(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Re: bouncing kids
Set afternoon then...date?
Let's vote?
Who's interested?

Sharon - 16th or 19th nov
Eunice - prefer 19th nov as planning to take leave that day for lucas' class party
Pegsfur - fine with 16th or 19th nov
Fat bobo
Lizz - when u going Taiwan?
Reira - fine with anyday, just let me know in advance!

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010 - 1:34 am:       
Re: bouncing kids
Set afternoon then...date?
Let's vote?
Who's interested?

Sharon - 16th or 19th nov
Eunice - prefer 19th nov as planning to take leave that day for lucas' class party
Pegsfur - fine with 16th or 19th nov
Fat bobo -prefer 19th cos hv bbq in evng need to prepare! :)
Lizz - when u going Taiwan?
Reira - fine with anyday, just let me know in advance!
moring fatbobo!
happy 15th mth mattea & keona!!

re: passport
need bring baby to go collect?
so mah fan...i thought i can just go collect during lunch time
morning ladies..

happy 15th mth to M&K

wah soundlike u gals have lotsa fun in the playdates too badi cant join

yes they needto see their face v troublesome 1..
morning mummies

I am doing a Diapers and Milk Powder donation drive for Sanctuary House

Diapers and Milk Powder Donation Appeal for Sanctuary House : Mummies, if you have M/L Size Diapers, Stage 2/3 formula milk and wish to make a difference to needy kids, kindly contact 97364942. Clothing suitable for toddlers ages 1 to 4 years old is also appreciated.

Please help me post the above message in your Facebook!

any queries can be directed to my mobile at 97364942

Really hope that Jul/Aug/Sep Mummies will step in to help these needy children.
Welcome back piggy, bet u guys had lots a fun?!

I hv sm medical qtns... Need the expertise n adv frm sm of the knowledgable n experience mummies........

15 mths ago, I had so much prob n pain n agony n whatnot to squeeze milk out for M&K...but not much luck... But 15 mths on nw.....my nehneh suddenly like 'expelling' sm white liquid out!!! Wat is dat? Am I sick?!?

This is the first time I noticed.... N like 3rd day nw le.. Not a lot la...normally oni like a big droplet or two at the nipple.. N if squeeze, will drip few drops kind.. Smtimes quite thick..smites more watery!!! N I noticed like 2-3holes kind!!

My hb said retarded nehneh meh!?! Haha..

But I dun tink so it's milk leh.. Dat's very impossible mah! Tink I shld c a doc hor! Haiya, my health so many prob de!?!
Bobo: hahahah.. Ur husband, so bad to describe it like thAt.

Just a thot, its really milk? How was ur bm supply when they were younger..
Hi gals!

I'm back too. So tiring. My gal fell sick and we just came back from a visit to mt a. Sigh. My itinerary was turned upside down becoz of the rain and my gal's illness. So spent more time shopping than we really should. Bought a lot if crazy stuff. Saw the missha bb cream selling for abt s$19 at the airport and I bought 4 becoz got 5000y vouchers. Nuts!

Ok, going to sleep and sleep coz woke up Singapore time 4.30am today. So tired.
Yeah, can arrange sometimes on weekends and include us ftwms please..

Mashy, what did hayley fall ill with?

Donkeymami: thanks for posting those pics! I am more interested in the lunch box. Hahaha.. U said u made
Porridge for jovia with the jar? How u make? Ur hotel room got stove meh?
BabyS, im using the tiger food jar vy good. then hor i got a ugly burnt mark on my chest now cos splashes by hot water when i try to warm the jar before i put in rice & hot water
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">re: bouncing kids
19th nov fri afternoon

Fat bobo

<font size="+1">anymore mummies interested?</font>

would love to organise on weekends but need visit in laws n bring ryan to class so weekends is out for me
i can organise though but cant turn up
now just trying to make up to ryan during my leave period now
morning mumies...

Donkeymami &amp; Mashy,
welcome back
oh i bott v little this time round as compared to last round v hard to shop with a monster ard keke...

btw is the GUG class still on??

fever cough and runny nose. Last night she coughed till she puked. But coz she was so tired, she slept in her puke.
her throat is also sore, lost her voice. Poor thing.

I only stepped into the first floor of the pharmacies. Coz when I saw the stairs, I sian liao. Surprisingly at the ulu northern tohoku, we didn't encounter as many stairs as we expected. All our luggages were able to go thru escalators and lifts till we get to the hotel. The only stairs we had to take carrying our luggages was at ueno!

I saw the lunchbox, it's lovely! Cathay pacific is abit lousy with that. Only had a souvenir straw. They gave the kiddy bags but one contained a calendar for 2009/2010. The chairs were old and one I sat in was cracked at the side, the table cannot open properly, 2 tvs were spoilt. On the way back from hk, the air stewardess were busy chatting away at the back. This is the first time I see air stewardess doing that. Usually they were busy serving the pp. This bunch were just sitting together and gossiping openly.
Oh, the landing was rough too. It actually bounced and veered from side to side.

In the japan leg, they provided an infant diaper pack. But the hk leg doesn't have. Maybe Japanese customers are more particular.
oh really ah so far my experience with CX is still ok... hmm ANA din gave souvenior too only gave us 3 choices of toy to chose from...
oh we din take any stair from Ueno.. we exit at the 1 with slope so minimise usin stair n we walk from the road above... my HB loved Ueno haha..

oh usu my HB entertain my monster while i shop so abit pressurised cos paiseh to make them wait too long for me so no time to slowly shop n explore
mrng everyone! busy clearing my emails...

Mashy, ya i dun encounter much stairs except when i in tokyo so we dun bring stroller out jz using my ergo carrier.

I dun bot much also cos no luggage space for tat hahaha i bot some cosmetics &amp; bags kekeke..the burnerry blue label this season design CMI.

ya, i thk SQ quite gd when landing &amp; take off jovia was crying the crew came to us to chk anything they can help. the lunch box vy cute their toys is the same so we oli took when we fly there on the way back we didn't take.
oh u went to the blue label boutique or those dept store?? i went to departmental store n ask for old season design n they gave me a catalogue to browse leh keke..

me too busy clearin work.. super piss off

ANA landing was alright too... heng Kyler din cry durin take off n landin but not easy to handle durin day flight he only slept twice which last only 30min..

maybe coz our hotel was located at a more ulu location so that one only stairs going up but not down.

so envious. I didn't come across the blue label boutiques so didn't get any. End up bought a waterproof camera at the airport coz it's very much cheaper than Singapore. And that's the only reason I got the bb cream coz got vouchers from the camera.

The only bags I got were those Packaged with the magazines. Got an anteprima tote and a bapekids mother and child bag set. Very cheap.
Piggy, oh they hv catalog for old season design? i oli went those in dept store i saw the design vy ugly so i didn't ask..actually i chk for my fren not myself...i got myself a agnes b cos it's cheap $160 after tax refund it's so called japan edition cant find in Sin according to the sales.

Mashy, i bot cath kidson bag organise &amp; tote bags from those packaged magazines too love it!

Yes, must bring them down to collect. Still thought can collect at post office. But not for them....

Piggy, Mashy &amp; Donkeymani

Welcome back.... mashy hope yr gal get well soon....
piggy &amp; mashy, i bot kate eyeline gel cos having 30% disc n kanaebo bb cream heard it's good.

I went muji bot some toileties bag cos having 30-50% disc oli $8 so i throw away my old one hahaha
yup helpin my sis to buy n bott 1 for myself too..

argh i saw 1 AB bag also regretted so much tt i din buy
n i tink also abt $160 maybe same desgin haha... yes for dept store usu they only display the latest season..but u can still ask them for old design if they have stk they will sell u unless u go to the boutique wher all the available design r display...
Btw, i q for 40mins to get disney ticket lo..wat abt ur gals? but the disneyland vy fun le love their parades, firework &amp; foods..i bot the popcorn sourvenir bucket somemore..crazy hor.
Piggy, ic i din see any boutique so oli target on those departmental store. The one i bot is a sling bag they hv bigger &amp; smaller size..i got the bigger one..the sales said suit me more cos i'm taller
their service damn good!
babyS:: take leave la.. the other day i oso applied leave to bring my girls go polliwogs de. will do same for this bouncing oso.

sharon:: same aftnn arh? so i guess i oso take half day la...not much leave left liao. hehe.

piggy:: yes, GUG called the other day.. i said most of u still travelling. hehe. anyways, i tink i dun wana sign up liao. *save money* but i can still help to collate names for u &amp; the ctr.

so, pls for those who wants to sign up GUG @ mountbatten pls put your name below (class wld be aftnn of SUNDAY, im not very sure wat the ctr can offer nw, but PLS indicate u prefer 2pm or 4pm):-

eg.: 1) Mattea Yap, Shirley Wang, 97442768 - 2pm


When we went disney, it was a breeze to get thru .. no queues at all. The queues were all at the rides though ... wanted to get on the roller coaster and guess wat? We cld only get back there at 7.30pm in the evening with the fast pass. We missed alot of rides cos gotta queue for so long. But we still enjoyed the day there cos of the environment, all the cute stuff and of cos, the only place where the little rascal can roam &amp; walk about

U are lucky that u only queue for 40 mins at disney. That time i went i queue for more than an hr.... Somemore is so hot in the morning....
when i go no q leh... i go on 1 Nov wanted to go on 31 Oct but scare rain so change our plan..but i got the tix from midori window in advance... hmm i only took 2 rides wor.. everywher long q n some rides r not suit. din even stay for the firework after seein so many pp coming in for the Firework keke.. tink i still prefer disneysea :p

yes the service at the bluelabel is gd. i bott a convertible bag can sling n carry shouder but too bad the colour i wan no more so bott another colour
I'm back... my BIL got a flu and came to kiss my boy... then my boy is sick and I am sick... sian!!
spent 3 hrs at yuguo yesterday to wait and see the dr...

seems like everyone had fun during the trip.
piggy/SL, i regreted i shd buy tix from disney store but the moment i remember alr too late to go.

So ur bluelable is current collection or old season de? how much? cos i thk nt vy cheap also.
Morning mummies.

Great to hear mummies are back from their trips.

My family had a nice weekend. We went to East Coast Park on Saturday afternoon and watch the waves, it's funny to see my kids so amazed with the waves, they kept laughing. :D We also rented a bicycle which has a baby seat in front and cycle for an hour. It's enjoyable
Piggy, did u stay for the evening parade? the dreamlight or something? cos the firework jz 30mins after the the parade over. we oli catch one show &amp; 1 ride (tog jovia) tat's all but overall still enjoyed the plc vy much.

Kiki, hope u &amp; ur boy recover soon. rest well!
v sad i search the entire T1 at narita airport no sign of potato farm

actually even u buy from midori window stil mus exchange the tix 1 leh.. but heng i go no q but like wat pegsfur say the q is the rides...... mine is last season 1.. not keen in their winter season 1 mine was only 18900yen but it fabric 1 not leather..
oh i manage to catch 2 ride n 1 show n yes Kyler had a great time.. nope i din even stay for the evenin parade.. v tired le n Kyler alr KO hahah...

I also queued very long for the Disney tix. I bought at midori too but have to change to tix at the entrance. So silly. Think it's what time u arrive. By the time we reach there abt 10am already. I also only took 2 rides coz had to take care of my gal. She could only take the pooh ride. We didn't even finish walking the whole park. The day we went was freezing cold. Had to buy a hat and a blanket there.
Piggy/mashy, still need to q to xchange tix so mafan ah..i arrived ard 9am+ alr super long q hahaha it's a wkday cannot imagine the q on wkends.

Piggy, jovia KO also but she woke up for the parade she njoyed it n the firework. We stay one whole day overthere.
Oh, the rental bicycle has baby seat in front? That's cool! Maybe can try that with ovann next time
How much is the rental?
wah u really gd can stay 1 whole day ther... dun tink i got the energy.. i deliberately reach there ard 12pm thot can tahan later for the firework.. but the q everywhere is makin my head spinnin lo even when we left can see 1 whole bunch of crowd comin in...


maybe that's why no queue for u coz u went at 12. The peak is before it opens and just after it opens. When we went in at 10+, the monster ride fast pass was already till 8pm.
