(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

mashy, i tot front facing at front seat with airbag is alright, the airbag is to protect the passenger at the front, be it an adult in the regular seat or a child in the car seat. however, if you're hvg it rear facing for infants, you have to then, de-activate the airbag... cos in case of an accident, the airbag will put the car seat into the seat, meaning the infant will be sandwich inbetween two solid seat back rests.
piggy:: LV (hehe.. LV.. hw abt Gucci? Prada? Loewe? bahaha!)..anyways, LV @IBP izit? IBP there traffic like quite horrible leh.. i duno?
Good morning ladies. Errr geess, I'm putting my girl at the center rear seat with helper sitting on her right and mommy sitting on her left all the time.
haha ya LV @ IBP hmm i tink depend on wat time u go? i find still ok bah... Corporation traffic not v gd also 1 leh.. but look at te curriculum i rather put Kyler ther.. n the sibling discount is better also... this Sat is their open house maybe u can go n look first?
hw much is the sibling discount? oh, this sat open hse arh? thanks so much for informing.. ya.. prolly can go take a look. thnx agn. hehe.

apparently not. Think coz their bones are still soft now. The impact of the airbag can break their necks. So long as there is airbag at the passenger seat, u can't put the child seat there unless u deactivate it.
hmm 1 teacher told me it $100 another say $150 so waiting for their principal to call me to confirm n gave me the offer letter v scare wait they told me no slot.... btw if i enrol liao n u say recommend by me u get a set of uniform FOC wor... anyway jus drop by have a look first? no harm mah..
piggy:: wat's the colour of the uniform they're wearing at LV? or no uniform de?

there's a LV at my other office building in cecil street.. i tink they gv us discount (but of cos not significant de..) but then hor.. wat if i chg job!?! hahahahahahah~ lalalaa~
it blue i find it nicer than CH la hahah..u can check out their webbie? well jus take all the advantage first mah for me most imptly is location/environment n curriculum.. y not u check out the place first if got corporate discount jus take first lo if change job den consider again???
lala~ hoho.. juz called liao.. they no longer give discount to my company employees. anyways hor, their sibling discount oni $50 niah.
aei.. wait!!! if i see CH.. they gvg me 5% sibling discount... lagi lesser woh.. works out oni less than $40 per mth niah!!!!!!!

ya.. so if LV is offering $50 - $150... it's much more le!

BUT LAR HOR.. CH oso gvg me 10% discount off prog fee for the first 6mths leh.. which means.. for 1st child is abt $558/mth (aft sub & discount), n 2nd child is abt $530/mth (aft sub & discount & 5% sibling discount)...

haiyo.. headache!

anyways.. ya.. hvnt pay yet.. so okie.. will take a look at LV this sat den c hw. :)

(ya.. agree... uniform so much nicer than CH..bahahahhahahahahah~)
LV depend on diff outlet 1 the NUS 1 the fee is $550 after Sub n they gave $50 for siblin discount so work out to be $500 nia.. for IBP 1 definitelly at least got $100... ya tt y i dun even wan to consider CH after i spoke to LV n visited their sch... i like the idea tt they have a garden n encourage them to plant n get in touch with nature..
okie.. thanks so much for sharing piggy.. appreciated. :)

bahaha~ suddenly hv a tot.. hmmm.. say we put same sch.. n if in case i cant make it in time to pick the girls frm sch (in evnt dat hb is travelling..)... (heeeheeee).. prolly can tong pang u/or whoever.. to pick my girls up tog with kyler.. n ya.. lalala~ LOL~ or the other way oso.. hoho. (but ya.. yur niece oso gg to same sch rite?)
ya my SIL 1 haven confirm but most prob they will chose LV also... keke.. well i will prob ask my IL to pick them up at 5pm first den we go my IL house to pick him up so we no need to rush keke..

btw now they waivin the $100 registration fee also.. n they have 1 program if u recommend ur friend they will credit $200 to ur fee while ur friend get a free set of uniform n starter kit but the $200 is with T&C 1... but the uniform ur friend sure can get.. too bad i dun have friend in tt outlet if not i can get the uniform foc n save abit:p
bobo, not too safe to put them in front with the airbags activated also cos when the airbags, the child may not be able to push the airbag away from their face.. we adults can push it away from us, but kids hands too short, cannot push away all.. the inflated air bag can smother them to death too..
mashy.. of cos will use CDA to pay la.. else whr to find cash to pay!?! but then agn.. CDA oso need to top-up ourselves wat. plus.. even a 50-50 on tat.. hw long the account balance can sustain?

anyways.. wat the 2nd kid is taking is the same as the first kid mah.. n oso.. cannot use child 1's account to pay for child 2's edu oso mah!?! (although smtimes we use the other's ac to pay for another's medical.. lol)

so.. actually i dun really understand wat u mean by i 'should have a lor right since 2 kids'?

Speaking of schools .. think i'm more or less set on enrolling ovann in GUG. Now the problem is choosing which branch?

Anyone here has enrolled or have trials at their suntec branch? I dunno whether to go for suntec or the mountbatten branch.

Mountbatten slightly nearer (in terms of mrt stops) and i like the place as it's new and the environment too. The cons is i think have to walk abit to reach the school aft getting out of mrt, and there's no shops or eatery there.

Suntec branch abit more mrt stops but walking distance to reach the school is ok and i can shop or have meals there aft class. But i haven't been there so i dunno how's the school's like, whether it's cramp or watever.

Hmmm ... Headache also ....

u can use the acc for each other so long as sibling. I'm using my gal's to pay for my boy coz when he was born it wasn't implemented. So we had to pay in full until my gal came along. So far it can still last a while. Take it as a 50% discount off lor. U can do much with the money inside other than cc and med anyway. With 2 kids, u get $12k dollar for dollar + your 12k will be 24k. Just that for twins u have to squeeze all expenses together while we get to spread it out. When it's my gal's turn to go sch, it will really come out from our own pocket lor.

EEEkss. i dun dare to touch it now. will only do so, when both kids are in pre-schools concurrently.. i think by then i can eat onz air oredi. 1 child half day oredi $813 in cash.. 2 children? 1.6k per month. can die
i calculate liao the CDA a/c can only last their sch fee for 1 yr at most after tt all cash!!! so my HB told me like tt how i can afford not to work ZZZZzzzzzzzzZz~ -_-
childcare is indeed expensive, especially if you want them to be in good hands... I just changed my #1 school from cc to kindergarten and realised how much cheaper it is! From monthly of $850 (About 700 +150 extra for speech drama & etc) to a term(3 months?) of $510 + $100 for computer classes.

For those who has helper or ils or parents that can help, might want to consider finding kindy instead...
ya i agree it cheaper but than not easy to find gd 1
i wanted to start him with playgroup 1 but those ard my house either CMI or no kindy to continue or no slot long waiting list... n there r more CC than kindy ard my area

but no offend i see ur kindy price also not v cheap leh... u add up it abt $610 abt CC price liao..

it's per term. So every 3 mths. One mth abt $200. I think it really depends in the cc. My boy's cc is $400 per mth with non working mum subsidy. If I'm working, it's only $250! Cheap. And it's not those under the hdb type. It has its garden, playground etc. Just that they will mix with children in the children's home which I think is fine. Next yr when I go out to work and send my gal there, it'll be only $500 both of them. I figure I can still send them to reputable enrichment classes with that price.
oops sorry my eye blur ... ya u mentioned tt kindy quite gd... ya gd sch r hard to find cos usu popular 1 the vacancy is filled up fast

n 1 thing is tt i wan my boi to be more independent n more discipline n this is not possible at my IL place no doubt they took great care of him but u know la grandparent they will spoilt them 1..

ya tt v cheap... the cheapest i can find is those terence house 1 but also need $450 for workin mum... n location not v gd
oh usu they have siblin discount who know even cheaper for u???
any mummies sign up for MY GYM open house at Tampines? I will bring edric for this sunday 6pm slot! now edric climb up stool and try to stand up on stools, and shake his butt, and he climb up table with the help of the stools too. very active, now cannot leave him alone have to watch over at him.
Mummies, just sharin,

Kinderland Preschool enrollment registration starts Mar2011 for year 2012 intake for kiddy born in yr09. this is a 3 hour prg.

my gal too... she don't like to be confined over her ikea high chair, so she will find ways to stand on her high chair...sometimes even worst... stand on high chair, then climb on her tray. heart attack man...

everyone seems to be sending your little one to a good childcare.. i guess i'm the only one who sends my gal to a lousy one. sending my gal to sparkle tots just below my house. it's convenient for me to pick her up and affordable for me.

but i guess she won't has the luxury to go for a good enrichment there.
I'm a FTWM but my time more flexible. So I've to rush home to latch-on then go out again lor. 1 day hv to go back about 1-2 times depending what time I finish work. but my boy latch on fast. 15mins onli. so max half an hour i can go off liao.

I'm also sending my boy to playgroup not cc. Good CC too ex i feel. the baby bonus can last me onli 1 year the most & i've to come out with cash $800-900 per month for CC onli. too much liao.
same my tis boi aiyo headache, at one time i forgot to buckle him, he stand on ikea high chair trying to climb on top of tray. i thought a while oni, go to the kitchen to pick up fruits in the fridge, give me a fright!
which CC u lookin at?? ya $800-900 too ex le .. Pris mentioned tt the programme at jurong calvary kindergarten is gd maybe by then u can consider

no la it depend on individual as long as the sch is gd even below ur house also ok.. i check the 1 below my house Little skool house i dun like the teacher 1 thing n the waiting list also v long ....
Sweetmama: i also not sending shayna to branded or montessori kind. Looking at talentplus, use rc kind of playgroup..

You rush home during work hour to latch your bb and then rush back to work again?
urm...is there a difference between a playgroup and CC? i think mine is a childcare centre

no...mine is a Child care butlousy one. really, the so call in house playground is dirty. when i went there the children were suppose to study eng/chinese... but they were all loitering around. when i asked the clerk why they were not doing as written on the schedule, the clerk smiled and said it depends on what the teachers want them to do. anyway, this cc is not fully book all round, no one want to put their child there. hahahah. i also don want but i think i got choice lo. for convenience sake. haizzz..

i never buckle my gal. hahahha, she ll try to buckle herself. geeee

anyone has been teaching sign lang to bb????
but i really wonder if we send our bb to any childcare/playground, wouldn't the usual schedule that our child used to have to be changed? i'm afraid my gal's milk schedule will be v different.. ahhah
playgroup is those tt only last 2-3hrs prog but childcare is they incorporate lession durin their stay in the centre either full or half day...
yes their schedule most prob will be diff but i tink no issue la cos by 18mths most prob they will eat more solid n drink less milk? hmm for me i am quite concern on the enviroment wor.. i know some sparklethots really v popular so i tink it depend on individual parents?

LV abt $700 after sub bt their prog includes some enrichment which i find it quite reasonable.. i tink it depends u wat u wan lo.. yup I tink kai study ther for his kindy.. Pris also mentioned Pandan Calvary u can check it out
oh piggy,

thanks for your explanation. hahah!
ya some sparkletots are good. there's one opposite my house and is fully booked.
no one wants the one downstair my house, so anytime can register. hahah, even the clerk that i spoken too is so 'chin chai' and no energy when she speaks.
the teacher that i spoke to is from china....
no aircon too...whereas the opposite my house sparkletots has aircon and the environment is so clean and nice. unfortunately it didn't occur to me to book immediately after my gal was born. ahhah
next one i must be kiasu a bit. geez...

btw, i gave 'laughing cow' cheese to my gal, she loves it. makes me happy too...hahah. crazy mummy. and yes, she finally tasted yogurt. hhaha

u should really look ard for a good childcare. Convenience is one thing but there are reasons for these. Firstly, are the teachers able to give your child and attn for the growing up years. Children learn very fast at this age so if the teachers bochap, your child won't be able to develop to her full potential. And, if the school not popular, the childcare will not be making money, so will cut corners, cut teachers' pay. Teachers leave and attract unqualified or inexperienced teachers. There will also be higher turnover of teachers which us very destabilizing for a young child. When cutting corners, where do u think they will cut? Budget for food. Your kid may not get as good food or may even be insufficient for them.

If the school is dirty, your kid will get sick easily. Get stomach flu easily.

I don't think it's worth it. It's better to travel a little more and give your kid a better environment.

Brandless is fine. But basic stuff needs to be there like good teachers, clean environment, good food, good Daily routine.

How much is LV charging you before subsidies? this is what i found out for the Changi Business Park outlet.

LV outlet in IBP is located within the M1 building rite? Everytime when i walk by the outlet after lunch, i feel like sleeping cos it is usually their nap time as well. haha...

Full Day Care
$1500 (Infant)
$1000 (Toddler-Kindergarten 2)

Half Day Care
$1100 (Infant)
$800 (Toddler-Kindergarten 2)

as much as i wanted to send her to a better childcare, i've problem putting her and bringing her home when going and after work. my both in laws are not here, only me and my husband.
we start work at 9am ends at 6pm++. rushing if we put her too far from our home. actually i think $ is also my concern. heheh
but what you said is really true. haiz.......... i'm sighing a lot nowadays. hahah....
i've also checked out PFC rate for nursery and kindy. the fees are a few times cheaper than the nursery and kindy in church that i checked.

how abt nearer your work place? When I was working, I knock off work at 6.30pm. So I put my boy near my work place so that u can reach there before 7pm.

Who is looking after your gal now?
sweetmama, if money is the concern and if you dont mind, you may consider some churches near your place. Some churches provide CC, standard is not bad too.

i'm workG near city hall... hmmm
i'm paying nanny... $700, is draining us a lot now...

BB(alva)..ya i thought church fee is not expensive, apparently i was wrong, their price is about 7 times more exp. :'(
Sweetmama, I thought the churches will look into per family income and charge you an affordable fee? I happened to know it when I met a mommy in the church and had a good chat with her. She told me she is not christian but while waiting for her daughter for the class, she dropped in to see see the service.
Hi sweetmama,
can understand your situation, quite tough for you as you do not have inlaws or parents to help ...

does your $700 include food for the bb ? I'm paying $650 to my nanny without food, spend additional $100 a month on food.
