(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Hi <font color="0077aa">shelled</font>

pay me later la.. dun worry.. u cannot run far far liao... hohoho :p (we all too heavy and slow in motion :p)

getting out of bed or chair always left me sore and aches down there.. have to grab onto something for support liao.. like old lady =(
sleeping: needs lotsa toss and turns to find the "correct" position to fall into slumber wor.. sighh.. less than 2 months to go for me!

Lil Dreamers:
haha.. there are 9 bottles excluding me and gina's order. not too big but can be bulky/ heavy wor...

i was thinking to send to either u or rach will be better since some of them got bbmall/ donuts to collect together. (esp ez for huishan whom is "grounded" but collecting donuts from milkyway). Other can be collected during the gathering =)

waiting for other mommies' opinion! where have u all gone to ladies!?
<font color="ff6000">Jess</font>
I think all of them went for lunch lah. Now battling the Z-monster over the post lunch sleepiness.

Ok, then I pay you back when we meet at 3rd gathering ok? Thanks!!!
<font color="0000ff">Michelle></font>
haha.. okok...the donuts has already reached spore yest awaiting to clear the customs...
now its waiting for it to reach the supplier... once it reaches her, she'll let me know...
then she'll arrange to pass to me and/or shelled.. on wed itself or thur...

so Friday, I'll be able to pass to some of u..

<font color="0000ff">MooJenn></font>
noted the changes...

My fren initially Natural, in the end emer c-sect coz bb pass meconium already...
she paid $3k++ cash plus $200cash for bb... think its the PD fees..

<font color="0000ff">Chern></font>
will let u all know when i get the stuffs..

ooh....i think she'll pass to me only when i give birth.. i didnt ask her....

i sms her now..wait for her reply...

Its Medela Mini electric... u gotta buy the rubber tubings spare part to change la.....

BM in fridge can last 24 hours... freeze it can last 2 weeks..but some say 3 months...

if u use milk bottles, you can buy those milk storage bottles... also got de.... comes with cap...

<font color="0000ff">girly></font>
exactly!! $3k is alot!! sigh...for nothing... we wasted the money.. sigh...

<font color="0000ff">berrypie></font>
i'm liasing with the supplier on the donuts... so will let u all know once i get it..

<font color="0000ff">Jess></font>
since u going down, then u can do all the collection ya???
or too heavy issit???

I cant confirm car yet... so will let u all know if I am getting it....

Can gina collect it also since she's going down? she's going for the 31st gathering rite?
then can pass to us??

huishan's can pass to shelled on 31st gathering...coz shelled can pass to milkyway to pass to Huishan...

If its convenient, then i get a pack of the undies....else its okay also....
rae_cheong> oo. keke. ya. since u got domestic helper, den dun need CL le ba. but i not sure abt which confinement catering is good. =p

girlygirly> lol. ya. like salesperson for playpen =p haha. for u all who are not first time mums, know which is better, for pple like me, all hear say from pple. haha. anyway i oredi bought cot, so bo bian. make do with it lo. haha =x

shelled> not sure abt the product sold at bp. de one i saw was for hm monitor. to monitor if maid ill treat de kid =p but hubby dun like de idea of a stranger living with him. so we decided not to get a maid, but send bb to infant care. den once in awhile, get pple to come in to help with the housework lo =p

haha. i oso not enugh sleep recently. thus go office end up in headache. today as hubby was fetchin me to office, suddenly we decided to go hm, when we reach my office -_-" so now i m at hm. doc ask me rest 2 days at hm. say i stress from pregnancy. faint -_-"
if shelled gets the donuts by this fri, I can get from her this sat cos i'm likely to go down her area to get some bb stuff from my fren too so shun pian get the donuts lor. Otherwise hb will complain make so many trips to the same place :p keep me updated yah... thanks
You gynac suggested c-sec for this time round? Cos I was thinking wanting to try for natural delivery anot since the last time c-sec was 6yrs back. I heard if opt for c-sec, might have to choose the c-sec date around 38 weeks, not sure true anot. But will ask my gynac on my next visit.
I not sure about confinement food as I have never engage anyone before. But this time round I engaging CL for my confinement recommended by my aunt.

I drink 1 cup of coffee daily. Cannot go without it.

me too haven been sleeping well lately. The tummy is block my way and my waist down to my thigh is aching like hell and also my tummy sometimes get so tight until like it's going to explode anytime..

Any idea your friend choose which hospital and how many bedded?
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Hui Chern

Found my storage advice given by TMC NICU, here goes:-

Breastmilk can be kept at:
At room temperature - not warmer than 25 degrees Celsius - for up to 2 hours
Refrigerates at 4 degree Celsius - 48hrs
In a fridge freezer with a separate door for each - 3 mths
Deep freezer at -20 degree Celsius - 1 yr

Always place expressed breast milk into the back of the fridge after expressing
<font color="0000ff">milkyway></font>
can... once the donuts arrive then will see how is it... then let u know..

maybe i'll just get everything sent to her..and if i have car then i get from her on fri...

its still tentative.. so gotta see how 1st..

<font color="0000ff">Moojenn></font>
Mount A 1 bedded...
Thks for the tips &amp; encouragement ;) Chilled milk only 48hrs ah. Read at some website mention can last for 8days???
Okie will take note of the storage time. I need to tell myself don't gan chiong spider just take one step at a time hehe dun stress dun stress haha

Me too, one cup every morning to wake me up ahaha

Thanks. How old was J before you gave him the EBM ?

Sleeplessness - Aiyoh, me for the past few nights keep waking up and could not go back to sleep. Toss &amp; turn &amp; bb thought it's morning keep moving non-stop :p. But thank God still fresh when i go to work. Maybe job not so busy liao haha. Me shaking legs till i go on leave starting 11th Aug shiok haha
<font color="ff6000">myfavchoco</font>
I'm not a regular coffee drinker leh. I prefer Teh ice, milo ice or redbull!

<font color="ff6000">rach</font>
Oh yay! Reach SG le!!

<font color="ff6000">Michelle</font>
Oooh then of course that kind more ex lah. I think the baby video monitor is a lot simpler, therefore only a few hundred instead of a few thousand.

<font color="ff6000">Moojenn</font>
I think your tightness is caused by BH? Mine is just soreness. Not so much tight. Feels like someone punched and jumped on my lower belly when I was sleeping!!

<font color="ff6000">flower4</font>
I want the chocolate donuts! With chocolate inside the donut, and chocolate on top of the donut! Wash down with 1 big glass of milk (don't want low fat de hor). Wah! Super yummy!
<font color="ff6000">hui chern</font>
Early infancy lor. Cos I was recovering from C-sec mah, so very tired and in pain. Sometimes pain until cannot get out of bed. Then my hubs will heat up EBM and give J lor. But never more than once every 24hrs, cos I also cannot skip too many feedings otherwise will engorge and very pain.
shelled &amp; milkyway

<blockquote>I've been feeling the suan feeling between my tummy and thighs area too. I think it's due to the weight of my tummy causing an additional strain on the muscles there. So, I've been trying to walk around more to build up the muscle there. In fact, my calves are also starting to ache. Prob cos my legs are not used to supporting this amount of weight. Not to worry, all these will go away in max 2 months.
Then we'll have a new set of problems! Heh.</blockquote>
Hi everyone

Am so busy today. Finally can steal some time to kaypo for a while here. heehee. So tired and whole body aching.

I might be going down to little dreamers on sat so might just collect the items on that day cos wana go MIM to see see look look got any thing to buy anot.
<font color="ff0000">Donuts and Pillows arrival</font>

They have already reached Singapore...
and MAY reach the supplier tonite..
And MAY be delivered to Shelled TONITE..
and hence... we need to confirm all the collections....

<table border=1><tr><td>S/No.</TD><TD>NAME</TD><TD>COLLECTION VENUE</TD><TD>Rach to pass to: </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>milkyway</TD><TD>milkyway</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Fifidoog (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Huishan</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>kiddo (kidkiddy) </TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>meishi</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Prinzess55 (Nicole Tan) (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Shu Lien/Strawbearbi</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>purpleclouds</TD><TD>Serangoon</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>zenn_yan (Binfen)</TD><TD>Serangoon</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Jess (phengpheng)</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Prettymums </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>momoteh</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Prettymums </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Paige (paigey) (Amy)</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Prettymums </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>joopz</TD><TD>Collect @ Sengkang</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>hui chern (mybb)</TD><TD>Expo on weekends</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Pinkiemie (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Expo on weekends</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>happymrskoh</TD><TD>Hougang/Wdlands/Bt Merah</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Melissa (infinity star)</TD><TD>Khatib</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Wanling (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Novena</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Michelle (mwerkz)</TD><TD>Prenatal Class at Mt A - 24th July</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>rorqual (Daphne)</TD><TD>Prenatal Class at Mt A - 24th July</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>itsy</TD><TD>Prenatal Class at Mt A (bbmall Shelled to Rach)</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Peiwen</TD><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Pamelia</TD><TD>TPY Central</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>angel (26erithink) </TD><TD>31st July Outing</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Ginack</TD><TD>31st July Outing</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>kiki (kiki6) </TD><TD>31st July Outing</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Angeline Lee (angielsw) </TD><TD>Bbmall (Batch1)</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>berrypie</TD><TD>Bbmall (Batch1)</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Crystalz</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>Gingerninz </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Ipheh (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Katherine Goh</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>Linny_47 (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Moojenn</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>rae_cheong</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Shugar (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>squirrel</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>sunnyling (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>Sweetzinc (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>virgorosie</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>Xpu (Lynn)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>Weldonmummy</TD><TD>Normal mail(Brunei)</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>Floralim </TD><TD>Normal with BBmall </TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>shizuka_gal (Karen)</TD><TD>Registered</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>bbq98 (Chris)</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>48</TD><TD>Jul_04</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>49</TD><TD>Ling (chellechelle)</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>50</TD><TD>shelled</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>51</TD><TD>wifey (Angela)</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>52</TD><TD>Princessgal (Daphne)</TD><TD>undecided</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>53</TD><TD>Jot (Oct MTB)</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Those who have not decided and do not reply sms... we'll just enforce normal mail.
it doesnt make things easy for shelled and myself to be chasing mummies on how u want to collect....

So.. we'll confirme be getting it by this week!!
tired... tuesday only...

<font color="0077aa">angeline</font>
oh then when can u confirm if you going down to Lil Dreamers &amp; MIM? and i need to order the stuff from Lil Dreamers and pay all by tomr (deadline). Need to specify who is collecting directly frm Lil Dreamers counter. And I need to collect payment from you all too before i can order tomr.

I PM u my email add/ mobile so u can contact me directly?

Or you decide if u still want to chip in the total order since u want to drop by the shop urself, and can have less hassle of transferring the amt to me... haha... sorry of my very messy thots..

<font color="0077aa">jenifur</font>
i saw ur fridge to go BP.. dunno if i need to have it.... quite a gd discount... =)
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jess

I've all along wanted to get the Fridge-To-Go but find it abit ex (Cheapo Mummy) so thought why not just write to them &amp; ask for discount.

I find it's very useful for working mummy who are beastfeeding lor. I really had to rush home daily after work just to store EBM. Sometimes wana go dating w DH, also mus go home to drop off e EBM 1st den can go out. This bag will end my agony!!! </font></font>
*new MTB*
I also have the suan suan feeling at my tummy there leh.... how come ah??? until now i still haven't feel braxton hicks contraction leh... dont know how to differentiate... LOL!
moojenn> no good to drink too much coffee wor. can better to avoid =)

shelled> keke. ya lo =p

rach> yup. will get fr u this fri at prenatal class. thanx
<font color="ff6000">princessxiaomei</font>
Send what to you via normal mail?? Did you order donuts/pillow? Your name not on the list leh!

Cos I will be the one to mail out donuts/pillow because Rach not convenient to mail because post office far away from her place.
<font color="ff6000">princessxiaomei</font>
Chey!! I think rach also kenna the blur bug liao.

Can I double check that your HP number is 9754XXXX?? Just in case really got some "princessgal" also order from rach.
ya i want drawers kind, i use to have those type, i find it hard to dig for items lor... those non drawer one are those make of wood,tat my headache. jus tat my house wood furniture get mouldy easily
about confinement food hor...

my mum willnot come over my house to stay lioa...

so she will cook at her home &amp; my hubby will bring the food to me...

then my mum worry will the quality of confinement food drop and i wunt get enough of nutri?

is there a concern? jus like Shelled, you do catering rite? how many times of deliver they will send you per day ah?
<font color="ff6000">flower4</font>
I think i am more thirsty than hungry... I keep drinking water nonstop!!

<font color="ff6000">princessxiaomei</font>
Ok!! I have noted. Do you want to PM me your address also? Cos never gimme address how i mail wor?! When I receive the donuts and weigh them, I'll send out mass email to inform on postage costs. Then u hv to trf postage amt to me, ok?
-.-" LOLS

okie sure. No problem! :)
My appetite is dropping too. I often feel much more thirsty than hungry. And in the noon time, my tummy always suan suan feeling... why got this suan suan feeling?
<font color="ff6000">flower4</font>
Catering comes twice a day lor – lunch &amp; dinner. Both times NewBaby will also send 1 large tumbler (about 1 litre) of red date tea. Along with the dishes and rice. The food always arrive hot and fresh, cos they put in actual Tupperware and not those cheapo plastic containers. Then if wanna heat up, just pop into microwave can liao.
I got suan &amp; burning sore pain under the tummy &amp; on the belly there... so painful. lucky its go away now.....

all pains &amp; sore always occur during nite &amp; sleep hor

i try to walk more, but my backache is kiling me how manz...

so man symptoms still haven go away..

plus my fingers cant hard closed..
princess &amp; shelled,

me too always get thirsty la. but i worry if i drink too much water i get water retentiion...

wow newbaby cateria soo good hor.. then i mus get those thermo container for my mum ah?
flower4> u wan drawers made of plastic? den toyogo lo? =x most furniture made of wood ma =p

keke. ya. pregnant lady so many prob. same as u la. keep thirsty, body ache, back ache, leg ache. water retention, n suan feeling in de hands/fingers

shelled> i oso keep drinkin water non stop. tink becos i drink too much, my legs swell like a pig leg -_-"
Fridge to go - i was looking at this at the motherhood fair then but hb says dont buy first lor.. hmm now cheaper with BP ar?? mayb i can consider hor.. where is it under BP?? how come i cant locate it?? i'm not gd at searching for things leh. :p
Yah loh.. we pregnant really have alot of complaint.... :) friends of my age who are not married or not pregnant give me even more trouble.. unnecessary trouble.. make me even worse! sianz.

night time i have trouble sleeping liao... ): sigh...

i have one Jxxx Lxx in my facebk... any idea her nick is which ah???? LOL!
<font color="0000ff">princess></font> hahahhaa...coz i always call u princess nia...
when i was tabulating.. i cant rem u are princess what.. so i just put gal..
But i put ur name next to it..thats why u also know its u rite??
and u never tell me its wrong.. i also dun double check la..
wah lao.. 50 names leh...

i will check till siao...as long as u all see.. u all know where ur name is and where u collecting can liaoz.. hahahahha.....
<font color="ff6000">princessxiaomei</font>
I haven't rcv your PM yet.

Got facebook! Later when I receive your PM i use that email address to search for you on FB? You use the same email address right?

<font color="ff6000">flower4</font>
My fingers also like that! Swollen fingers leh! I dip my hands in iced water to ease the swelling.

I think you can just warm up the food later lah, so don't really need to get thermos containers lor. See how you prefer your food to arrive.

<font color="ff6000">Re: Water retention</font>

<font size="+1">You all MUST drink more water to <u>AVOID</u> water retention!!</font>

How it works is that your body will "keep" water if you don't drink enough, therefore leading to water retention. if you drink more more water, then your body will understand that you are not undergoing famine/drought, and therefore won't retain water.

I whack at least 2-3 litres of PLAIN WATER everyday, and never kenna water retention in either of my pregnancies.

Swelling and water retention is TOTALLY DIFFERENT hor. Swelling is usually caused by other things like poor blood circulation, muscle soreness, etc.

<font color="0000ff">How to differentiate water retention and swelling: </font>
- press on the swollen area with your fingertip
- if your flesh sinks down and creates an indentation, then you have water retention
- if your flesh bounces back up or remains firm/swollen, then it is just PLAIN SWELLING and not water retention at all!

OK, everyone go press your legs now. Then go ask your gynae during next visit if drinking more water will give you water retention or not.
I guess its typo error loh.. haha.. so i didn't correct u either. as long as u know it's me can liao lor. Hahaha.

Yup. It's the same email address. You must say which is you leh. I never see you before, then don't know which is you... my facebook has some people i also dont know is which nick. Recently then know girlygirly is which when she added me months ago! LOL!

I drink so much water every day until i keep peeing in the night. Sometimes bathe finish pee finish, i gobble 300ml of water again. I felt like a water tank... can dont eat but cannot dont drink water..

Few days back, i realised my baby never move much.. i think it's because of my mood recently and made me so worried.... 15-20mins we kept on tapping and calling him..but he didn't even want to until my hb sugguested to go hospital. So scary leh. Now i try to keep myself happier...
Moojen: My gynae didn't suggest natural delivery to me at all. #1 was breeched, so I had to opt for c-sect at wk 38. So, it seemed that #2... c-sect just popped into my mind as we r worried that I may end up Emer c-sect. My #2....we planned 09/09/09... at wk 38 too.
