(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

smurfy, my girl can take 4-5 days between passing motion. Because her intestines are not working fast enough to expel the food she takes. That's the only symptom. There's nothing that can be done except to feed her fiber, vege, fruits etc, according to PD. I have been giving TCM and it helps.

Babymaking, dun give up hope! Will you be trying another cycle?

pegsfur, how about move his morning nap earlier and only allow it to be 30 mins, then afternoon nap is 2-4pm... then he will definitely want to go to bed for the night by 8pm! That's Isaac's routine and it works well for him. By 8pm, I will just put him in the room to sleep and switch off the lights...

Dear all,
Realise really no chance to login or sit infront of my PC at all as compare to at work! SAHM really not a easy job!

Regan was not well for almost 2 weeks, not to sure was it running nose or just sensitive nose or was due to the haze, he got running nose during the day and cant sleep well at nite, bought him to PD, was given nose drop and oral med for sensitive nose to take for 5 days, after that, he still not fully recover so i try YU REN SHENG BA BAO SAN, he seems better and he finally back to his sleeping pattern which only wake up once or twice...mummies that ur baby still not sleeping thru, u r not alone, cos Regan till day also not yet lor! only once in a blue moon!

Re : Sleeping/ nap time

Regan still nap twice a day, 1030am-11am and 2.30pm -4pm, last feed at 845pm he will knock out by 930pm latest.
bed time~
nitez all
morning mummies

i am too despondent to try again. each cycle takes up too much effort,finances and emotions.

welcome to sahm world.

ok, going to crash
morning ladies!

may i ask anybody buy stuffs from tabao.com directly before (except kiki)? They accept int'l buyers?
I'm in a dilemma as to what time to move his nap time to. If i keep his afternoon nap short, den i dun have time to do my chores, esp having my lunch.

Yesterday i brought him to the playground after dinner to burn off his energy. Obviously it was not enough cos by 10+, he was still very alert. Anyway, i proceeded to give him his last milk, change him, and switch off the lights. Carried & rock him till my back almost break before he finally slept. Success! But who knows he woke up at 6+ this morning & wanted to play! Aiyoh .... i'm so panda-eyed now ...

Taobao normally ships internationally, but better to ask them. Check with them the shipping fee too cos sometimes it's not worth it if u r not buying alot as shipping might cost alot.
morning mummies.

let nature take its course, sometimes when you don't think about it, it'll come.

do take care too.

my gal is sick again for the past 1 week, had fever and cough and runny nose, doesn't wana eat anything except milk, but each time she drinks, she'll cough and vomit out all the milk, hiazzz, she's going to lose weight
maybe you can try letting him roll in the bed to find a suitable sleeping position to sleep ? if you rock him to sleep, very tiring for you wo ...

my #1 also sleep in between us until the day i go hospital to deliver #2. Afterwhich he slept with my inlaws for 1 month as i was doing confinement.
I need some help. I'm trying to find a place for Sam when he hits 18 mths. I want to give him an environment where he can interact with other kids his age, get some discipline, & hopefully learn a few things as opposed to staying home with MIL all day & watching Taiwanse serials.

But I'm completely new to this playgroup/pre-nursery/childcare game. I'm trying to surf MCYS' website which doesn't really state anything helpful except list the childcare centres available in an area.

Been looking at some schools but they seem so expensive! <font color="ff0000">Pat's Schoolhouse</font> is expensive, although there are 2 branches near MIL. Is this a franchise?

<font color="ff0000">Etonhouse</font> is near my workplace but it's very expensive &amp; frankly, I don't really like the Caucasian principals. And it seems to be a franchise? Coz the fees differ for diff branches! *scratch head*

I'm looking at <font color="ff0000">Learning Vision</font> coz there are 2 branches near my workplace.

And what is <font color="ff0000">Sparkletots</font>? Is this PAP or private? Coz there doesn't seem to be a website except for the Telok Blangah branch. Googling the Sparkletots at Toa Payoh gives me PCF website. Very confused!!!


Are the fees subsidised? Coz $1500/mth is really crazy for a few hrs' playgroup. I understand that the fees listed on the websites are always before subsidy, but are all fees subsidised? Or only childcare/infantcare are.. and pre-schools like Pat's &amp; Etonhouse are not?
pegsfur, would the 'play' at the playground in the evening be too 'awakening' for him? as like.. smtimes kids play too much.. either it will drain them.. or will make them more energetic.

how abt try to play some soothing music frm 7-8ish? get him into the mood? hoho~ u can prolly carry him awhile...do some slow dance to the soothing music........ then put him in the bed to lud till he find his spot or wat.

as for aftnn nap.... errh... hw abt mrng no need to nap.. aftnn abt 1-3pm nap? hehe.. like dat oso can adjust to playgroup (childcare) timing..

wish u luck in trying... :)
I will get my girl to say nite nite to daddy and gorgor then put her in her cot then give her pillow and pacifier then she sleeps on her own. But she is in the same room as us.

Sharon, how early? And where?
Pegs, maybe after dinner time too near his bed time.. How abt doing it b4 dinner, comes back hungry. Eat liao shortly can sleep?

Jul: go to edufarm.com.sg.
Sparkle tots looks quite good. I think costs abt $160 plus per
Month, 2 hrs per session, daily. I would go for this but they have no branches near my parents.
ooops now talentplus start from 18 mths during my no#1 time only for kids 3 years old. like the apple tree. maybe they hv change.

sparkletots is part of PCF under umberela of PAP.
patschoolhouse and learning vision is not a franchise, they are umbrella company of knowledge universe. pat schoolhouse is also a child care center there is govt subisdy. anything u see under childcare link will entitle for govt subsidy, full day, half day or flexi care.
For 2nd time mummies, is it true tht #1 will be more sticky? Dunno why aaden refused to be put to sleep the usual way. I gotta carry him and pat him to sleep. Even my hb couldn't pacify him, only me
Hi april,
thanks for the PCF link. it's very useful.

Hi joycec,
did you change #1 routine or did you spend less time with him recently ? maybe he feel insecure and wants your company ...

Take care.... My gal also has been sick for 2 wks. Having running nose and cough due to haze... Still has not recovered even with medication.
Joycec, yes...a little bit more. No.1 will keep asking you to carry. The scariest part is the 1st 2 months after no.2 comes out!

April, not sure if all talentplus the same though
Nothing changed leh, funny thing is while carrying him, I told him tht I love him, didi and papa. He seemed to calm down. Like hav to keep assuring tht my love wouldn't change.

Dunno why I said tht, just came out while carrying him
my #1 oso sticky to me, after i get preggie with #2. and likewise now still super sticky

^5 my #1 sleeps with us and #2 sleeps by her own in her own room :p...

#1 still wanna me feed him.
#2 self feed herself bread oredi. the other day, caught her quietly taking whole grapes (meant for the rest of the 3yrs old kids) and biting them herself.
bobo/ bear/ baby s,

Tks for the suggestion .... i oso think pushing his late morning nap time is workable. But part of me still dun wish for that to happen cos the 4pm nap is oso my nap time ... haha .. so if he forgo the afternoon nap, that means i oso can't nap liao, very siong leh. Everyday when i play with him in the afternoon, by 3+ i was already yawning and nodding off, hoping 4pm comes quickly

Not sure if playtime at playground will cause him to be more alert, cos he's basically just walking around and trying to climb the stairs. Think i only bring him there at 6+ in the evening for abt 15-20mins. Really will make him more alert ah?
Yup. Sparkletots is something like pap. I think some of them is really cheap n good. My son is in one near my mum's Hm. Though there's one opp my block, I send my boy to the one further cos it's fully aircon n the environment is better
u r most welcome. juz share wat i know lah.

mummies staying in Sengkang area. there is a new sparkle tots fully aircon with infant care and child care services at block 119 rivervale plaza. will start Mar 2011.
For those who interested to sign for appletree, i understand that they only accept children born in 2008 for next year intake. for 2009 will be for 2011.

Any mommies need a lift? I am driving tomorrow.
Dear all,
tonite i got time to login again...

I think ur gal coughing was due to the running nose(mucus). Do take care ya... u wanna try the YU REN SHENG their BA BAO SAN? a bit ex but i think it works for my boy and chinese med not so bad to their system, my boy use to have cold hands and even his body, when he was not well during the pass 2 weeks it has gone even worst ! but i can see the diff after i stop the PD's med and cont with the chinese med and of cos also i now give him red dates and wolf berry 1-2 times a week in his lunch, it does make a diff.

my boy also super active and he still yet to sleep thru till today, PD suggested last nap hv to wake him up by 4pm, by 9pm he will be tired i stick to tis routine after since. during the day my boy also super active, walk here and there till sweating but he will still dont wanna sit down type! so i usually let him play, walk ard the living room(i block certain area), make a big mess,carry the ikea stool here and there, trying his best to climb up to the sofa, come down, walk here and there etc..i let him play after his lunch, abt 1230pm till 2pm? just b4 his 230pm nap, he nw will knock out during his nap and most of the time he will auto wake up by 4pm( u may wanna nap too) and let he watch some learning programme or walk walk abit till dinner(530pm), after our dinner by 730pm he will also play in the living room while the family members watching tv, HB will bring him into the room for some reading 8pm till 830pm , after that get change into his sleep wear, milk and by 930 he will knock out leh. u may wanna try to adjust his routine as wat other mummies suggest here : dont let him play till too late when near to sleeping time and adjust his last nap no later then 4+? try? and no sweet stuff for him u noe rite? good luck!

Latest update : my boy was trying his best to carry TWO ikea stool just now hahaha...
Anyone wanna try out Act3 drama classes for toddlers? They having free trial for 18 months to 7 years old.

For 18-36 months old, Free trial on Sunday Nov 14
9.30am, 10.45am, 12noon

i have the emailer, but somehow cannot post here. Can PM me if interested then i forward u the mail.
Jul: sorry just realise the link i gAve u is for stAr tots and not sparkle tots. But u can check them out too.

April, thanks for that link.

Pegs: yeah even if he's just walking abt, sensory wise he's still taking in stuff. Not like us adults, go for relaxing evening walk. And i know how u feel abt the 4pm nap time. Hahaha ..
good morning ladies!

Liz, you interested in ACt3? My #1 were enrolled in the drama class for 1 year before switching to Lorna Whiston. Not bad in teaching creativity but the facility abit "lok kok" :p
Morning Mummies,

Should I be concern if my boy suddenly eats a lot?

Usually he willl drink 180ml of milk and go to sleep. And I will feed him another 180ml at 12am while he's sleeping..and he will sleep throughout the night.

But last night...He drank 180ml and started crying for more...I fed him another 150ml before he slept. Thinking that it's enough, I didn't feed him at 12am. But he woke up at 1am plus and cry for milk. So I fed him 180ml. At 3am plus...he cry again for milk...And i fed him another 180ml. Should I be concern?
my #1 oso went for the sundays w us at ACT3. but he dun like the teacher leh (maybe he ends up play fighting w another boy n teacher scold him). we r going tis sunday as well. do u happens to ?

is lorna whiston very ang mo? speech n drama or english reading?
Btw...Here's what he eat throughout the day:

9am- 180ml milk
12pm- porridge or cereal
3pm- 180ml milk
6pm- porridge or cereal
9pm- 180ml milk
12pm- 180ml milk

In between meals...fruits, biscult, bread etc
think maybe the teacher's reprimanding upset your boy? My #1 like Act3 but I find it is really very drama mama type encourage them to think out of the box and improve their creativity e.g. the teacher played a song of under the sea, the kids will pretend (with no costume/gigs) they are one of the creature in the sea (up to them). Later I evaluate my boy dun need it coz he already very dramatic :p thats why I switched him to Lorna Whiston.

In Lorna Whiston, all are native teachers and their teaching style abit similar to Julia Gabriel but all in English and mainly for speech and drama. They will teach proper pronounciation, sounds of the letters, etc not really reading.

For reading my boy is now in I can read
I am keen to send my #2 to Act3 next year, but haven start yet... cos she loves drama and stuff... went to one of their play last month and it seems pretty fun to me...

Heard that Lorna Whiston has really good teachers and they focus alot on pronunciation right? I didnt send my #1 to any english or reading class... i think she is ok cos we have been reading and playing "reading" games with her, now observing her if she needs it... feels a bit pressurized cos seems like everyone is going icanread and etc...
u sooo fast can access ur #2 likes drama n stuffs? or ur #2 is 3-4yrs old not that 14-15mths old?:p

i oso have not send my #1 for those "structured programs like reading, music n such.." now is more of expsoure to him in different areas. my initial idea was exposure to speeh n drama coz i want him to be more outspoken.

thanks for the good feedback. shall wait n see..meanwhile it's "sundays with us" for him...i nearly signed up for act3 holiday program for him.. but 5 days away from work.. cannot arr..
Pegsfur, hahaha...I am also very scared my girl will need to drop to 1 nap which means I cannot finish up my cleaning in the morning.
Smurfy: Typo, i am keen to send #1 n #2... #1 is super in love with everything drama. #2 also do drama things with #1 too... I think its ok to start #2 cos anyway i will have to be there and can expose her to the speech and drama. Just thought it might help them to be more confident...
smurfy: I went to beauty and the beast... its by some invited group... quite fun, even #2 enjoyed herself... :D

I find them quite established.. and there's progression even when they grow up...
yah yah i was told beauty n the beast very good show... missed it coz spending too much recently n it states for 5 and above ?


Is not easy to move #1 out of the room rite... Too sticky already.


Yes, is the mucus that affect her. Her mucus is v thick and sticky 1. We try the Eu Ren Sheng that one. It doesn't work for her this time.

We did add wolfberry in her porridge as for red date fine it too heaty for her.

Wow ur boy is so strong.
