(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

hi to all the mummies

I just given birth in Feb and got a new Avent Electric Steriliser as gift which I like to sell.
Retail price : S$182 and I going to release at a 25% discount S$136.50

i angry means angry. hahahaha. that night i cannot sleep well... and my hb say i keep flipping and turning... and my face look so ARROGANT! wahahahahahaaa..... he think i dont know he sayang my tummy and whisper so long to my baby............. -.-

all of you sign up for the antenatal package already?? usually hb and i will attend? or only me? LOL! so stupid asking you such qns... hahahaa....

so far i see her 2 times only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so both time also she scan... think at TPS usually will scan each time..... think i will ask her scan.. 15wk should be able if my baby cooperate lor.... at least give me some chance mah.... hahahaa
another tip for breastfeeding,
must be positive, cannot be stressed and have to be as relaxed as possible for the milk supply to flow.

i want to also share that breastfeeding was the most enjoyable part of the first year of my motherhood (for second year it's actually reading together). cos breastfeeding directly and snuggling together ensures that you and bb are physically very close to each other. esp important for working mothers who don't have the whole day to bond with the bb. your bb will really really really look forward to you coming home. i also like the feeling that breastfeeding is able to calm an agitated bb down, and seeing the bb fall asleep at the breast after a full feed is very satisfying.

oh, for those who are concerned abt excessive weight, breastfeeding will help you lose weight!!!!!! i know of some breastfeeding mummies who lost so much weight that they're even thinner than their pre-preg weight. no need jamu massage, no need slimming tablets, no need to go on a diet.

Same price for u alone or with HB. Norm they encourage both to attend coz BB cannot be only ur responsibility right?

I signed up for course at TMC. 5 lessons & 1 talk. $200 but I got 10% disc b/c I have FBI card.

I think 15 weeks got chance lah. If not need to wait one more mth, very torturous right?
both hb and wife should attend together as hb needs to learn abt the pregnancy, childbirth process and bb care tips. i did mine at NUH, was 8 lessons (7 pre-natal and 1 post-natal). the post-natal session was actually a bb massage session carried out when bb was abt 2-3 months old.
i have to try to find a day to fit in my hb's schedule cos he is super duper BUSY! usually it will take half a day? Maybe i check out KKH one... LOL!

yah loh. 15wks got high chance mah. Not say 13weeks. hahahahaha... me in 14wks only see my gynae twice... really power! my friends some in their 8 weeks see gynae twice not bcos of spotting just see loh... 0.0

i cannot wait so long ah... torture leh..... hahahaha.... i already wait so long for this weekend liao.... act like never wait... LOL!
i scare i go there i look so stoned and blur. So my hb would prefer to tag along also. Hahahaa.

When do we usually do the malay wrap all those ah??? some say few days after delivery (Normal) can do liao... but i thought will "bleed" so how to do since must be naked????

No lah. 2h only. I know for TMC, got class at 7pm every week day. And Sat & Sun got 3 classes per day. Sure can find something to fit timing one.

I see gynae 5 times already! Coz one extra time due to spotting *hiaz*
i didn't do the jamu massage so i dunno. but i think it's done within the first month after giving birth (for normal birth). if c/section, have to wait till the wound heals i guess. otherwise quite painful to wrap layers on top of the wound right? this one i really dunno. need other mummies to advise.
even when i admitted to hospital, they told me if i take 4 bedded, my gynae will come.. end up never... i wait from morning till evening also never.. tell me my gynae VERY BUSY.. no time for me? POWER!

So far i seen her twice lor... that time do FTS also never see her.. only see sonographer..

ohh! i dont intend to give birth at KKH. But maybe another time then tour the other hospital lor... now more important is the antenatal class.. LOL!

i wanna wrap.. how pain also must wrap.. i very ai mei one.. haha

Yeah that's the thing abt famous & experienced gynaes. They are very very busy one.

My SIL even more poor thing. She was giving birth in SARS period. Hosp so crowded, & gynaes all taking shifts. She waited so long for he gynae that she was fully dilated & really needed to push but nurses kept telling her to hold on b/c gynae hasn;t arrived yet. Traumatic man!

Oh my FTS is by sonographer at TMC lab, not my gynae clinic also.
hey girls, anyone can feel movements of bb yet? this few days I have been worrying about the bb not sure how the bb is as cannot feel anything yet
is it normal

I THINK I can feel. But seems like most start feeling ard 18 week ard there, esp if first BB, then later.
i think she damn kelian sia.. how to hold on one??? siao ah.. LOL! if being tramatized ah, i really got phobia one leh... now i don't really dare to think back of my 1st trimester.. i get tramatized.. my legs turn jelly when i think of it... aw..... -.-"

i also cannot feel baby's movements yet.. still very early... but at times when i almost sleeping, i can feel heart beat fast fast... sometimes normal.... not once but many times... haha...

MIL claimed the BB turned blue in the face liao b/c SIL held on sooo long. Dunno whether she got exaggerate lah.

That's why gynae not popular also gd thing.

Hey but ur gynae is KKH gynae right? Can u deliver elsewhere?
oh mummies I am 2nd timer shld be faster rite I coming to 4months in two more days
don't know why I feel my checkup in one month's time like so loooooooong heee

at least jul in wk u can have some feel already
& princess u can feel heartbeat
This gynae i am with is quite popular... anyway i will change my gynae hlfway through... so it's okay.. as long as my baby is healthy and growing well.... :) hehe...

but i got a problem now. i cannot swallow anymore medications.. the sight of it the thought of it make me DIZZY and nausea already. Do you have any idea if there is chewable and sweet taste prenatal vitamins all those?? i so scare i nver take then feel very bad to my baby.. yet i cannot swallow... sigh...

oh so you also know your gender already or soon?? hahhaa...

i can feel the heart beat dont know why... maybe cos my own heartbeat is beating then my hand there at the tummy also beating..and not beating at the same time mah.. so i think is baby's one... haha

Then why dun u change now? Coz better to have same gynae follow u thru leh.

Shd have chewable ones. U ask ut gynae at next visit lor. Coz she offered me chewable calcium but I opted for swalowing.
I am aware of that. Thanks. :) currently i still at KKH cos i am being subsidized. I will change over after my detailed scan. Somewhere around there. :)

Chewable calcium one? Must be taste MILKY.. horrible.. LOLS! If we drink milk, will she still give calcium pills? haha..

Oic. Well if subsidised then take advantage of it then. Where do u intend to go? U want location or u wanna choose doctor or wanna choose rooms?

Nope, taste almost like chewable vitamins for kids. Fruity, sweetish flavour, quite nice actually.

I have to take clacium pills b/c I cannot drink milk at all.
oh.. i am not really choosey over the rooms or hospital.. i choose gynae... :) and another part is location too. Much nearer as compared to KKH. hehe...

woah! you mean the chewable calcium one ah?? sound so sweet and easier to take for me...

so i no need since i can take milk and cheese?

i just hope to have as little medications as possible cos i really got phobia swallowing!!!!

Anyway when u r feeling better, u can go looks ard for gynae or hosp. B/c a lot of the pte gynaes can deliver at MtA & TMC one. So end of the day, u also need to choose hosp.

Yeah, it tastes quite nice. But I am ok with pills, so I dun bother. But if u take milk & cheese, then may not need calcium. Depends on ur gynae also.
<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">I agree that shld let BB try to suckle as soon as possible. I let both my BB latch on in the labour ward right after the nurses clean them up. It doesn't matter if there's any milk or not. Just let them suckle.

AND never tink that u do not enuf milk just bcuz u cldn't express out much in e 1st mth. Always try to empty your breast if u r building up yr supply. This article is pretty useful http://www.kellymom.com/bf/supply/milkproduction.html

Let's encourage each other when the time comes ya</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jul_04,

My pigeon FTG bag hor tear after 1mth of normal using plus hor can only keep cold for about 4hrs nia.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sandwich,

U r really super leh, express in e bus. I only managed to express in e car &amp; I'm already so clumsy.

My HB like to tease me said I bf, waste $$ instead of saving lor. Breastpump, liner, milk tray, deep freezer, breastpad, threadfin, green papaya etc...</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hui Chern,

Dun b stress ya. I'm now currently on No Pay Leave &amp; we are just surviving on HB's income which is not fixed. But I believe that babies are blessing from GOD so he will definitely see us thru this stage. He will supply our needs. Our Heavenly Father knows all things we have need of. He Who clothes the lily and feeds the sparrow shall do much more for us.

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Princess,

U can do Jamu wrap immediately after yr discharge if yrs is natural birth. For C-section, will hv to wait bout 1-2 wks. Best for u to book e massage lady early esp those popular ones</font></font>
Hmm.. i have my own preferred gynae. And he only delivers at ESH. So it's okay, i no need choose. Hehe. :) Luckily not many people choose ESH... less popular.. hahaha... but its okay....

I hope i no need so many all these pill..... haha

can feel lil fluttering after my 14 wks. juz 2days ago at 15wks, feel constant movement every 2sec like bb hiccupping, haha...
Hi gals, didn't come in for so long. guess i am lost.
Last week just came for the FTS scanning for DS. Sad, the neck thickness seem to be out of the range(slightly). my risk was 1:1xx. Hasn't being feeling good after hearing this. Lucky my blood test was good and the rsik was up to 1:9xx. I still have to go for a cardiac heart scan in 2 week time. Just hope that BB is ok.

Just thought that my MS is gone after completed 12 weeks. But it came back again. Feel like vomitting in the bus this morning. Lucky i got a plastic file in my bag. I emptied everything and vomitted inside.
Don't worry so much. They will ask you to do more test? We will pray hard for you that everything is fine.

I'm in wk 14, still having night sickness. I also thought will be gone somewhere in wk13. I evn give myself 1-2 weeks allowance... LOL!

Cheer up!! :)
Wah.. so much to catch up..busy last 2 days.. didnt log in... hehhe.. :p

flower> yah.. so thats why it explains why.. so i guess in that case.. the formula doest work for u maybe.. hahaha...
got minus 1... hehehe.. :p

girlygirly> i get what you mean... but i think the formula works.... i also dunno how to explain.. but if u were to count 40weeks from 28th August... you will realize that she sort of like 'ovulated' in 10 yue.. hahahha..
that kindda thing.....

My cycle is abt 33-34 days..

Hahaha.. yah.. but i think its still accurate to use the date 40 weeks before EDD to count the gender.... from what i observe so far.... coz if u were to realised at week 0, you prob still having ur menses...
I dunno la.. i did a lot of logic-figuring-out...and i'm stil trying to find a link to my mum's formula... hahahaha... :p
we shall see soon...

Going for my gynae appt tmr!!!!!!!!!!! wooohooo!! but HB says tmr he has to meet an impt client who can only meet tmr at 10am..
i not sure he kidding me or what.. i prob have to go alone... sob sob....

ooh... which company ur HB in??
I'm just in my 6 years in insurance.. since i graduate from NUS... hahahaha... :p

cloudme> huh??? u use what formula?? which one u used to get ur boy boy???

Chern> i'm not any better off.. but look at the bright side... if God can give us the vision, He'll give us the provision!!

Thats what i'm holding on to..

Yeah... u know urself la... dun be pessimistic yah... look on the bright side.. God's with you!

milkyway> when's ur gynae visit??? I'm gg tmr.. i wanna be the 1st to report a gal k.. heheh. :p

Hand Me Downs> hahaha.. so happy to get some clothes from my fren's who's gotten a boy and girl and have decided to 'close shop'...
and today someone tapped me from behind in the MRT to give me her seat!!!!!!!! An auntie almost wanted to sit down.. but saw that i was wearing maternity dress...
stood still also.. hahahhaa.. maternity clothes are GOOOODD!!:p

Sheryn> huh huh?? what?? hahhaa... but i no experience in DEALING with a REAL baby on my own wor... hahahaha...
i believe the MOTHERS here will be able to give real good advise la.... i advise on big and general expenses...
when it comes to another human being...i'm still new to it... hahahahhaha.....
but i believe hand-me-downs are good..and buy only what you need... we all have things we wanna buy and wanna the best for our babies....
but practicality is still the most impt...

Buy only what you can afford... dun go for something you cant..... and i may not be practicing it myself.... i'm also human...
and there's temptations to succumb to.. hahahaha.. blame it on the marketing and advertisng.. hahaha.. :p

princess> hahaha.. when ur house come can look for my HB hor.. he's an ID.. hahaha.. :p

Mavis> how much u selling ur sling??

New_MTB> ^5!! i also still wear FBT shorts at home.. i've been wearing them like since my JC days.. hahaha.. its my pyjamas...
they have been super stretched tat the rubber is sooo loose now.. which is good.. hahahhaa... :p

Jul> actually i read somewhere that in the 1st few days its very normal to not have milk.. if fact... its normal..
coz we'll have kolestrum.. (dunno how to spell) which is good for the bb...and in the 1st few days... God has created bb in such a way that they dun actually need milk too..
and they are self sufficient de... just feed them with what is coming out of ur breast and thats good enough...
With enough practice..the milk will come in days to come and thats when bb is hungry for milk liaoz...

So dun have to worry abt bb hungry in the 1st 2-3days.. its normal to feed with what we have..

And yah.. heard a few frens give up coz no milk.. but i think its a lack of breastfeeding knowledge...

I believe with proper knowledge and with well-prepared-ness, we can feed our bb healthily..

as long as there is demand, there'll be supply.. just need to be determined n not give up!

milkyway> Mmm.. my coll who just give birth was telling me.. bb should be 100% on BM.. no water or anything else needed...
at least for 1st 3 months.. dun even need to feed water... thats what she was told and read...

mothers, any advise on this??
argh... paisay , cant catch up the thread..

these days so tired. work non stop til knock off :S

i wish to Breast feed too. is there any one stop place to learn &amp; buy all neccesary. and teach me all...
<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Tiwi,

Dun worry too much. Everything will turn out fine. Will pray for u tonight</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Rach,

Yes, U dun hv to give plain water if BB is on TBF.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Whole body aching... cannot wait for week 20 to come so I can go massage. I feel like a old car waiting to be scrapped
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My case was similar to yours, but blood test was ok end up I think I passed the scan
but my gynae did not say further tests are needed

hmm...actually u don't get what i mean. If her LMP is 28th nov (11yue chu1) and her cycle is around 23days. by right her next period shld be 20th dec (11yue chu23). so she shld haf conceived between 11yue chu1 and 11yue chu23), that's y her LMP is 28th nov (11yue chu1) coz 20th dec period never come liao...

if she conceived in 10yue, hw can her LMP be 28th nov (11yue chu1)??? LMP shld be 6th nov (10yue chu9).

conception ALWAYS occurs after LMP one, that's y that is our LMP. After our LMP, if we ovulate and conceived, that's why our next period never come liao mah....

fr ACTUAL "conception" to edd actually is 38 weeks only....u can verify with ur gynae on this.

for flower case, if her LMP is 28th nov 2008 (11yue chu1) and edd is 28 aug 2009 with she is having est 23days cycle. she shld haf conceived on 5th Dec 2008 (11yue chu8). definitely nt 10yue....

so ur LMP is 29th nov 2008 (11yue chu2) and edd is 9th sept 2009 with est 33-34days cycle. u shld haf conceived on 17th Dec 2008 (11yue chu20). So it's correct mah. Her edd is 12days earlier than u coz she conceived 12 days earlier than u. Bt both of u still 11yue conceived de...

hw come she become 10yue???

sorry arh, nt trying to argue or debate here. bt think u are confused... nobody conceived "BEFORE" LMP de...

my next visit 2 wks later leh... 13 Apr.. long long wait...

on bf, i dont know anything lah.. cos this is my 1st pregnancy.. haha... think will read up more lor..

i read ur analysis till i blur... anyway i give up on all the test.. wait for my gynae to deduce lah...

and u can feel ur bb already? i cant feel anything so cant help feeling if bb is ok...

ya occasionally fluttering feeling lor...

haha..sori for making u blur by my lohsohness. For short, if flower4 last LMP is 28th nov(11yue chu1), she MUZ haf conceived after 28th nov (11yue chu1), that means after 11yue chu1 liao and not 10yue coz nobody conceived BEFORE LMP de... hope that's clear.
jenifur> yeah yeah.. whole body aching loh.. as if dying.. hahaha.... neck and shoulder pain sia....

girly> i know what u mean.... i understand ur logic... but i dun understand the formula... but then.. coz her cycle is short... so.... MMmm.. how to say... haahaha... coz her LMP happens to be on 1st day of 11th yue u see... so.. its a bit tricky.... i dunno how to explain to you....

Nono... not she conceived in 10yue.... but she ovulated in 10yue.... hahahaha.... i guess.... each time diff egg drop out la.... so while she having menses with the egg from one side.. maybe she was already ovulating from the other egg..... hahahaha... i dunno how to tell u.....

yes yes i know that conception to EDD is 38 weeks.. coz the 1st 2 weeks is not counted.. its when we are still having menses.... or worse still.. menses haven even occur at week 0.... i was doing some back dating.. and i realised that...

i didnt mean she conceived in 10yue.. but she ovulated during 10yue....

hahaha... thanks for the detailed explanation.. i totally agree with what u explained... i'm more of saying...she ovulated during 10yue... i'm not too sure if we can ovulate and have menses at the same time... but given a shorter cycle.. i dunno how to calculate also.. i'm still figuring out the formula as i've said..

girly> i re-read my previous post.. i didnt say she conceive in 10yue leh.. i said ovulated.... and the formula is using LMP.. not conceived kindda thing.. i'm stil figuring out..

Oh yeah I forgot that u mentioned abt the gynae at Eastshore hosp. Ur mum's gynae or something like that right?


Oh dear sorry to hear abt ur MS. I think 1:900 is suppossed to be ok right? It's 1:300 that is not gd.

rach, girly

Er.. I totally dunno what u gals are talking abt regarding the formula. Thanks goodness I know the gender liao, or I might pull out my hair trying to figure out hahaha. Think I no patience lah.


The antenatal class wud teach u a bit abt BF. Then if u r interested in further, u can aws visit the lactation consultant at each hosp. They wil help u with training or probs like engorgement, correcting techniques, any qns or probs that u face.

haha..wow...that is even more IMPOSSIBLE leh....
pls read the below:


the release of an egg is called ovulation. AND the egg can only survived "12-24hrs" after it is being release fr our ovary...

SO...hw can flower4 ovulate at 10yue then wait till 11yue to conceive her bb when the sperm reach the egg?? egg survived max 24hr only, so impossible for the egg to wait so long mah right???


SO if she ovulate 10yue (like u guess she cld haf ovulate at 10yue), she MUZ haf conceived in 10yue also...

bt if she conceived in 10yue (as we known once we conceived our menses won't come liao), she shldn't haf her 11yue chu1 (28th nov) menses....

if base on her LMP is 11yue lor right???

no matter what, it is "impossible" for her to conceived or ovulate in 10yue de....

to make things simple, her LMP is 28th Nov(11yue). so regardless of regular, short or long menses cycle. it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to ovulate or conceived in 10yue de lor...

if u think she muz haf ovulated in 10yue, she muz haf conceived in 10yue also (coz ovulation and conception occurs around same time), her edd shld nt be 28 aug...shld be even earlier...

count backwards fr 28 aug, shld ovulate and conceived 5th dec (11yue)
girly> okok...anyway.. she knows she has a boy liaoz... so it doesnt matter...
take it the formula only works for normal 28-30++ cycle... haha.. ;P
girly> coz for my mum's case... if u use the month she conceived with the formula..then its wrong... but if u used the month she had her LMP..then its accurate... so take it the formula isnt accurate all the time..anyway.. its always a 50-50. haha...

sorry rach...nt trying to argue ok... juz tat u yue suo yue luan....all becoming doesn't make sense liao...

nt trying to say anything wrong with the formula. juz think that u are getting the facts a bit messed up.

one thing u are right, it is POSSIBLE to haf menses yet ovulate at the same time...bt if thats flower case, still 11yue lor...

hope no hard feeling okay

girly> haha. no worries la..

u've given alot of facts... i didnt get the facts messed up la.... i'm more of trying to justify the formula to show she has a boy... hahahahhahaa.........

anything la... i was still trying to proof the formula anyway.. so these are statistics.. so it doesnt work for shorter cycles.. or we need to +-1 for shorter cycles?? hahaha.......

counting down to my visit tmr!! woohoo....
