(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Princess/Jul_04,

Next time prepare a list of questions &amp; bring with you. I do that &amp; I'll ask my HB to remind me to ask. If I still forget den I'll email her to ask.

I hate those type of gynae who dun hv time for their patient. My 1st gynae was like tat... wait for 1.5hr jus to see him for less den 10 mins.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Mamato6J,

My HB also said want some more. I haven even unload tis bb, he planning when to have next one. *faint* I tell him next one mus hv @ least 2 yrs gap &amp; will b e last one cuz I not young anymore lor.</font></font>

Yeah...ever since preg kept LSing.. but tis time is cramp plus LSing.. i read online

Premature labour – between the 20th and 36th week, stomach pain or cramps with diarrhoea, back pain and contractions.

so i worry also..
appt changed to 6.30pm cos doc will be late..

at least nurse bothered to call n inform... i shall leave at 6pm.. but like going to rain again..haiz..

*jaw drop*, your hubby wants more kids?? wow! i'm really impressed. he must really lovvve kids.

so many boys, nextime when they reach teenage yrs, will burn a hole in your pocket when they start to ask u for $ to park-tor. kekeke....

but your gal will truely be very special, nextime sure very doted by all her brothers, being the only gal.
Luckily i intend to change gynae... else i sure get so pissed.. now i still okay.. as long as everything is okay i'm happy. But i think i am quite annoyed with her cos she seemed to be rushing..... ):
mama to 6Js

huh?? what truth??

I juz wanna let rach or others know we ovulate and conceived after LMP de...as we know when we conceived our menses don't come liao. that's that is our LMP mah...

eg LMP 1st nov (given 28days cycle) next tentative period is 28th nov...

bt when we ovulate and conceived on 14th nov, the 28th nov never will come. so 1st nov is our LMP. Clear cut we conceived AFTER LMP. and nt BEFORE 1st nov. right right???

hmm...for fun la...bt erhmmm... to change facts to accomodate the formula to make it accurate like erhmmm...kinda strange lor, haha...

anyway forget if i haf said anything...I want a pixie face not a big head, haha

I guess she is v popular, so bobian lor. Anyway u not sticking with her, so "ren" a while more ok?


Mine also very dark colour! Oops.. such gross topic haha


Yeah I shd jot down what I need to ask. I nearly forogt to ask abt the travelling thing until HB reminded me. *knocks head*
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Sheryn,

Dun worry too much ya.

Are you taking Iron Supplments? Iron Supplements will cause yr stool to bcome almost black colour.</font></font>
Baby Names

last nite hubby n i hv decided on Ryan Chen if its bb boy.. Chloe Chen if its BB Girl..

Common names but stl nice.. =) Ryan seems like a handsome boy's name..
Baby names.. haha.. that time i told hubby named our baby JUNIOR... he say young that time okay la.. imagine grow up and at the age of 30s 40s.. people ask what's your name... JUNIOR... gonna make people laugh out loud loh......

I think it depends on individual &amp; gynae. Calcium pills for me b/c I cannot take milk. Iron b/c I got low iron. Not every gynae believes in fish oil also.

you wanna change gynae? i would advise that if u do wanna change gynae, try to do it as early as possible. because some good gynaes if you're already quite late in your pregnancy will not take you in, if their schedules are very booked up already.
i think before she give me, i tell her...

DOCTOR! i take milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, fruits, vegetables REGULARLY. so i no need iron, calcium, fish oil. hahahaaaa

You think can?

Princess >

hahaha.. steady steady.. now i only thk bb's health.. n i thk my gynae might say.. stl early stl early.. then i will whack him! hahah

kiki &amp; jenifur >

i now taking folic, tis red pill which looks like the love seed (i thk is multi vits) n prolacta fish oil dha.. only tis 3.. he hvnt give me any iron pill yet.. so maybe its the folic acid tts causing heatiness.. tts wat my mummy said..

jenifur >

so are u going to tabulate the latest update on mommies n due dates n genders?

Jul >

yeah sorry.. yucky for nw rite.. mum mum time somemore.. ok.. forget abt the WC thingy all.. change topic!!! hahaha =)
oh! but i think my gynae will take me in? Cos my parents know him and he is my mum's gynae... Hahaa... he has 20+ years of experience already... some say he 50s sure Steady anot... sigh..

haha... JUNIOR okay mah.... LOL! princessxiaomei JUNIOR leh! hahaa..
okie lovely ladies >

i am going to get ready to go out n take mrt le.. if u see my news today means can see somethg.. hahaha if no news means stl early stl early ok?

Ciaoz Take Care all!! Big ones n Small ones~
Waiting for your good news! :)

okay, i will tell her that.. hopefully she doesn't laugh until pengs like that time during the first visit........ else i think i really look like a clown to her! >_<
yo ladies. jus curious when u ladies take MRT, are you being offered any seat???

cos now our pregnancy still not very obvious. i doubt ppl will give up seats for us. thats wat i experienced so far.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Princess,

If u changing gynae den ok lah, just bear w her for e time being. How come u so late den change gynae? Shld do it b4 12 wks den can take e gynae's package *hee*</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Sheryn,

Waiting to hear yr gd news ya. I dun mind tabulating e table since I everyday @ home so free. Hv email Kiddo to check if she wld prefer me to take over since she so busy.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Btw any mummies know where got gd tim sum to eat huh &amp; opens till late hrs? We used to go to e v famous 1 in Geylang but nowadays find e tim sum not nice anymore leh?</font></font>
Hi everyone!

Thanks a lot for your nice comments and concern. Feeling better already.. meeting suay things can really throw you into a funk...zzzz. Thanks for the support!
Hi girly,

I know you very pek chek with the LMP ovulation thingy already. Just want to say, I agree with you. If the person has a perfect 28 day cycle then the ovulation is 14 days after LMP. If the cycle is longer than 28, then the ovulation is also more than 14 days after LMP. Surely cannot ovulate and concieve and get period somemore... Agree?

Where are you planning to go for a trip? I also want to have a last 'honeymoon' before I lose my freedom for at least the next 18 years! hahaha
Like that hor, i am sure mine is either 28 or 29 days cycle, my ovulation should be day14 or day15 right?

So if i do 1-2 days before O, chances might still be boyboy right?
Actually ah... i feel mine might be boy reason being, i did it super near or either on O day... this is the only one reason why i feel might be boyboy. Other than that, no other reasons. Unless the y swim much much faster than the x loh.. then got chance!

Theoretically should be around day 14. But if you want to be very sure, then must measure your basal body temperature liao..

Haha.. you want boy ah? I think there is a theory if you do very close to O, you can get boyboy. But I think it is like 12-24hours before O based on the assumption that the boyboy soldiers can march faster to the egg than the girlgirl soldiers and impregnate the egg first.. heehee. But you never no for sure one lah. Your appointment coming up soon? Kan cheong or not?

wish I'm in sgp now lor. All the gynae so on one. Scan for the gender so early already. Here I wait until neck long long.. till 16weeks and they still tell me to wait a few more weeks! Pengsan already lah!
i never take basal body temperature that time, basically i use the mucus to check too. LOL!

I want girlgirl... but if boyboy also nevermind.. healthy is the most important... :)

I am very gancheong.. but i act like no else i gonna countdown like siao. HAHAHA!

Hopefully the girlgirl soldiers march super fast! :) LOL!
not 18 yrs hor. imagine if u have 1 or 2 more after this, then it will be longer than 18 yrs for sure!! haha...

actually ppl say if u plan for ur preg usually u will get boy if accident u will get gal. my last preg was accident and i got gal but this preg also accident leh and i got boy? all this sayings make me confused haha...

no, not truth. what i mean is u gettg agitated over the calculation behind this formula hor haha... aiyah medical science is the most accurate the rest just for fun. dun think till ur hair turn grey hor haha
i not doing FA. only doing detailed scan at gynae clinic using his own 4d machine. he said good enuf unless i want v v detailed. oh my last scan at 15 wks he said cos my tummy skin nt thick he can see many organs already. so he scanned the heart and brain both good.

mucus also good method.. who knows your girlgirl soldiers siao on one, march very fast leh? wahahaha.. you got bad MS right? They also say bad MS means girlgirl? I hope you get girlgirl ok?!

Look at mamato6Js, think some people just have stronger boyboy or girlgirl soldiers too! heehee
not me, its my husb! haha... even my gynae said his sperms all Y!

yes hub loves kids a lot. esp when he doesnt need to look after them hehe... he likes to play with them, buys things for them, bring them out etc... but never help in changing diapers or nite feeds or even help when kids r sick!

You're absolutely right.. must give birth all in one row then at least the 18years can overlap a bit and make 19 or 20 years

Planned means boy ah? Hmm.. actually a bit true leh. But I think for your case, 5:1 ratio is more due to your hubby..heehee

Wahahaha, your gynae so funny! Wah lau! Imagine all Y sperms marching madly to your eggs! Like playing rugby like that.. The one X one that made your dear girl must have been some super X sperm lah!
Yup! I having super duper bad MS!!! The other time i went to glance 2 books It's a Girl / It's a Boy, they mentioned something, which off-hand i cant remember now.... it's like girlgirl for me... LOL!

My hb soldier.... wait skali his boy and girl soldier march very fast.... then very tough competition leh.... LOL!

Actually i prefer #1 girl is because i don't intend to have #2 within next 2 years. I want to focus on #1 and re-build my career. Else no dual income how to have #2?
