(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

my boy sleeps a lot during the day, but v wakeful at night. Last night was bad, I thought pree-empt it and give him fm around midnight...who knows at 1am he's up crying again so latch and he's on and off until 2+...then finally manage to sleep awhile and he's up and crying again at 530am all the way until mil come over to bathe him at 7+. For me still ok, but my hb is suffering...gotta settle the 2 girls first then still have to put up with his crying at night, and get up early for work the nx day. help! hb says his tummy got a lot of wind, so was massaging with the telon oil, but didn't seem to work. shd i put ruyi oil? scared too strong.

wow cherrios,
really impressed u still can go holiday!

for baby rash, usually it is heat rash. will come when too hot. will go away on its own. baby skin super sensitive, dun put too much cream cream. just keep baby clean n cool.
i put ruyi oil for my ger. even give her gripe water. [desperate ;p] so dun worry. just keep on massaging her tummy.

how did u giv gripe water? mixed w water or BM?

what is the ratio like..

i tried giving half a teaspoon to 2 oz of water, but the taste is pretty bland, baby dont really take.. he drink half oz then stop ler.. after tat puked out w his milk...

i oso duno what's wrong..
shack out man... dunno wad's wrong. put him down and 5 min later he's screaming. only carry then cam zzz...even sarong also cannot. siao liao, my arms aching from carrying him. argh!
Oops. Paiseh. Tot u r my long lost polymate
anyway, u may wanna try letting bb sleep on his tummy. Mine fusses a lot too n he loves zzz on his tummy. Alternatively, carry him upright, he may wanna see e world from a different angle.
Oops. Paiseh. Tot u r my long lost polymate
anyway, u may wanna try letting bb sleep on his tummy. Mine fusses a lot too n he loves zzz on his tummy. Alternatively, carry him upright, he may wanna see e world from a different angle.
I also bought Ruyi oil but did not hand it to CL cos scared too strong,so wat i did is burp him alot and it works.So nice to hear his let out of gas everytime,even burp him half way thru feeds.
Or I rub my hands together til hot n then place on his tum.
Hi Regg,
Thanks for the diapers advice..will go get some Petpet to try.Yest wanna get from ntuc but thot better read u ladies' advice first!

My boy is 24days old at abt 3.4kg

Can share share the email to order Fitti diapers? Anyone tried Fitti S, is it bigger than drypers S?

The suggestion to use urine to apply on face is er...a bit yuan shi..dunno abt u,but i will not do it la.

It sounds like sibling rivalry..my fren's older boy hit the bb meimei when my gf turned her back and then sayang her when my gf was around.And he also reverted to wanting to sit in pram and doing things to get gf's attention.
that's the ratio i used for gripe water.
at first they will only drink 1/2 oz each. but enough to let them fart a lot.

think it's wind in tummy. my ger was like that, then my granny came and tot me a few tips.
keep on massaging her tummy even after u put the oil. massage with her blouse on top. baby will feel more comfortable.
hello.. anyone can advise me??? i have bad crack nipples that don't seem to heal.. i got it during the 1st 2 days of letting bb latch on.. then until now, it's still crack.. i haven't been letting my bb latch on for sometime alr.. but have been pumping milk on 3 hrly basis.. i guess the pumping disturbs the healing??

i uses medela nipple cream... doesn't seem to help much either.. and the tip of the nipples are so sensitive! it's irritating when they brushes against my blouse! and i don't wear bra at home..

any good idea on how to get these cracks solve?? i really want to latch her on.. but dun dare to.. scared pain.. and scared that the "on the way" to heal nipples will crack again... i uses the nipple contact to let her latch on some nites.. but she don't seem to like it anymore..

and leaking breast.. how to let the breast know when to produce?? haha
my baby also has alot of gas. i've tried ruyi oil, telon oil, gripe water and rid wind. also tried massaging her, letting her sleep on her stomach. carrying her against my shoulder...

these all work a bit, but she still has so much gas... sigh...
hi all,
seems like alot of us bb having alot of gas/wind hur?
my boy also the same, i've tried many way too now his american time is slightly better already, can sleep at nite but will still wake up for milk every 3 hourly.
ok, back to the wind part, some medical hall and a relative told my mil to use sasemi oil to apply on bb's 'tou chi' b4 showering, i noe it sound weird but i am doing so. wat i did now is:
-apply sasemi oil on his 'tou chi' b4 shower, apply ru yi oil on his tummy(i dint rub scare too hot, just rub hot hot on my palm n place it on bb's tummy for twice) and samething to his feet.
-take u gals advise burp him more,i notice my boy will wake up n cry 2 hour after mid nite feed, i try to bupz him n he really will bupz..then will go back to sleep again.
-i towel clean bb in e evening n change his cloths, will rub ruyi oil for him again...
-nite feed ard 9pm i rub again and wrap him with those tummy wrap and wear long pants and he now seems slightly better.
-tried colic drop, mix it for 3pm feed and 9pm feed, bb fart alot, can get it from guardian.

i noe alot of us here dont agreed to give bb water, but i did. in between feed if he wake up or cry for milk, nt alot just let him seep seep.. and i think it really help for poo poo and also in a way intro water to bb so that they wont reject it next time.
ok,above just some info to share
how do u feed ur bb?
u BF or FM?
I am 90% on FM cos BM ss dropping, my gf told me nt to shake the bottle up n down, just in circle or use both palm to rub the bottle, u can try.. cos will reduce the bubble so when bb drink not so much wind going in.
PJPJ (pj_lam),
i m using fitti S. i think its bigger than dryper S bah... u can ask them to send u samples. I ordered from the fitti promotion too. I pmed u the form to order.

i use little ruyi oil on my boy too.
anyone getting musical crip for bb?
i am thinking to get, cos my bb keep want to carry.. he only lie down when he is asleep, when heis awake he dont wanna lie down at all..very siong!!!
Regg,my bb is on 40% FM and 60% EBM.thanks for the tip abt shaking the bottle...

today i'm trying to latch her directly... not sure if it helps with the gas but she's pooped twice today already and is farting a lot...
i use mobile cot...taka fair got a v good deal
saw in the newspapers dat day....fisher price one
5-6 items including cot mobile at $99.90
i bought only the cot mobile at kiddy palace for $120+ lei
tat time some of the mommies here was saying abt the green poo..

my boi's poo was yellowish initially but this morning his poo was greenish...issit ok ?

I think my boy n ur boy abt same weight & age. How much do u bottle feed him? U dun latch on anymore?


I think my boy has learned the bad habit of preferring bottle feed. Coz my letdown is too slow for him, I think. Just trried to latch him again but he kept sucking less than a minute, then struggle & push away, cry & cry then latch again,...

when i gave him ebm in bottle, he happily drank up 75ml. hiaz.. i think my latching days are over.
Medela PISA

any idea what's the price for this? any promo at taka fair or anywhere else? think i need to invest liao, since i'll be pumping to bottle feed my sam now.

now i also pump and bottle feed my gal more then latch ,cause i had the same problem as u,but very tiring alway alot of washing to do....and got time and warm the milk before she wake up for feed...cannot wait one...will cry and scream on top of her voice when she wake up for milk..and ebm take time to warm up not like fm..very fast can make and give already.
ylang ylang

Same! Sam also will wake up & immediately start screaming for feed. Cannot wait even 1 minute!

I'm worried that my supply will drop after he stops latching. Is ur supply affected? U still can latch? I'll try again next feed but i dun have much hope

btw which pump r u using now?
could be high iron leading to greenish poo? Did u eat any high-iron food or new fm?

just now i buay tahan go and put ruyi oil on his tummy...thank god he's sleeping already, just went for 1 hr and going strong. But he hardly latched today. And havent poo yet. Normally 1 day will poo 4-5 times. constipated? Now thinking if I shd just go ahead and pump, then if he wake up let maid feed fm, and I'll keep the ebm for later. If got any lah...
I din eat any high iron food...i think. What kind of food are high iron? Definitely din change FM brand. But issit due too much FM than BM ?

i still can latch lah ,some time ok but midnite got problem leh,she latch already ,after still cry ,then feel her ebm she finish leh,but u must be prepare to do many washing and pumping loh,i pump and prepare for her nxt feed alway loh,like 100 to 120 ml each time ,but no extra to store leh haha,must be hard working pumping .......i m quite lazy de haha.
mashy, thanks for the info
yesterday managed to chat with my mummy fren too. and her PD also prescribed that fucidin for her boys. i'll see how it goes. hopefully when confinement is over, bb's rash is clearing too
1 more week to go!!
latch is simple mah ,just clean nipple and feed already very fast,provide they wan to gaui guai latch ,but some time dont know how much they take in,also dont feel good,if bottle ebm ,u will agar know when is their nxt feeding time already frm how much they take ,then u can start to warm the milk.i m using amdeda lactaline,but bf really very tring leh ,alway got the temption to give in to fm ,fast and quick,but feel guilty if got the flow but so easy give up,if really no milk ,then i can tell my self not i dont wan to bf ,is because no milk mah
ylang ylang

I see. I have a feeling mine cannot latch anymore. I try again next feed but think he really will start crying & struggling again *hiaz*

I just managed to pump only 70ml. At noon, I pumped 110ml. Supply is supposed to decrease towards the end of the day issit?

i think supply depend on indivisual ,not say end of the day will decrease ..my gal normally will latch 10 to 20 min only,wonder if 10 min how much can she take in,no wonder if bf sometime one hr want milk again already.
re;umbilical cord
my boy's cord dropped 2 days back...but he cord still abit bloody...got dried blood there...quie a big lump covering the whole cord...i dun dare remove...anyone encounter the same?
wat shld i do?
sharon, my girl had the same situation too.. but her bleeding started few days after she came back from hospital.. when i bring her to polyclinic to check on her jaundice the doc only prescribe me with antiseptic lotion only.. i don think it helped me much either.. i have been applying it for the past 1 week until yesterday when she was crying very badly.. i think she forced it out herself then the leftovers dropped out..

the doc was telling me.. unless there is excessive bleeding.. otherwise not much of an issue..
Ladies Polyclinic prices for vaccines

4 in 1 $77.15

5 in 1 $87.40

Flu vaccine $25.60

Hep B $16.30 to $30.55

Chicken pox $72

Oral Polio $14.35

Hep A 1)$77.15

Phuemococcal $68.25 ( 2 yrs old n above)

MMR $13.40
<font color="ff0000">RE: Go to Botanic Garden, 11 Sept 2009, 9.30am</font>

Anyone keen to go to Botanic Garden with baby and young children for a walk?

I am thinking of bringing my boy and baby there for a walk as well as to take a breather in the nature.

There is an air-cond foodcourt near the entrance at Holland Road side where we can also sit down to have some snacks after a walk.

If you are keen, please put down your name. <font color="ff0000">Meet about 9.30am at the entrance of Botanic Garden nearest to Glen. Hospital.</font>

1. Prisneo (with Kai and Baby Ray)
2. Babymaking (with Baby Zac)
3. weishy (with Hayley n Baby Lucas)
4. Sunshineg (with Baby Claire)

I applied the powder i gt from pd to dry the cord the last time. Jus clean the cord with the spirit, after awhile no more bleeding liao.

irene (bear),
U alone with 2 kids??? how u handle? I goin crazy soon even tho i hv my mom n maid around. The elder one is getting jealous... I must get a 'present' for her this weekend, telling her its from her didi.


My boy has been refusing bottle feeding? How eh???? I gt few bottles of ebm in the fridge. He always cry when bottle feed.
