(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

My mum was saying on tue was watery stools, was a bit better as in not watery but still very loose stools...then today back to watery stools...
My husband will bring her to GP later when they are open at 6+..
Nope none of us having stomach flu now...and dont think we have intro anything new to her..except she is taking rice now instead of porridge, so dun think thats causing it...

ooh joyful, denson also just recovered from diarrhoea..Nat dun LS after every meal, just that her normal 1-2 times poo become 3-4 times...

Nat n Denson not only share the same bday but also share the same timing for diarrhoea..hahahaha
Stomach flu

Same! Seth also down with stomach flu. LS since Monday and I only brought him to PD today. Same, PD prescribed lacto forte and this other medicine for him.
hi ladies, last time saw u all chat about the price of enfargrow, but did not take notice as my gal still hvnt finish enfarpro.
Now going to switching to enfargrow, my place here selling $29.90 for 900g. How is this price huh?
morning ladies..

yesterday i go NTUC no more promotion for fitti so sad my SIL jus buy on wed nia n yesterday i go no more... dunno izzit they accidentally remove the tag
nvm today ask my HB go check again...
Spot on, doc prescribe the med tat u mentioned! N he diagnose as mild case of stomach flu too. He say NO FM for Nat these few days n to switch to soya milk instead. But since Nat still on BM then tats ok....
Also u r right on the expiry date of the preg test strips..they've just expired!! Expiry date is Sep2010..hahaha..
Since it juz pass it's expiry date, readings shld still b realiable? But think will get my Gynae to do a check for me since I'm gg down to him ltr for pap smear....
Thanks thanks
dolce: hahaha... i so accurate ah... hahaha.. so update us if got good news or not eh.. hahah.

sian man this morning.. got a super sian email. do this also cannot do that also cnanot.
saw watson got advert 1.8kg tin only $54+. with free book some more so can consider there.

are many mummies on enfapro or enfagrow? it has highest DHA n AA. was wondering if too much is good not? anyone got ask PD?
i also using enfapro now...
Dont be bothered too much by the email.
As long as you think what you are doing is right then just stick to it. =)

Think more on the positive side, those compliments that you have received...
Jia You jia you
oh ...then i think it's "store special"...
cos my side no promo and i check the price for fitti on mon...still at $14.++

yup now drypants, petpet, huggies"goodnites" & pampers on promo..till 14oct...
those who went for GUG trial.. how the trial? whats program they have? i want to bring javier for the trial leh since they can extend the promotion to me.. he was sick that time when ur went for the trial..
Hi baby ja,
I went for Kindermusik,GUG and playdays..the truth is i m not too keen with the programs.IMO,my boy enjoyed Kindermusik best. As for the programs,I think we can do it at home with them.
actually hor.. my girls attended kindermusik, n trial at GUG, playdays, gymboree... i oso feel that they enjoyed much much more in Kindermusik!

hmmmm~ prolly shld sign them back to Kindermusik?! haha.
Anyone in orchard? Gosh i'm so bored! Sitting in the eye clinic waiting for the stupid assessment to be over! Grr
yeah shayna enjoyed kindermusik more than playdays and gymboree..

bobo: they def didnt enjoy playdays hor... how come ah? that day mattea not well ah, thats why keep crying huh?

Anyone hasn't gone n wanna go together with sam n me?

I got a voucher from POSB for the JG trisl which expires at the end of the year.
no leh babyS... Mattea was ok dat day.. n so was Keona. they both played so happily in car on way home.. even skipped aftnn nap.. n had spagetti & even tasted ice cream frm swenson dat evng!

tink they juz don't feel good abt the play.. n din like it. period.

u noe hw such tings cant really be explainable at times. hehehe.

When u said they dun like the class, meaning they were not interested in it? They din want to participate?
basically.. that day.. we oni participated in the snack time niah. bahahahaha~
the rest of it.. my girls were crying n refuse to sit in to be in any other part of the class. they wld rather walk here n there n steal toys (packed to a corner) to play..... both of them! haha.

i shou b bring javier to GUG trial next weekend coz this weekend too pack liao.. u wanna join? got to check with them wat timing they have also..

Think they send by batches. Maybe not ur hub's turn yet? So when do u wanna go for the trial?


Er.. I shd be doing lasik next weekend. Dun think i can do anything next weekend. What abt the following weekend?
I have extra but need present the credit card
else can ger yr hb apply..still in time

i went for the trial last week but weekday class
weekend ones v full
Ryan enjoyed the class but I didn't sign up cos it's twice a week n no one can bring Ryan there

Which GUG did u go to? The one at mountbatten? If it's a weekday, i have to go to a more accessible branch coz i'll be taking public tpt with helper

Anyone here did LASIK? I've decided to just to it next weekend. Had a long discussion witj hubs abt it last nite coz he's of the 'if i ain't broke, dun fix it' school. But i'm tired of specs. It gives me headache, it's inconvenient, sam keeps snatching it or smudging it or knocking it. N i can't seem to wear contact lenses for long coz my eyes are v dry after pregnancy.

I just wanna know if anyone did Wavefront lasik? It's $1k more so i'm still trying to decide on tge technology. Think think think..
u back fr ur Perth trip?

I prefer JG over GUG
although place was cramped n packed with kids but all in individual classrooms
I like the teachers better
things they taught was about the same
but JG is wed/fri or mon/sun for playnest
so can only wait till 18mths to sign up

I went Mountbatten for the trial
18mths is different program..it's once a week on weekends
Cos I'm working only free to bring Ryan on weekends
playnest for 6-18mths classes will fall on weekdays
OIC. No wonder u mentioned weekday n weekend n 18 mths.

Actually i knownuts abt playgroup. I only started thinking abt giving some education to sam coz he'll be with mil n the maid all weekdays. Worried that all he does is watch tv!

What r the playgroups avail?
Julia gabriel
Growing up gifted
Little neuro tree
The little gym

Er.. what else huh?

How about those montessori stuff?
some of this schools focus more on phonics, some on songs, some on drama, some on brain training
I think it's impt to go for trial to see which one Sam enjoys

me too...thought of enrichment classes cos Ryan plays with my mum at home n my mum can't speak English
so far I see a difference in those babies who go for classes so my kiasu mummy mentality kicks in...hahaa
oh u could try those indoor playground
Sam will surely enjoy! Only place I can just let Ryan run n jump...fall also no worries cos all padded

Bout $6 an hr...then mummy can sit down have coffee n read mag!
Fidgets at turf city
gogobambini at Dempsey
polliwogs at east cost
there a few others that I can't recall the name

Haha me badder. Coz mil has a limited vocab. She tends to use sounds to sub words. Eg she'll go 'chok chok' or something instead of wash, 'woah woah' instead of dog. So i'm worried sam will grow up 'illiterate'! Better to send him somewhere so he'll be more coherent.

sil has 2 gals n the older one is a lot more articulate. The younger one hesitates a lot n really has no vocab! Dunno if it's just coincidental coz mil took care of the younger.

Erm can u roughly advise which places offer the running or tye phonics etc type? Or maybe u can let me know where u brought ryan then i go browse. Really clueless man!

Those playgrounds sound like a great idea! Hubs will be relieved to find places for sam to expend his energy haha

Yes i am back from my melbourne trip. I also personally prefer JG. I have signed up lucas for playnest @ Evans but on waitlist. JG has a Nov/Dec holiday programme, if u keen can try. i have tried their jun holiday programme.
