(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Another enrichment class is Shicida. You can check it out. They have branches in Toa Payoh and Springleaf Tower. In fact, i am going to enquire abt it and might go for the preview.

how's the trip? Lucas enjoyed?
Which day n time u going for Evans rd playnest?
The lady told me to register too cos on waiting list Liao
I totally agree with your saying - those kids who have attended enrichment classes tend to be "different". That's why i am also preparing Lucas to go for class instead of just staying at home with my mum or mil.....

Shall we arrange to go to those indoor playground one of these days? maybe the one in dempsey so that mummy can catch up, relax and enjoy cuppa coffee haha
I only tried fidgets n gogobambini
Ryan will cry when it's time to go home!!
rem bring socks along
u can google their webby for pics
yup!! Let's arrange!I'm on leave for last 2 weeks of nov!!
Or this mth I can try take 1 day leave
I tried going on weekends, v packed!! Weekdays will be ideal
cos our small boys will be squashed by the older kids...hee

my frend's girl already talking alot at 18mths! She attended all sorts if classes fr 6mths onwards
the other 2 babies at 18mths only know a few words,..all taken care by grannies
dunno coincidental or it's the classes
The trip was great! Lucas enjoyed the cool weather and i must say it was a breeze bringing him overseas.

yes, let's do it and shall let u know the date. Fatbobo and I tried the one at rochester, it was not that crowded though.

I am going for tue/thur 11am session cos i like one of the teachers and she only teaches the am session. In fact Lucas already gotten the confirmed placement but as we were travelling they could not hold it till our return so now on waitlist again.

Oo let's go for the preview together. I have 3 more weeks to go back to work. What a shame coz i'm just training my helper to make my life easier. Oh n next weekend i've got lasik! Aiyah

I think Julia Gabriel more suitable when they are older. When younger, go Gymboree. They should enjoy better. Myra is now going through Gym classes. Think she likes bubbles and crawling up those slides best. Haha ...

i saw the wagon at the NTUC too but i thought my gal have probably outgrown such toys already. She's busy climbing all over and pulling things down from the tables. tsk tsk tsk.

Now when i tell her, 'go to your chair', she'll go over to her Jane Activa chair to sit.

maybe can try the waterplay at sembawang
dunno which one more fun
Count me in for weekday playdates too! But the thing is, those places that were mentioned above, i dunno how to go by public transport.

There's oso Peek-a-boo and JWT Kids Gym at Leisure Park.

I think i wanna try Ovann with another structured class at JG b4 deciding if i shld sign him up for this or gym class type. The GUG trial he went, he was basically like not interested in wat the teacher was teaching. After the class, he walked past the play room, went in and played with the toys inside. Hiaz ...
can try both since sembawang have a playground (like those neighbourhood ones). whereas north point, the playground have tunnels for kids to crawl around so more suitable for toddlers who cant walk well yet. Zachary enjoys the tunnels very much.

is peek-a-boo & JWT accessible via public transport?
Mummies.. How many milk bottles r ur babies taking now. Shayna has gone from 4 180ml bottles to 1 120 to 150ml bottle. I think its cos we r giving her rice for meals so more filling. But 1 bottle a day now isnt good right?
morning ladies...

u r sayin Shayna only drink 120-150 per day???
hmm i read tt they need abt 450ml of milk now wor... tt y i try to add milk to his cereal gave yogurt becos he also drink v little milk
we shall go NP again the next time

think peek-a-pop accessible by train
fidgets can take free shuttle fr some mrt
gogobambini must drive or cab

If u have 965 near ur place can come Northpoint!
piggy: yeah lor.... yesterday she only wanted one bottle of milk..

should i decrease her solids intake so she'll take more mil..
I'm back....

had so much fun in Hokkaido but tiring too. My boy stick to me like a koala. Didnt eat much and lost 10% of his weight in 1week... hahaha!
Jul/ kiki

I've been wanting to do LASIK for the longest time but kept postponing it. Now dunno whether to wait till my 'lao hua' sets in. Sigh.
ya maybe u try to decrease her solid n see if she wan more milk my boi i din increase his solid food intake but he dun 1 milk also

wow glad u had fun.. btw u booked tigerairway right?? u better check if ur flight is postpone or cancel! my kolig flight was postpone 1 day n no 1 call to inform her until she check their website when she call them they say intend to inform her tml n her original flight is this thurs v v lousy service.
I thought if you are wearing glasses then when "lao hua" sets in, you can remove the glasses to read. but after lasik then no glasses already, so have to wear "lao hua" specs...
yah... i booked tiger to hainan for end of this month. haiz! just found out that there's major flood there now, so dont know if can still go or not.
oh dear i tink better dun go if possible la summore u bringin Kiiron right?? now my kolig so upset with the lousy service now mus faster find another flight back...
btw u let me know my taobao if can squeeze in the box k den i arrange accordingly thanks ya..

well, that's tiger. I told everyone I know not to take tiger becoz of such things and their crappy service. Many still decided to take the risk. Oh well.


can undercorrect an eye so that when lao hua can see with that eye. Maybe I'll do it next yr after I send my gal to cc. Then I know she's well taken care of while I recuperate.
BTW, I was quite surprised that throughout the whole trip, the agency actually ordered kids meal for kiiron.

not sure if this is the norm but I only paid $300 for him including air-tics. so it's super worth it!
But silly boy didnt eat much... haiz!

Quite satisfied with CTC.
Mashy / Jul
Lasik has no down time... when I did mine back in 2002, I opted to correct both eyes at the same time. Immediately after the opt can see quite clearly already, just that quite sensative to light. next day I can already attend my BIL's ROM.
ya i nv took tiger again after flyin twice with them v irritating n lousy service rather go with jetstar...

yup i was happi with CTC as well.. but all the arrangement was actually done by the local agent CTC only gave them the info the rest is up to them keke..
Morning Ladies

Playhouse at Rochester park was not pack on wkend. Went in Aug and was not crowded. Met Zoe Tay, Lai Yi Lin and Mark's lee's wife there...

There is only 2 groups of us only... But find not much things for them to play....

I'm keen in playdate but than only available on sat afternoon...


I also intend to go for lasik maybe earlier next yr... had been postpone it since early this yr...


My gal also reduce her milk intake last wk. Drink around 450ml yesterday. Used to be 600ml.
oh ya for turf city fidgets my SIL bott her gal there be4 n she say not bad n i tink it FOC... so gals can consider but not v accessible...

ya CTC not bad but for Jap i tink SA tour package n service may be better they get to eat n stay in more authentic jap restaurant n resort...

Fidget is not FOC... need to pay for each kid like go go babini, but the advantage is it is bigger space.
where did you did your lasik? around how much did it cost you?

fidgets is free for baby below 1 year old. now have to pay $8 for entrance fee. turf city have shuttle service from toa payoh & clementi bus interchange, 30mins interval. going there today for the first time!
oic ic cos my sil gal below 1 tt time.... but she say not bad quite fun hope u gals have fun.. too bad i gotta work if not would love to join
morning everyone!

Kiki, welcome back! glad u njoyed the trip. Hw's the weather there? are u managed to catch foliage?

Cant join for wkdays need to work le

Thanks for sharing places will give a try one day..the NP open air playground look fun
mashy/piggy, vy sian le..the yen didn't drop much lo

rei, for lasik i thk one eye ard 1k+, 2 eyes 2ks+ always saw advert on newspaper
haha I dunno abt those advert leh but mine is $3.2K I remembered so well because I just did it in June recently. :p
Piggy, super sian lor..i monitor the rate from raffles money changer online last wkend raise to 62.3
this wk i'm changing some alr..cos yen always sold out so i need to slowly chg liao. later last min cannot find & jap hardly find money changer except in airport.
