(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

donkeymami, kekeke... I've been removing her pull-ups as per normal and got frustrated when the pull-up has poo. Use scissors, kekeke very mountain tortoise leh.
I took JAL. I asked for baby meal and they gave 1 banana, 1 whole box of pigeon titbits and a warm meal. The warm meal is mash potato / mince chicken on our way there, tomato & egg rice w vege on our way back.
Can ask for diaper pack. they give nepia.

we thought he will not be given any food during the trip, so I bought alot of food / cereal for him. End up have to bring all back.
Quite surprise that they made the effort to cater kids food.
wow JAL kiddy meal is gd... but their adult food so so hor... maybe if i go no appetite i can see the restaurant got kiddy meal anot lol~
i got DL this baby piano lite , flash card etc to entertain my boi at times.. but if i show him his own pic/video he will be delight hahah..
Piggy, u luvs ramen right? go there eat ramen lo..jz cant eat sashimi the rest all can wat..u sure hv appetite..else eat junk food...
hahah everymeal ramen boring leh.. anyway i dun eat sashimi 1... i been thinkin of 1 of the restaurant at Odaiba... cheese in fried pork yummy... n many more... hee u can go n try the pork burger in their mac i tink $2 nia but now maybe $2.30 la only Jap have recommended by my Jap kolig... my HB tried it in my last trip he say not bad haha...
donkeymami: I d/l doodle buddy for shayna cos she likes to doodle now.. I also have pocket pond and kids songs to entertain.. all free. hahaha...

kiki: oh... nepia some more.. hahah..

one thing i dont prefer about pull up pants is when there is poo poo. If tape diapers at least can tape the diaper up and dont need to worry about poo pooing dropping out as compared to a pull up pants that has nothing to secure it together after its torn.. Still got to bring plastic bag along also..

I normally bring along the doodle for her to doodle. Than bring some new toys that she has not play before to entertain her.
donkey:: i got this "talking tom" on ipad..m sure iphone hv..n prolly a better version. errh..there r hippo n duno wat else oso.

i tink iphone got this balloonist tingy oso...(different version frm ipad de..iphone more fun).. u need to blow at the phone..den inflat it..n duno shake or watever.. to twist n make into shape or watnot... n duno do wat else.. expand it n till it burst. haha. (psssst..there's a technic to inflat (blow) the balloon de!)
donkeymami, my girl loves the doodle too. I'll check the applications tonight when I have access to my girl's ipad. She also like to feed the talking tom milk and play with him. The piano ones are not bad too.
re: pull up pants
actually there's a way like u fold or roll the soiled diaper up.. den 'sweh' the sides (like whr the tapes r of regular diaper) in.... can kind of 'bun' it up oso de. dat's wat we do...
Piggy, ya many things to wat in Jap unless u dun like Jap food hehehehe so i thk i will spend alots on food.

BabyS, FOC is the best hahaha hope jovia will like it. Ya i agree wif u on tat part but if go holiday pull-up pants can save some space in luggage cos it's more compact..so i will bring both for the trip.
actually jap got cheap n gd food also la jus walk ard lo... i love their ice-cream too
actually hor their sashimi is v fresh preg also can eat 1... but i dun fancy so does'nt matter haha.. oh i also have pocket pond..
is pocket pond the same as pocket frog?
hb & i so addicted to breeding frogs! bahahahahha~

in fact, im breeding my frogs now. heeeeeee~
ya lo... cant wait for mth end to come;P
hahah i told my HB they have Krispy creme donut but he say i wun like cos it v v sweet wor.. but i will still try keke..

Is not too early. Some baby will grow early while other will be later. It all depend on individual baby.


Envy.... How I wish I can go as well... Hehehe...

The Krispy creme donut still ok leh not v sweet. Mister Donut is also v nice. But i didn't see in Tokyo. Only saw it at Narita. Is v nice as well and they do sell toys. The toys is v cute...
dunno leh quite a no. of pp tell me it sweet nvm i go n try myself maybe diff pp dif..

hmm talkin abt teething.. my boi now front top n bottom got 4 tooth each side all out but lately he v cranky so i suspect he teethin again but i check his gum i saw something growin out abt 2 tooth apart wor.. i tink it wher the molar located.. hmm any1 bb like him skip a few tooth n go straight to molar??
piggy:: Keona oso.. (din really check on Mattea though..hahaha).... but juz saw on the chart above.. den make sense.. n ya.. quite chun (for my girl)..
oh Keona also ah.. cos lookin at the chart if the 1 growin out is #4 tooth den ok but now his was like 2 tooth gap wor maybe the #4 tooth is bigger keke... nvm shall monitor n see:p
btw i go to taka sales tiger havin promo n i rmember some ladies askin abt the thermal flask right?? i bott a 0.35L at $28 + additional 10%. 0.5L at $29.. the sales still on but no more additional 10% la those interested can go buy.. i also bott a airpot energy savin 1 switch off water will still remain hot for 6hr:p
yeah i think its abt time for the molars to come out now.

bobo: pocket pond is like a koi pond. u touch the water and there is the sound of water splashing, if u hit the fishes, they'll turn away. u can add plants and even dragon fly which u can try to hit..
can i ask if anyone know what kinda food or snacks does SQ offer for infants ah? I going to taiwan next month, duno if i need to prepare food for her on board... :|

You goin to Taiwan?! Me too, but I'm goin next week. Request for post-weaning meal. It's cooked food like porridge and etc, as told by my SQ friend. Infant meal is Heinz bottled food.
Hi Daph,

Nice meeting you just now... :D I am going in nov, 6-11... taking SQ but duno what to expect... do they have any infant packs or wat?

Which part u going?

Yes, nice meeting you. We stayed till nearly 6pm just now

Infant pack as in? For us we are on free and easy. First two nights we'll be at ximending After that not sure. haha. We will just plan as we go
you on tour?
i alr got 1 0.5L 1 n really heavy to carry ard n i dun need so much hot water but like u say only $1 diff so i cant make up my mind also end up my Hb say if i need a small 1 jus get small 1 if not defeat the purpose haha.. i tink we woman r like tt cant get over, over better deal...
piggy: actually, the smaller the better... lighter... hehe... i got the 0.5l one initially, but heavy and usually wont finish so much hot water so i went to get another 3.5 or 3l one... so far, i have never touched the 0.5l one anymore...

daph: wow... i guess ur boy must be very tired one... my girl was so tired that the moment she reached home, changed and put inside her bed, she zzzzzzzzzz until dinner time... hehe

i made some research and decided to get a cabbie tour guide to bring us around taizhong, those farms and etc. cos abit hard to go by ourselves... apart from that, with 2 kids, i rather plan before hand.
i am staying 2 nights in taipei and 3 nights in taizhong/farm.

i am thinking if they have those infant packs like diaper, snacks, etc... hehe how many days would u be there?
yeah i am the one who post on FB about Reborn!. haha! i am so upset that it ended too. the manga is still on going but i dont understand the mangaka's fighting scenes drawing! haiz. not to mentioned they rushed the last episode!!!

those places we are meeting all accessible by mrt if you dont mind an hr of traveling!

are you on my fb? whats ur fb email?
Argh! Sam's having fever n blocked/running nose. Dunno y he gets fever so often these days! Dunno if i shd bring him ti the PD. Sigh..

It's low fever hovering ard mid 37 deg since noon. Tjinking bsck, i noticed sticky mucus abt 2 days ago. Running nose n colourless mucus was from this am.

He's been unable to sleep too. Keeps waking up after only a short while, crying. A couple of times, it's unconsolable crying. Wonder if it's other things like teething or tummy ache coz he pooped 4 times tdy! SIGH
Jul: Caden is down with viral fever too got temp 37.6 on Sunday monday 38.5 and coughing too.. Got to give him paratemol and nurofen alternatively .. Both teachers also down with fever and cough ..
Liz: From what i know they have snacks for older kids.. If u r talking abt snacks can prepare ur own. But there is food on board for them but u must specify what u want. Post weaning meal has pureed meats and vege. There is a kids meal which has meat patties, spaghetti and snacks/ junk food like chocolates (i asked my friend who is sq crew). I'm ordering the kids meal for infants. (got such an option) but i dunno whar it consists of. I never order weaning meal cos shayna doesnt like such food liao.

I hears they may have some diapers on board too. They may have some pack with crayons etc, but u have to ask for it.
Babytv StarHub: Caden enjoy watching this channel he can glue to it whole day while playing not sure whether good or not .. Whenever he cry like uncontrollably I Just turn on the tv he will stop instantly haha
Morning mummies.

Sharon, the stroller is so cheap!! it's really a good buy !!

i must also search for the channel for babytv starhub, sounds like magic hehe...
when the caretakers are sick, the virus spread to the kids easily
try not to give neurofen if possible, i heard it causes asthma ...
my girl is starting to bite when she doesnt get what she wants, sometimes she'll bite her own fingers ... she has bitten her kor kor a few times till got bruise cos kor kor snatch the toy from her..


nurofen doesn't cause asthma. It can give gastritis though so have to give on a full stomach.

sorry to hear that Sam is sick. It's normal for them to start to fall sick as they build up their immunity. It will get better with time. Do u give him probiotics? I sugg u give that as I will protect his guts and reduce diarrhoea. I give my children everyday and they seldom LS now. If the low grade fever persist without symptoms, go PD. Coz it may be UTI. UTI left unchecked can affect the kidneys. So dun play play and blame everything on teething. My friend's kid one kidney smaller and lost 3/4 of its function coz of repeat UTI infections.
