(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


Haha at least ur boy is cooperative and showed u his "ahem" from all angles. Not shy yeah? hahaha

My appt's at 2pm! Very excited!

Jul... my frien told me that her mummy when having her/ her brother.. actually cough all way till e bb's delivered.. then no more cough! Think there are all sorts of miracles in this world
flu is better already.. thks!

mamato5js.. that's what i read in e thread, mayb will ask my gynae during my next appt... wah.. ur gal is really the princess in your house lo...

my tummy is so super itchy this few days! must faster ask my frien to pass me to Clarins oil liao..

Haha I think maybe Babylet also made my cough stop, coz it doesn't wanna be disturbed anymore. Seriously my coughs aws last at least 1 mth one. This time like 2 weeks, then gone liao.
Good afternoon all MTB's!

Thanks Jul & Sandwich for the advice!

I will take note to let my gynae know about it during my next appointment which is on the 30th!

I'm dying to find out what my babys gender is... though I am fine with a girl or boy, I think it has my genes because when I went for my OSCAR at the beginning of this month (when I was about 12 weeks), the doctor told me it was really hyperactive!

I had problems going for the big one in the toilet yesterday... I think I didn't poop for a total of 20hours. I was feeling hungry, So I headed out and bought 2 packets of guava, 6 Jiu Cai Kuey ( Something like Soon Kuey ) And after that, I had lotsa rice and chicken soup for dinner...

I felt so bloated and full the whole night. But I am relieved to say... I managed to clear it about 10 minutes ago... Haha.

Going into the 2nd trimester, I think I'm going into the night MS category.I always feel like barfing after dinner especially when I'm walking to the car to head home. My Hubby will be so paranoid that I'd just merlion halfway whilst he's driving. But I've never ever puked during my whole pregnancy.. I just feel really nauseous... Anyone going through this too?

Haha maybe u din clear b/c u din eat enough food to clear!

Hmm I dun have these prob. Uless u overate & got indigestion that's y u feel like merlion-ing?
Hi Ladies,

Mama To 5Js >

Boy!! Congrats!! Yeah lo.. so far like all boys.. its a good sign to me!! hahahha.. =)

Lets all see if Jul has the same piece of news later.. cant wait to her from her when she's back from the gynae visit..

Hmm... I eat alot now that I know I have a bb in me.

Even my hubby is surprised I can finish my food and say I am very full when I'm done...

I told my MIL about what I ate, She said I'm siao. Haha... She said 6 Jiu Cai Kuey Up top of 2 packets of guava is too much!

I feel so full how can it be I never eat enough.. I am too afraid I overeat... >.<
wah u really eat a lot!!! 6 jiu chai kueh is a lot u know! haha... but if u can eat good lah. pls dun think u have to eat for 2 ok. baby can only absorb that much, the rest goes to us.

congrats on another boy. thats what you wanted ya...

wow, our sept thread so far all boys leh! wonder who will be reporting the 1st gal :p


yeah, i'm also feeling excited for you. my appt is next wk, hopefully baby will be cooperative and i'd also know by next wk.
:) i am going through Night sickness now. Right at the start was Morning SIckness, then follow by WEEKS of ANytime-sickness, and now Night sickness..... you're at week?

Yours a boy??? :)

so many boyboy here already.....

i am so excited about mine.... wonder is girlgirl or boyboy.. many people keep saying i having boyboy lor...
actually everybody said mine will be gal but somehow i think its gonna be a boy. i still think if girl also good lah then my gal can sleep with mei mei. i think she will have to bunk in with me for yrs! she just so gluey to me. now i preg i think worst. always mommy mommy... but so cute lor
i haven't been eating my folic acid and prenatal vitamins for a week+ already. Left with about 10 FC, 5-8Vits... cannot swallow anymore.... i didn't take any tonics either... i stop somehow... unless i super duper cann0t take it then maybe i go take a bottle of chicken essence lor....
LOL! now change liao.. bcome 6 not 5.. LOL! >_< h0w many u want? 2yrs later try one more yah! haha....

i wonder if at 15wks can try see gender anot.... even she tell me 80% girl or boy also nevermind.. else i mus wait even longer to confirm.... haha
oOps! huh.. i didn't see leh... wahahahahaa....

usually we all doing 2D or 3D scan har? i until now also no idea mine is what... LOL!...

so far all the scan my baby very guai... hope my baby cooperate next week also..... hahaha....

ur occassionally cramp cld be due to the expansion of the uterus...contraction feels like tighting of the tummy or as if the bb is balling or bunching up in one place...

*mommies out there*

wow think all of us are moving off from the MS to knowing the gender of our bbs le. This is so exciting...
wow.. pam... u can really eat alot ley! so envy!! my mummy made jiu cai kuey on tues.. but i got no appetite.. onli managed to swallow one and the rest all eaten up liao..

mamato6js.. u're fast to change ur nick liao lo.. hehe.. can imagine next time ur kids all grow up.. bring gf/ bf hme.. wah... such a big &amp; happy family lo..

princess.. folic acid very small pill rite? try to swallow when u drink water?
girlygirly.. cramp n contraction not the same ma? then mayb i was having contraction yesterday.. but so early stage will have contraction? Dun remm hving it for my 1st gal.. i was telling my husband I think bb is doing somersault inside my tummy lo..
mamato6js : envy u got so many kids surrounding you.

haahaa is great to have such a forum. to share as we progress further during pregnancy. so excited to know that some of us already know the gender.

So eager to know too...can start shopping soon. but my next appointment is 3 weeks later.
mamato6js, congrats on another boy!

i also wish for a boy now.. cos my parents keep saying mine will b a boy... and my mil already has a gal... pray hard for a boy... although either gal or boy, me n hubby will still b happy lah as long as bb is healthy... if boy then i can consider to close shop already... wahahaha
Haha... Yea.. I eat alot. Reason would be because I hate the feeling of being hungry now. After eating I feel comfortable.

Princessxiaomei, I'm at week 14+.

About Folic Acid.. I'm not very constant with my intake >.< because I eat cereal every morning ( Milk Milk Milk! 2 Litres in 5 days) Then by the time I'm done with it, I'm too full to take my Folic Acid with water... Don't know if I can take it after lunch though.

About the MS... I carry the super sour plums everywhere I go, but I don't eat it often because I eat already I will feel hungry again >.<
LOL! i always have phobia swallowing pills.. but for the sake of baby, i tried already. taken about 50 FC , 20+ Vits... but now totally cannot anymore.... next visit i gonna tell my gynae to give me those sweet sweet chewable ones.. you think have or not??

you're about 1 week ahead of me! hehe...

sometimes i take my FC in the noon leh... that time la... cos i did take cereals with milk too... haha....

i nausea, cannot even take sour things.. no use at all..

hmm...contraction starts fr 6weeks onwards bt hardly noticable or felt untill the 2nd or 3rd trimester. mothers with sebsequent pregnancies are "more likely" to notice them earlier.


cramp are like the menses cramp and felt at the lower abdomen (slightly above the pubic hair).
contraction covers the whole tummy area (area fr below the breasts) with easily recognisable tighting or hardening feeling...
i developed complications after giving birth to my DD via natural birth. I couldn't walk. So this time even though gyn say 'it shouldn't be a problem' but i don't want to risk it. C-section quite ex rite. How was the healing process?
hui chern
so bad?? what complications?? coz i natural birth but i can move around after a couple of hours rest only cannot jump or do split...

c-sect i heard need almost 1 mth to heal
i think bb boys will surface a little earlier on this thread because the genitals are more obvious during the scans. i think the bb girls should be surfacing in april/may!

found this chart listing the average fetal length and mass from week 8 of the pregnancy onwards. dun be worried if your fetal length and mass are too low/too high cos these are just estimates. but sharing for fun lah, cos for my first pregnancy, i liked to imagine how big my fetal is per week (ie this week he's like a peanut, this week like a potato, this week like the size of my teddy bear etc)....

congrats on another boy.

I also wonder if mine's a boy or girl. Will only get to know next friday. Hope it's a boy for the 1st child so that next time no pressure. haha. but most importantly is that the baby is healthy.

Me also having nite sickness. Will usually feel nauseous in the evening and at times will puke when i take my shower or brush my teeth.

Do update us after your appt.
i took my pills anytime i remm ley! hahaha.. altot will try to take early morning la.. my gynae say can split up and take ley.. cos he refuse to give me multi vits.. so i am supposed to swallow 4 pills each day.. so princess.. u're lucky wor.. only need two :p

girly girly.. u're very gd w contractions n cramps ya.. ok, nw i quite certain i'm hving contractions last night.. but any danger of hving them? or as long as no spotting, no persistent pain then ok liao?

hui chern.. wat happen? tt time i was sharing a rm with another mum who delivered natural.. she seems to be in more pain then me ley! Or mayb my pain threshold is higher?

ya, c-sec def more exp than natural.. for me i find that the pain is bearable.. only for the 1st wk when i walk ard i will feel pain.. but after tt quite ok.. but of cos u need to refrain from heavy duties still cos the wound is still healing from inside even though we may not feel e pain

wah.. seems like natural delivery also got its cons.. then i must think hard liao..
i scare lor. next viit is next week, wait she give me more pills.. i heard ppl havin calcium pills, fish oil.. etc ... i hear liao also leg shakey... hahaha....
haha princess.. tt's me lo.. calcium pills, fish oil, folic acid and iron supplement.. haiz.. but no choice.. for the sake of bb and myself.. must take lo.. try to drink more milk ya.. i think calcium is really really impt and after giving birth we will lose alot of calcium..
I shall pop a Folic Acid now then... Since it doesn't matter morning or night.. ^^

Ohoh... I have another question... My job requires me to be on my feet for quite some time when I have appointments. Is it bad? My MIL restricts me from using the massage chair because she said the force applied is too "Shiong " But my back is in desperate need of some massage... Feels stiff and when I turn left or right, it cracks Haha..

Another thing, What herbs can/can't I take? Ginseng? Normal chicken essence from Brands? I seem to be so deprived of quite a lot of foodstuffs.. T^T~
RE: natural

As all individuals are diff..
but to me as i'm total natural without epidural nor assist in birth (vaccum etc) i think i heal pretty fast the pain below is like swollen feeling the pain is lesser then the shoulder pain i have (the nerves rub against each other - degeneration)

hahaha breastfeed with split no lar...
but must train to sleep while breastfeeding...
pam, alot of pple says pregnant cannot go for massage..esp 1st few mths.. but i asked my gynae.. he say ok, as long as the massage lady knows.. and when i was in bali.. one massage lady asked I not worried abt doing massage during pregnacy, then i asked her what's wrong with it.. she say just make sure dun lie on the back too long.. and dun massage the sole.. and of cos dun lie on ur tummy

u swim? I feel swimming helps ley.. yesterday was feeling so stiff cos i was resting in bed for 2 days.. went for a swim.. altot onli swim for 2 laps then i relax by the side.. but i feel so much better lo
don't take chicken essence with danggui... :) limit to 2-3 bottles a week!

i rather take calcium from MILK then pills.. even though i don't like MILK.. but i try to drink lor.... hahahaa.....
Kat, I don't have massage lady and I don't go to them either.. I'm sensitive to tickles and people touching me.. Haha.. I trust the Massage chair!!! But massage chair is sitting up should be okay no? It's those massage the back and legs + feet, I can take my legs away from the leg massage if canot massage the sole.

I do swim. But yet to buy new swimming outfit because mine is a bikini =3

And my hubby won't let me swim alone also. So I have to make him swim with me! Haha!
Pam, my gynae suggest not to take ginseng too... but i told some ginseng chicken soup b4 i asked her lah.. so now i just dont take lor.. and dang gui as well.. so those bottled birdnest and chicken essence, we have to ensure they are original taste with no added ginseng or dang gui lor...

Princess, i also dont like milk!! now forcing myself to drink at least 2 glasses daily like eating medicine lor... actually my gynae gave me quite a few packets of samples milk powder.. looking for someone to take over them.. cos i really dont want to drink them... i'm taking fresh milk now... do let me know if anyone of u want the samples k? i can pass them to u...
hey i love milk! everyday i will drink a hot one(milk powder). den at night, i will drink the usual HL milk. heehee.

during weekends, i only drink nothing except milk.

Milk is good. but scare i end up getting fatter n fatter.
does anyone know if its ok to take american ginseng in 2nd trimester? from what i understand from the TCM shops, american ginseng and chinese ginseng not the same.

since we are only in our early 2nd trimester, feeling of the braxton hicks contraction once in a while is fine. we shld juz feel a lil minor discomfort if there's any and some mtb may nt even notice it. it will juz go away by itself.
haha..anyway me nt pro la, muz check with gynae for more info
kiddo, must learn the 'side-way' breastfeeding style lo.. then u can sleep while breastfeeding..

princess.. jia you! drink more milk ya..

pam, y need to buy? bikini is gd ley.. stomach hw big also can wear
i'm not so sure of massage chair ley.. not sure if the force that massage chair use will be too strong? mayb u'll like to ask ur gynae on ur next visit?

Thanks girly!

kiki.. i cant remm but i think some of the mummies will hve answers to your question.. cos i think i read b4 in the thread.. but i'm a forgetful mummy.. hehe


I feel the same, my back hurts. For me, it's the nerves on the upper back. Any way I turn it hurts, especially when sleeping at night. =(
So sad right, not restful sleep.

Nowadays I use Salonpas medicated plaster (normal medicated plaster, not the hot effect type) I did consult gynae, he advised me it's ok to use medicated plasters in moderation.
