(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Jenifur-- No problem.

Huishan-- I will be doing detail scan on the 6th should know by then the gyne say. I also having appointed on the same day with the gyne.

<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Cloudme,

Based on e previous 2 scans, Gynae is 70% confirm is a boy. Hopefully can confirm during my next appt on 8-Apr or else I've wait till detailed scan.

jul n jenifur,

congrats on getting boy.


congrats on princess.

**did i miss out anyone? hee... anyway if i did, congrats to you too!!!!


that must have been a scary experience. glad that both you and baby are fine.


oh, your twins are so cute when they're young. very nice thick and black hair when they were babies.
Hi mommies!! I'm finally on a few days' break in between assignments. Did anyone miss me?

Just had my checkup again today. Confirm mine is a boy.

By the way, any mommies know where I can get a good maternity support belt? I'm having bad ligament pains and my gynae told me to buy a belt to wear to ease off the cramping and pains.

Apparently this pain will not go away until the baby is born, and it's making me a wee bit worried cos it's affecting my movement.
thanks gals for the compliments of the twins. yah they were v cute when babies and to top it all, v easy babies. i didnt have maid when i was looking after them full time myself. but now.... different story! everyday arguing with me!!
Congrats Rach to the first girl in this thread!


How do you tell what is what on the scan?
I can't even make out the baby >.<
4 Days more till I "May" know the gender!!!

My weight seems to be increasing really slowly, But my weight dropped in my 1st Trimester. I am Normally a ~53kg. But at the gynae I was 50kg. I am 169cm, So I wonder If I am at a "Healthy" Weight.
<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">KiKi,

My bb's gender not confirm yet leh, only suspect is boy boy.

<font color="aa00aa">shelled,

I've seen maternity support belt at Maternity Exchange &amp; Kiddy Palace. I guess major department store shld have. I quite like the one from Maternity Exchange, tink e brand is Inujirushi.</font></font>
Hi mummies
Sorry to interrupt.

I have a set of Medela Swing Just bought on 19march.
Warranthy Still with me.
Bought $469 its with Cooler carrier bag

All Item
-Medela Swing Rp : $369 Condition 9:10
-Cooler Carrier Bag (4 bottles in bag) Rp : $109 Brand New
-3 pcs bottle Rp : $35.90 Condition 9:10
-Purelan Nipple cream 37gBrand New
-Diapers Dispenser bag.Brand NEw
-A pair of baby leg socks Brand New

Willing to let go $380
Onli use less than 5 times.As good as brand new.
Price negotiateble
Collection at Bukit Panjang

Kindly Email me at [email protected]


i tried that baby gender prediction formula, it says me having gal.

but out of curiousity, how come its based on LMP month and not conception month? i somehow feel that based on conception month like more accurate. coz 2 persons can have same LMP mth but conceive on different lunar mth.

Wah, but that brand from Japan, not cheap leh! But I'll go look-see anyway.

I just very scared it's not comfy, the belt dig into my skin (and fats) when I wear it...

So are you hoping for boy or girl?
congrats!!! You've got a girl!! This weekend i gonna have a checkup, wondering if i will be able to know the gender... dying to know lor....You must be extremely happy to report a PRINCESS! hahaa

How to see huh?? Your scan very clear but i don't know how to see leh........... LOL!

Bean sprout pillow har... inside like got things one lor. LOL! I also dont know how to explain to you... maybe get MAVIS to explain.. LOL! I am very lousy at explaining... hahaha....

BTW all of you calculate until i don't even get what you mean....hahaa.. or maybe i plain too lazy to do it.... LOL!

~14w5d; EDD 19sept~
any mummies here went to do hair treatment, colour, perm or rebond hair in their 2nd trimester? i feel like i'm having bad hair day everyday. depressing...
kiki, from what i know.. colour, perm / rebond cannot do till give birth.. i asked my hair stylist abt hair treatment.. he say treatment can..
ya.. tt's what i know lo.. got chemical treatments ma.. can just go for a trim n treatment? pamper urself.. let them blow dry mayb u'll feel better?
My usual hairstylist also REFUSE to do anything to my hair except cut, wash, blow and treatment.

I really want to perm my hair lor. But she always say "better to be safe than sorry". Plus, she say the perming lotions or hair color smell might make preggies puke.

Plus, don't stay seated too long, later backache.

Sometimes dunno whether I want to love her or hate her, cos she's so strict. Let her earn $$ she also dunwan.

your gynae younger so more modern. hehe...


ya lor... thats exactly what my hb told me "better to be safe than sorry". he say until like that, of coz makes me very scared.
I'm A Hairstylist!!! And I would recommend you mommies that if you're afraid the smell would make you puke.. Go for salons that use Loreal. Mine does. It smells pleasant because it's ammonia free!.

I will still color my hair, But I won't let it touch my scalp.
Pamelia.. isiz just the smell or the chemical which maybe absorb into our body which is unhealthy for the bb? if it's just the smell i wear oxygen tank then ok liao lo :p

True lah, she's prob late 30s bah? But she has 3 kids, all ok, so I guess she must be doing something right? haha

I agree with Pamelia

Try not to let the things touch ur scalp lor.
It's the chemical that gets " absorbed " they say... So if you wanna color.. Let them know not to apply directly on your scalp. =3
can't confirm cos i dunno if i strike in engl nov or dec...
and the lunar mth is diff...if lunar for nov is 10mth and lunar for dec is 11 mth...

if based on 10 mth ...will be a ger = wrong
if based on 11 mth ...will be a boy = correct...
mama6> err.. so means i should be 16weeks 3 days issit?? actually i dunno leh... my is agaration...
coz gynae only says in weeks.. no exact days... hahaha...
if based on LMP on a normal 28 cycle.. my EDD is 5th Sept... But my cycle is definitely not 28days... abt 33-34days...
And on the 2nd visit at 9 weeks.. he measured the bb and there appeared a date on the scan.. 9th sept... so i faithfully stick to 090909 since then..

which i believe is more accurate la... coz i'm pretty sure i'm not 5th sept.. coz he used a round circle calendar thingy..which is a standard template for usual 28 days cycle...
so... my exact days may be inaccurate..

Just take it roughly ard 9 sept loh.. hehehe.. :p

Wah... u wanna have 7 kids?? hahahaha... :p

Huishan> you are right in a certain extent... like for me...my LMP is 29th Nov.
And on 29th Nov 2008, you can see from the usual calendar that it is 11月 初2.
so i gotta use the 11 from the 11月 初2 x 7 + 19 - (2008-1981+1) = 68 = girl

The website you gave works for me.. but hor.. how do i know the exact date of conception leh? hahaha...

Kat Goh> LMP is the 1st day of ur last menses period..

wrong wrong wrong!!!!

you take the month.. not the day.... 14 Dec is lunar 11月...

So you should take 11x7+19-30 = 66 ==> girl.. are you born in 1979?? since u used 30...

The link by Huishan everything in western calendar year leh.. not key with lunar leh...and did u select 8 as the time zone??
But i was wondering how to figure out when is the conception leh... coz if the day is selected wrongly.. it'll affect the result also.. ahah..:p

Jul> i think all the prediction wont work for u.. coz ur cycle is 22 days... hehehhee.. doesnt work for u... u prob gotta use whatever they say as the opposite..

Purpleclouds> hehehe.. are u expecting a boy?? sounds like the symptoms of a boy.. nose will become big big like what they say... :p

Mavis> thanks!!

LMP is ur last menses period.. the 1st day of ur last menses..

dun worry.. tell us ur LMP.. we can find out the lunar date for u... u mean u dun rem the last menses period as well?

cloudme> thanks!!

Wah.. u having 2 kids within a year ah?? u still rem ur LMP for ur #1????
and u able to check ur #1's LMP in lunar month??

Jul> hehehe.. yeah yeah!!! thank God I managed to be the 1st to know.. hahahaha.. :p

jenifur> hehehe... thanks!!!
ooh.. same EDD ah??? when's ur LMP?? u use the correct figures to calculate ma?
Which year u born in?

Pamelia> thanks!!

shelled> she gave birth to the twins naturally..she mentioned before..

kiki> you are right... thats why the EDD also impt... like we figured out that jul is 22 days cycle and the formula apparently dont work for her..

both the LMP and conception month needs to be taken into consideration.. but so far.. seems like.. just by taking into account the LMP.. its more accurate.. hahahah....

princess> yeah u bet!! Happy!!!

Give me ur LMP date, ur birth year.. i help u to calculate!!!

but since u are 19 sept... likely i can use 11x7+19- (ur lunar age)

kiki> i used the chart.. its correct.. Girl..

Conception Month is Nov.
Conception Age is 28.
Its still the same figures i used in my formula..

LMP (month) x 7 + 19 - (conception age)
11 x 7 + 19 - 28 = 68

Did you use the same figures in both chart??

Is that why all the prediction tests I did all say I have a gal?

U were still saying that u wanted to be no.1 to report a gal hor? haha

I see the gals' clothes all so cute! But cannot buy.

but when using your formula, i get different results! keke... so which is which? hopefully i'd know soon. *wink*

princess> urs would be 11 x 7 + 19 - 24 (but you are born in year of Ox?) = 72 ==> girl
But if its rat then its boy..

So u are Ox rite?? so its girl loh..

cloudme> what do u mean?? when's ur LMP and EDD?? we can count backwards..

Pamelia> LMP, EDD, Year of birth.. unless its Born in Jan or Feb then we need the year of animal u are born in..
