(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

U squeeze half a lemon onto the metal plate...leave about half an hr, then use soft cloth to wash away with water

Any good footwear to recommend other than

ya lo... it crazy... cos they open 1 in the west so wanna know how much they charge cos heard their curriculum also not bad but after i do some research the fee is too much for me to afford keke..

my boy had combi before. Quite good. And I like it that it has 2 layers of soles. So when their feet grow bigger, remove upper sole. It helps prolong the use. I think pigeon shoes are similar.

Thanks. Will get it tmr.

Btw mummies, if there is any gathering pls let me knw too. I like the meetup with Aug mummies. Always so fun, friendly n nice ppl. I am a SAHM. Any time onz!!!

Bibi shoe is quite good. Soft and comfortable sole, but alittle pricey. this brand is available at colette.

yesterday, i just bought 2 pairs of shoes for Lucas.
Oppss..read wrongly...I'm referring to pigeon sterilizer


Yeah...polliwogs? Maybe first week of nov
SMS me

Thanks..shall take a look...Colette is at united sq? Or paragon
I bought 2 pairs but I prefer sandals type not fully covered ones
They have limited designs...mainly covered ones
My boy's feet stinks when he wears covered shoes...hee
Do u wear socks for ur boy?
Plus my boy has flat feet...
i saw 1 addidas sandal design love it goin to buy it... alot i saw selling in kiddy palace or Colette i dun like leh..
sharon, i bot a pair of bubble gummer (Bata) sandal for Jovia, quite comfortable & affortable!

If wear covered shoes hv to let them wear socks else their feet will sweat.
car seat:my boi has outgrown the "infant" car seat and got to get a new one. Any good brands and affordable. Now i am putting on back seat rear facing. so now he is about 13 months, do we still put rear facing or can face infront??
i change the seat to front facing when my boi is ard 7mth old no issue at all i notice if u fasten the seat belt well even when u sudden brake their body will not be push forward unlike adult 1...
Thanks...what socks u wear?
Ryan got big legs...can't fit the shoes if I wear socks for him
Anywhere to get v thin socks?
for Kyler i din let him wear socks when he wear pediped... v hot so far ok no smell... but i bott some sock from Fox not v thick still ok...
piggy: yeah nothing much.. this fair quite pathetic compared to the usual..

not many things got good deal. Diaper not very great discounts. BUt i am glad i bought the pigeon teats. usual price $6 something. i bought it for $5.37
hello mummies anyone got experience 14m old baby not wean from bf yet, but i got to go overseas for 10days...what happens? my boy still wakes up few hours for latching le, n latches to sleep...he does not take bottle milk when he is awake..only when sleepy, then suck by reflex....so far i been sleeping w him at night.

so i m worried when i go overseas how? any advice?
hi mummies, saw that alot of you are considering childcare once your baby turn 18 mth... I am looking for playgroup, weekend kind as I am a bit phobia of letting my ger go for full weekday childcare... plus the ones near my house is on very long waiting list... I seen some of the enrichment weekend playgroup like GUG is quite expensive also... not sure if a 15mth can learn much from there... We used to go mygym at tampines and she has finish 1 term already... would like to try something else.... any suggestion?
for GUG i tink it not v consider v ex if u r lookin for once a wk kind... we r actually plannin to go together.. for me my initial plan was to start my son with those playgroup daily for 2hrs session but those ard my house either long waiting list or no nursery/kindy to continue so i rather sent him to full day program at least there will be more discipline n he get to learn more than stayin at my IL house n i believe peer influeuce is impt too... so findin the rite sch is impt...
piggytoh, you all are planning for trial class at GUG? Rope me k... that time they have 50% trial class for Sept, but i was not able to make it and they refuse to extend the offer... so I din go in the end...

Now the everyday card got discount also for Julia and Gabrial... I dun really know much abt this school... anyone going also?
nope not trial the ladies here alr attended the trial now i tink fatbobo is helpin us to organise group sign up.. JG is gd too if u dun mind the location...

Been MIA for few days... Cos both my gal is down with cough and flu. Haiz...


Agreed that they go Childcare they will learn more than staying at grandparent place.... For my #1, I send her to CC when she turn 20 mths. Within 2 mths can see a different. She can talk v well.
i tink most them prefer Mountbatten 1...

ya not tt my boi cannot talk but the thing he learn there is limited... n certain things he pick up i dun like... n over ther his sleep v little at home i let him sleep on his own but over there they are still pattin him to sleep -_-
the only concern is gettin sick freq lo but the sch i sent him still ok cos they only allow 8 toddle in 1 class with 2 teacher unlike many although the ration is 1:8 but often they put 16 kid 1 class jus add 1 more teacher...
piggy, jovia oli nap once at my in-laws plc but wkends at home she nap twice..cos she like to play wif my niece so refuse to sleep..even my niece sleep she still refuse to sleep wan to wake her up to play somemore...probably the same for kyler.
ya maybe but i have checked with all the CC i tink they will be more discipline also according to them once they settle in they have no prob to sleep according to the schedule... n i tink quite unavoidable grandparents r more likely to spoilt them than discipline them:x
car seat: looks like i am the one with rear facing hahahah. but if put front facing is it put back seat in the middle or behind the driver seat or behind front seat???
1:8 is the std ratio set by MYSC but many sch jus combine all the kids n add in teacher to meet the ratio.. i sentin my boi to Learninv Vision @ IBP but every outlet diff so u mus check... 2 of their class is 8 pax n 1 class only 6 but may have more joinin la...
be it infant/toddler car seat u have to install it at the back row mah which seat u wan to install it up to ur preference..
u gotta check the carseat is meant for wat age children..

this is booster seat with backing. It uses the car's seat belt. Still not suitable for our kids now. Get one with a five pt harness.
I'm still bfing my boy & he only latches on. He rejects bottles totally even though I alternate bottle & latch on since birth. At 3 mths old, he suddenly realised what a bottle is & totally rejects it. He drinks water from cup since 5mths old. When we placed FM in his cup, even when mix with Milo, he can taste the difference. If milo without FM, he still take. The only time he takes FM is when we add 1 scoop into his breakfast cereals.

Like yours, my boy also still wakes up few hours for latching & latches to sleep. He has also been sleeping with us at night.

it means the car seat comes with its own belts and 2 pts at the shoulders, 2 pts at the side of the butt, 1 at the crotch. Our normal car seat belt is a 3 pt. The centre row depending on cars may be a lap belt which is 2 pt.
i tink child seats can put at the front leh.. but cannot be rear facing. by now.. omoz all of us r fixing their seats front facing le.
like mashy said, not advisable to install the child seat at the centre of the rear row. (in fact, if ur driving a mpv, it is not as advisable to install it at the last row oso bah..)

i still cant decide when to send my girls to start pre-schooling.. haha. but anyways, just got a quote frm CH which hb & i r quite keen to put them in.... gosh!! reg fee + dep for both children.. already $2k!! cash or cheque! n still hvnt include prog fees.. oni paying nearer to date of commencement.


actually i find CH really ex leh summore no enrichment... u wan to check out LV??? their fee alr include enhance prog like gym n rythmes n moves etc... they even got computer for older level...
