(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

piggytoh, change ur appt to next wk then! how many wks are u now? cos usually from wk 36 appt will be weekly. eh, but i heard that some co will take any HL given before deliveyr as ML if the HL is continuous and related to pregnancy and we dont return to work before we deliver. at least that was the case for my co..

irene, ya lor i 2nd time still blur blur leh.. sometimes wish can just induce him out then no surprises or guessing if its really THE DAY. argh..

reira, but i guess even if u inspect b4 buying, cant really tell if there are vomit stains cos the cushion is yellowish ma.. i believe u can get a bn one for ard the same price as what i paid.. mine is pale blue with some ABC prints. oh or u can always get the pale pink one and buy a new cover!

re strep b infection - i thought u just need IV antibiotics during labour? didnt know they give oral antibiotics to clear it at this stage.. u mean once u finish the oral antibiotics, u wont need IV antibiotics during labour?

pegsfur, i also a lot of discharge nowadays. quite annoying.

hi all,
hi mummies!!

i'm on leave liao.. this Fri (24/7 will be D-Day for my boy to pop!! Although 2nd time mummy liao but still can's help feeling anxious and excited.. Everything seems so surreal.. I will be going for C-section with epi.. so e thought of epi makes me shiver.. dun like e big needle poking thru my spine le.. last round was mre of a relieve coz cannot tahan contraction liao.. but now.. hmm...

My last visit to the gynae was last Fri.. my boy is 3.3 at week 37.. hee.. think he will hit3.5 this fri.. waiting waiting...
hi all,

me gg to tmc for my weekly appt later too. Last week, at week 36 bb was 2.7kg. this time, duuno how many 'grams' he gain..or rather how many 'KGs' I gained? :p

Kpc: wow, u r delivering this week...muz be very excited, rgt? have a smooth n safe delivery!~

this few days i discover i got lotsa small bumps growing on my aerola ...surf the internet...tink it shld be "montgomery's glands"....anyone encounter this? will it go away after we stop breastfeeding?
Mich, Piggy & Jul,
ya.. heart already not at work liao.. everyday like counting down.. i also got a lot of KPI to meet but jus to tired to bring myself to hit.. and cannot hit also kena say lol.. hai..
if u have a hard time to poo poo it constipation...

ya lor my gynae charge so bobian can only go GP keke but sometime it my pelvic bone ache go to them they also cant gave me medi so mus tink of other excuses lor keke..
Cannot ask hubby to buy .. dun trust his taste leh

Mmm .. i oso dunno if it's strep b leh ... ah wong said normally she'll do a swab test on strep b on 36wks. Anyway, i'm just glad dat i'm cleared of any irritating infection lah.
oh i am in my wk 36 now.. my nex appt is nex wk.. cos my last appt is last Fri so i thot they will start my weekly this wk lor but i will bring forward a few day to get my HL keke..
my CO shd not have any issue for the ML n HL cos we apply thru system so wat leave we wan to use is up to us to pick.. anyway by the time i return i utilise all the 16wk liao jus act blur lor keke...

wah ur contraction quite bad wor... did ur gynae say ur baby engage alr?
hi ladies,
quickly come in before i go for lunch & start work again.

re: discharge
i also hv more discharge nowaways. keep washing my panties until sian. cos my hands hv been numb & it's really irritating & painful & tiring to keep changing & washing my panties.

re: stomachache & pooing
recently i also poo many times. sometimes also dunno is it wan to poo. keep feeling tummy ache. also scared to fart later the shit comes out. tat day i've stains on my panties. dunno is it shit stain or brown discharge. make me so scared.

becos of the abv 2, i decided to start wearing disposable cotton undies frm yday onwards. more EX but less tiring & troublesome for me. cos now i can't really bend down to handwash my undies.

re: strep B
my gynae also told me tat if test for strep B is positive, they'll onli give anti-biotics during labour.
piggytoh, oh ya can also ask gyne to backdate HL hor.. my next appt tomorrow i will also ask for backdating hehe
. hope bb still growing well.. he was only 2.6kg at wk 36 last wed.. so a bit small.

kpc, ur bb is a v gd weight leh.. envious.. gd luck for ur c-section on friday!!
u dun use pantyliner? for my panties i use laundry bag n throw into washin machine lor... now cannot squat n hand wash la..

2.6kg ok la consider average.. now i wan my baby smaller lor.. at wk 35 he alr 2.87kg leh... soon he goin to hit 3kg liao...
ya, agreed with Jules, i have the same problem as u but bcos i all the while also use panty liners, now i only change the liners more often only.. no need to use disposalbe panty lah.
jules, piggy, regg,
tats wat my hubby suggested. but i read somewhere before tat wearing panty liners is not good for 'below'. cos can't really 'breathe' and will cause infection as a result. anyway i also dun like the feeling of wearing panty liner so i didn't.

i've been squatting to handwash my undies & sometimes boxers until sat nite when i really can't take it anymore.
u can buy those breathable panty liner... so all along u dun wear ah? u not afraid got smell? fo rme even be4 preg i wear if not will have smell wor...
piggytoh, he is considered small cos the abdominal circumference is disproportionately small compared to the length of his legs! gyne says he is gonna be a long skinny fellow! and mainly gyne more concerned cos the blood flow to bb is not v gd, and the speed he put on weight is slowing down.. if bld flow ok, its still considered acceptable.

ur bb weight v gd.. bigger bb tend to drink more and easier to handle.
zen, can always change v frequently.. i think its a consistently damn environment that will cause bacteria to breed.. so if u wear a pair of damp disposable panties the whole day, also same risk of infection ba..
oic... my gynae say my baby head a bit big n his tummy v round meanin - fat lol~
i prefer a 3kg baby at born wor... cos after they come out den pump them up not too late also mah... jus hope i am able to induce 2 wk earlier at least he is only 3.3/4kg at birth..
think the scan also not v accurate.. for my #1, she was estimated to be 3kg, came out only 2.8kg. so i'm worried that this bb will be < 2.5kg since the est wt is only 2.6kg now.

hehe.. yes BB with tummy v round = chubby bb who is getting v v well nourished inside!
ya, along i dun wear. except when i was really young i did try for a short while. i also veri sensitive to smell. so i'll always wash below and change to new panty if hv too much discharge &amp; hand-wash my panties.

ok ladies,
i got to go off liao. will read thru all the posts when i'm back frm work tonite. hv a great day everyone! bye!
ya usu the est. weight is +/- 1 dun worry now u still got time to make him gain more weight anyway above 2.5kg is ok liao mah:p
ya lor i tink my baby simply absorb everything i eat tt y my tummy big big... bt i hope he do slow down a bit so i wun have a hard time pushin keke..
hi mummies!
Just back from a visit to the gynae. Been having stronger contractions this time round. I'm only 35wks+ now. So he gave me another 2 weeks of HL, hoping tat bb will stay inside longer.. then he asked me to take more dosaage of the nefedipine lor.. Hai.. hopefully bb will stay inside for @ least 2 more weeks
Btw, I experienced contractions @ 50 on the CTG scan, but it didn't hurt. Just had shortness of breath. Is this normal? I'm worried what if I'm sleeping and I dun feel the pain, how do I know that I'm in labor? :S

Happy Birthday!!!
jules, zen
for the strep b infection, the lady who called me told me that this antibiotic can clear away the strep b infection wor. mine is mild one only. then she said if in case before i finish this antibiotic and i went into labour, they then will use the injection on me (the IV antibiotic). but if i finish the course, then ok liao. *shrug*

oh wow!! all the best to you for your c-section!!! have a smooth and safe delivery! =) Do update us on your baby's photos!!

yah lor. i thought end of GSS a lots of sales one. last year end of GSS, FOX's discount was like insane lor. haiz too bad i cant even wear their biggest size jean skirt le... else will buy a few. *sulk* really hope i can wear back the 2 jeans skirts i got.

we are both under ah wong so must be strep b lah haha. only 3 more pills to swollow for me. *sob* when is ur next visit? mine is next monday morning

i got the same worries as you!! i think zachary is now 3kg. last monday visit was 2.8kg @ week 36 day 5. from week 34 - 36, his average growth is 250g a week! i hope he didnt gain more than 200g a week else by week 39+, he will be so heavy!

now, I am thinking of induce on 31st July (before gynae clinic close) or 1st aug morning, if I didnt give birth to him before then. so by right, will give birth around 1st/2nd aug! \o/ *pray pray*

no, she just use lemon grass. smells nice, very lemony...

no lah, the nurses not so diligent, sometimes 4 hrs even. U have to call them to ask them coz sometimes they may be busy or they wait till bb cry.

yes, got a free upgrade to 2 bedder. I've not taken anything to boost milk supply except for those when papaya soup when i was in hospital.

Re: Learning pts on bf
1) Drink lots of fluids. I realise that on days when i drink more soup, water(whichever form), i get more milk.

2) Pump. After bf, pump. For the first few weeks, your supply will exceed bb's demand. So pump after every feed so that by the time bb's drinking more, your breasts can keep up with the demand. I'm not sure abt other pp's breasts, but for me, i can't just rely on the pump squeezing. I need to manually squeeze the sides of my breasts as the pump is pumping.

So far my morn first pump is 125ml and average after feed pumps are abt 60-90ml. My gal's only drinking abt 30ml every 2hrs. So got plenty of leftover now. Wonder when she'll start to drink more.

Today, went to PD to check her jaundice level. 15.
So have to rent the phototherapy machine. It's coming now.
ya lor esp we not v tall if baby too big tough on us... now i tink my decision to induce is correct lor if not full term he be 3.8/4kg? i will faintz.. my baby gain more leh... the past 2 wk he gain 600g+
i m back! Before i read up the posts, jules,our bb same case eh! Mine also abdominal circumference smaller compared to the rest of her measurements,but the blood flow n fluid lvl is gd,so also dunoe y her tummy not growing well...wad ur gynea advised? Wait for u to naturally popped? I will b inducing this thurs cos my docs say after 39wks scared the placenta getting old n bb cun get enough nutrients..
hahah ya lor.... i cant imagine deliverin to a 4kg baby lor keke... my checkup nex wk shd be able to fix a date for induce liao hope my waterbag burst itself on or be4 the schedule date keke..
i think cherrios also got shortness of breath when CTG scan detects contractions.

i am going to bring breastpump to TMC. but i wonder if i pump and got colostrum hor... where do i store the colostrum!?

during your stay, did the nurse/LC come to you to teach you how to latch on? or u watch the program and learn urself de?

do you have to bring Hayley to PD to draw blood or something everyday? Hopefully her jaundice will go away. someone i know who gave birth in march, rented the pep bed also. 3 days like $300 ish and her jaundice is cleared.

your girl's pd is Dr Ong EK right? *saw on the photos* Did he suggest to rent pep bed? i am so glad when i saw his name under the PD column on my admission letter. Lucky not the other dr keoy or something.

totally. but ah wong said my pelvic feels ok. dont really get the meaning of it but maybe she mean feels wide enough bah? haha
oh wow, seems like all your babies are of good weight. That's very good to hear.

Oh wow, your milk supply v gd leh, gd to hear that! then you'll b 'shining' your gal from home? For how long?

I gek quite hard. Maybe that's why afterwards tummy will feel very uncomfortable.


Wow, so fast! Congrats in advance in case u're too bz to come in after u pop.


Me also no heart to work. Esp after kena-ing from the boss, lagi wanna throw in the towel.


Ur PJs gonna wear for a short time only. U dun wear PJs normally right? Wear a short while nvm lah haha.

Urs also very soon liao.


Oh sorry to hear that Hayley had jaundice. But guess this is v cmmon amongst Asian BBs right?
kilala, jul, reira, dolce, piggytoh:
can you guys add me to your FB? Would like to view your maternity shots. My email is [email protected]. Thanks.

Dolce: Have sent you an email. Please let me know if it is possible. Have reserve the 11AM slot on 25 July. Thanks a million.
ya man.. I think mine could be anytime too. Quite excited about it. Hee..

Just took my maternity shots yest @ Dolce's hubby's place. Can't wait to see the pics! so excited! Hee... Who else is going to take the shots? They're real nice people. Thanks Dolce &amp; your hubby for making it a good experience!!
hm..amyb bah.. mine aslo doc say body 'abit too round' means fat loh haha..i see his face from the 3D also chubby chubby one!
caffaine can decrease circulation ah? i wonder if can help zachary not absorb so much or not. will it cause any side effect? maybe i should really drink 1 cup of coffee a day! but scared if i go to nearby mall's starbuck, the lady will keep advice me not to drink coffee de leh. sob sob.

just added you le.

i really hope mine will slow down! stop putting on weight! haha
babys, ya lor.. have stayed away from caffeine containing drinks/food since i was 34 wks and first told that bld flow not too gd.. so far it's been stable thankfully

reira, for the first few days, its best to latch bb on directly cos colostrum is so precious! and not produced in such great quantities, so if u pump out, what little colostrum u collect will just line the pump and bottle, and wont even be enough to transfer to feed baby! v wasted!

cherrios, at least ur bld flow etc is ok so far! my bld flow not v gd.. but luckily water level and bld flow to brain is gd so far, hence no reason to induce me yet. i am only 37 wks now.. am now seeing gyne twice a wk for scans to track bb's growth and bld flow.

mashy, ur ss v v gd.. envious! but u only start pumping after the milk came in right? b4 the milk came in, did u just latch, or also latch, then pump after every latching on session?

re jaundice, maybe u shld try to feed bb greater vol of milk if possible. helps to wash out the bilirubin and bring down jaundice level.

piggytoh, ur bb wt gain v fast! my boy only gaining average 100-150gm per wk since wk 34.. shld be abt 200gm per wk at this gestation.


I didn't bring my breastpump there. Anyway, my milk came only on my last night's stay there. Even if u pump then, it's very little lah. U only need the pump if you have engorgement which u can then ask your hb to bring over? If u do get engorgement, ask them to bring u a basin and fill it up with hot water, then massage your breasts with it.

The LC came once. Most of the time, it's the nurses. But the nurses are trained, so they know what to do if u ask them. I learnt most of bf previously. For this hospital stay, i only learnt (but very useful tip) on how to latch via the video. But the video come once a while. I just heng heng managed to catch it.

I'm going on Wed again to draw blood. Paid $417.30 for 3 days 2 nts rental. Well, good thing abt that is that i get to switch on the aircon! My gal doesn't like the aircon so i had to stay in non-air con room whole day and night.
Now finally in some form of comfort for my confinement.

Yes, my girl's pd is Dr Ong EK. No, the nurse asked me if i want hospital stay or rent. I've already discussed with my hb before we went that we'll rent the bed. You can choose your own PD leh. HOw come u need to worry abt having another PD?

Until wed. After my first experience putting my #1 in hospital, this time dun wan that anymore. It's really tough having to shuttle to and fro the hospital and also worrying abt bb all the time. Also, i believe it made my boy lazy and didn't wanna suck. He was doing very well before he was admitted. After that, my BM just dwindled. Better to just rent the machine.
