(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


haha..ya tat's actually what i think u are trying to do lor...to justify the formula...then think of so many funny funny de explanation, haha..become so wu li tou...

keep us informed okay, we'll then know if ur zu chuan mi fang formula works for u
juz teasing

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good morning! how come there are so many irritating advertisements on our thread?

mummies who are expecting boys,
have you already strated brainstorming for a name?
These ads are really irritating! Argh!

Have brought my fri appt forward to this evening. Still not feeling anything from bb, and weight not seeming to up. hmm. Then panty seems to be damp most days. Dunno if it's incontinence or leaking. Want to go for peace of mind.

mil's godma passed away last sat so our entire family have been going over for the entire wake. After the first day, nvr take the red string already. Trying not to think about it. Anyway by the time we get home, all dog-tired already, just zzz straight away, even wash with the flower water also forget liao.
i have not started but the middle name will follow bb's sis ..."wei xxx"...
will only start sourcing the last character in the last trims...
Rach--- There is 2 type of sling one from USA that one with better material it cost $68/- The other one I got to check with my sister cos she incharge I am not very sure but is much cheaper.
<blockquote>Sort of but haven't really come across any that we really like. We'll prepare a boy's and a girl's name. Just in case the scan is wrong.
if u dun believe in them then they cant harm u, u know what i mean? of cos suring preg we rather not take the risk but since its over and done with, nothing u can do also hor. just think positive. wah im sure must have tire u out. take care!

oh yes yes i hv thought of a name. common name lah but v meaningful to us. and of course, we being christians all our kids names must be biblical. and so it goes their names, Jordan Joshua Joash Joel Johannah and this one shalt be Joseph! hehe....

yah yah these ads r so iritating. obviously our husbs dun need viagra!!!
Tiwi --- Dun be sad everything will turn out just fine. Stay positive and be happy ur bb will be the same as well.

My little frend very naughty I can feel it kicking me.. fainted. Haiz esp when I going to slp.
ladies just for laugh...

<font color="0000ff">Husband working abroad wrote to his wife...

Dear Sweetheart,

I can't send my salary this month, as I have overspent. I'm sending 100
kisses instead.
You are my sweetheart.

Signed, Your Husband,

His wife replied...

Sweetheart Dearest,

Thanks for the 100 kisses, below is the list of expenses...

1. The Milk man agreed on 2 kisses for one month's milk.
2. The electricity man agreed only after 7 kisses.
3. Your landlord comes every day to take 2 or 3 kisses instead of the rent.
4. Supermarket owner did not accept kisses only, so I gave him other
items .. (hope u understand??)
5. Other expenses 40 kisses.
Please don't worry about me, I have a remaining balance of 35 kisses and
I hope I can complete the month using this balance.
Shall I plan the same for next month? Please Advise !

Signed, Your Wife</font>

No leh, I haven't started thinking of names yet. Actually I dun find names very fun. So stressful. Suggest something, &amp; someone will make fun of its pronounciation. Else it will remind HB or me of someone whom we dun like. And we dun want weird-sounding names, we like simple, straightforward names, none of those Shiloh, Zahara, Beckham names.



U really all Js leh hahaha. Curious.. how'd u get started on J in the 1st place?

I hope so. Very irritating to keep seeing these buy viagra, buy tramedol etc ads. I already quite fed up by the spam in my emails. No need to have more spam here!
all the 2009 mtbs threads are open one public posting...
unlike the one i join in 2008 thread which only allow registered ppl to post/ private posting...

so dun think they can ban all this lah...
unless they changed the thread back to private posting only...
Jul-- Is like that. They will try to see whether can sell cos they dun want to pay the BP Fees.

Cloudeme--- They do ban as well cos my frend got ban the other time. She was so mad about it.hahaha :>
what i mean is they come in as guest...so difficult to ban them...

unless it's like us with registed nicks...
Thks ah

Thk u. U did mention that yr frd did message range from $30 - $80? Effective or not ? Need to pay one shot ?
I calculated my weight gain, min is 60kg, hopefully will stick to this haha.

Hopefully this round i can enjoy this birth more &amp; able to succeed in BF bb. Can save alot plus lose the weight haha
hui chern,
keeping my fingers crossed that you'll suceed!

according to the chart, i've gained abt 18weeks worth of weight when i'm actually only 14weeks, hahaa. my target weight gain at the end of this pregnancy is actually 12kg, 5kg less than my first pregnancy =)

i like johannah. very sweet name. if i'm getting a girl, i might choose a J name too cos my own name starts with J (thinking of jodi/jodie cos jodi picoult's my fav author). #1's name starts with K like his daddy.

irritating ads,
i tried to find the viagra one on the oct 09 thread, but couldn't find. i hope the sep 09 has not been specifically targeted for such ads, hmm ...
i also tried to find in aug thread...
also can't find that ad...
perhaps sep09 thread r really targetted by these ppl...
<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Rach/Girly,

Ya.. I'm totally confused too. Better not try e test, will leave it to gynae or else I might end up pulling all my hair out</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Rach,

Same here lor, Head &amp; shoulder.. Today wake up with a headache but cannot eat pandal extra. HB jus try to massage to make it feel better. I always get this stiff neck &amp; shoulder problem.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Jul_04,

Dr Wong said only advisable to start after 5th month as chances of miscarriage is very very low then. But hor those Malay massage lady who do house visit will only massage for you after week 28, just to be safe.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Claire,

Dun worry so much. Wat's done cannot be undone rite so jus dun tink about it.</font>

<font color="0000ff"><u>Names</u>

We will engage a shifu to help us on the Chinese Name but will not be using the 八字 to calculate. We dun beleive in 八字 thingy but just want e shifu to give our baby a nice chinese name since our vocab is kinda limited. Den just like my 1st 2 kiddo, we will not have any dialect name in e BC.

As for Christian name, HB is still waiting for me to dream about it just like my previous 2 kiddo. If not then it will definately be something that starts with "J"</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hui Chern,

DUn mention, I'm sure u r 1 strong mummy.

U looking for pre-nata or post-natal massage? U can try Mdm Sadiah (Hp 97724579). I used her last yr for post-natal massage &amp; her charges is $50 per hour, pay after u finish all the massage session. But if u r looking for pre-natal den she will only massage u after u turn 28 wks.

For pre-natal, I might go to Heritage of Javanese Massage since I used them during my 1st pregnancy &amp; have membership with them. For pre-natal massage, they charge S$70 per hour for non-member. If take pacakge then is S$550 for 9 sessions, can be used for pre-natal or post-natal</font></font>
i'm going crazy at work.... rather "sort sort" liao.... keep practising the breath in &amp; out technique... think it more useful in work then at birth

Haizzz me too so long din see my bb i wonder how??? was also thinking should go earlier to visit the gynae....
yah johannah is nice hor. i like hannah so just add the jo since it makes sense as well. jodi is nice as well. i was thinking if this is a gal i wanna name jodi as well!

i dunno how i started with the JO thing. but i started with my twins jordan n joshua and it rhymes so well so i tot just continue lor.
gd morning mummies!

had a busy morning.. finally its mid wk! yeah.. errr.. 2 more wks to my gynae appt.. seems so so long to go..

kiddo u so funni lo.. gd la.. u practise alot nw.. when giving birth then u super experience liao..

wah! din know my name so common ley.. got pple same name n surname as me..

rach.. i sent email to the gal for ordering of clothes online but she taking so long to reply..
u got ur clothes liao? hope i din remm the wrong mummy.. haha
<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Mavis,

Can you recommend yr sister's massage lady? $350 is for how many sessions? Does it inculde baby massage &amp; e Jamu wrap clothe?</font></font>
Jenifur-- I contacted the malay lady.. Each lesson 90mins (5 days session)-- $ 300/-.
She will give u 1 btl of oil for ur bb massage and it include Jamu wrap.
hello everyone,

actually for a while, i was also worried that i'm not putting enough weight and wondering if baby is growing well. but after calculating my BMI and weight, it seems ideal still, so quite relieved.

its been almost 1 mth since my last gynae's visit... next visit coming up this friday. hopefully can know gender by then too!

lately haven't been sleeping well, itching to death. suddenly have quite a bad case of eczema on my legs. i've always had it now and then since young, but its not too serious. dunno if its the pregnancy, but it seems like a lot now.
me too!! legs feeling itchy and i keep scratching, end up now got many 10cts, 50cts on my legs.. so ugly.. wonder if the scars will go away soon...
I think her business contact getting more and now is 90 mins massage. Hahaa...

If u guys interested can call her Mdm Jamalia--
jenifur, hui chern

I'm also dying to go for massage. It's been 4 mths plus since my last tui na massage *boo hoo*

kiki, milkyway

My eczema has also worsened. My right palm &amp; fingers itch a lot now. Sometimes I will wake up scratching myself, so bobian gotta use my steriod cream, or else my skin will "lan".

ya, my leg now like tai-ko liao... sad.

actually i heard from my friend that people who have eczema cannot take dairy products. is it true? coz i never asked my doctore before so am not sure. she said it could be because i'm taking more fresh milk and cheese then usual, thats why its aggrevating the rashes.
Kiki , Milkyway--- Dun scratch har... will leave scar later try to get some medication from you gyne to apply. When you are pregnant it will take long to heal.

i also use some steriod cream, but dare not use too much because i scared it's not so good for bb. so its not working well maybe because i never apply enough. last time i even used to take those anti-itch pills that my doc would prescribe. but now of coz i never take already. for bb, i guess i juz have to 'ren'!
Kiki--- I never hear such history taking dairy products but for what I know it could be due to stress, enviroment changes, food for some ppl that will causes it.

Jul--- As for steriod cream dun use so much cos it will thin the skin the next time will when it happens and you scratch the worst it gets. Try to tahan ok..

I also have this problem.. I usually get the doc to jab me faster.. but no cannot. Try to keep clean even ur surroundings will help to lessen the chance of activating it.
hmm... think i will check with my gynae see what to do lor... trying hard not to scratch but sometimes it becomes unknowingly and can bleed..

i'm still drinking fresh milk too.. cos need calcium intake leh...

I norm use for 2-3 days, then better liao, I rest for a while. Until the itch comes back again, then I use lor. If not, I really buay tahan!


Really cannot dun use leh. But I'm trying to control the amt used.

i try not to scratch of coz... but sometimes will still scratch unconsciously especially at nights when i sleep. but sometimes its juz so damn itchy... cannot dun scratch lor, will go crazy one. ahaha..
Jul--- The best dun use steriod cream no choice they got write preggy suppose not to use.

Kiki--- Ya I understand. Try to on aircon and slp it help to cool u down better then u won't be scratching it use the moisturiser as it also recommend by skin centre.
<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Mavis,

Do you know her payment terms? I prefer those pay after e sessions rather den pay e package on e 1st session. @ least by per session, no gd still can change but if u pay for e package den stuck liao. Sorry so many questions *hee*

My gf had a v bad encounter w a massage lady. Pay package liao den e lady is either late for subsequent sessions or keep changing days. Worse she'll talk on hp while massaging.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><u>eczema</u>

It's true that certain food will worsen eczema but not all triggers will be the same for everyone. The most well-known food triggers include cow’s milk, wheat, shellfish, peanuts, eggs, soy, corn, oranges, tomatoes, lemons, strawberries and food preservatives. My cousin's condition always worsen after she consume shellfish. She was given Phenergan which her doc said is safe to use during pregnancy &amp; use moisturisers. U might wan to check w yr gynae about alternative solution.</font></font>
Jenifur-- I not very sure I tink her is like finish everything then pay her the money if not will be half half. She is very good come on time not even a mintue late. I heard from my mum and she will not talk on phone, she usually switch off I ask me sis and let u know again. Maybe tomorrow ok . :>

Hello All Mummies~

Been busy over the weekend and at work that I've hardly had the time to catch up in here!

Managed to catch up on reading all your posts and that's ALOT!

The gender calculator thing.. Is confusing me... Too many numbers. Haha.. Think I'll just die in suspense till my appointment this coming Monday.

Anyone didn't get to see baby gender at week 16?

About the BF... I have completely no idea too... And when I went to those Baby Fairs. They had videos advertising on their pumps... They look Scary!!! Have yet to book any antenatal lessons too... Is it necessary?

Baby names, baby names... My baby names are hard to think off!!! P for girl and J for boy! And I want unique names.. I'll probably wait for the gender to be known and just think about 1 alphabet.

In the previous post way up... It said something about stuffy nose. And I'm having a big problem with that. I wake up practically every night in agitation and blow my nose because I would have difficulty breathing. The next day I would be greeted with a pile of tissue beside me with blood. Probably it's because I tend to rub my nose too hard in a desperate attempt to clear my nasal passage. Any mommies here have this bad problem too?

Oh oh~ I have started taking Similac milk for the first time today.. And I mixed it with my cereal, Is it supposed to be thick?

Thanks for reading my boring post XD
