(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Mavis, Jenifur
The message lady got experience in messaging c-section mummies before.

$50 per hr sound reasonable , so it pay after everything. So last time how many days did you do ? Is she good ?

<font color="0000ff">mavis,</font>
think the moderator saw what we are talking about those ad and the change the thread to "private posting"...


finally ...no need to see all those rubbish sales posting...
Hui Chern-- My sister is Section-C mummy she did quite a good job. She managed to massage the blood clots from her body to be expel out. I heard my sis say she is good lots of strength. My sis is on the plump side.

Cloudme-- Hmm.. They monitoring haha. Gd also. U guys a not working har ?

I have a manual "yao lan" to let go. Its brand new and barely use it. Only use it on my #1 for a few times. Wont be letting my #2 slp in it as I dont like the idea of rocking my kids to slp. Regretted it after I bought... Dont want them to get use to it and also due to the space constraint.

Willing to let go at $50 with 2 sarongs included and it can be attached to the yao lan. Interested, pls pm me for more info.
*tinkles mum*
thanks for the updates. I was actually browsing around for nice and cute bean sprouts pillows... :)

You also having prince! :) congrats yah!

i hope i will report here with a princess. hahaahaaa
Alamak u guys want beansprout pillow I think I should have take my and sell hahaha I got extra my mum help me to do and I buy alot cute cute cover to make hahaha.

Cloudme--- Congras har.. my little one har.. haiyo shang nao jing only like to stay in round around and dun stay still so I dun know yet.. Waiting for April 6th go for details scan le.
i still looking around.... still early mah... hahaha.. i saw one so nice... not obiang obiang.. still got name one leh... the font use so nice some more... hahahaha... last time my mum do.... now she too busy no time at all.... i used to sleep on one too but no idea where it disappear to after i married... sob sob...
it's ok... i understand...

RE: beansprout pillow...
actually my mum wanted to do one but she said can't get the beansprout "casing" as the seller said the vendor will take them back...(to sell to those maker of beansprout pillow?)

maybe i should approach my canteen seller..cos he sell food that need beansprout...
princessxiaomei-- ya I also agree blurr lost in lalang. I ask my mum frend to sew for me the casing hahaha.... very cheap only I got like a few kg of beansprout heads... so many fainted pick until blurr. --- ____---- "
good that ur ratio has gone up. but dun worry all these tests r not conclusive u know. many get mixed results then realised baby is actually ok after do amnio or FA. so dun scare urself first ok

why u need to go for heart scan? its u or the baby?
Hi princessxiaomei- hope you'll find stg you like at my blog - u can email me direct at [email protected]

Hi Cloudme - Mine comes with casing - all inclusive. If your mum already made for you and you just need casing, you can let me know too

Thank you!
anyway...my mum made a tea leaf pillow instead for my #1...
with dry tea leaves that she lug from china...

am passing that down to my #2...
do they? but thats only half of their life journey till now. now can tell the diff v easily. cos one is much fatter than the other! haha..
so cute hor! :) haha.. and VERY CHUBBY leh!LOL! How you feed until so chubby! Everyone keep saying to me, next time my baby sure skinny skinny like me.... like i never feed my baby! URGH!
yah very chubby, until now still very chubby lor! now got headache leh cos if overweight in primary sch they give u hard time! keep telling me must watch their weight. but i know my boys r big but fit. v hard to control their diet so can only make them exercise more lor. they have always had good appetite. skinny nvm lah most impt is healthy ok
U guys can use green bean to do as well... But once in a while u guys have to take and sunshine.. If not sometime got worm.
Hi mummies!

I was soo looking forward to my gynae visit on mon but when I was there, the receptionist said that the doc was ill!! GRRR!! Didn't even call me somemore! In the end, the midwife just did a bit here and there for me but no scan.

So, I was fuming for the whole afternoon cos I STILL don't know the gender at 16W. In the evening, I drove to the station to pick up the HB. A few seconds after we came to a stop behind a traffic jam... BAMMM.. some idiot hit us at full speed and I knew my vision went black. The next thing I knew, I was heading directly for a bus. Anyway, the car is completely wrecked and I had to go to A&amp;E for a check up.

Looking on the bright side of things... I got an ultrasound finally! wahhaha.. After making sure that the little one was alright, I gan gan ask.. is it a boy or girl? The doc laughed and said... it's WAAAAAYYYY tooooo early to tell.. GRRRR!!!!

All mummies..So please remember to wear a safety belt at all times! You never know when something happens1

Who doesn't know the gender at 16W.. me lor.. hehheh

Your twins look really cute and chubby!
i like the 2 year old pics, heee. they're really very chubby!

bb names,
digital life mentioned this personal baby name assistant website today ... http://www.nymbler.com/ i shall go and try the names there tonight!

you didn't wear a seatbelt? what a harrowing experience! by the way i won't know gender by 16 weeks too. will most prob only find out at FA scan at 20 weeks.
hiazzz often i would say there isn't any stress .. stresser then taking care of children .... but the fustration is really killing me man....

the pain of labour seem to be painful it is a happiness of pain....
the pain of work is not as painful but can make me go kill pple.....

mamato6 - they are so cute!!!!! especailly the part of 2yr old....
oh dear delfine, that sounds horrible. are u ok? oh my thank God the little one is safe. where did u go for check up? why the doc dun wanna see for u huh? nvm lah as long as ur baby is safe n sound. u can make appt to see ur gynae again soon. so weird huh gynae not in the nurse also never call to inform u?
wah ur work must be killing u for u to say like that! good to let it all out here. if u cant take it, wait till u can claim ur ML then quit lor.
delfine... oooo scary!!! i seldom put on seat belts as too uncomfortable... gosh... everything is fine....

Is seems like going to rain hope it wasj away all more troubles..... what a day !!!
Hi Sandwich,
I wore a safety belt. Heng! You going for the FA scan at 20 weeks? When the doc was scanning, I tried to look for the hamburger or sausage, but couldn't see..heheh.. He wasn't also actively looking for signs anyway. Asked me to wait a few more weeks somemore!!

Yeah lor.. suay right? Some more no warning cos it came from the back. Maybe cos it suddenly rained very heavily and then there was hail. The police said the lady behind me probably fell asleep. How can??!!

Yeah, was quite a shocking experience! I'm ok save for my neck that aches like hell! Thanks for asking. I'm in Germany, so I also didn't know where I went for check up! The gynae is an A&amp;E gynae, so I was also a bit paiseh to ask him cos I think he was busy. Yeah lor, no appt also didn't call me.. somemore it was my first time there. Any way, they gave me an appt next wed and she'd better be nice or I'm changing! hehheh
