(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


Wow, congrats on your baby boy! What good news!
And definitely, your lil gal is the precious princess in your family! =D


I thought I recall somewhere in early part of this thread, pregnant women supposed to stay away from ginseng? But I'm not sure abt the diff between American and Chinese ginseng.
*mama to 6Js*

ai ya dunno gender yet leh...nw that ms has become thing of the past, nw like "suddenly" become so concern abt the gender...esp when all mamas here also like so kancheong to know.somemore so many wanted boy...

my next appt 1st apr. like have to wait long long...sprinkle ur bb boy dust on me la, best if u can bury me with it, hahaha...
i dunno much abt ginseng leh cos i dun eat them. but i tot preg cant eat ginseng?

urs shld be more exciting cos u finding out 2 genders! haha... hv gynae told u whether they r identical or fraternal?

actually i cant believe myself too. 6 kids and only 1 is a girl???
*mama to 6Js*

hope to have the "miracle" that u have. think ur gynae is very right in saying this coz studies do show that once u have 2 or 3 children consecutively with the same gender, the higher the chance of the following kid being the same gender again...

I am nt hopeful of getting the gender that i want. Bt if i really gt it, it's a dream come true for me. Coz i believe many wld luvs to have
a mixed of boy and girl esp for my case. sure u understand hw i feel right??

My pelvic overstretch. I could not walk to the loo the next day. Was send for X-ray then find out.

Could that woman next to you is me haha. I very probia that the injury will be more severe this time. So i'm thinking to go c-section
yes i sure do understand how u feel. i remember i was near to being desperate to have a girl after so many boys. almost lost hope already then my gal came out of the blue when we were not even planning.

i hope u get the "miracle" boy u want. actually my hub wanted another girl cos he said my gal sooo cute. hope he wont ask me have another one after this!
u gals read yesterday strait times on mind ur body? I think they have an article on those old remedies like vicks, po chai pills, Salonpas medicated plaster etc.. on their effectiveness and who shld avoid them.. if i remm correctly.. pregnant lady shld avoid po chai pills and also the axe medical oil cos of some chemicals inside..

Can i have some boy bb dust too?
but ya, dont want to hope and expect too much la.. so that the disappointment wont be too big..
mama to 6Js

ya think papa luvs gals...that's y we called daughter as daddy's girl. yes gal are so cute and SWEET...and nt to mention ur gal is so sweet looking and pretty. if u dh really asked for another 1, i believe u can do it, haha...

My twins are fraternal twins, cos they are in separate waterbags.

Actually right, yesterday I went for scan at 16 weeks. The smaller twin, gynae says likely to be a girl! Cos he scan from under Baby B and we all could not see anything sticking out from under Baby B's legs!

And the bigger twin Baby A, refused to cooperate. After gynae prodded it to move, it moved abit but we could still not see between the legs.

So now got to wait for 16 Apr scan to hopefully know their definite genders! =D

Thanks for the info on the remedies. Ok will be sure to avoid po chai pills and axe oil.

Actually since finding out I'm pregnant, I don't even dare to take Panadol. And cough syrup is a no-no, I've been told by a reflexologist before.

But due to aching nerves on upper back, I couldn't sleep well for so many nights... that's why can't tahan I ask gynae if I can use medicated plaster. Luckily can use, but he said in moderation.
this is ur first right? haha i still waiting for the mama who will report the first baby gal. i have feeling its princess!

actually gettg preg is no issue, so is delivery and looking after them. but i scareed leh. ever since my 4th boy had heart complications, i always worry abt the health of my babies whether they develop properly not, healthy not etc... this is my major issue with havg another kid. yes i trust God will giive me healthy babies but u know lah sometimes the logical mind will take over. last time i very bo chap one now i become so paranoid when preg. today i asked gynae can i do my pedi he asked me why i so vain???!!!

then hor, if have another one, if still not gal again how ah? i think i peng san with half dozen boys at home! and i will end up with half dozen daughter in laws!
so nice! u want both same gender or one boy one gal? mine r fraternal twins too. and gynae and nurses at hosp named them twin 1 and twin 2!

one boy one gal nice lor but same gender will look v cute! esp they behave the same, they share same toys, same clothes. aiyoh v cute! now i recalling those days my twins were babies.

Ya I like hearing about your twins cos I just can't imagine how it's gonna be! But really can't wait. So excited, since this is my first pregnancy. My frens who have 2 kids by now says good for me lor, dunno what to expect then head-on collision and see how to handle 2 crying babies at the same time.

Actually like you, I'm also paranoid about babies' health. Cos no matter what gender, it's ok. But I just want to know that babies are normal and healthy, that's my hope.

Cos I have seen/heard of some colleagues or frens who miscarried, even at 7 mth, 5 mth also have... so sad you know. Sorry I don't mean to scare anyone here, but this is the kind of fear we pregnant ladies face. That's why in a way I can't wait to give birth, at least I want to know that babies are fine.

But yes, agree with you if got same gender also very cute. If 1 boy 1 girl also bonus. Just that now 1 twin bigger than the other, and gynae already suspects smaller twin is a girl. Hence it'll be nice if the bigger-sized twin is a boy =)
mama to 6Js

bt u are having 5 healthy children!! Im sure the rest after the 4th are bouncy healthy bbs.

wahaha, i really can't imagine half dozen boys and half a dozen dil also. The hse will be 4ever lively and noisy...
whitey.. so nice to have twins ya..

mamato6j.. this is my 2nd.. 1st is a gal.. tt's y nw wan a boy then can close shop liao ma
but if its a gal also gd la, can save $$ on alot of clothes & shoes haha

wah!! tue my GP still gave me the black colour cough syrup ley! He insist its ok for pregnant lady.. but i din take cos not convince.. haha i only go to see GP cos i need the mc.. then all e medi i cluck aside.. but i took one panadol cos my headache was so bad.. read in the thread that panadol is ok, but not panadol flu.
Hi mummies, can I join here? =)
This is my 1st pregnacy and my edd is 18th Sept on my 2nd scan. My labour will be at TMC....am also wondering my bb gender. It will be a baby boy if my boss's calculation is accurate! Anyway, I have no preference on my 1st bb. =)

Hi Pam, I'm on the same week as you! 14th+ week.

Hi mama to 6Js, congrats on your baby boy! I really salute to you cos nowadays ppl hardly want so many children and you're going to have your #6! =)

Hi all, i think I've been eating a lot. Just had bee hoon for lunch. Expo now having food fair so bought one nonya dumpling and chicken mushroom pie. All finished already! =p
ya, agree with girlygirly

Wow, Mamato6Js....you are really blessed. Like very nice and fun to have so many kids around you.

When they grow up, you will never be lonely... next cycle will be your cute and healthy grandchildren =)
haha... friends always like to scare us hor. it was like that for me too but dun let them scare u lah. cos my twins were so so good babies. only first 3 mths a bit troublesome lah cos they had such gigantic appetite and keep wanting milk all the time! by third mth, they developed into schedules and everything fell into place. they were also not needy babies, hardly threw tantrum as long as u satisfy their tummy. then when they were older, say abt 8-9 mths they played together and u feel so happy just watching them. total bliss! i dun mind another pair of twins!

oh my older twin is the heavier one too. they r abt 600g different in birth weight.
alamak, nobody here knows for sure? my MIL say gonna cook black chicken soup with american ginseng for me leh. i think should be ok lah hor??

Yes, something new to me. First pregnancy then get twins... I got to learn fast about parenting. Now starting to read up alot on kids' development and parenting skills liao.

For info, I joined an Amazon spree to order this book, "Parent Effectiveness Training - The proven program for raising responsible children" : http://www.amazon.com/Parent-Effectiveness-Training-Responsible-Children/dp/0609806939/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1237538819&sr=8-1

But the book has not arrived yet so I can't advise how good or not-so-good it is. I did read though the reviews on Amazon regarding this book though, before deciding to buy it.

About medication, lucky you never take the cough syrup. last time the reflecologist told me, one of her clients didn't know she was pregnant. Took cough syrup, then got miscarriage. Seems cough syrup is really very strong.



Wah, how nice to hear that it was so blissful fo you to care for your twins. Must be soo adorable when they play together! And wear same-same clothes... cute!

I guess for twins, one will be heavier than the other but then hope they catch up in weight/size when they are older.
mama to 6Js

come to think of it, nw still won't pengsan la, wait till u become 'ah ma' then still nt too late to pengsan. wahhhhh...imagine the no of grandkids u will haf. if every of ur kid tells u : eh ma, help me take care of my kids hor. Then be prepare to open a childcare centre *LOL*

wow didn't know one twin cld be so much heavier than the other. Always thought shld be around same wt..
whitey.. ur family/ ur husband family has twins b4? hehe so excited for u! well.. i'm sure ur mother instinct will help u la.. even if u din do much read up
Thanks Whitey. =)

Hi kiki, ya I really not very sure about ginseng but my MIL asked me to cook black chicken soup just with wolfberries and some red dates..good for us.

Okay knocking off soon! Shall catch up again here. Have a nice weekend! TGIF!
kiki.. actually my mummy dun let me take ginseng nw also.. but i dun know if she's refering to the chinese type or american type ley
Midori.P.. welcome n congrats for your 1st BB..

its gd that you can eat
better than some of us here whom cant eat much during 1st trimester..

Well, heard my hubby's side greatgrandparents... got 3 different sets of twins le! All 3 pairs are 1 boy 1 girl *ahaha*
By the way all MTBs,

Anyone knows where we can get good support stockings? I read that to prevent varicose veins, it's good to wear support stockings.
wow i also wanna knock off now... been feeling so slpy lately.. must b the weather! counting down... 40mins more. TGIF!!

Whitey.. wow then urs could also b 1 boy 1 gal? cos i heard twins are kinda hereditary... so envy.. can close shop if u choose too...
kiki.. i also dont know the difference btw the 2 types of ginseng. for me, i just avoid.. altough i drank once when my mil cook, now i get hubby to tell her no more ginseng lor. just to play safe.. i'm kiasee
Last 40mins super tired man.... what a tiring week.....

i wanna go home and sleep!!!!

Wahahahah whatever food if feel uncomfortable or dun like or whatever juz dun eat lor... coz it is inside us others dun know nor hard to understand our feelings....
Wow... I was attending to 2 customers and there were so many threads!

I bought chicken essence during my 1st 8 weeks, before visiting my gynae and it was with cordyceps... In the end after the Gynae visit I had to give the whole thing to my hubby >.<

After that I don't know what else to take.

I've had cravings for many types of foods... Like Rojak... Vongole with white wine... And I am swallowing my saliva as I mention this... =(

I'm hearing so much on nono's on those foods... Sigh...

Kat, Haha.. Bikini is good. But My hubby will have phobia.. No idea why...

Whitey, I never used any plasters or such, I just live with it. I feel like a cranky piece of metal, haha.
ya cant wait to shop shop shop.

But actually good to buy neutral whites, yellows and greens then can pass down to next baby next time, no matter which gender also can still use again and again =)

Oh dear, Pam... a cranky piece of metal. I tink I can say thats how I feel at nite too, with the aches. sob sob
hope these aches can go away soon, now I very scared to go sleep at night cos will wake up every few hrs due to the pain =(

kiki, thanks for the tip on lingerie depts in dept stores. Will look out again, cos I think maternity support stockings not that common.

possible, its nice to have 1 boy 1 gal. But dun tink I will close shop, if next time still feel like trying for more kids ;P

See how it goes first with these 2 =)

My Hubby doesn't mind boy or girl, because it's still a blessing to us.

Most importantly regardless the gender you both still love them.

My appointment is next Monday!!!

I'm like dying to check how has bb been doing for this whole month and how much he/she grew!

Wah then this weekend u'll be v exited right, coz waiting for Mon to come.

my next appt wud be the FA scan.

I got to wait 2 weekends Jul... My Appointment is on the 30th =S

I would have to disappear from this thread till tomorrow...

My appointment is coming soon and I'll go off immediately when I'm done...

Work Work Work...

Work for a better life for BB!
