(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="0077aa">gina</font>
yes yes.. im washing the new ones :p
my hubby say to iron them cos they too wrinkled after wash... -_-"
did any of u do that??

<font color="0077aa">shelled</font>
Joshua so cute too!! mommy's good boy somemore :p

yea.. i scared my bb will be too big at birth too.. and will grow faster and fatter... hohoho :p

<font color="0077aa">Jul/ Rach/ Gina</font>
Little Dreamers just replied.. "you can purchase online and I'll set aside your order for
collection on the 25th of July."
so need to purchase b4 the sale ends and must specify to collect during open showroom.. =)

<font color="0000ff">Michelle></font>
yup.. by right she should receive it by wed.. and then her HB will deliver it to me....
50++donuts + pillows = not cheap to post..
hahaha... so her HB is delivering it to me...and maybe to shelled.
Thats why we need to know exactly who is collecting frm who...
so that i can tell her how many to give me, and how many to give shelled.

of coz if its not here by Friday, then we'll re-arrange ma... dun worry la...

<font color="0000ff">Jess></font>
sure.. no prob... i'll just u to liase with her directly.
Jess> sure.. so do we collate together and order???? or we order individually??
who'll be doing the collection??
are u going down?
Good Morning mummier

Monday...so tired...cant get myself out of bed this morning. Strained my thigh muscles a few times last night
cos i have this bad habit of stretching...would it cause any harm?

How i wish can go on earlier maternity then can rest at home...

just an update, I have opt for c-section instead of naturally cos i noe i seriously wun be able to go through the pain
so the date is set on 1st Sept 3pm for C-section at TMC.
The donuts supplier has yet to call me leh. Cos I need to know the exact location if I intend to collect from her. Please help me check, can.

your EDD is 19 Sept right and the date you chosen to C-sec is 1 Sept. Was it recommended by the gyanc cos it's like you only abt 38weeks in 1 sept.
ling> maybe i oso go get another set of 6-12mths. cos 6-12mths quite lasting. can wear 6mths. haha. 3-6mths only can wear 3mths. regret!! =x

milkyway> better go check early wor. now clinic got measures for pregnant lady. give tamiflu more readily. in case is h1n1. can cure faster. rest well.

jess> lol. so exciting to see everyone start washing de baby's clothes. i oso wanna wash. need wait for hubby. cos he's in charge of doing de laundry. but he not kancheong leh. he say still long =(

haha. maybe i get another set of 6-12mths oso. but i waiting to see got any new designs or not leh.

for the nachos, i put in microwave, need 6mins. haha. i juz lazy to even operate de microwave la -_-"

carter sometimes got those one pack for 16bucks rompers, comes in 5pieces. they are not white. usually got color one. oso very cute. u can try to look at those. i oso looking out for those in nice designs. but not urgent. cos i oso got 2pack of those in 3-6mths liao -_-" tat y i say bb got too many clothes now. but i think i buy de 6-12mths later ba. cos i dunno how big/small bb will be.

gina> new one oso need to wash. but i haven wash yet. still find it too early =p

shelled> haha. u oso at marina? it was so crowded. keke. ur hubby opp from me. he keep asking me buy maternity clothes. even when his colleague go us, he ask me ask them buy for me. den i keep telling him. 2more mths leh. very waste money -_-"

hubby oso say can use mama lemon, but in class on sat, i remember dey say use bottle detergent leh. so yesterday i ask him bring me go buy.

6-12mths n 3-6mths size very diff? i scare my bb very big, den ended up i straight away skip 6-12mths n buy 12-18mths =x haha. ur J very cute. i think it's good to involve him in preparing for the newborn =p

rach> oo. so is deliver to u, not by post. keke. okie. btw, u receive my 5bucks liaos? hehe. haven gotten confirmation from u =p

Yeah I'm still wondering abt whether to buy the Smooth legs thing. *think think think*


I very alert meh? Flower, u talking abt the right person or not? I'm the super blur &amp; par jiao one who cannot even find Pamelia's salon wor hahaha.


I not scared pain lah. I tweeze myself one. Just wondering whether the hair needs to be a certain length for the epilator to "
grab" onto? Or even short short hairs can be plucked out?

Actually if can bleach out the stains or cannot cleach out also nvm for me lah. Coz they're free anyway. If need to wear just wear lor. After a while, our BBs will also stain the new clothes.

Guess I'm too busy &amp; tired to care anymore liao hee.

jess, rach

So u're gonna order the Little Dreamers stuff by Wed? Hmm.. then collection how?


Yippee! OOps! Forogt my office lappie got Java prob. Gotta wait till tonite then TT to you.

Chants : Non-blue blankets! Non-blue blankets!


Wah u so brave. I dun dare to go for C-sect. Praying very hard here to get natural birth w/o any complications.
Good morning mommies! 2 more mths to go! still sleepy...

<font color="0077aa">moojen</font>
i got the add of the supplier.. later i PM u hor..

<font color="0077aa">rach</font>
i am not sure how u all want to do it.. cos we gotta order online/ email and make paymt before 22jul. If the qty not a lot, i can collect on behalf cos we dun have car.

<font color="0077aa">michelle</font>
hee.. i want to order, but not sure i shld order now or wait for their new arrivals :p
tempting! or maybe i wait for my next payday :p
Jul, michelle
yah yah.. took the medicine already... felt better today but hb still wants me to see doc lor. I managed to convince him to let me come to work, cannot afford to take so much mc lah. Boss already face black black last wk :p

if the supplier is sending to u and Shelled, can ask supplier to pass mine and those getting from me to shelled? I stayed near to shelled so can get from her any time.

gotta trouble u again :p

Good that u're feeling better. Must not avoid meds if u really need it. Coz if u get very sick, not very good for the BB also.
wah u so brave! i so scared to go for caesarean! i rather go for natural many times over. if scared pain u can take epi mah. but im sure u must have ur reasons.

Milky way
i thought if u r not well u shld be resting at home instead? how can ur boss face black black? tell her MOH said so :p cos ur immune system is not perfect when ur body is not well u r more prone to catch virus outside, moreover now with this h1n1 thing we must be extra vigilant. we r left with few more weeks to go, jia you!

talking abt h1n1, now im pondering if i shld do full mth for baby. haha i know its very early to think of this lah, but the way its spreading i scared it wont subside so fast. plus during full mth everybody is bound to carry baby like a doll pass here pass there!
Thanks Jess.

Btw, are there any more than #1 time mummies here who previously done C-sec and opting for normal delivery this time. Me headache whether to choose normal delivery or c-sec.

I'm also too timid to go for C-sect. That's why I dun want "monster baby", in case can't push out &amp; must go for emergency C-sect
mon morning> sian. so tired. how i wish i can sleep all day long =p

jul> nv realise need wat length. cos everytime after i epiliate, it'll be clean. n sometimes when i epiliate, the hair is very short. in fact the shorter, de less pain =p

jess> i wait for new arrivals very long le. since de time i bought, no new designs, except de disney rompers set. but the carter rompers set sold out. gap is still de same. haha. my meaning of waitin is i wait till bb 3mths old, cos by than is 5mths time. shuld have new design =p

milkyway> keke. if i were u, i will stay hm. dun care boss la. it's social responsibility ma. sick must stay hm n rest, recover den go back wk =p
My tummy has been really hard since yesterday. Is that the baby's position or BH? Soemtimes it can be so tight that I have to breathe harder. Anyone experienced that?
yah lor.. took mc 1 and half days last wk already.. boss face black black cos i'm going 4months ML soon!! and i still intend to clear my annual leave b4 edd and now dont know able to clear it anot. Then still take MC so added to her unhappiness lah. anyway i'm constantly monitoring myself, temperature and also if my condition worsen. today seems a little better after i took the medicine.

The last round when i was down, i can still recover without taking the medicine but this time after 2-3 days still nv recover so decided to take the medi lor. if still not well, then i'll take mc again lah.

me like u very scared will need E C-sec, so been telling bb to come out smoothly naturally. Wonder if she understands... lol
Hahha you very bad leh... can't the ah pek and ah ma buy for their DIL? Hhaha or CK can sell to people like me, who are so kaypo to see what they sell.

Went to Robinson yesterday, they say maybe Britex will have sale this weekend. But I might be using a 2nd hand no-brand car seat given by a friend. Not sure if safe or not but we tot use 1st, if CMI then go buy a new one.

BB clothing size
Oh no, I bought mostly 3-6mths!

I've been thinking of getting an epilator for a very long time, but haven't gotten round to doing it. I'm the queen procrastinator lah :p

Which brand r u using? I see some models are soo expensive, $100+ one wor *eyes &amp; mouth big big*


I also have been having that for almost a week. Think it's BH bah.


Haha doesn;t matter if they understand. Telling her makes u feel better, then continue doing it lah!
Wow.. think I took almost half hr to glance thr all the posts lo.. colleague on long leave.. busy covering her duties.. sob.. one more wk to endure..

Jen > thanks for the recipe! I’ve copied all down.. but if I’m going for c-sec. don’t think my mum will make the papaya soup for me cos she says papaya not gd for the scar.. haiz so I got to think of other ways to increase my milk supply liao

Nacho cheese > actually I still left over some cheese since my last purchase ley.. din put in freezer too.. just chiller.. but it seems to be edible still haha maybe tonight finish it all up

Ning > wow.. ur c-sec date so early? My EDD on 20Sep.. my gynae recommend 9Sep ley I still considering..

Moojenn > Shelled #1 is c-sce but she’s going for natural for her #2.. I’m still considering but I might go for c-sec in the end.. since that wk is school hols so hubby can be at home.. and gynae says can make my previous scar better.. but I still thinking la..
Gd morning everyone. It's monday again. feeling so tired.

Talking about c-section. I also very scared leh. Hopefully i can give birth naturally. Praying hard. But not sure whether i should take epidural. Advice i got is that if wana have a relax delivery best to take.

I'll be going for the gathering on 31 July and will collect the BBmall and donuts from u on that day. My hubby might be joining as well.
Angeline, why wouldn't you want to to take epidural? I heard that is God-sent.

Jul, sometimes I wonder if it's the babies' back facing out so it's so hard.
Morning mummies !!

John little Marina Sq shopping
Went there on saturday early afternoon. Got 2 nursing bra for $9.90each. Very comfortable hehehe. Finally bought my PJ with buttons in front. But like not low enuff haha must stretch abit :p But got it cheap at $11.90each

I will collect donuts &amp; the bra extension from you on the 31st gathering, thanks

So fast your gyn book your c-section date liao ? My gyn have not even talk to me about my birth plans yet. Maybe will bring it up this sat when i go see him.
22 July 09 ( Wed )
1)Arrive 10.30am( Session 11.00am-12.30pm )
2)Arrive 12.00pm( Session 12.30pm-02.00pm )
3)Arrive 1.30pm ( Session 2.00pm-3.30pm )
4)Arrive 3.00pm ( Session 3.30pm-5.00pm )
5)Arrive 4.30pm ( Session 5.00pm-6.30pm )
6)Arrive 6.00pm ( Session 6.30pm-8pm )

25 July 09 ( Sat )
1)Arrive 10.30am( Session 11.00am-12.30pm )
2)Arrive 12.00pm( Session 12.30pm-02.00pm )
3)Arrive 1.30pm ( Session 2.00pm-3.30pm )- Taken Shirley (homeangel120)
4)Arrive 3.00pm( Session 3.30pm-5.00pm )- Taken Ling (michelle qiu)
5)Arrive 4.30pm ( Session 5.00pm-6.30pm )- Taken nongning83
6)Arrive 6.00pm ( Session 6.30pm-8pm )

All confirmation email has been sent out today.
Please pm me to reserve any slot.

<font color="0077aa">michelle</font>
hee.. oic... okie okie.. i consider "very hard" to buy or not to buy! hope it not OOS too :p
The carter bibs oso very cute!

i was looking at my bb clothing.. thinking what if he cannot wear when delivered! they are all so small.. esp the butt will be bundled with diapers... dunno the pants/shorts can fit or nt.. lol

<font color="0077aa">Jul</font>
so how ar? for the little dreamers purchase?

i dun dare! au natural for me already gimme the "stun" from the videos...
is you la, from all your posting ,u sound so active and energy la.

each day i getting more &amp; more tired.... now i have new syptoms.... tight &amp; legs cramp! sigh....

how to prevent not getting "monster bb"? these days i keeep getting hungry very easily...

im taking u as a guide cuz our edd very near mah... u having boy too mah.
angeline, katherine

Morning gals!


Well, my boy's spine is sort of facing out. But when it tightnes, it's prob BH.
i still cant find my ideal bb stuff plastic cabinet ah.. argh....my house so messy with bags of bags of bb stuff on the floor...

any idea Beside Toyogo have its wareh/?ouse any other brand of plastic cabinet have warehouse too ah

Hahaha chat online with frens &amp; not doing work of course will be energetic lah :p

Me also getting pelvic pain. Esp getting up in the mid of the nite or in the am to pee.. The right groin hurts... gotta wait a while, then hobble in pain to the toilet. Now walking also pain. Hiaz.. think I need bedrest!

I also eat a lot. U saw my tea break on Sat pm? Old Chang Kee curry puff, Bengawan Solo kueh, Koi bubble tea, Famous Amos cookie.. This am I looked at myself in the mirror &amp; realised I "ecploded" a bit in size again hiaz..
hm...mine can be tight for a long period, say like 2 hours and intermittenly, the tightness extends to just below my breast bone (middle part).
Hi mtb, I heard from my cousin that lately in June, govt just have a new scheme where we can fully deduct our medisave for child birth hospital expenses... anyone heard of this?

Er.. not sure abt other plastic drawers brand. I'm not getting coz got some old drawers &amp; cupboards liao.


Rach wants some stuff. Lemme sms her then I tell u k?

Little Dreamers Orders

Rach's Orders :

1) Warming Body Wash for Confinement $16.90 x1
2) Warming Shampoo for Confinement $17.75 x1
3) Cotton disp panties (price?) x1

Jul's Orders :

1) Warming Body Wash for Confinement $16.90 x1
2) Warming Shampoo for Confinement $17.75 x1
3) Healing Bottom Spray $13.20 x1
<font color="0077aa">flower</font>
recently Giant got Toyogo promo.. 5 tier black color/ $39.xx (less than $40)!!

dunno other warehouse.. maybe u want to try those neighbourhood shops selling plastics stuff/ cookware/ hardware shops etc.. but sure not cheap too..

<font color="0077aa">puroland</font>
issit!!!??? i have no idea!! if that the case.. then good for us.. but bad for govt wor... lol

<font color="0077aa">jul</font>
sure sure... im still pondering to buy the warming shampoo and body wash.. cos shelled advised no need at all.. the bottom healing spray confirm i want it!

jul.. im also the "hungry non-stop" type... dunno how much bb will be at next wk chkup... lol
Morning jul .. u mean u just got pelvic pain? I suffering from the pain so long time ago! Think I got used to it liao recently doesn’t seems to be that painful anymore * touch wood**

Puroland.. my frien just gave birth.. still got to top up cash ley

Lunch time soon… any ideas what to have for lunch?

Pls find below terms n condition.
Photography services is FOC but you would just need to pay for professional make up service, which cover for two outfit n fake eyelash...

Terms n condition :

Please note that we will cater to 6 sessions per day on the dates as follow.
Each group have to arrive 30 mins earlier before each session for their makeup.
Please inform early if any group wana have nudity session so we will not arrange any appointments at that time.
Anyone who can't make it are advise to inform 1 day in advance so that the slot can be reserve for others.
Each group will have to pay the makeup artist a fee of $100.
2 different outfit.
Free 5 shots to be burn in CD.

Remarks : Booking to DolceVita (Pauline) and receive reply via e-mail back from Pauline Tan for confirmation only.
No touch up of photos
Strictly only Dad &amp; mum, no other family members
Capture Photography has the right to change the dates &amp; times according to their schedule only.


Dunno leh, Rach say got.

Shampoo &amp; bodywash no use meh? Really? Hmm.. then shd I buy? Aiyoh.. so diff to make up my mind. Aws so "san xin liang yi" these days.


I got bladder pressing from v long ago lah. But the pelvic pain is from abt week 31/32? At first it's nagging soreness. But now it's getting unbearable!
