(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


better to bring enough diapers. Cos is not easy to find there.... My friend has difficulty to find diaper there that time...

last time my CL din use DOM to boil soup... i still hv ard 5-6 bottles in my cabinet! she use hennesey instead..

i tink i finished 2-4 bottles of hennesey... n about 11-13 bottles of those 'huang jiu' (illegally home-brewed kind) in all bah. i was supposed to drink some DOM everytime aft i wash up.. but i samn lazy.. n HOT!!!!! so ya.. i skipped that part secretly! lol~

actually i prefer yomeishu to dom.. but izit confinement cannot that yomeishu?
fat bobo, my CL also use hennesey. When I had my miscarriage, I drank up 5 big bottles of hennesey and XO (boil chicken and gou li ginseng alternate days.) During my confinement, I only drank 2 big bottles hennesey with normal herbs. DOM is for bedtime drink, no cooking it. My MIL said still have many bottles in the cabinet enough for 2 more babies. *Fainted*.
u really drank a lot of wines. i think i din take so many. i ordered 15 bottles and only drink 1/2.

thanks. maybe i check festive hotel too. so pro family.

i guess u still can go if you think u wont pop that soon. go anytime now.

cloudme/SL, ya i din know change design but i think it's the same cutting.

safer to bring there. 4 per day + pull up to bring out in case can't lie down to change? i brought ard 16-20 incl pull up for 3 days 2 nite.

BB, i guess difficult too
bring lor

u are a super mom! i will be too lazy to bring all for holiday.

u mean the schedule for the maid or?

crystal jade plain porridge oso have msg? tot just normal porridge.
the DOM after boiling in high heat, become sweet leh veri nice with chicken thighs leh. veri easy to cook, i see her juz put chicken, ginseng, wolfberry and DOM then double boil for 2.5 hours. so nice...
dunno leh i dun like to drink... yes it sweet but not use to drink this kind of soup always got prob finish up 1 cup... tt y i hate confinement...

huh still got huang jiu ah.. wat tt??
dat's y i dun like DOM..even on it's own.. i already fine it very sweet.... dat's y i prefer yomeishu! i tink yomeishu is more bitter..more herby taste bah...duno!
Wah u all discussing confinement food n soups. I didn't take a single drop of Dom coz breastfeeding. Dared not take in case pass thru to baby. Then also very stressed n depressed coz not enough milk. Mil's house was like a furnace! Where got mood to drink?

Besides I think I may be allergic to alcohol. I got rashes after taking mee sua with a lot of the glutinous rice wine
icic i only know hong jiu keke... dunno leh i find DOM too sweet n i am not 1 who drink liquor so dun liek those tonic soup taste..
Wah u all discussing confinement food n soups. I didn't take a single drop of Dom coz breastfeeding. Dared not take in case pass thru to baby. Then also very stressed n depressed coz not enough milk. Mil's house was like a furnace! Where got mood to drink?

Besides I think I may be allergic to alcohol. I got rashes after taking mee sua with a lot of the glutinous rice wine
i didnt6 take a drop during my confinement too cos i hate alcohol, even if its cooked in foods... even cooking wine i also dont like..

diapers wise, i am going to bring 6 per day x 1 extra day. like what mashy say, i dont want to spend time looking for diapers..
I brought 1 pack of diapers for my recent trip to jap, think abt 18 or 20pcs. Pull-ups is better in case u can't find nursing room ... just tear, wipe, and pull up a new pc! There was once Ovann pooped while we were shopping at this area where they have alot of kitchen wholesale shops ... no toilets, no nursing room! Luckily there was a park nearby and we change him with my mum holding him and me frantically wiping his butt.

I'm not super lah. But we went to malacca with the in laws. So mil will kill me if I dun cook for Sam. Bo Bianca u know? Sil Aldo used my rice cooker to cook for her gals. They very kua zhang lah. Went Australia also cooked every single day n didn't try much local food. N the gals were 6 n 4 already!

Do u find that it dissolves much easier than enfapro?

Somehow I find that I need to make enfapro earlier n let it stand to ensure it dissolves. And even so, I still get remnants of powder. But not so for enfagrow
jul, enfapro is easy to dissolve leh. One thing I notice is that dont use too hot water to make the milk, it cant dissolve well. I let the boiled water rest for 15mins then make the milk, sometimes I just lightly shake the bottle in circular motion no need to stir and it dissolves very well. So far enfalac and enfapro all dissolve well.

BTW, jul you MIL is not easy to please leh.

Oh! Maybe I used water which is too hot to make the milk? I always thought hotter water will help dissolve faster. Coz laws of physics mah?

Haha now then I know. I'm transiting Sam to enfagrow already, so I guess I'm really late!

My theory is that mil is a SAHM for all her life. So she's used to doing things as she wants. Then she's not exactly very modern in her thinking n education, so I face a lot of problems in these things lor.

U know, in the am we go over to Mil's. Hubs will eat the fresh bread while I eat the leftovers coz he's the man going out to work mah. Ironically my mouth is more 尖 yet hubs who doesn't care will be forced to eat the fresh bread. Super sian lor

Then when we forget to bring something of sam's over, it's always my fault coz it's the woman's job to do the 'house things'. She's not really targeting mr. She truly believes women n men are different.

She'll scold the nieces for not bringing their soiled clothes out of the bathroom coz they need to inculcate good habits coz they need to get married!

Anyway this unhappiness is the big reason why I wanna go back to work asap

Hahha .. same, i wld also ding zui. Mil always said her precious son had never even washed a cup b4 he got married, and now he has to wash his own dishes after his meal. I told her if u want u can wash it for him. So bo liao ... cos we dun eat together mah, normally i'll eat first while he look after Ovann. She expect me to leave everything and wash his dishes after he finished his meal. Crazy.

Jul, u are too nice already!

I gng for 12days means i need bring 1 big packet there? faint hahaha

pegsfur, can share wif me where u bot diaper when u in Japan? cos i thk not practical for me to bring 50pcs diaper to japan right?

The pull up pant idea is good, but which brand is good? mamypoko or huggies? cutting same as normal diaper?
Don bother trying mamypoke value pants.

Heard the usual mamy poko pants r good. Drypers pull up pantz also good.

Hmm.. Dunno lah. Guess mil isn't really a bad person. She's quite nice in her own way. Just that we've generation gap?


Yup the normal mamy poko pants are good. Value pants are ok for the price. But dun use them for going out or long hours.


Mamy poko pants have the same cutting as the open diapers

No leh, i din buy it there ... i brought it along from s'pore since it's a smaller pack, only abt 18 or 20pcs. I've always used pampers, never failed me
Ovann normally use abt 4pcs a day but when we were at japan, sometimes i either forgot to change, esp when we were seriously shopping, or cldn't find any toilets/nursing room to change, so end up he used only 3 pcs a day .. lucky he never fuss
Furthermore, i din see any stores selling diapers in jap, maybe only those bigger department store has, like taka or parco?

Actually u can buy the big pack & bring along mah. Repack it into a big tote bag or sports bag and hand carry. That's wat i did. It's quite light anyway and when the diapers are used up, the bag can be used to keep your shopping loots too.

i calculated i need abt 4-5pieces a day. so means i need abt 35pcs. i was thinking i may as well bring the entire pack there since 1 pack is abt 44 pcs. haha! most likely i bringin pull-up also. easier. i've started using pull-up on ethan recently. tried both mamy poko & drypantz. when he was slightly slimmer, mamy poko leaks. now it fits him & can hold his pee well. bought drypantz for him to try. also equally good. but drypantz hv pictures front & back. nicer. haha! now ntuc hv promo.

I sure make noise if I were you. I'm definitely not those submissive daughter-in-law. my worst period was the confinement period. my mil bought all those herbs for soup which were yucky, bought 90 eggs expecting me to finish them, and some herbs for me to clean myself telling me never to bathe, cannot drink water & only eat food cooked wif sesame oil. i din finish the herbs, sold away all the chinese bath herbs, bathed & washed my hair, fed my dog wif the eggs and stop doing confinement after 1 week. haha!
Jul: ur sil cook rice for her girls while on holiday, is it also because influenced by ur mil?

The mamy poko pants can only tahan shayna for abt 2hrs only.

I kiasu, 1st time i bought 4 pkts is very good deall in the end use half a pkt and decided not good ended up donating the rest to a family shelter.

Aiyah i dinno u were going to japan else i thick skin ask u to help me buy this shiseido thing which can't be found in spore! Haha


I also bathed with the herbs one time then gave up! So gross n sticky! Might as well not bathe. But i stayed st mil's during confindment so i ate whatever sge cooked. Actually sge din use much herbs. Just ginger n styff whuch is ok for me.


Probably sil got influnced bt mil in the beginning. She's also a SAHM. But the amusing thing now is that sil influences mil back!

I wanted to give sam eggs. She kept saying it's hard to dugest. Thrn when sil found out n started expounding on the benefits of eggs, she's ok to give! I wanted to give him soft rice cooked in soup but sge keot saying he can't digest. Then one day sge said we shd start guving him that! Faint

Recently more irritating! After the HFMD episode, sam seems to be less steady on his feet. Dunno what mil said to sil n vice versa, tgat day sge wanted to add salt n soy sauce to his porridge! She also fed him salty rice crackers coz now she says he shd eat EVERYTHING or else no 营养! faint
morning ladies...

Fitti premium got sales at nTUC goin to stk up later.. hahah can buy 1 pack of pull up also ...

i use lemon grass to bath smell nice n cheap... u din employ confinement lady??? actually for me i feel mus do confinement becos i know many pp bochap n anyhow eat n drink now many prob .. n heng i employ a CL she v modern encourage me to bath cos confinement alr v uncomfortable if no bath worse so she told me only bath in the noon hair best to wash 2 time a week as for food cos many thing i dun eat esp vegie so she try many diff cookin style but mostly will use red wine,sesame oil n ginger to cook n i tink my body seem to be better after tt mth even hair become thicker keke... but i got drink plain water la...
RE: transition from IFC to playgrp
got a feedback from IFC...
they are starting my boy on the playgrp milk feed schedule very soon...
that mean he will only take 2 milk feed in school and 1 nap in school...

mummies with bb in IFC
is ur IFC starting to train ur bbs to have the playgrp schedule?
Speaking of naps, how many naps are your bb taking now? I can see that Ovann is slowly going to take only 1 nap a day .. his nap time is starting to drag later & later. I'd be very sad when that happens cos i won't be able to have my nap too! Hahaha

Dun worry, a few girls here are going jap in a few weeks' time too. Can long-pang them
pegsfur, ic then i think i better bring one big bag of diaper for the trip need to open & repack into smaller packet & stuff inside my luggage.

Really peifu u that u can stand your MIL. Don't think I can stand it lor....


Better to bring enough diaper or even more. Cos is not easy to find diaper in Japan. They don't sell it in supermarket. I went 10 days only see 1 pharmacy selling only.

Mamy poko value pants is quite gd. Think NTUC having promotion at $10.90.


My gal is still taking 2 times nap. Each time between 1.5 to 2 hrs.
Pull-up pants

Will try mamy poko normal one cos i thk we sure dun chg as often when we are out so need to get one can hold urine for long hrs.
a couple of days back i was asking around for recommendations for chinese books, just to share i got this series "spot"


rec it today and it's great. It's basically a english/chinese book, translated from Eric Hill.
It comes with flaps on every facing page as well. Zac seems to enjoy the graphics.

by the way the BCL comes with CD and parent guide as well. popular selling just the books at 4.80 each i think

or is it "this store special"?
my nearby NTUC often have "this store special" and only applicable to that store only...

will look again after work...
