(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

ask u ah, if bb latch 1 breast than she is full liao than the other breast will leak leh.. now most of the time i feed her EBM.. oni sometime in the nite i let her latch.. cos my bb wont let go if she is not full 1.. i try to change breast when she is still sucking but when i change she suck a while than dun wan liao...

hai yo..still figuring out the craddle hold lor.. dunno why i still need to support bb head when i put her in the sling.. breast feeding in the sling.. i think i still got to learn lor..
mere mum

Really hard for me to advise leh, coz I also not doctor. But if u feel insecure, bring to another PD for 2nd opinion? I guess as parents we are not averse to spending $$ on our BBs. I think I paid abt $80 nett for consultation & the suction thing.

I'm staying with my ILs for confinement. MIL will cook for me, but things like washing pumps, bottles etc I gotta do myself. Then nite duty also by myself & Hubs. It's not so bad now actually that Sam's not latching. I get more rest. But I'm really disappointed that he cannot latch on.


Thanks for the link. I hope it's not too late to re-train Sam to latch on instead of exclusive bottle feeding.

thanks...yah...am willing to spend on bb instead of myself...as long as she's safe.. = ) my pd short consultation only cost $80 bucks...think i will head for 2nd opinion...btw..wher's your pd located?
Sigh.. Sam just merlion-ed quite a lot of semi-digested milk. Wonder if I overfed him or maybe b/c he din really burp?
mere mum

My PD is EK Ong at TMC. He charges $50 for c/u consulatation but not sure abt 1st time. But it's office hrs so I went to a Toa Payoh PD to get 2nd opinion coz she's open till 9pm. She's the one who did the suction.
i will try to latch on if possible when I go out. sometimes I will just heat up 1 bottle of EBM to bring out (can keep up to 2 hrs) if its feeding time soon and I dont plan to go out for long
Was told to only start trimming baby's nails when they are 6 weeks coz the nails are still soft. May accidently rip the nail out. Oh and do it when they are asleep coz less fidgiting.

I did c-section w epidural and hubby was allowed inside. But we didnt request for him to cut the chord.

Brought my baby to the polyclinic for her Hep B jab. She only cried very loudly for a short while and stopped. Brave girl!

I brought my girl to Toa Payoh polyclinic and they have both 5 in one and 6 in one.

what you described in your breasts is the let own effect right? Mine also has tinggling feeling when its time for feeling and when my breast are very full in the middle of the night.
icic cos his voice sound like got phlegm hmm maybe if he nv get well will bring him to PD jus now went to Eu Ren Sen to buy the powder for bb to clear the phlegm:p hope it works..
hope you get well soon. few days ago i also kenna sore throat and kept eating strepsils. i think it was because i ate a lots of those orange peanuts snacks (2 packs) in 2 days.

Zachary also like that sometimes, demand hugging else will make noise and if we dont hug him when he make the "i want hug noise", he will scream cry.

i cut Zachary's nails before 1 mth cos my hands itchy.

he is 5 weeks 4 days old and weigh 4.7kg today

what i did was put in cooler bag, then take one bottle out if i think almost time to feed him. by then, the EBM would be at room temp. problem is i donno how long can it last in cooler bag, then how long it can last if take out of the cooler bag.

Hope the powder works for u then. Sam has been feeling much better after the suction. But PD warned that it'll come back. Dun hope for phlegm to miraculously disappear for good!
anyone else's bb always hiccuping? my boy is a daily affair, esp at night abt now...then also dunno how to stop it. just now he spit up some liquid milk, and after that gt sticky sticky white stuff, but he doesnt sound phlegmy. hope it's ok.
my bb hiccup a few time everyday almost after every feed it will stop a while i jus let him hiccup no need to do anything..
my boy also gets hiccups everyday. previously everyday atleast a few times, now better only once or twice a day. he also throw up milk that u describe even tho no hiccups. today twice already in large quantity. i wonder if he drank too much milk...
my bb alway gt a big pc of mucus in her nose ,both side and when we took it out ,so big even we are so shock ,make her drink and breath also xin ku,we know cause of the sound she make when sleeping,any one gt this problem ,and we alway had hard time getting it out cause she will struggle,after we took it out,two ,or three
the nose will have again,dont know is it our confinememt foods are so heaty ,when she drink bm ,this will happen.
Hi Sept mummies, I am from the Jan 2010 thread, no intention to engage CL, any one did not engage help during confinement, care to share how you manage? any advice on not engaging one? Thanks.
are u a 1st time mom? anyone experience at taking care of newborn to help you? if not u must engage a good CL if not really will die. i had CL but still so stressed up during the first 2 weeks. all i did during that 2 weeks was only breastfeeding and pumping milk to ease engorgement.

Thanks...hope my bb is alright.


Any way to get rid of that 'i wan hug' cry???nowadays dun carry her she wont slp... = ( let her down she'll wake up n cry again....
Hi Reira, thks for responding, me first time mum, so no experience, and hubby is not keen to engage CL services, as we are not the traditional type and not observing the herbal baths, longan tea stuff so he sees no point to engage CL but friends have been telling me cant do without one, now in dilemma lor..
Hubby's plan is to let MIL, himself and my mum to take 1 week leave each and stay with me on rotation to help, i dunno if this arrangement will work?
Hello ladies

I cannot go to forum these 2 days, forum got problem is it?
I can only access now wor..

For mothers who are having baby sleep problem hor…I know we have discussed abt sarong before but sarong really very very useful leh…
I also got this automatic sunflower rocker as a gift fm my bro..
Ppl said bb will get use to rocking, but than I don think so…

Sometimes u jst put them there, and they can sleep quite fast. If they make noise, rock them. Best to have those automatic one so u can set timing in case bb fussed..

But most important is safety la.. so when put them at sarong got to be very careful. Have to put mattress below.

They said its not advisable to let bb sleep pillow but my mum let my bb sleep either at pillow or their niao bu to adjust their head.

Cos bb they like to face one side, so if keep on letting them turn one side, u will notice that one side is more slanted than other side. See from behind and u can notice liao le..



When sleep is not enough, u will get block nose also wor.


Jul in week

If don want so heaty right, u can eat raw red dates and spill out the seed.
My mum see that im heaty and also not enough sleep cos of bb, she in d end didn put red dates but other herbs only.

She than wash the red dates and put them at hot water.
She said this is less heaty.



When bb do the full mth celebration, before bb go bath than cut fingers and toes nails. That is the procedure wor.. I don kw if before 1 mth cut got anything or not.. check with yr mum ba..



My breast feeding friend said let bb suckler more, the longer it suckler, the more the milk will come. I tried that and now I can pump 70ML liao le at 15 mins. At first I pump only 20-40ml(this amt pp for 30mins leh)

Another method she taught me which she said it works is one side breast feeding, one side pump.. flow will cme very fast and more milk also.. I haven tried this cos mine is manual pp and I cant handle one side bb one side pump.

Cindy, it is important to have proper confinement to retone your body. For both my pregnancies, we did not engage CL, once pregnancy, my mil cooked for me but she did not cook confinement food so can feel that it weakened my body. 2nd pregnancy, I wanted my mum to do my confinement but mil insisted of doing so we compromised but she had to followed my instructions for confinement food, she did it one week and asked dh to ordered confinement food for me. Other than I showered daily in lemon grass and ginger water, drink honey date tea (did not take red date tea as I have heaty body) and handle baby on my own for both pregnancies - bathing, breastfeeding and also take care of my 5plus yr old boy.

My mum said bb normally is overfed than merlion.

Also when BF, if before / during yr emotion is sad or angry.. bb also merlion cos they said our emotion will affect the milk production.

And after BF, if bring bb up too fast or let the stomach crouch, than bb will merlion.

After I feed bb, I usually let him stay there for a while than I burp him.. cos got experience I bring him too fast than he merlion


any mothers got feed their bb like this?


This is the routine we do for bb, except during sleep time.
I realize give bb drink lots of water, the phlegm will be better.


For my #1, i didn't engage CL but for this #2, i decided to get one. Must tell u, it's a world of difference. I felt so much happier, more rested, eat better with a CL. I had my aunt over to help me for 1st 2 weeks and engaged tingkat for the last 2 weeks. My hb was also ard to help then. IT was a tiring ordeal, not to mention plenty of stress from my ILs.

one thing abt MILs & moms are, some are not very encouraging towards bf. And they may start to say things like u've no milk etc to discourage u. Some may even insist that u feed FM.

While u may not be traditional abt confinement stuff, your MIL & mom may. Like it or not, they may insist that u follow their rules. I'm not trad, but still can't escape certain stuff. I insisted on bathing n washing my hair, but my MIL grumbled during my #1 confinement. When they come n visit, i've to cover up more to prevent any nagging n immediately took off after they leave. Imagine if they stay wif u.

And from experience as well as listening to the stories here, many (even those who prev had cordial relationships with their ILs) start having some sort of conflict during confinement. Perhaps due to stress, lack of sleep etc but sparks fly.

It is prob better to get a CL to help u unless you're very sure u n your mil/mom are on the same wavelength n agree on all the issues.
sbb, baby should not be getting more than 30ml of water per day at a young age. I started give Ray just 3ml of water through syringe after nursing.

i think u better engage CL. this kind of $$ cannot safe one.. u kw got so many tales for ppl not having CL.

i got one friend, didn engage one, than she has to take care of bb herself but her MIL will cook and ask her to warm before gg off for work.
during preggy, she is happy.
during confinement time, she said she is not happy. almost kana post natal blues..

Than u kw some woman carry a little heavy stuff, the womb drop leh..

my mum also tell me, last time she do one confinement for a lady, she jst wan to go outside to throw her pad, she kana wind, hand cannot stretch..u kw my mum she make a lot of ginger for her to soak at hot hot water for few days than better nia..

my mum she do confinement b4, so she kws also..
if u drink a lot of water all through out n don believe those stuff, she said later water retention don regret.

still got other stories ah.. up to you ba..
I didnt engage any CL but I'm staying with my mum during confinement. I felt that my body is quite weak (no energy) after delivery... Its important to have good help who knows what they are doing. Need not be CL though.
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, I dun have a choice for this pregnancy, do not have my own place and did not want to sandwich dh too. Anyway, it is good practice for me, coz in Oz I will be handling Ray and Kai on my own too.

<font color="0000ff">cindy</font>, I agreed with sbb. Coz during #1, my mil was so aganinst bfding that I totally locked myself in my own room in my own house whole day till dh came home. This time round, mil still insisted to buy a tin of fm to standby and this time I pumped the extra bm out daily to prove her wrong. Just last week, when I brought baby and my older boy to visit, mil still trying to promote fm, telling me I would be less tired feeding fm. Anyway, I find that bfding is so much easier for me as I can continue to sleep after latching my bb.
<font color="0000ff">kikilala</font>, you can take chicken essence daily and the bu yao jing. Try going for walk in the morning with bb and get some sun and it will refresh you and after a few weeks you will feel better. Do have tonic soups weekly to strengthen your body.
halo mummies, thanks all for your kind suggestions and advice, thou I am still considering.. not having CL is not to save money, more like me and hubby quite used to living on our own and do not welcome 3rd party staying with us haha.. tats y I am not even keen to have my MIL and mum over to help... even if they do, they are definitely not staying over coz we dun even have bed for them.. haiz was thinking if me and hubby can cope on our own anot.

furthermore, my kitchen is not well equipped for cooking purpose, hence thinking if MIL or CL needs to cook in my kitchen, will have big issue. No utensils how to cook?

if decide to engage cl, then need to start furnish the kitchen and the guest room now? like troublesome leh... dunno how leh...
bb vomiting could be due to milk reflux. My bb is having this problem and pd advise to change to a thicker formula such as Friso comfort or Enfalac AR. I just bought Friso and will try tonight

I am in a big dilema. Not sure whether I want to quit my job to look after bb full time. On one hand I want to spend all the time looking after bb and on the other, I worry abt the financials as well as losing my indepedence as a career woman. Even though dh assure me that $$ will be ok, but I really can't stop worrying. Also worry abt getting another job in a few years time. Anyone facing a similar situation?
mere mum
bo bian must hug if he cry and pray he zzz. just now he was crying for hug but i put him on bed and let him suckle my nipple. lucky he already went to lala land within 5 mins. *phew* hope this new method to make him sleep will work long term.

your friend is correct, cannot do without a CL. your hubby, mom, mil wont be able to tahan de unless all of them are pro at taking care of newborn and can give u advices. anyway, i am not the traditional type also. CL help to cook nutritious meals and take care of my baby. i did drink longan tea and she boiled lemongrass water for me to bath.

i understand that it is troublesome to equip your kitchen for cooking and to furnish guest room but still need to do it lor. too bad singapore dont have a confinement centre for mommy to go there for a month like malaysia.

just buy cheap utensils from ikea and foldable single mattress for her to sleep. can get a good one from seahorse for around $50 + $10 cover (neighbourhood sell cheap mattress at around $40 already)

i dont have problems with accessing the forum for the past 2 days. I let Zachary suckle at one side and pump at the other sometimes. didnt know that it can increase supply! gosh! i did that just to save time.
ok holy crap. Zachary still havent wake up for milk. i hope he won't stay awake in the middle of the night for sleeping all day. usually he will drink around 11pm and zzz by 11:30pm till 4-5am.

*still waiting for him to wake up for milk*
cindy, i agree with the rest. For my #1, I tried to manage on my own with my mother. Instead of helping, my mother was so stressed out by all the baby's crying for no reason and all the cooking, and it made the situation very bad. For my #2 and #3, I hired a CL and it was a world of difference. I ate better, was better rested and was therefore able to breastfeed successfully. All those things like stranger in the house and equipping kitchen are small things to put up with for the help u get with a CL. I'm not traditional either. I bath everyday and wash hair, and I dislike red date tea. The truth is managing a newborn the first time is really not easy, and having expert help takes the stress off.

sbb, past 2 days IE could not open the forum, but firefox can access.

pink, I faced same situation as you when my #1 was born. I had no MIL or mum to help then and the nanny I had was terrible. So 1 month after I returned to work after ML, I resigned to look after the baby on my own. Its a loss of income for sure, and I had to depend on dh, but there's peace in my heart to know that this is a small sacrifice as long as baby is well looked after. Its not easy as I am the kind who actually enjoys working, and I was really having a good time in my job (good company and good boss). Things worked out as in I managed to do some part time work on and off to keep my sanity and I finally returned to work full time 4 years later with no issue. If u are planning for 2 kids, you can always return to work when #2 is about 2 yrs old and is old enough for childcare.
baby schedule - here's mine. I try to follow

7 plus latch then bottle to top up
8 plus bath
9am Feed
11am Feed
1pm Feed
3pm Feed
5pm Feed
6 plus bath
7.30pm Feed
9.30pm Feed
1.30am Feed
5.30am Feed
Only after 20 days then i bath w/o herbs. buay tahan. weather was so hot! dun worry i also break confinement rules.

if u want to try pisa, just go to singapore breastfeeding support group at queen street n try. it's free. they have all sorts of pumps. no need to buy from them.
hi cindy,

the ladies here all have their say and i also agree w them. With mum and mil, a lot of things u have no choice. with cl, you can choose not to follow and she won't say a thing. it's best to let smome help u during confinement.
Hi Cindy, my husband n i had the same thinking as u &amp; ur husband - not traditional, didn't want stranger staying in the house, n we have no kitchen, only a small induction cooker. we also heard many nightmare stories about lousy CLs.

but good help is essential after delivery, and the following is what really helped me:-

1. we ordered confinement tingkat. even if u don't believe in the traditional ingredients, u should eat well, or at least not go hungry.

2. every day, my mum &amp; MIL came to our place. they helped with all the chores such that my husband n i didn't have to do any household work. also, it enabled us to take many naps. plus, both mums got along with each other n neither insisted on things i didn't want to do.

3. my husband was very hands-on and very encouraging. he didn't shy away from any task. he cldn't breastfeed of course, but after i pumped, he would wash the pump parts etc.

4. my baby loves to sleep and was very clockwork. she would wake up once every 3 hours and need milk, after which she would drop off to sleep on her own.

the stress of breastfeeding n lack of sleep aside, my confinement month was actually a breeze.

in conclusion, u need a plan which incorporates good help and eliminates stress. this may or may not come in the form of a CL...

all the best for the rest of your pregnancy. enjoy!
don't quit. Take no pay leave/lesser responsibility to spend more time with bb after yr maternity leave, it's always good for the mind &amp; self esteem if you have a job to go back to.

I had no choice but to quit due to frequent hospitalisation during pregnancy, now on the look out for a job &amp; the job market sucks, esp so as many jobs are with long working hours, irregular hours, sat half days, shift etc. It's impossible to fit picking up &amp; dropping baby off if need to work late etc.
Mich, bbmaking
I am already in my mid thirties. Main worry is 2 years later, if I want to go back to work, it's hard for me to get a job. I don't want to miss out on my bb growing up years and yet worry abt my sanity &amp; self esteem. I also have a good job &amp; good pay ( working in bank) so a bit "wasted" to quit.....confused

Reluctant to leave bb with mil coz sure got differences in opinions......
