(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Hi Berry,
Ur boy has really good appetite..i wonder whether my boy is eating too little?

Ladies, how much does ur darling eat?

My boy :
7am - 210ml milk
12pm - porridge (1tbsp brown rice,veg,50g meat + fruit
6pmpm - potato(1),veg,50g meat + fruit
10pm- 210ml milk

No snacks in between. He is 9.5kg now.

my boy nap 10-1030am and 230pm-4pm, total 2 hours aday.

dont try those red dates and wolf berry at tis moment, wait till u baby fully recover then try ba, i usually put 5 red dates(remove seed) and 10 wolf berry into the soup to boil tog for his porridge, only once a week.

PD did told me MUST use the nose drop on my boy if not they will cough badly! did ur doc give the nose drop to ur boy? (for sensitive nose, use for 5 days only, the effect is to dry up the mucus in their nose)

Regan's schedule:
8am - 200ml
9am - 6 scoops cereal or 2 big biscuits
10-1030am - nap
1130am - 1.5 soup spoon of rice + veg/meat/fruit
5.30pm- 1.5 soup spon of rice + others

in between i do give fruits 1-3 times a week and he drink abt 500-600ml water a day.
cod fish and salmon twice a week plus chicken and pork etc.

he wt abt 11kg/80cm now
Re : Playdate at Polliwigs

Nice catching up with mommies this afternoon. Was a nice day-out for our toddlers.

Liz mentioned there is a new venue recently opened in Kovan. Shall we all fix a date and give it a try?
yes, it was a good outing at Polliwogs. At least its smaller group then really get a chance to say hi and take time to remember all the mummies.

My girl was so shagged out that she fell asleep earlier than usual.
morning all,

can anyone suggest where is a good place for tods of 1yr and 2yr old can go?
hope to drain out all the energy and let them explore...

would prefer nature place...
pasir ris park children's playground
jacabs ballas garden
botanical garden
farms at choa chu kang/lim chu kang (qian hu, bollywood, hay's dairy goat farm, some veges farms)
animal resort in jalan kayu
bottle tree park at yishun,sebawang khatib mrt station
wow smurfy, that's a nice list. Thanks !
I thought of a few more
- Hortpark
- Chinese garden
- goto open areas to fly kites (my kids love it)

Noted. Thks... Nope the doc didn't give her the nose drop leh. Yesterday bring her to see doc again. They have change the medicine for her. Hope this medicine will work....
Smurfy: some of them sounds interesting... can go explore with #1 in dec... hehe

Cloudme: i like to go to the zoo with the little ones... the family membership is pretty reasonable too... the kids can get closer to mother nature and animalz...

SL: I try to soak her for a hot bath with a few drops of peppermint oil or etc. With the hot vapours, they breathe in the mint which help them to clear the nose before they sleep. Try to let them sleep on pillow or something is the levitated... if the head is higher than the body, easier to breathe and sleep. works for me and all my girls cos they have nose prob like me.
I remember the polar bear attraction at the zoo will only be ready in December ...

Penguin attraction at the jurong bird park also under reno and will reopen in December ...

SL, Liz,
Yeah, i think the essential oils with eucalyptus helps with flu. put a few drops in the bathtub, the smell is v nice too.
yah yah the zoo.. rainforest kidzworld.

i think one mth back, i spent 7hrs in the zoo w the kids.. from 9+am to 4+pm.. can die..
make the money's worth ma $18 per adult :p did the kids nap in between ? if they don't, hmm very cranky by evening time ...

Thks for the advise... Will give it a try. My gal having this prob due to both myself n hb have sinus... So pass to them as well... haiz...

She is sleeping on the safe lift universal crib wedge and this do help her...
no no. i subscribed to friends of the zoo. err the zoo is a regular place if cannot think of places to go.

the small one napped during our lunch time (Great!)
went home for quick dinner n wash up and 2kids conked out by 930pm :D

talking abt that, i love tiring the kids out during weekends, then they sleep super early, like 9pm+++ leaving some quiet time for myself..
SL, Joey:
I bought peppermint oil from the Japan fair @ isetan the last round... was pretty good... my girls love it... so now i am using it...

SMurfy: i remember they enjoyed the dogs show and teh bubbles after the show... :D
SL: Actually i have very bad sinus problem too.. but recent was recommended to get this vacuum for cleaning our mattress, suppose to be able to clean all the insides, etc. And i bought it, nowadays my nose is so much better... you might want to try it out, they got free demo...
Had a great time at polliwogs, and so did ovann
He conked out the moment we reached home.

I'm in for Bouncing kids, when's it gonna be?
I hope it's another weekday cos the place is much much smaller than polliwogs/peek-a-boo, i'm sure it won't be much fun for our kiddos if it gets too cramp.

By the way, i realised that Ovann doesn't really like to do the maze thing where he needs to climb to the higher deck. He keeps collecting the balls at the ball pit.

i know which vacuum u talking about... My hb dun like that and brought another 1 fm Best Denki instead. Can also use to vacuum the bed 1. But than hb is too lazy to use it to vacuum the bed. So only use a while ;)
Seem like all mummies and baby had a great time at the outing... But too bad I'm not able to join u all for the fun on wkday...
smurfy, joeey, liz;
great...some of the places i thought b4...
but slipped off my mind..

the family membership for the zoo seem good...

but hor if teacher can the bring guest in every yr or it's a 1-time usage thing?
i enjoyed at ystrday's polliwogs too.. n so did my girls. sweat-out so much.. climbing up n down.. collecting n catching the girls!

there was once i brought one of them up to the upper deck, wanting to slide down.. then realised the other climbing up frm behind! *pheew* luckily there was one helper (duno whose helper) standing ard.. brought the climbing-up baby down. -.-" hengz. cos my girls doesnt noe hw to slide..tou they njoyed it.

rei's zachery so smart.. he was up on the upper deck, n slide down himself..face in! steady.. i was kan cheong, trying to catch him.. but he did a super safe landing! hahaha.

initially Mattea was the one who started to be hugging her sis everytime de.. den recently, Keona oso started to keep on hugging her sis... ystrday at some point, a little ang mo girl came to touch Keona..(her helper kept asking her u like a little brother? bahaha.. ya la.. my girls look like boys..n very sam seng!!)..anyways, then, Keona started to hug her, n the other an mo girl... then later when i was with Mattea, but eyes trying to locate Keona, i saw her walked beside another ang mo little girl n suddenly hugged her! but i guess some local parents will not like it.. hehe! (mu mum said she must have found them of 'different color'..bahaha...n ya.. more interested in them! kaoz!!)

oh ya.. i oso interested to try out bouncing kids, i dun mind weekdays too, will take leave, so prolly we can plan ahead?
Ovann not alone.. javier dun like or rather dun dare to do the maze thing.. he keep playing with the balls and was satisfied in the ball pit.. hahaha.. should bring him to play more often..

javier KO very early last nite.. drank oni 50ml for his last feed and KO at 8pm till this morning 8.15am!!!
16th nov? Hee

Re: polliwogs
My son also v ah gua...dun dare climb up
But he still sleep at 11pm last nite
Think I'm more tired! Cos overslept!
sharon! hahaha.. hw can u say ryan like dat!?!

aiya.. 16th i cant.. ): hb's colleagues planned for a bbq le.

my girls fell asleep in the car soon aft we drove off. btw, brought them to the beach before we left..the weather was good. oh..den played n played at my parent's plc.. Keona was so tired, her eyes half-closed liao..den kept sighing..LOL....n there was once, she suddenly squart down, look at us, then gave us a 'tiao'!! (like.. see-what-see that kind of look! kaoz!!!) so funny! anyways, went hm abt 8-9pm, they din even take shower, whole body so sticky, but both too tired, n late in the night le... so we oni wipe n threw them back in bed le!
Sharon, Ryan looks so boyish and you call him ah gua!

Jayla fell asleep almost immediately the moment we drive off. But she woke up when Joshua got into the car. So she was super tired by 8plus.

16th nov sounds ok for me
Fatbobo, haha...think it's rare for Chinese girl with curly hair.

Sharon, I was hoping jayla only likes the ball pit then I can sit there and relax! Hahaha...
Wow sound like fun leh !
If next outing is at Kovan, perhaps I can join in. Im also trying to clear leave, if we have the date earlier, then I can take leave to join too.
Xuen enjoyed herself too... But i think she was busy running away from mommy! haha... Jayla's hair is really cute...

Im in for kovan outing... Any days is fine with me...
sharon:: i wld prefer aftnn to mrng.. mrng go.. so tiring.. den bu san bu si, cant take aftnn nap.. n hfta go prepare for the bbq.. n the nite they sure hfta go entertain guests! haha.

nvm la.. u all go ahead arrg first.. if i can (like ystrday) i will join de. but ya, tink aftnn time is better. :)
Yes, I prefer afternn on 16th nov too. Jayla has morning class so need to let her recharge then play again
U see my Ryan so contended with the balls pit...haha
But I'm still v tired...haha

Re: bouncing kids
Set afternoon then...date?
Let's vote?
Who's interested?

Sharon - 16th or 19th nov
Fat bobo
Lizz - when u going Taiwan?
Haha .. same lor, my ovann oso .. everytime he's at the playground, the 1st thing he goes for is the balls, and he likes to hold them to walk around. Dunno wat's so fun abt that?

Sharon - 16th or 19th nov
Pegsfur - fine with 16th or 19th nov
Fat bobo
Lizz - when u going Taiwan?
Sharon: i will be back on 11th so no prob! if at bouncing kids, any time is fine, if its afternoon can even bring along my #1 !
hi mummies,

Robinson expo start today, anyone going? going to buy "Little Tikes" toy if its cheap.

Robinsons Expo 2010
04 November 2010 - 14 November 2010

Massive discounts of up to 70% off a wide selection of brands such as Esprit, Adidas, World of Sport, Giordano, BCBGMAXAZRIA, French Connection, Steve Madden, OSIM, Electrolux, Triumph, Nine West, G2000, Little Tikes, Mizuno, Meyer & many more!

Re: bouncing kids
Set afternoon then...date?
Let's vote?
Who's interested?

Sharon - 16th or 19th nov
Pegsfur - fine with 16th or 19th nov
Fat bobo
Lizz - when u going Taiwan?
Reira - fine with anyday, just let me know in advance!

bobo, baby ja
thanks for the compliment =)

Zachary too! always pick up balls, walk around and give others balls! i find it so boring haha

i am going next friday! need to be at bedok in the afternoon anyway. hopefully not so crowded during weekday! else very difficult to move around pushing stroller @_@
