(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul

She's saying she cannot help u do pre-natal massage but post-natal no problem. U either sms her EDD now or wait till deliver den contact her</font></font>


I was thinking to use that for myself, not for swimming, so no need for so water resistant. Besides, the mosit lotion one is chaper haha. Nvm I'll get that to try first, then if good, I can get more. I really like the Aloe Vera &amp; Calendula creams leh. Bot for BB, end up using it all for myself hahaha.

Oh.. okie I try to sms her again. But.. will she be too busy then dun turn up for my massage ah?
erhmm..cld u gynae haf overlooked it?? by right, so long, as 1 of the parent/sibling has diabetes, gynae will run the glucose test for u...and nt to mention ur parents and even maternal and paternal parents have it. think some other mommies here has gone thru tis test oso..

actually it's a test which takes abt 2hrs wherby u haf to consume a btl of glucose drink. then every hr, ur urine and blood will be collected for a total of 3 rounds. the urine and blood samples will then be sent for lab test.

It's nt those urine strips tat the gynae use in the clinic. those strips will change color when they are protein/sugar trace right?? Tat is nt accurate de...like u say u don't eat any sweet will turn out ok de...

if i don't eat anything, the strip oso ok... bt then i still gt GD wor...

I haf tis glucose meter at home whereby i will do self-pricking to test the sugar level in my blood. usually the moment i woke or after hrs of nt eating, the sugar level is 'normal'...by right for pple without GD, for whatever food they take, the glucose will nt stay in the blood bt instead will move into the cells and getting it converted to energy. Bt for expecting moms with GD or diabetes person, our body cannot or are slow to do so...

It's harmful if one's body is constantly having high blood sugar/glucose level. tat's y expecting moms with GD muz monitor and be cautious of what they eat to bring the blood sugar level in their body same to those of 'NORMAL' pple...otherwise there might be complications for both mom and bb...

like very chim hor...hope u understand what i was explaining...
urh nor, i like never grow since sec sch leh...I am always a SZ S (other than during pregnancy), 'fattest' i go is say abt 45kg...during my customary wedding, i was like oni 40kg?! Hahaha..funni...like pri sch kid sz like tat...

at least u look nice with long hair..mani say i look beta with short hair BT then i stil she bu de chop it away oso. personally prefers long hair leh...

45kg? Man, that was like Pri sch or lower sec?

I've always been quite big-boned. Think I already passed 50kg when I was in Sce 3 liao. Nvr looked back since. Now I'm at the BIG 65kg haha

Hmm.. not sure if I look nice with lonh hair, but I look bad with short hair lor
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">KiKi

Another recipe for you:-

配  料:

猪脚骨高汤4杯 青木瓜1个

1 青木瓜去皮及籽,洗净、切块;黄豆泡水约3小时,洗净、沥干。

2 锅中倒入猪脚骨高汤煮滚,放入黄豆煮至八分熟,加入青木瓜煮至熟烂,加入盐调味即可。</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jul,

I'm also using e cream(s) on myself now. Duno wat happen but after delivery, my skin like super dry. Nv happen before leh so now I diligently applying e Calendula Cream &amp; Botanical Moisturizing Cream

Ok.. Finish xpressing milk, m off to see baby Jed *tia*</font></font>
<font color="ff6000">Morning gals</font>
a home alone day again.. hb left early in the morning for his off-site meeting at Hyatt.. just work up only and will join him in orchard at ard 5pm ba...

jul, girly
i'm also a big boned one... already passed 50kg think in sec 1 and was heaviest during secondary.. slimmed down abit in JC.. now heavier than hub lor at 68kg

long hair ah.. i also bu she de cut my hair leh but my mum's been nagging me... i look really or-bit in short hair.. trying to delay the hair cut till late aug ba.. hahaha
do take care of urself.. saw ur msn that u are tired and had a little infection?? must b tiring running around after ur c-sec... rest well k

hehe my skin already dry all along. But I also tend to perspire, so I get clammy skin too. That's why I din wanna get the sunblock stick, in case it's too sticky for me

Anyway PM u the TT details for the sunscreen lotion liao. Too bad I can't get it in time for 31 Jul gathering. Later HB sure faint coz eveyrthing I come back from gathering, it's a huge bag of spoils haha.


But u're much taller than me leh. I was ard 1.61/1.62m, at 54/55kg. Not the skinny type. Then coz I love carbo, I tend to be mre bah. But luckily the Bah spreads over the big bones, so not so fatty looking haha.

Me not really she bu de abt long hair. But worry I'll look like an AH TOOT with short hair lor. Plus my hair grows really SLOW, so it'll take me like 3 yrs to grow it to mid-back again *sigh*
think if long hair, then muz be long enuff to tie lor otherwise if short, gotta be beri short...bu san bu si, short bt wanna tie cannot tie type more jialut, confinement time imagine the hairs pricking the neck...yo uncomfortable leh...

frankly, i dino liao, ages ago since i 'stroll' along orchard...after the birth of 1st child seldom go liao unless gotta meet some1 or buy something at a specific building. when young can walk fr far east to marina!! can't imagine myself doing it pushing a stroller...once a yr during Xmas season then will bring the kids see the Xmas lighting BUT still confine in the car oni, haha..XD
Hi mummies,
1)I am into 30week. Can we take the papaya fish soup?

2) Is it true we have to register our baby name with ICB within 14 days of birth? I feel its a bit rash cos if we have to let a specialist to anaylse our baby name and we still under confinement, is it bad for mothers to go out?? Can the name to register at hospital after we out of the hospital after the baby name analyse?
my friend recommend me this Baby name analyst, interested mum can refer to website:www.wayonnet.com ,quite good

3) How do we boil the herbal bath? can we use with our own shampoo and body bath with the herbal bath water?
Please advise.
Morning all.

Had a very busy day yesterday. so tired.

Thanks to mummies who gave recommendation on the moisturizer for bb. Think I'll get the CB creams and lotions. so that can use for myself also haha.

Take care jenifur.

Preparing to go for gynae checkup liao. Bye.
yah lor.. i know have to be of certain length to tie otherwise bu san bu si lor.. but still dont want to cut so early.. keke

aiyah then u should join the 31 Jul gathering lor.. it's going to be at Heeren, then ur chance to step into orchard again...

i also scared of the toot toot look. :p
<font color="0077aa">Jenifur...

So Sorry... I happen to see the photoshoot mentioned in the Aug MTB thread and I emailed DolceVita if we are also entitled to it lo... But this was aft u delivered Jed. She was kind enough to org the slots for us. The FOC photoshoot doesnt come with editing but I tink with the studio lightings and effects, it wont be too bad la. Will get my sis to help me touch up abit(esp my STRETCHMARKS!!!) lolz. She know a little abt editing.

3 yrs?? tats a long period, mine fr slightly longer than ear length to nw touching the breasts abt 1yrs+ plus once or twice trimmming. BUT THEN HOR...i gt hairloss prob leh...HAIZZ...

bt then dunno if i am naturally petite or my eating habits helps too...other then chocolates and ice-cream, i rarely touches titbits like chips, crackers...i seldom take fried stuffs oso. say if i go for western food, defintely will be poached or grilled stuffs. oni eaten fish and chip once or twice in my life oni bah... I luvs vege more than meat dishes...i luv all the greens, cooked or raw...BT anyway im nt choosy abt food oso la...if gt choice then choose otherwise i'll juz eat whatever is being served. Think all mommies will wan to haf a kid like me right?? *LOLs*
ya seldom go orchard nw til can use finger count. 1.5yrs ago at paragon for lasik, 9mths ago at far east for rebonding (oh..wanna go for cheap rebonding, i gt lobang...saw my length?? S$100 nia...bt solely by apptm de..), 1mth ago at parkway mall to meet friend. all gt a purpose one, nv walk walk shop shop de...

Hereen? the last time i step into that building was yrs ago...coz there's a stall selling korean cosmetics/facial pdts...bt no longer there le, i think...

think my 'TOOTEST' look was when i was 17... the hair dresser cut my fringe too short until like nearly same to hairline!!! use gel to comb back fringe to cover this horrible mistake!! never haf short fringe since, nw my fringe always same length or slightly shorter then those of back oni...
I found the cheapest nursing bra (in fact, bras of all "designs") at China Town, CK departmental store. Most of the bras are selling at only $3.90! But for nursing bra, only 1 design in 2 colours is available. Then there are like loads of fancy designs bra on sale too... like all from China lah.. hahha never seen such cheap bras before... so many colours and many are lacy lacy type... Catch is... you cannot try on the bras.. so must agar agar.

Just wanna share what I discovered last night, not recommending the place hor.. dun wanna kana killed for recommending cheesy bras :p Unless you are nearby then can go check it out lah.
<font color="ff6000">Jul</font>
Ok! I have updated the attendees list with your collection details liao!

<font color="ff6000">itsy</font>
Why you always can find all the cheap cheap nursing bra?! Really is shopping queen lor! You try and see comfy or not leh. If cannot try, then do what I see those aunties doing: Just try the bra OVER their clothes. Always see alot of ppl doing that when they lazy to go try, or cannot try.

Wei, hint hint I will kill you for recommending cheesey bra is it?? Regardless I will wear or not, I still like to go kaypoh. My hubs' office very nearby to Chinatown CK outlet, can ask him go kaypoh for me.

<font color="ff6000">mama to 6Js</font>
Oh ya hor. I never put my own name. hurhurhur.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+2">31st July (Friday) Gathering</font>

<font size="+1">Venue: Shokudo @ Heeren
Time: 6.30pm onwards</font>

Any alternative suggestions for location, please bring it up for our consideration/polling!

<table border=1><tr><td>Confirmed attendees:</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Collection:</font></TD><TD>TBC attendees: </TD></TR><TR><TD>rach (rayrachel)</TD><TD></TD><TD>kiddo (kidkiddy) </TD></TR><TR><TD>mama to 6Js</TD><TD></TD><TD>Angeline Lee (angielsw) </TD></TR><TR><TD>hui chern (mybb)</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>itsy (itsy)</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jess (phengpheng) + DH</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gerald + angel (26erithink) </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jul_04</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Bbmall/Naforye</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kiki (kiki6) </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gina (ginack) </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shelled</TD><TD></TD><TD></td></tr></table>

BBmall spree items (under shelled), donuts and infant pillows will be distributed at the gathering. So if you're coming to collect your items on the day itself, please let us know so we can bring them along. </font>

<font color="ff6000">Please holler if you'll be coming, so I can add your name to the attendees list!! </font>

I did receive your text message, But I was busy the whole day and by the time I was free, my limbs felt like they would detach themselves from my body. Thus, Didn't reply you.

Text me when you wanna come ya? It takes alot of courage to chop off your tresses. That's why mine is almost touching my butt. XD

Just saw Jenifur, She came in to say hi. I got caught by surprise.. XD

How long is your hair?

I got promotion for rebonding... ^^

98 for Cut, Rebond, Treatment.

But if your hair is really " Kong Bu " de long...

Then have to + abit. XD
I'm coming! Collect donuts and pillows too! :D

Which of these did you all get sia?

Natural Shampoo &amp; Bodywash
Natural Hair Conditioner and Detangler
Natural Skin Care
Natural Bubble Bath Time
Massage oil
anyone got bug repellent or sunscreen? all suitable for both mummy and baby use huh?

I is having my #1, am absolutely clueless about CB products hahaha... which to buy first? which can stock? hohoho!
Back online after helping MIL find the food places in Dirving Miss Foodie. Aiyoh this MIl ah... make me luff sometimes.


Erm.. sorry can't advise u coz I have no clue myself!


Haha me opp of you. I love chocolate. Everyday I need to eat, or I will have drug addict-type w/drawl symptoms :p Then I like meat, fried stuff, gassy drinks.. that explains why my waist not 24inch liao lah haha.


Wah Chinatown reallty too far for me. Plus I got phobia abt Chinatown. I hate to get hot &amp; sweaty. That's why I'm aws hanging in dept stores &amp; shopping centres lor.


Keke yeah lah, MIL not bad to me.


Yup, I'll sms u when I'm coming down then. Must muster up courage first hee.
allio! had my nachos and meltz... the nachos is better than the meltz and metlz not cheesy enuff.. i have to dip into the cheddar for more cheese taste :p
dun really like the salsa wor..

continuing 3/4 left of nachos later :p

<font color="0077aa">gina</font>
not sure what time reaching there (MIM).. not going for the pre-natal talk.
thinking to go see the disposable undies, tea, nursing bras, sling.. then the "next door" little dreamers - healing bottom spray? and another "next door"-birth shop.. walk walk see see look look :p

<font color="0077aa">Jul</font>
sure will update.. so far no response yet

<font color="0077aa">pamelia</font>
preggie still can do rebond? wanted to perm in the first place but preggie liao so stylist dun let me do. and somemore i stay very west...

i already chop off my hair since apr's heatwave..
<font color="0077aa">sandwich</font>
ur toddler so cute!! so nice to start sharing with bb liao :p

<font color="0077aa">itsy</font>
im work nearby chinatown.. but im lazy to walk there... esp during lunchtime... CK dept store.. full of ah peks and old aunties...
but will want to go OG to chk the first few ones u mentioned :p

<font color="0077aa">jul</font>
thanks! got ur PM! =)

Can do the rebond but not strongly recommended. Because of the smell.. ~.~

Now I am constantly in and out of the salon to avoid smelling it too much. Never do on myself but still so much things for me to avoid. >.<

I just had duck rice for lunch, And the stupid guy gave me a portion near the backside! Pui~~~ It's really smelly.

I wonder what time will I be hungry again.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Pam

Gave you a shock just now huh *hee*.. I rem you telling Milkyway said pass by must drop in to said Hi so tt's what I did lor. But after tt I had to rush back cuz my wound hurting again. Actually tot of cutting my hair de

<font color="aa00aa">Cloudme,

e Avent promo is till end of this mth but while stock last hor. I was @ TPY branch &amp; they only have 3 boxes left. e staff recommend to call prior heading down to any of the brances.

Here's all the Contact no Must specify is the Avent promo hor. Then when you are at the branch, just head to e cashier w yr 3 old bottles (w or w/o teat also can) for e xchange</font>

<font color="0000ff">Ling

I'm jus joking w u
Hopefully next time got such lobang for family shots or baby shots lah</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Milkyway

Thanks. M tired cuz need to wake up @ least twice in wee hours to xpress. But all these are worth when I hear e nurse report Baby Jed's weight gain.</font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Babiesme,

Yes, you've to register yr BB's name wtihin 14 days from delivery, either at the hospital or ICA. But you don't have to be there. Your DH can do it, just bring both of yr NRIC, marriage cert &amp; e live birth form(s).

Note for Chinese names - if they are unable to find e character in their com or dictionary, then it cannot be used. So if you planned to use those Chim Chim name which only certain version dictionary have den DO rem to bring along tt dictionary to prove there's really such a character.</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">shelled></font>
hahahhaa...the cheese so cheesy,.. u need to be a cheese lover to like it la...
i think the meltz nicer.. yummy...
ask for pan fried...wah lao...crispy!!! hahaha...

eh.... if i no car on 31st.. how u gonna lug everything to the gathering???
we can split some...

let me know how much more stuffs u have from bbmall???

then i gotta see... how heavy are the 50donuts.. hahahaha....
then we share the load la... else u got Joshua somemore.....

<font color="0000ff">Michelle></font>
hahahha...always forgot to check the BP.. i after replying here..then i go off le...
the next time i rem.... i do it.. heehe.. :p

<font color="0000ff">Gina></font>
So how????
if u can make it for gathering then we'll put u at gathering slot....

Little Dreamers not open today... so i think they were suggesting to collate and order together...
then next sat can go collect....
see who can collect. or unless i have car..then i go collect...
then can pass out with 31st.. but see how...

<font color="0000ff">girly></font> i dunno leh.. i think i never mentioned to him abt my family history..
i think he never asked before abt it.. i cant rem wor.....

but he was saying my glucose strips have been quite constant all the while..maybe thats why he didnt checked.. ehheh.. :p

oooh... but if the normal strips also say okay....then should be all the more okay rite???
did ur normal urine strips turn color???
coz i was thinking... if have... even the most normal strips will turn..if dun have then dun have.....

oooh...so ur strips dun turn color even when u dun take sweet ah????????????? huh..............
then how...next visit is another 3 weeks later le... will i get into trouble????

so i should call my gynae????????????

<font color="0000ff">babiesmeme></font>
i think within 14 days is for registration at the hospital.better coz lesser crowd..
i intend to do it within my 2 days stay...
analyse of names ususally is abt 3 days..the moment u due.. u can call and let the shifu knows ma???
then ur Hb can go down to ICA to register....
doesnt have to be u la..
<font color="ff6000">Rach</font>
I don't intend to rely on your car anyway arh. My hubs to drive me there mah. Then he can carry everything also.
Don't worry for me lah.
<font color="0000ff">shelled></font>
orh... okay.. coz i told u before that i'll go pick u up if i have car ma...
didnt know u got arrangements liaoz..
good then...

we'll see any changes to how they wanna pick up their loot frm us....

Dear all, any changes or updates, pls post here or PM me....

<font color="ff0000">Donuts Listing...</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>S/No.</TD><TD>NAME</TD><TD>COLLECTION VENUE</TD><TD>Rach to pass to: </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>milkyway</TD><TD>milkyway</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Fifidoog (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Huishan</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>kiddo (kidkiddy) </TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>meishi</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Prinzess55 (Nicole Tan) (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Shu Lien/Strawbearbi</TD><TD>Raffles Place</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>angel (26erithink) </TD><TD>Serangoon</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ginack</TD><TD>Serangoon</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>purpleclouds</TD><TD>Serangoon</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>zenn_yan (Binfen)</TD><TD>Serangoon</TD><TD>milkyway </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Jess (phengpheng)</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Prettymums </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>momoteh</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Prettymums </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Moojenn</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Prettymums </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Paige (paigey) (Amy)</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Prettymums </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>kiki (kiki6) </TD><TD>Chong Pang</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>joopz</TD><TD>Collect @ Sengkang</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>hui chern (mybb)</TD><TD>Expo on weekends</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Pinkiemie (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Expo on weekends</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>happymrskoh</TD><TD>Hougang/Wdlands/Bt Merah</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Melissa (infinity star)</TD><TD>Khatib</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Wanling (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Novena</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Michelle (mwerkz)</TD><TD>Prenatal Class at Mt A</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>rorqual (Daphne)</TD><TD>Prenatal Class at Mt A</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>itsy</TD><TD>Prenatal Class at Mt A (bbmall Shelled to Rach)</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Peiwen</TD><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Pamelia</TD><TD>TPY Central</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>Princessgal (Daphne)</TD><TD>undecided</TD><TD>Rach </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Angeline Lee (angielsw) </TD><TD>Bbmall (Batch1)</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>berrypie</TD><TD>Bbmall (Batch1)</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Crystalz</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Gingerninz </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>Ipheh (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Katherine Goh</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>rae_cheong</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Shugar (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>squirrel</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>sunnyling (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>Sweetzinc (Oct MTB)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>virgorosie</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>Xpu (Lynn)</TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>Weldonmummy</TD><TD>Normal mail(Brunei)</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>Floralim </TD><TD>Normal with BBmall </TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>shizuka_gal (Karen)</TD><TD>Registered</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>bbq98 (Chris)</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>48</TD><TD>Jul_04</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>49</TD><TD>Ling (chellechelle)</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>50</TD><TD>shelled</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>51</TD><TD>wifey (Angela)</TD><TD>Shelled</TD><TD>Shelled </TD></TR><TR><TD>52</TD><TD>Jot</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>53</TD><TD>Linny_47</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
rach: I am in the gathering list ah.. hehe you must have missed it :p Yeah, i collect donuts and pillow on the gathering day itself la.. easier :D
Bt i luv chocolates!!! i was saying other than chocolates and ice-cream i live live muz eat, other titbits don't eat oso never mind...i luv all chocolates esp dark ones, luv milo and anything chocolaty...

gassy drinks i oni take a sip or two fr my hub's glass, tats y my gals always remark tat mommy always tou1he1 daddy de drinks, haha...

oooo...really?? gt promotion till when?? 98 is so cheap for rebond cut and treatment! bt muz wait til after confinement wor...nowadays really tong bue tiao my lion's mane liao, arghhh...so unruly so untame...breasts length 'kong bu' mah?? definitely nt long like urs...at butt...me never haf butt length tresses, haha..

erhmm, dunno leh...maybe can asked or checked with his nurse 1st, see what is the usual procedure...might turn out tat gynae overlook or it really cld be gynae finding it unnecessary...

In my opinion, by right shld haf run a test for u lor instead of basing on the strip...coz u oso at high risk side (can check net). only my mom has diabetes bt then it really turn out tat i haf GD tis time round. i did same test for past pregnancies, all turn out okay. if my gynae juz assumed tat i shld be fine tis time too and nt run the test for me, the result cld be disastrous if i didn't put my GD under control...

erhmm so hor, i find it unbelievable tat ur gynae juz rule out the possibility of u having without running any test for u despite ur have family history lor...

for more info, refer to this:


sorry arh, nt scaring u tat the test is necessary for u...juz curious why ur gynae deemed it's unnessary for u and in the 1st place never asked...when i see my gynae for the 1st time 10yrs ago, i haf to fill up health questionaire de...tats why and when he knows abt my family history of my mom being a diabetic patient..

if GD nt in control, i afraid tat it might juz 'continue'... means fr nw on forever become diabetic liao...i oso beri scared...
omg.. i am on CB spree >.< Anyone got the Calming Non-Talc Powder 2.5 oz or should i just get the cheaper alternative- JOHNSON'S Baby Powder? But CB's is non-talc leh.. hmmm... or are there any other non-talc powders available in the market &amp; suitable for bb? :D

haha u only take a few sips. If I take fst food, or pizza or eat some other frid food, I can finish 1 or 2 cans by myself one lor *faint*

Keke I love to spread thick thick Nutella on my bread. In fact, I eat that almost everyday unless I din buy fresh bead that day.


Haha dunno. But I'm not using powder. Find it rather messy, then it irritates my nose too.

Me also ordered sunscreen lotion from Jenifur's Cal BB BP.
actually i hate taking DOM on its own, i've tried before, its so yucky! i was hoping can juz put in the food, that way i won't get to really taste it. haha...

oh...my birthcert and all impt docs are all in my keeping already since a long time ago. think ever since i got married n moved out.

thanks for both your recipes! ooh, u drank it almost every alt days? seriously, is it nice/awful to drink? coz i've never tried before. haha... do we juz drink the soup or also have to eat the papaya and other stuff in the soup?

do take care of your health ya. praying for u that bb J will be home with you guys soon

wah, envy u, your MIL really good to you. she actually can be bothered to make it.

ya, thats what the book says, after 31wks is growth spurt time for baby. maybe yours spurted already since you're in wk 33 :p your bb very big now? why u say can't afford to spurt anymore??

i think u might have missed my earlier msg? pls put me down for collection of donuts during gathering too. thx!

Baby Powders with talc are said to be dangerous when inhaled esp by newborns. Its normally recomended for us to use cornstarch-based baby powder instead. Normal baby powder like J&amp;J &amp; kodomo are with Talc(if im not wrong). If ur tinking of alternatives besides CB, u can try GAIA(also an organic prdt). There's a BP goin on now. The powder is goin for $14.50 for 100g. But not too sure if this BP is confirmed as it needs to meet an MOQ of 40. U can check it out if u want to.


There are also other non-talc powders in the market. I ever saw one brand selling at Baby Kingdom at a very cheap price.. I tink it was only a dollar plus or a few dollars. The bottle is white in colour. Cant remember the brand though. U can also try search outside for other brands. Just look for cornstarch-based baby powders lo..
