(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

claire, think its normal for babies to do this awake at nite thing in the first few weeks. Mine did his share, and the confinement lady had to entertatain him while he stayed up from 2-4 am or from 4-6am. This only stopped after his 4th week. But now he's got a fussy time from 7-10pm... it'll be over soon.

regg, good to know that Regan is doing better at night. hang in there.

jul, looks like your ss is going up. Yes evening supply tends to be lowest. Try eat some snack, hot drinks and lie down for a short nap and it helps.

Hi Happi,
I got it..thanks!

Well,I hardly latch anymore,so far at night,he gets hungrier easily esp aft pooing,so he will drink about 90ml EBM and if he is still hungry,CL will wait for 1-2hrs then will feed 60ml of FM. Then he will sleep peacefully.

A few pp are sellin their new/preloved PISA online,if not you can also order and need to wait abt 2-3 weeks for it. Need contacts,PM me la. I ordered online also.

Ylang Ylang,
Abt feeding,u can warm the EBM and feed it within one hour,so usually I will watch abt the timing bb will get hungry and prepare the milk first n then when he make noise,I can feed fast.
Hi ladies,
Homemade (not perfected yet) handsfree kit..
PJPJ:very very innovative!!!maybe a new product le .....but how to "catch" the leakign milk?put pads inside?..also can hor
Ya, just leave it and clean with the spirit & powder as usual. Dun pull it out.

Hahaha ... just watched the video .. Ovann doesn't cry like dat. He only cries in the initial time when we take off his clothes. But when i bring him to the bath tub and he hears the sound of water, he stop crying immediately and is calm thru out the whole bath.

Hey, tat means u really have milk mah .... now that u pump and can have at least 70 to 110ml, dats some achievement le ... me still a pathetic 10/20ml per pump.
Hee hee there is absolutely no leak! So the funnel is soo secured onto our breasts,it form a suction like vacuum cleaner! LOL
pegsfur, try taking the papaya fish continuously for a week, drink it hot for morning tea break, lunch and dinner, milk should come in. Use raw papaya to cook. Can drink to up ss too. Try taking nap with bb helps too, stress and tireness will also decrease ss.
Anymore mummies coming?

<font color="ff0000">RE: Go to Botanic Garden, 11 Sept 2009, 9.30am</font>

Anyone keen to go to Botanic Garden with baby and young children for a walk?

I am thinking of bringing my boy and baby there for a walk as well as to take a breather in the nature.

There is an air-cond foodcourt near the entrance at Holland Road side where we can also sit down to have some snacks after a walk.

If you are keen, please put down your name. <font color="ff0000">Meet about 9.30am at the entrance of Botanic Garden nearest to Glen. Hospital.</font>

1. Prisneo (with Kai and Baby Ray)
2. Babymaking (with Baby Zac)
3. weishy (with Hayley n Baby Lucas)
4. Sunshineg (with Baby Claire)
u r also in wk3 of confinement? i'm looking fwd to nx thurs then can finally take a proper shower. hate feeling sweaty all the time!

hehe, hb already promised he'll bring me go gai gai nx wkend. thank gdness he dun need to go back to work over the long wkend. too bad the taka bb fair will b over by then
the baby bathing video is good! anyway, Zachary dont cry like that. his cry was even worst! scream at the top of his lung. lol the boy in the video is like cat meow compare to Zachary lor. but when put him on tummy (like frog), he also stop crying donno why.

i was at taka in the afternoon but nothing to buy. i only bought 2 boxes of pigeon breasts pads (72 pieces for $13.90). we wanted to buy my boy toys but he zzzz and refuse to wake up. put him on FP rain forest bouncer initially before he zzz, he was crying like mad.
Weishy : the injection so cheap ,my PD give me a package total $720 dunno what it including leh .

My friend say if go poly take injection can use the CDA account to pay isit ?
bean:maybe can ask?for ur info bb's hv express Q and if booked appointment n on time ...waiting time is like 5 to 10 mins.

CDA accout : i think so
Hi mummies,
Just to share my experience when my bb got colics very badly. Cry non stop. Even my mum and dad try to carry him but still crying and has been 2 days like that. I was having bad blockage on that 2nd day and have appt with Mdm Rokiah to help with my blockducts problem. When she came and halfway attending to me, she ask me why my bb keep on crying and I told her that my boy has been crying this few days. She ask me if she could check my bb tummy to see if its due to colics. She did massage my bb tummy and seem like my bb enjoy her massage.He stop crying and my mum put him to sleep. And for abt 2 hr he sleep and never cry after that. I really thanks her and she also gives me some baby tips and advise.She advise to massage anti-clockwise massage on bb tummy if its bloated, hard or constipation. Really helps as I try few times on my baby and she told me not to apply ruyi oil but use telon oil.

my bb cries even louder than that bb in the video.

haha, like your cat meow thing. My exact feelings when i c the video. My gal screams.
Dear all mummies,

I am in a dilemma now as i realised that my mom is unable to handle my baby alone..thus seeking option on either infant care or hiring a maid to help her to look after...

Problem is tt my mom's health and leg condition aren't good and was thinking tt by hiring a maid might nt helps much...My mom is those type of person where everything muz be done by herself irregardless if she is tired anot..felt tt with a maid.. it might create even more problems for me...I have heard alot of bad stories on maid and thus quite reluctant....

I have seek various options from relatives and friends and all gave me different views....some viewed that by placing bb into infant care will train up the bb to be more independant where as other felt tt bb would not be given full attention to in terms of care...as for maid...some mentioned that in time to come bb will be too dependant on the maid for everything and then to be less closer to parents...

I have also weigh the cost of both...realised that both are almost the same but juz tt hiring a maid may have more worries and hidden cost...

Does any mummies here have experience on hiring a maid or placing their bb into infant care?? would like to hear more before deciding...
Ladies i hv a bottle of the TELON oil to give away,anyone wants?Ladies going to botanicals on friday????

why give away?i like the one i bought previously.....the one mdm R recommends is nt so strong smelling.
Hi Jul,
If you are looking for breastpump can get from First Few Years. Got my Medela Pump In Style backpack model at $569. Taka Baby Fair was selling at $719 and came with 2 extra bottles and one tube of nipple cream. The Metro bag was priced at $619 if I dun rem wrongly.

Tmrw is CL last day, dunoe if I can cope on my own. Wish me luck ladies!
Regarding catering, I ordered mine from Neo Gardens. Find their food not bad. Just that my Mom thinks that they shortchanged us. Coz ordered for 60 pax and for one prawn dish, m mom thinks its less than 60 prawns.

Ladies, have a qn. Is it usually the case that on baby's one month CL will give ang pow to baby then need to give her a ang pow when she leaves? My CL didnt give any to baby so that means dun need to give her any pow too? Else whats the usual rate for ang pow when she leaves? I gave her $38 when she arrived.
I have a tin of opened S26 milk powder to give away, used 2 scoops only. Any mummies interested? Pls PM me.

Self collect in the west.

i gave my CL $50 each when she arrives and leaves. We like her a lot, even mil bought her a gift when she leave. my CL gave my boy ang bao when she arrives to put on his cot. she said normally grandma should give ang bao to put on baby's cot near his head de.
happi, my CL stays with me for 6 weeks and she is leaving today. I will tell you if I can cope with 2 alone! My 2 yrs old don't go cc somemore.

Claire/ylang, you mean you have not bathed for 3 weeks?

Joia, its up to you. I like my CL alot so give her ang bao when she comes and go.
Joia, I gave my CL $50 when she left. She also gave an ang bao to my baby, which I didn't know about. I only saw it when she was gone as she tucked it secretly where the baby was asleep. I felt very touched by her gesture. The amt u give depends on how happy u are with her service.

bubblymummy, both has pros and cons as you said. The biggest con of having a maid is that you could have a bad maid who gives many problems and the biggest downside of infant care is the germs that baby may contract. It is a hard decision. The bottom line is which option u are prepared to deal with the cons?
For Fitti, is it Fitti basic? I just bought one pack of Fitti basic M size jumbo pack from NTUC for $12.95 (80 pieces). It is not thick at all. Well, atleast not as thick as huggies.

anyone let baby use M size already?

NTUC house brand - do they have S size?

My CL didn't give my gal ang pao leh...

I placed my #1 boy in infant care when he was 8mths till 16mths. It was a total nightmare coz he kept getting sick non-stop. He didn't have time to fully recover from each sickness and now he's asthmatic. I will never place my #2 in an infant care ever coz of this bad experience.

I had a hard time choosing what to do too coz i don't have any other help. So decided to quit my job instead.
im having the same problem....i dun feel safe leaving my bb wif a maid...heard babies fall sick easily in infant care...im tinking of a nanny but yet dunno where to find a reliable one
really having a headache...
i need some advice too....

y ur boy dun go cc anymore?
Sharon,so far my boy only goes to playgroup which is 2hrs kind. He has not been to cc yet.

Nowadays the nanny also not very trustworthy already.
i bathe everyday, but using the herbal water...then bathe liao still sweat coz the water sooo hot, yuks. If dun bathe I will peng san, unless i 24/7 in a/c room throughout confinement. Not looking fwd to seeing my utilities bill for this mth, sure hit the roof.

I'm exhausted man, last night bb kept waking and crying. think he didn't sleep for more than an hour at a stretch. Then now zzzing. cham. going to be a panda liao.
reira, its not the Fitti basic when you order direct. Its the better quality one, called Fitti Premium? I find it very good, can use at night just like Mamy Poko. But its much cheaper.
hi all mummies,
i am seeing stars already.. very tired.

anyone can share with me wats their bb sleeping schedule like?
Regg, here's Ray schedule

5.30am milk
6.30am Sleep
8.30am Wake up to play
9.30am milk
10.00am nap
12.30pm wake up for milk/ then play for awhile
2.00pm bathing
3.00pm Nursing/sleeping
6.00pm Nursing
7.00pm Playing
7.30pm Nap
8.30pm Playing
9.00pm Cleaning up/Reading
9.30pm Nursing/Sleep
wow, how did you get ray to stick to a time schedule? I'm still struggling with the timing - it can be off as much as 1 to 3 hrs.

-bath time is fixed between morning feeds 8.30 to 10.30 latest.
-feeds every 2.5/3 hrs in day time
- after bath is playtime for 30 - 45 min, then he starts to fuss
- naps till next feed
- evening feeds 6.30-7.30pm
- start heavier feeding (30-40ml more) from 9.30 - 10pm daddy feed &amp; top/tailing &amp; daddy time
- 12.30 midnight feed
- 3.30 am feed
- 6.30 am feed
- 9.30 am feed
- and the cycle starts all over again

sometimes Zac really cranky from 11pm to 2am, then will give him another feed of 30ml to 60ml (provided it's at least 2 hrs after his last feed)
- that usually settles him

- am also feeding him 15ml water at each time after day time feed whenever he shows signs of sucking.
bbmaking, Ray's schedule is some sort like this, if he is extremely tired, he will be cranky so once he shows sign of tireness, I tried to get him to sleep.
thanks for sharing!u r really gd! how do u do that???
thanks too.
mine now also abt the same as bb making but i feed same amount during e day n nite leh.. now bb drinking 120ml today i start to let him drink less(100ml) for the day cos he keep sleeping, hope he will wake up on his own.
today his schedule :

1.30am- 120ml
4.30am- 110ml
7.00am- cry, mil asked to feed..only drink 50ml
7.30am-mil cont the milk again..30ml
8.00am- sleep
9.30am wake up, shower
sleep till now

my bb schedule so hire wire!
<font color="0000ff">bbmaking</font>, I have to get Ray into a schedule as I am also running on a tight schedule like getting Kai ready for school, homeschooling Kai, helping my mum and bro with packing and cleaning the house (preparing myself without help in Sydney).

<font color="0000ff">Mashy</font>, I used toys with different sounds to let Ray listen. Let him touch different texture objects by holding his hands, baby massage when he is wide awake before next feeding time. Read books, flashcards.

<font color="0000ff">Regg</font>, it is tough to start with a schedule, it is even worst with mil interfering, coz sometimes bb is not sleepy or hungry but is curious about surrounding and wants to be carried to look around. Ray like exploring surrounding, he enjoys looking around. New sounds of objects/toys also excites him.

I stick to schedule as close as possible,even when we are out (except bathing, we do it once we are home.). I bring bb out pretty often, so like morning, after nursing him, I will put him down to play for a while so I have my breakfast, then bring him and Kai down to the mini park to walk for half an hour. While Kai goes to shower and gets ready for school, I start to nurse Ray by the time, I need to send Kai downstairs for his schoolbus, Ray is napping already.
he problem is, my boy keep sleeping in the day..
like just now, last feed was 10am, he woke up at 1230pm(2.5 hours) i pet n give tutu till 1250 he really cry i give 110ml BM he finished all in 1 short and burpz..1.15pm he sleep again! i am helpless when he is asleep cos if i wake him up he will cry badly, if i dont, he will keep sleeping! haiz
