de one nxt to me snores, dat's it!! =x

pamelia> faint. if tat's de case, my bb gonna have very little hair =x
Michelle, that is rib pain. Some say coz your bb in a position that presses on one of your nerves. I got that during my second trimester but lesser now.
Pam, forgive me...i find your friend's comment very amusing... then I can't imagine how bald those bbies will be will their mummies went for BW. hehehhee
<font color="0077aa">angeline</font>
hee. okie okie.. i din see that part... so deliver to where ar? the gathering at heeren? :p

i will need to chk if we gotten $150 total purchase too =)
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jess,

You can check with them if can combine w purchase from MIM to get the free delivery. I rem last time can combine de</font></font>
<font color="0077aa">huishan</font>
yeap.. combining orders from Rach, Jul, Gina, Myself, and you! over $150 liao... (only Little Dreamers)

so to deliver to where?

<font color="0077aa">jenifur</font>
i emailed them (little Dreamers) about this already :p pending their reply.. but their reply always comes end of the wkday... =)
Should i emailed MIM too?
<font color="ff6000">Michelle</font>
Wei, 6-12mths is SIX MONTHS LONG leh. I don't think there are any kids who skip wearing 6-12mths size and just hop to 12-18mths sizing lor. 3-6mths sizing is shorter than 6-12mths. Width wise I guess the difference isn't that great.

Your hubs so nice. Why my hubs so idiot don't let me buy new clothes liao.
I must complain. I want to exchange hubby! This one not good de. I wonder if warranty period still valid or not...

<font color="ff6000">Jul</font>
I so good to you right? You must love me more hor?? The TT don't worry about it lah. Can always pay me when we meet up at 3rd gathering.

<font color="ff6000">milkyway</font>
It's ok lah. Your hubs can save petrol if take from me mah, we're so much nearer to each other! And hor... if i really pop before 3rd gathering, later I will trouble you instead lor! hurhurhur.

<font color="ff6000">Angeline</font>
Ok! Have updated that you want collection during 3rd gathering

<font color="ff6000">Re: Warming shower/shampoo</font>
wei wei, to clarify hor. While I feel it is not necessary to use them cos I just used regular soap and zero herbs when I did confinement, if any mommies are keen to use the warming shower/shampoo, do go ahead! Just that I feel if any moms are on a tight budget, or apprehensive about the warming shower/shampoo, I am just saying it is ok to just use regular soap.

Like what jenifur mentioned, it's mostly up to personal preference lor. If you wanna "play safe" and use something warming, or herbs, then do whatever makes you feel comfy!

<font color="ff6000">Re:BB will be bald if mommy shaves!</font>
OMG! I've gone for BW 4 times since getting pregnant!! Will my kid be totally hairless?!?!?
hmmm 5 of us all living diff place.Yishun, Sengkang, Hougang, Woodlands &amp; Jurong West.

Or deliver to 1 place &amp; post to each individual house?
Postage to be borne by the buyer?

I've gone for pre-natal massage. No probs with swollen feet.


MIM having disc on nursing dress? What abt nursing tops? Think I need to standby a few. I can't imagine lifting my top in public *eyes big big*

Aiyah legal lah. Not as if we're organising bulk purchase mah. Okie 2moro cut-off date for Lil Dreamers.


Wah.. that means 1 bottle can wash hair abt say.. 8 times? Hmm. so to last 28 days, I can only wash my hair once every 4 days? hahaha


Er.. I dun believe lah. A lot of BBs have little hair, can't be all their mums shave w/o saying "ecuse me" right? haha


I scared of operations, so I try to avoid C-sect if poss. Think all of us are scared of diff things lah.


I got the ribs pain a few mths ago. Now graduate to pelvic pain liao. Hmm how to describe the pelvic pain? Like u did a split then not flexible enough &amp; ended up straining ur groin area?

I also opted for single rm, but at TMC. B/c I also want my own toilet &amp; I dun wanna get disturbed by neighbour haha.


Yeah Jul loves shelled deep deep liao. Any deeper she will kill ur HB to get to u. Can liao? Muahaha
<font color="ff6000">Moojenn</font>
Can! Will post by normal mail lor. Can you PM me your mailing address? Then when I rcv and donuts and weigh them, I'll advise on postage fees.

<font color="ff6000">Jul</font>
Can. shelled is very happy to hear that Jul loves her deep deep.
<font color="0077aa">huishan</font>
haha.. so how?
u coming to the gathering next wk? then can distribute to all and no need postage?

<font color="0077aa">jul/jenifur</font>
just notice the offer for the Nursing Dress is till today only.. they changed their offer frequently...

<font color="0077aa">jul</font>
then Rach disposable undies from MIM how ar?
where to deliver to for Little Dreamers order if they have free delivery.

<font color="0077aa">angeline</font>
i can't find the free delivery statement in their webby leh..

<font color="0077aa">shelled</font>
hee.. thanks for your clarification :p
sorry if i misinterprete :p
hi jess,
i am grounded. Everyone ard me warn me not to go to crowded places becos of H1N1. Thus, sorry. cannot go for the gathering. ;<

Thus, even my weekends i stayed at home.

so i can only do online shopping....
bbq98> wa. tat pain really make me buay tahan sometimes. juz feel really uncomfortable, but dunno wat pain. -_-

shelled> keke. maybe my bb really big size den he skip 6-12mths clothes ma =x haha. joking la. =p

haha. hubby ask me buy cos i nv ask him pay ma. lol. i buy = i pay -_-" hubby oso can exchange? faint.

jul> haha. u grad from ribs pain. i now got ribs n pelvic pain tgt. how bad can it get =(

keke. i like de toilet at the new ward in mt a. keke. so clean n nice inside. but than again, i cant even bathe. so nice for wat. keke. but i decided on 1bedder, cos hubby can accpy me la, den if 1bedder, bb can stay with me for as long as i wan. den i dun wan to disturb pple ma =p
<font color="ff6000">Moojenn</font>
Fwah. I feel so loved today. From Jul, and now you!! I am HIGH from all the love!!

<font color="ff6000">Jess / RE: Warming shower/shampoo</font>
Don't worry about it. I just felt better to clarify lah. Otherwise some mommies think I anti-warming shampoo/shower.

I had VERY BAD heat rash during confinement with #1, so my confinement food was cut down to 2wks only and my malay massage also cut down to only 2 session instead of 7.
Lucky both sides refunded me the $$, otherwise I lugi a lot of $$! I did my confinement in June, and mid-year period always already very warm. Plus the heaty food, plus being wrapped up after massage, plus never shower everyday, i just broke out in very bad heat rash. Had to go see GP and he gave me a cream to ease it.

And seeing how now having El Nino and will be very warm until Sept, my hubs is STRONGLY AGAINST me buying/using any of these warming shower/shampoo products. Scared I heat rash again. The rash even covered my breasts and made it quite uncomfy to BF cos I keep wanting to scratch myself.

My friend told me that because she shaved alot... Cussed alot..

Her baby come out no hair and had the face of a very angry kid.

That's why she would have told me this " myth "
actually i have many frds who dun shave but had bald babies. but i believe the part abt if u r an angry mom, u will end up with angry baby. cos i always believe that our babies in the womb can feel our emotions lor

I am worried... My auntie staff ( 40 odd yrs of age ) which has been here for about a month, has been making me vomit imaginary gallons of blood. And I tend to get agitated because she doesn't respect me or my DH. I'm in my early to mid twenties, and my DH is in his early thirties. But that doesn't mean we cannot be the boss and she doesn't have to respect us. My chinese is bad and she's a PR with very bad english and so I cannot communicate with her. She complains to my DH that I do not talk to her blabla. And whenever I TRY to talk to her she gives me a 1/2 F*ck "Ah, ah, ah" answer. ( I talk about salon related matters ) And I am actually a very reasonable person!!!

I don't want my baby to have a agitated or stressed face!!! T^T~~
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Pam

Must try to relax... even though yr tt aunite staff really puts me off lah.. Sorry but my DH &amp; me were "gossiping" bout her tt day. We guess her skill mus b v gd tt's why u employed her
I know it was v mean of us lah but cannot help it leh

Why dun you get yr DH to hv a gd talk w her? If dun work out den start looking for replacement. </font></font>

You don't have to apologise... I know how you feel... I myself seeing her almost everyday am put off EVERYDAY... XD

She's good in talking and asking people to come in to the salon to cut their hair and blabla.. But I don't really like her "Durian Selling Techniques " Kinda spoils our image. ( Picture those durian stall light bulbs hanging outside my salon ) Chanting " Cut hair? $10 " - Slaps hand on forehead -

Her skill is okay, Not very VERY fantastic. But she's really slow. ( She thinks she is VERY FAST already ) I am a fast worker so I cannot stand looking at slow. But I still TOLERATE....

* breathes in and out *

So Jenifur... You're not mean... =) I can be worse.

There are still two more slots this coming Sat ( 25 Jul 09 ) if any MTB are keen in the FOC Maternity Makeover..
Pls pm me to reserve a slot...

1) Arrive 12.00pm ( Session 12.30pm-02.00pm)
2) Arrive 06.00pm ( Session 06.30pm-08.00pm)

To the lady I met in the loo at Mt A on friday... sorry I had to rush of to let another couple and my husband know that the class started, I must have seemed so rude.
<font color="0077aa">huishan</font>
oh dear.. we see how it goes.. pending reply to my emails from little dreamers.. will update asap =)

<font color="0077aa">shelled</font>
im having some sort of rash now too.. Thank God it not PUPPP... the rash comes on and off so im afraid it might be not be over even though after delivery. Im very scared of heat rash too..

<font color="0077aa">pamelia</font>
hehe.. abt the "myth".. i dun believe.. but there is one incidence, my fren's bb have full head of hair, after full mth, they shaved it off and my fren dunno applied what oil.. the bb's hair grew very slllooowwww.. very very slow.. so i will never apply any "foreign" thing on bb head :p

jiayou... must bear the "anger" 2 more mths only!!
