(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

I did my lasik at Optimax in JB back in 2002. highly recommeded by my friend who did 10 years ago in Optimax KL. cost me a bit more than S$1K for both eyes. I think than Singapore cost $2-3k for one eye.
I did some resource and went to visit the branch there to see if I'm comfortable with the setup. decide immediately to go for it when I see the price! kekeke! I still have 6/6 vision after so long, used to be 550 degrees per eye.
My hb also went there for his lasik.

Now the saving is not so much since SG is also getting cheaper. Just found that they also have a branch in SG now, so no need to travel all the way to JB.

I exchange at 62.7 last week.

money changer in Japan will need to pay service charge one...
if it is for life time then very worth it. i always thought the price posted on the advert on newspaper is not included lots of hidden prices haha

thanks for sharing! is it good? any side effects? am also considering cos the amount i spent on glasses is too much i feel. just this year already spent $500 on glasses le... dont know why my glasses broke so often.

wow! S$1k for both eyes is really cheap! even tho they opened branch in SG, dont think the price is so cheap bah? thanks for sharing!
side effect - easily irritated especially for the 1st mth, subsequent will be better. Cannot go swimming for 1 mth, and must be ultra careful when washing face during the 1st mth too but the advantage of convenience no need to put contact lens to work every morning or remove to sleep beat the side effect hands down haha..

are you the one who mentioned about reborn in FB? haiyo my hb and #1 is crazy about reborn too now that it ended both of them are so upset.

My sis recommended 1 lasik to me also at MT A. Charging the same price as ur. Cos the frd working there so i will get disc. Hehehe...

Peek-a-boo can be accessed by MRT, the nearest one is Stadium station i think. Only 2 buses go there, 16 & 11.

All these play areas seemed so unaccessible, to me, at least
my experience was quite long ago, so might not apply now...
Need to go for checkup before the opt to make sure that your eyes are suitable for lasik. (they did a series of checks, so take about 2hrs), actual opt procedure is only 10mins, you can rest there and go home on the same day. Some people will book a hotel to stay and shop there cos need to go for checkup the next morning.
they will correct both eyes at the same time, last time in SG cannot do both eyes together... now maybe can already... maybe Celine will know since she just did hers

I heard from my friends recently that they can do they checkup in Singapore branch and do the opt in Malaysia... never ask them the details though...
wow.. talking abt LASIK.. i oso.. hv been wanting to do since so many yrs back.. but never did happen! im on a 550 (L) n 750 (R).. omoz blind if im without c.lens or specs. but then hor..cos of my dark circles.....i hv been holding on to do lasik!!! hahaha.. cos when i put on c.lens, i hfta wear make-up... but if i dun feel like painting my face, den i will juz slap on my specs (which 'help' to draw attention away frm my dark circles!!)... so ya.. was tinking, if aft i do LASIK.. do i need to put on make-up everytime then!?! den need to remove make-up...lagi leh zeh!!!! haha~
I also dont know why I was so daring then! in 2002 lasik was not so popular and going to JB for opt... you know a lot of people was scaring me that I might come back without an eyeball! hahaha!

but I did my research and made a trip to visit the clinic to check on the setup, so i know what I was in for...

I must say, it's really $ well spent! I went for the free yearly checkup till last year.

they also had a branch in Camden Singapore now.
yah... imagine how much $ I saved on making specs and contact lenses...
over 8yrs+, it's well over the cost for the lasik already!

use bb cream lor...
i use cleasing oil to remove, so very fast one.
I also almost blind last time, 550 degress per eye.

I don't know the clinic name cos my sis check with her frd and the same price u mention. After disc think is $2800. My sis was saying that the popular doc only there on Thur. So if I wana do it will on on Thur.
yes thats the one lah, coz the doc really popular I do all the checkup and the operation on Thur, wait there whole day :p

The price u paid is v worth. Wow they even give free checkup yearly. So gd.

Think the price at Camden will sure be v exp.

Yea. Gd thing on this doc is can do all the check and operation on the same day. Save the trip down.


The food looks quite. The portion is quite big leh. Don't think 1 yr old kid can finish lor.

Your boy's meal look so yummy! I wldn't mind eating them
Ovann only ate ramen with us, cos dunno why, felt like eating ramen whenever we have our meals

Was this doc gd? My friend was telling me that after the lasik need to sleep throughout the nite. Is it true? How long u need to rest after the lasik?
hmm..good? ok lah their customer service very good. The doc good must depend whether your eyes recovered well? :p But this doc supposingly good in LASIK very well known...

I did sleep thru the nite but even woke up you just put the eye drops then go back to sleep not a problem.

But when they operate on my first eye, the urge of wanting to back out is SUPER STRONG haha...

I did a mock packing of the luggage and we realized having 31" luggage and a cabin luggage is not enough for 4 of us! Now gotta get a medium luggage to store everything.
we had a 38" and not enough for 3 of us! we went with one big lugguage, one huge sport bag, one havesack and one baby bag. came back with the same + 2 additional boxes

we got to change 4 hotels, so every morning was crazy packing.

wow! 38" can check in? I've never seen a luggage that huge. The ones selling in malls are max 30" now. U bought in china? We dun have help of tour leader so need to min the amt of stuff we carry. Better lug 2 big luggages than 5 small
bags for us.
CTC usu go by JAL which i find ok but soso i heard ANA is much better in term of service n food goin to take in my upcoming trip but opt for bb meal instead cos Kyler still not v keen in adult food
talking abt bb meals.. Donkeymami: i went to changi airport yesterday and asked. they have a option "kids meal for infants"...

u might wanna consider that for jovia..

remember to take pic of the food for me!

U mean u wake up in the morning need to sleep again? Need to continue sleeping for how long. Oh ok... I was also scared i will not want to continue half way thru. But in the end u made it...


U tried the value pack or normal 1. Normal 1 can last more than 4 hrs...
I suggest u try to put in some bulky Stuff first like the thicker clothing and diapers to see roughly if can make it or not. My hb wanted to take the cabin luggage until I showed him how filled up the luggage was even before putting other clothes and essentials. Now he agreed we need to get a medium luggage. I've 2 kids la, so I will need more space than u. Better do it early in case u need to rush out to get a bigger luggage.
donkeymami, I agree with you. I like mamy poko pull-up pants. I tried huggies pull-up pants, material not as soft as mamy poko and L size is also tigher than mamy poko L. BTW, if baby poo poo, how you remove it leh? At the moment I use a mini scissors (blunt type) to cut the two sides so that can remove her pants easier.
BB, i jz use my hand to tear from the side..but after tat u need to wrap soiled diaper wif a platic bag before you throw away into dustbin.

mashy, heng i nv try value pack..huggies not bad too cos i got 2 samples from a goodies bag.
i got a cabin size & a med luggage at hm so shd b enuf. for my i thk bulky thing will be diaper & a tin of FM hahaha winter clothing i shd b hand carry wif a big sporty bag. think the weather will hit below 20 by end of the mth.

Oh ok than no choice. If not can last longer.


I agree huggies not v gd.... Just tear from the side will do. Don't hv to use scissors to cut.
SL and donkeymami, tear the sides will do ah? I'll try it. It's more convenient to use the pull-ups especially when we are outside.
