(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

i also submitted the form when i registered my baby at the hospital but till now haven't received anything from the bank yet. also abt a month liao.

having a baby really eats up all my time. now i only hv 1 hour break before baby wakes up & feeds each time. i've to rush to bathe or eat in tat 1 hour break. sigh.....free time is so precious now...
zzzen:welcome to motherhood
was telling regg i havent had a good nigt sleep since my hayley pops which is almost 2 yrs liao
btw, kiki, it's a place where dignity is left at the door. the room where they help u has chairs all around and various women with their breasts completely exposed. some r trying out breast pumps, some r being repositioned with their babies etc. i wore a nursing top so i felt less exposed.

the LC made me used one of those Brest Friend pillows so that my baby was at the correct height.

for a short consultation (abt 20 mins), i paid $25 + GST. u may want to consider getting an LC to make a housecall, cos they'll come for 1 hour and it's $120 i think.
haiz.. yalor
mine now happily lalaland, tonite i panda-land

ok start taking the med from PD le.. see if my milk inc or any side effect
i hope mine can sleep longer in the day so tat i've more time to do my own things leh. but he must also be able to sleep long at nite lah. haha!
yes I tried almost everything already except the m
nursing tea.

I worst off than u, more than 15 hours then pump but only 50ml. Really want to give up soon
zen, shirley
i submitted the baby bonus form include OCBC account opening form on the 13th Aug to ICA and received the OCBC card & letter for pin around 26 Aug. till now i still dont have the time to check out the card at OCBC atm machine!

time is really precious now lor. even when i got the time, i have to do laundry, pump ect. my boy can sleep long in the day (wake up for milk, diaper change only) and can sleep at night also but we have to be outside gai gai then he will sleep long in the day.
I noticed that some of you mentioned that there is 6 in 1 vaccinations at the polyclinic - which one is it? I went to the one at IOH, next to SGH and they only have 5 in 1.

I was told by my sis that u can try out the medela pumps ( including PIS) at J&E at Toh Guan Road. Think have to call them in advance for appt. She did that before deciding on purchase of a breast pump. If u want to, u can try that to convince yourself if you really need to buy the PISA.
Wah yours is so fast, i submitted around that timing too, but still yet to receive anything from OCBC.......
your handsfree bra looks pretty good.

You may want to try to get someone other than yourself to bottlefeed your baby - I notice that my baby fusses a little less when someone else bottle feeds her. I tried different teats too - a few different pigeon ones, Avent, Nuk. Currently, Nuk seems to give the least problems. She used to enjoy sucking on the pigeon ones when she was younger but dislikes it now for some unknown reason.
pumping again.. just now i bottle fed him 100ml, still screaming for more! pacified him a bit on my breast for abt 5 min, then he started fussing again. had to pass him to mil yo carry to pacify. y does he nvr have the "contented" thing???

mine regurgitates all the time! only got slightly better after starting ridwind yest.


oh.. i ythink my hubs only sent out the cda n bb bonus form to mcys yest. there was an ocbc form, but i din notice the details. so i gotta wait one whole mth? wow..

i've already spent a few hundred at the
pD liao
looks like i am not the only one with not much milk supply... really stress in th beginning, but now,i start to relax abit.. mix formula. I still latch on, just that dunno how much bb take in... sigh... does the frxxx pill really help? i can buy off th shelf from gnc??
pink, regg

very demoralising hor? after everything we do, still like no milk. then feel so bad when bb doesn't have enough to eat. pump also keep looking down to see how many ml we got.

regg - hope ur meds work to up ur milk supply
Calling for sharrel .....I tried to reply your email but got a delivery failure.

Anyway it's from Graco & I bought it from motherworks at great world city
Hi mummies

Can I ask for those who went through c-section, are husbands allowed during the delivery process and with the honour to cut the cord?
lucky3, mine was c-section under GA so husband not allowed inside. i think c-section with epidural, husbands are allowed in.

regarding wind n gas... i tried letting the baby spend some time on her stomach. sometimes she starts fussing and it's not really her hungry time yet, i flip her over to her stomach and she will start farting and farting...

i know the books say we shouldn't let them sleep on their stomachs, but when i do that, i watch her closely. also it helps that now she can lift up her head and change direction, she won't get stuck with her nose against the bed.

i find that when i feed her after she has had some tummy time, she regurgitates less.
Hi ladies

<font color="0000ff">SunshineG</font>, nice meeting you at B. Garden, bb Claire is so sweet.

<font color="0000ff">bbmaking &amp; Weishy</font>, we can meet another time.

<font color="0000ff">pink</font>, I heard that fenugreek has to be taken with milk thistle to be really effective. Personally, fenugreek does not work for me. I find drinking papaya fish soup (for a week - morning teabreak, lunch and dinner piping-hot, is more effective.) MIM nursing tea has fenugreek &amp; milk thistle in it if I am not wrong.

<font color="0000ff">Jul</font>, try looking into this website, www.galactagogue.com. Gotten some info from today's parents - Everything will flow: Another herbs that helps to improves quality and quantity is Shatavari. There are more on the articles.
*phew* Zachary been sleeping for an hr already. donno how hubby manage to make him zzz. before that he kenna scolded by me again cos he wont stop crying for hug when i was busy hanging his clothes.

argh, suddenly i got this painful,hot sensation and my breasts leaks and wet my tops. my sit cushion kenna also. i need ways to solve oversupply.

better check with OCBC, maybe they didnt receive ur application.

i let Zachary drink ridwind sometimes too even tho he dont have colic (cry for nothing) just incase.
i totally agree with u time is so precious now.. Btw i alr receive the 1st payout of bb bonus u deliver be4 me u shd get it liao mah..

My baby sound like havin phelgm leh sian...any1 know if i can get med off the shelve forr bb?
what is milk thistle? I already drinking papaya fish soup for lunch &amp; dinner &amp; eating tons of fish but supply still low. Super sian.....
do u all let ur bb sleep on pillow?
when can we let them sleep pillow? or dun need?

dunno y bb so fussy today...im so tired!!
carry him whole day...cannot put down or sit down...muz walk ard...headache
i din let my bb sleep on pillow leh..
My bb today also fuss alot sleep half an hr wake up for few time dunno is it the phlegm sigh...
Hi all,

Think I super suay. Kana sore throat and blocked nose. Dunno is it eat too much herbal stuff. My mum keeps on cooking and forcing me to eat. Now my mucus is green. Means super heaty.
yen, pris

thanks heaps for the info!


sam had phlegm for a few days. he cudn't sleep, kept crying, snorts a lot at nite.. few days back i brought him to pd for this suction thing to suck out the phlegm from his nose n throat. he's much better liao. u wanna try?

i stopped taking red dates tea, n v heaty stuff at abt 2weeks+ into my confinement coz i also got heaty. luckily din develop into cough n phlegm, but had sore throat n sneezing for a day. gave me a scare. maybe u cut down the food?
Hi Jul,

How do i know if my baby got phlegm???She's abt 2 weeks old...after feeding she dun slp...put her down she'll cry....dunno wats wrong with her.
Pris, it was great meeting you too! your boys are so well behaved!

am taking your advice and pumping now after latching. going to make papaya fish soup too. what fish do you use?

er.. my bb makes snorting noises a lot. he also makes a weird snoring sound when he's breathing. but not sure abt ur bb. she may have wind leh. best is if u wanna play safe, bring her to the pd for check lor. the pd will tell u if got phlegm.
Anyone here cut their bb's fingernails b4 1 mth old? Ovann's nail on his thumb is super long siah ... wanted to cut it but my mum said to leave it till he's 1 mth old.

re: baby bonus/cdc
Can i submit the forms at the hospital's birth registration counter? Wld be going to TMC at the end of the mth, so thot of submitting the forms there.

U not supplementing sam with FM?
sharon, i don't think infants need pillows. sometimes i prop my baby up on a pillow, but she tends to roll off after a while.

my mum says they don't need one until they know how to sit up at least, then their necks are stronger and they can handle it. but i think this is one of those issues where every mum might have a different opinion...

sam was born with super long fingernails! i asked my sil to cut on day 4 liao! n since then, cut twice more! but nvr cut his toenails yet.

think u just mail to mcys using their envelope. if not wrong, tmc only accepts it for max 2weeks.

i managed to pump enough to feed him since yest. but i pek chek! just when i just pump enough, he starts eating more! n he still hates to latch grr!
Was told to only start trimming baby's nails when they are 6 weeks coz the nails are still soft. May accidently rip the nail out. Oh and do it when they are asleep coz less fidgiting.

I did c-section w epidural and hubby was allowed inside. But we didnt request for him to cut the chord.
Re vacinnation:
Brought my baby to the polyclinic for her Hep B jab. She only cried very loudly for a short while and stopped. Brave girl!

I brought my girl to Toa Payoh polyclinic and they have both 5 in one and 6 in one.

what you described in your breasts is the let own effect right? Mine also has tinggling feeling when its time for feeling and when my breast are very full in the middle of the night.
anyone chose SCB as their CDA bank? I submitted the form on the day i discharged and got the card this wk. Havent checked my bank acc if the bb bonus payment is in yet though.

my boy has been making snorting noises since birth, but it only happens when he's kan cheong and wants his milk...which seems to be almost all the time when he's awake. Just now gave him 80ml, but he only took 2 oz then KO liao. Damn, so waste 1 oz of my ebm...sim tia
Claire, your EBM can last 4 hours outside... save it for the next feed!! I always do that cos I refuse to waste any of it. If not, feed it to your older kids.
thx, will do that

my boy wearing my #2's handmedowns...a pink minnie mouse top. hb said if he turns out to be girly, he's gonna blame me :p
re:CDA account
oh, there's a PIN for the card? I receieved the card but not the PIN, was wondering what's the card for. blur me.

only two brands of diapers in the market has indicators? pigeon &amp; nepia..i thought more brands would have it, it's quite a useful tool. my email is [email protected], pls email me the fitti form.

how was yr botanical garden trip? sorry i had to miss it, Zac was cranky since 9pm last night when we got back. i was super tired!

i left him at MIL's place yesterday &amp; the maid sarong-ed him and he got the hang of it, today refuse to be put down in the cot AT ALL, end up i got to carry him from 7am till just now...now i am just tired tired tired. can't wait for hubby to get back, so that i can dump Zac to him.

How do i get him out of the habit of being sarong/carried? am thinking that if this continues, i'm so going to suffer from today onwards.

I took domperidom as well, no side effects for me but it doesn't work for me either. the doc prescibed a 10 day course, taking 1 tabs 3 times day fr 5 days, and then twice daily for the remaining 5 days.

u're only 4 weeks down the road, takes time to recover from childbirth as well. Do you have CL or someone to help you out?

For me, it has been 7 weeks and i am still easily tired.

How to get yr energy levels up?
any suggestions?

oh, i wanted to post something but it slipped my mind. How many weeks is yr Zac now? and how heavy he weighs?
<font color="0000ff">Sunshine G</font>, my mum uses threadfins, can also use the fish head, bones or even salmon(using salmon - must finish the soup fast when piping hot if not fishy smell.)

Thank you for praising Kai, he can be a monkey too haahaa, he was talking about little Claire been so sweet too.

<font color="0000ff">Jul</font>, keep going!
pampers stages and fitti also have indicator lines.

Just checked, submitted the form on 22 aug and received bb bonus payout #1 on 8sept.
<font color="0000ff">bbmaking</font>, I take chicken essence alternate days, go for long walk in the morning with Ray &amp; Kai. A balanced diet and a 30 minutes nap in the afternoon help too.

same...my bb makes a lot of snorting noises..n weird snoring sound when she's breathing...asked the pd twice..in hos n clinic..he gave e same ans saying all bb have water in their lungs thts y they produce such noises.

should i bring her to another pd???also she seems to choke on milk and some times milk come out from her nose.


yah...i scare she get so used to being carried to slp..but if dun carry she'll cry n wont slp... = (
Hi Regg &amp; BB Making,

I also took domperidom...BB making, we are the same boat, we tried almost everything. Now i still dun want to give up, ordering the Home on Earth, more milk plus... now still 40 - 50ml for both sides. LC asked me to take 2 tabs, 3 times daily. But i got side effect like headache but LC said might be becos i lack of sleep. so not sure.

hey mummies,
jus wanna check with u all, if u all are feeding EBM and when u all bring bb go out, u all put the bottle of EBM in cooler bag than when bb hungry than warm up the milk with hot water or warm it b4 go out?? cos my confinement nanny will be leaving me soon and i will be alone taking care of bb. so u all think which 1 more convenient? dunno i can manage anot..
