(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

welcome back!

oh my delveries were all natural incl the twins. my gynae also v bold lor he said since both heads down already i can try natural. i know of some gynaes who refused to take the risk. if i got c secction i wont be hvg so many kids right.

i mean that i did up a spread sheet that i chart after wedding...
and i will just input my LMP and how many days is my cycle of "flow" and the days when my next "flow" arrive...

my cycles can sometime be short like 30++ days and longest like 80++ days one...
so i need to do spreadsheet to keep track...

i got a webbie that i can find all the yrs lunar date...
Shelled, I wouldn't recommend you to perm.

Perming lotion is actually more damaging than coloring because it is of a reconstructing agent.
*kiki* *rach*
me moo moo... not rat! hahaha...
so is girl girl??? hope its correct.... whahahahaa.... :)

thanks ah... i see you all calculate until i gong gong..... haahaa...

ask you ah.. can we eat yogurt?
try to cal for my ger one loh...

26 jun 07 is my LMP...edd is suppose to be 11 apr but she arrived on 8apr 08
and i am a goat...

so ur cal??
Jul> yeah.. i guess coz ur cycle is much shorter than the usual one.. so.. abit diff.. hehehe...

coz ur Ovulation and Menstruating period is different loh.. heheh.. :p

Yeah!! I wanted to be the 1st.. and i did!!!

huh?? i tot u said sometimes u have 1 jul.. sometimes end jul one more time?? i think i read ur previous posts said its 22 days cycle leh...
But if its 32 days.. then it should be correct leh..

But if its 22 days.. how can it be.. ur LMP is 28 nov.. 1 day before me.. and yet EDD is 28th Aug.. which is so much earlier than me???
The only reason is... ur LMP is much earlier.. or ur LMP was inaccurate for Nov.... ur Oct one to Nov one.. accurate or not??
Coz the only reason is if i use Oct (10yue) for ur calculation then it'll be correct....

Like the long long explanation i was giving to girly previously... coz my EDD is 9 Sept.. and my LMP is 29th Nov...
if ur EDD is 28th Aug.. the no. of days in between should go back to 10yue... then its correct... hahahaha...
But prob...the fact is that... ur LMP is 28th Nov...

LMP is the 1st day of ur last menses.. u didnt used ur last day of ur last menses rite???
28th Nov was the 1st day of menses???? or was it the last???

kiki> give me ur LMP and EDD and year of birth again??? not born in jan/feb rite??

cloudme> ooh.. okay.. there shouldnt be discrepancy.. unless use the wrong figures... but u keep track of the day is in normal calendar rite?? u changed it to the lunar month liaoz hor??
wah.. so when u got ur girl... the previous month correct length or not??

princess> yogurt is good ah..
i was still thinking whether can eat... but i dont think so much.. cos i cannot shit for 3 days already.. LOL! so i am back in having my yogurt again... haha... :) heng still can eat.. else i mouth itchy also dont know eat what... total already ate 1 packet of tomato twisties, 2 packets of potato chips... LOL! i even ate 3 KFC chicken, pizzahut drumlets, chicken wings... LOL... i have been eating lots of rubbish food ah....

LMP 08dec08, edd 17sept, 1975. nope, me born middle of the yr.

LMP is start of the mensus cycle is it? or is it the end? the date i give u is the start.

gosh, u're eating lots of junk food leh... not so good...must eat more nutritious stuff mah.

cannot shit, drink prune juice.

think u calculate till blur le, jul nt the one LMP 28 nov 2008 and edd 28 aug 2009. That is flower la...

I better nt involve in these again...wait i also tao gong gong....
yah loh. 1st trimester i eat so healthily... then 2nd trimester i eat so much rubbish! i even had curry ytd.. but not much la... hahaha... but i still take fruits... :) trying to be LESS-sinful liao... i scare HEATY ah.... whahaha... prune juice i never drink before... don't know how it taste... hahaa....

btw, anyone of you sign up any antenatal programme??

Nah my cycle siao siao one. I range b/w something like 28 days to 34 days.

Haha i think u read salar. My LMP 25 Nov, EDD 4 Sep leh.

Cannot perm then jialat lah. Cos I am never keen on hair coloring. I find it so troublesome to touch up color every few weeks. And super drying on my hair.

Die lor. Have to tahan my auntie short hair lor.

still wanna tell u again, if LMP 28th nov 2008 (11yue) it is IMPOSSIBLE to ovulate before LMP de okay... How can LMP be 11yue and ovulate and conceived 10yue??? if ovulate and conceived 10yue, the 11yue mense WILL NOT come liao!!

Don't know how to explain to u le, can somebody help me????

flower edd 28 aug 2009 and u 9 sept 2009, flower 12 days earlier. meaning she conceived 12 days earlier than u, still 11yue mah....haizz....
Congrats to all mummies that know the gender of your bb !!

Hehe, me going to find out this sat , haha see DD accurate or not

Me not sure which gender i prefer , boyboy or girlgirl. I just want my DH to do more lot haha

Very hectic day for me. Email non-stop. Lots of work & my company system sucks. Not my fault still got to be the one to answer to client due to my overseas office mistake. I hate to lie urgh.
hi mummies,

i am going to see gynae at 6pm appt.. changed appt to today coz being hving cramps lately.. so better to check.. but i doubt can see gender so soon.. cos now i only 17 weeks n 1 day.. had bad dream last nite also.. abt bb.. scary dream, then tis morning woke up my photo hung on the wall dropped.. hopefully its nothing bad..
*hui chern*
me too! going to the gynae this sat.. hope we able to see yah.. but i will only be wk15... don't know can see anot... but if boy, confirm can see right?

The bad dream was prob b/c u were anxious abt the cramps mah. Dun worry. 17 weeks can see liao lah. Saw mine at 16 weeks.

there's nothing wrong that flower LMP is 28th nov 2008, 1 day earlier than u yet edd is 28 aug 2009, 12 days earlier than u...

the only explanation is her cycle is short (22 days)bt urs is 33-34days. That means she ovulate and conceived way early than u. her LMP 28th nov bt she conceived 5th Dec. whereas ur LMP is 29th nov bt u only conceived on 17th Dec.

her conception date is 5th dec (11yue) then her edd can be 28 aug 2009.

If you really wanna perm, You tell them to just apply the lotion on the ends but not on your scalp..

But if your hair is hort then I'm afraid you can't do anything but to wait till your baby comes to this world and after your 1 mth of smellyness.. XD
yeah! :) i really hope i can know this sat lor.. like i said, my this gynae i only seen her twice, i don't even know her 'pattern'... but i only know i always go in and out very fast... faster than other people! i machiam go in see see smile smile at her then out liao.. never get to ask her much.... ):

Won't have 1 month of smellyness... cos i also shower and wash hair one.

It's so unhygenic not to shower lor. Some more BF baby. Expect the baby to suckle off a dirty sweaty tit meh.


Wah. Really is boy again arh?! Then your princess now really can be princess! Unless... u intend to have more babies?
mama to 6Js

haha..ya..true. not anything agst rach's formula, it's for fun after all...juz that, when facts are messed up, i gt the 'urge' to wanna rectify/justify it lor...haizz...maybe im a librian la...

Next time simply REFUSE to leave until she answer all your qns. Otherwise, who she expect you to ask?!

I don't like those gynae that take too long, but I think also shouldn't go in and come out fast lor. Also must discuss birth plan, answer your queries, etc etc. We pay them for their medicla advice, and we should get it!
i know what u mean. esp when u so curious to find out the truth hor.

dunno leh, i dun think anymore after this lah. i wanna rest my body leh. but seems like hub still wants!!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Shelled,

Ya, it's from Japan but my gf said v comfy. Tink it costs ard $100+, I'm still considering whether to buy. But most likely wun buy lah, I've been like thinking to get a support belt since my #1 pregnancy till now. *haha*

I was hoping for a gir cuz I find boy more difficult to take care leh</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Rach,

Shld b correct leh. My LMP is on 29-11-08 &amp; I'm born in Sept/1977, unless I rem e LMP wrongly.

11 * 7 + 19 - 32 = 64 (even = girlgirl)</font>

<font color="0000ff">Princess,

U r so young...same age as my younger sis leh.

^5, U &amp; me sama sama, eat all e junk food. I just finished 1 pack of Nacho with Cheese. Duno why recently keep wanting to eat all e junk food. Now tat u mention, I feel like eating BBQ twisties</font>

<font color="aa00aa">hui Chern,

Cheer up ya... very soon u will be enjoying yr maternity leave liao. Hope e pic cheer u up ya</font></font>

Jul >

i also dunno.. halfway lunch oredi felt abit painful.. then after lunch sat down watch tv.. getting more n more painful..pain awhile.. stop pain awhile stop.. then i try to go toilet.. initially just poop.. then flushed and stl pain.. then become ls..

then i went hm.. then 4+ start cramp again..
hi Sheryn, i also experienced some cramps and pelvic pain recently. wanted to see my gynae yesterday but fully booked. so yesterday i went to see GP. took urine test. results will be out on fri. GP advise me not to take any more citrus fruits. i dunno whether it is infection or jus muscles stretching.
doc also comment maybe my baby is at my lower pelvic area. thus as the baby grows, the weight exert forces, causing me to feel the pain. however i also experienced that pain when i go toilet. so lets pray everything gonna be fine!

Me opposite. My gynae aws sits there waiting me to bombard her with qns. But I just stone coz I cannot rem what to ask. Then come out, go home liao, then rem what I shd have asked! duh leh!


I forgot, r u doing FA scan?
I pay so much at TPS but i don't even get to ask much cos she gives me the imprssion of being very busy... that time when she gave me prenatal vits i told her so big i really cannot swallow, she tell me can one... then she ask her nurse who took before... she say easy to swallow... TMD! to me really hard to swallow lor.. end up i force myself to swallow until left 5-7 pcs i stop already cos making me nausea and phobia now... i see and think i also scare... ):
mama to 6Js >

yeah cramps.. i dun thk its contraction rite? just cramps for awhile stop n cramp for awhile stop.. i kept tellin bb.. must gud lat abit.. must争气 like daddy.. mummy had a hard time.. so dun give up..

ok if i manage to noe anythg.. i will report ok.. if u dun hear from me tonight.. means nothing to report yet.. hahaha

Princess >

my tummy only tighten after every meal.. only then my tummy can be seen.. otherwise its stl small small one..nobody can tell i preggie..
hope u get to see urs soon too ok!
i no chance ask lor. sians. think she see me young then just dont bother... roar.. but many people all say she not bad one lor... to me, i very hard to comment much cos only since twice.. but not v v v gd impression especially when i was hospitalised.. waited the whole day she never come, the nurses say SHE BUSY!
My tummy tight tight too after i eat and especially from evening onwards... i think my tummy can see a little already... but still many people are unaware of my pregnancy... :)

huishan >

yeah.. hope all is well..

sorry to say cos now almost dinner time.. but my poo poo is dark dark green close to black.. isit normal?? last time i everyday also go toilet.. ever since preggie i go like 3 days once.. then become dark dark colour.. i dunno if its norm
