(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


thanks for the links. alamak, i just missed the spree

Sorry to intrude. I have 3tins of 900g Enfapro A+ to let go. Overstocked and bb has decided to switch formula. Letting go at $35 each. Get all 3 at further discount.
re:cradle cap
is it better to shave off all hair to make it easier to clear? or is it not ok to shave now cos of craddle cap? anyone has any idea which is better?

was thinking if shave now, hair will regrow by CNY, otherwise...will be baldy then.

haha. think u dun know bb hair dun grow like ours. not the same rate. some bb after shave take more than 1 yr to grow back some. so your boy may still be a baldy by cny if u shave now. clear the cradle cap first. it just takes a few days of olive oil.
bbmaking, you can try leaving olive oil or baby oil overnite and then applied again 15minutes before bathe, usually go off after a few day.
mashy, pris
tried olive oil, bb oil for more than 2 weeks already - cradle cap still there, lesser but still there.

so wondering if shave off will be better..rather than see it drop patches by patches.

I think we are going thru the same thing. I wanna be a MAN in my next life. I got very fed up with my hb at times too. #1 gal dun wanna stick to him, #2 gotta breastfeed very often. I also going to ki siao liao. Sometimes i gotta latched on Rayes and still gotta hugged my gal to sleep with another hand. I wish i can SPLIT into 2, one each for my kiddos.

If baby thighs too fat, cannot fit into bumbo. My niece cant fit.

yep, comb thru after applying, then before wash - comb thru again. the flakes do come off but still got residue...maybe because his hair very thick?

well used to lah, now...almost bald in some places.
my frend shaved her bb ger n it helped to clear the cradle cap...so it still depends on individual bb?
but if zach is dropping hair...then might as well shave him?
wow! 5 packs!? how many packs do u roughly use a month? mine only 2 - 3 packs

diaper BP
=( she just replied my pm and said she discontinued pet pet liao. sad!! guess i will have to use fair price & fitti basic for day time then pet pet night time
Hi mummies who freeze EBM, I am planning to start freezing my EBM and am wondering which are good brands of storage bags to use. Any suggestions?
hello mummies,
i'm fr aug mtb..i hav a mamex gold infant formula 700gm to let go.. its not open yet and expire jul 2010 brought at NTUC at $29.95. give me your best price..
brought it jus incase milk supply not enough.. if any of yr baby taking this formula, do PM me.. will to let go at a lower price. self collect at hougang. thanks..

Mummuies using Slings.. can i check if we are able to carry baby in th sling while sitting down to eat..??

I already hav a Chicco carrier, but that doesn;t really allow me to do that, so tinking of getting a Sling as well..
babymaking:ermmm mybe i ask wat shampoo u use for ur bb?cos hayley wsa find using mustela....then we went travelling n i brought the travel size kodomo shampoo for her....end up she had cradle cap the next day liao so maybe its teh shampoo???
my favourite is lansinoh. cheap and good! i bought 2 packs @ $19 each (incl postage) from one of the WTS thread.

you can after some practice. i am practicing to do that too!
wow! Ray only use 2.5 - 3 weeks a pack!? Zachary used about 2.5 pack for the last mth. but still quite cheap. initially i thought need to spend $200 a month on diaper hahaha
Hi Mummies,

I have 3 tins of BRAND NEW Isomil Advance EyeQ (soy-protein formula) for 0-6 mths, 900g per tin. I'm letting go at S$30.00 per tin. The expiry date is Dec 2010 and self-collection in Tampines.

Please PM me should you be interested.
fitti diaper
pris/mich: do u have the tel no. for the fitti diaper supplier. i sent them emails but no reply. wonder izzit they flooded with orders that they miss mine. hahaha
Hi mummies, anyone had their pap smear done? I had mine done yest and am experiencing slight staining. Is it normal?
oh haha. do you use mamy poko for night? i am using pet pet at night, day time fitti basic. now feel like trying mamy poko for night time.
Thanks! But the WTS threads are usually once off sale? Is there anywhere else I can buy them from? What about Blue Egg bags - any experience with them?
i use blue egg before but the price is like $11 for 25 pieces now. lansinoh is better in quality, cheaper and save more storage space by laying it flat.

yah WTS thread is usually once off sale. I can give you a lady's contact. She just message me asking if I need more. Bought from her 2 pack for $38 with normal postage last week. 1 pack is at $18.50 for self collection in redhill. if i remember correctly for normal post, 1 pack will be $19.50 and 2 pack will be $19 each (prices incl postage). This is the cheapest i found so far.
re:cradle cap
try soaking with olive oil overnight and then next day comb off. Might need to leave overnite if cradle cap is very thick already. other option i heard is to use breast milk to soak and wash off, but quite heart pain la.
Any idea the size comparison between Huggies Size M & Mamy Poko size S diapers?

I think Sam is outgrowing Mamy Poko S, but I still have abt 60pcs left! Oops.

And I have abt 100pcs of Huggies M from a hamper.
yeah, will be shaving him this weekend - now looking for beanies for him...poor little fellow..from a headful of hair now going to be botak!!

have you manage to resolve yr childcare issues? planning infant care or nanny?

was using avent, then noticed that it can't remove the olive oil/bb oil as it'as not soapy enough, so switch to johnson & johnson, which seem to improve it but still have residue.

no breast milk, so that option is out!

Lansinoh bags
I have 2 packs x 25pc brand new sealed, anyone wants can email me [email protected]. letting go at $18 for both packs inclusive postage.
tinking of nanny but dunno where to find?
but i dun safe placing bb wif outsider..wats ur arrangement?
maid will be looking after, either my mum or MIL will drop by to supervise. from next yr onwards, will enrol him in infantcare..tentatively plan like this.
peg, that's weird, I emailed the fitti people and they called me the next day to arrange for delivery.

kpc, same I had slight staining after pap smear. But my pap smear result is normal so I guess its ok.


no need to wash off the olive oil so thoroughly. After a few days, the olive oil just gets absorbed or smeared somewhere else. J&J is a bit drying for babies' skin.
