(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Celine, you sure NTUC don't have the Kotex maternity pad meh? I think have leh...

Piggytoh/Zen, I am also going for checkup tomorrow afternoon.

My down there feels painful even when I lie in bed. Every nite is a torture to me now as when I flip from one side to the other, its painful too. Stand up to go toilet also painful!

Janice, you are experiencing contractions.

oh yah i got one netting panty from TMC too, nvrmind this sat when I visit my gynae i can drop by the pharmacy to buy the panties! Thanks!

I'm sure NTUC has the Kotex maternity pad. I saw there b4. And they're selling it cheaper than Watsons/Guardian.

No prob
I think Pris got those panties, & a few others too.


Me too! It hurts when I turn from one side to another.. it hurts when I try to sit up, it hurts when I stand up, it hurts when I walk to the toilet.. I machiam like 39 weeks preggie lor
Celine, hahaha...maybe that day when you were there, the ran out of stock. You ask your mum to help me check since she walk past NTUC daily.
Jul, Yah...I dunno how to tong for another 2 weeks plus if my baby really decide to be a full term baby. I walk abit only and my thigh hurts like as if I just went for 2.4km run.
And every nite when I sleep, the tummy hardens and it hurts. I haven't been sleeping well for quite a while already!!!
aiyo... today thurs liao. i still thot it's wed. heng irene mentioned tat check-up is tomorrow or else i would hv missed it. blur me.
i also got that pain wks b4...
but hor ever since my bb turn round last vist...
gynae last check and told me that bb is doing 360 deg turn
(cos my tummy too big liao~like big playground)...

so bb's head is not down there...and from that day...the pain is gone...

Congratulations! After all the hard work, preseverance & prayers, BB Zachary is finally gog to be born!


My thighs dun hurt, but my groin really hurts. It used to be only bikini waist area, now it's the groin sides too. And now, the little rascal is digging into the bikini waist area. Maybe he's protesting me sitting. But dun sit how to work?? *boo hoo* Very very very painful
i also bought 3 pkts of the sofy 40.5cm at wastons yesterday. haven't tried it yet. but last time when i tried sofy brand for my normal period, it's comfy. so i guess this is the same except it's much longer.

ntuc hv kotex maternity pads. and like wat jul said, it's cheaper than wastons. cos i bought 1 pkt frm wastons. but remember buy the adhesive one not the loop one.

re: disposable cotton panties
ntuc also hv. at $3.95 or something for 5. still hv 3 or 5% rebate for union member. it also somes in diff types. high waist, low waist, mid waist.
Magmag, what is wedger pillow. I tried using pillow to giap between the legs and I hug another pillow. It helps abit.

Cloudme, but baby engaged already not likely to be disengaged rite?

Zen, its TOMORROW!!! Heng my gynae's office will send sms to remind us on our appt.

Jul, hahaha...where is groin huh? Mine is the inner thigh there where the legs joint to our body.
Last nite I woke up as I have tummyache a few times so I panic but I remember my gynae says if can sleep then its not THE time yet so I try to sleep and I did.
he's 2.4kg last fri, so by next fri should be around 2.8kg if he gains minimal of 200gm per week.

are you excited abt yr c sect - is it by epi or GA? i'm both excited and worried - woke hubby up at 2am to tell him...to save baby if it comes between a choice of mum or baby life.

in the morning wake up, then realise..how paranoid, so went to google abt c sect. duhz really.
my bb's head down but not engage(that's why still can turn)...

unless ur's is engage liao...
then bo bian(seldom will disengage liao)...
u have to endure with the pain till u pop...
oh yes, wanted to ask you gals, where is a good place for BW? and how much it cost?

thinking of going for one next week before the c sect, cos KKH still have the archaic practice of shaving.
babymaking, your baby is of good weight now. So everything will be fine. Can be more fang xin now.

Jul, oh...so that is groin. Okie..so I am having groin pain too.
i feel like drinking bubble tea!!! hv been controlling for a few days liao. recently i've been drinking all the liang stuff. coconut, grass jelly, green tea, iced teh-o, coke, sprite!!! my hubby gonna kill me if he knows!
can one lah...otherwise the little fellow won't have siblings to fight with. We still have frozen embryos so will try until depleted...will prob not go for a fresh cycle though...if all used up, then consider adoption.
yap ask my mum to check for me again later in NTUC for Kotex maternity pads..heehee...

you are week 37 already right? can start telling your ger to come out already lah... ask her to come out play with you and gor gor
i normally do my BW at strip. they hv quite a few outlets. but i used to do at one lady's home at cck. pretty good also.
morning all!

im only in my 34 weeks...but yday feel weird weird down there...dunno if bb is tryin to get engaged?

anyone encounter this? i dun haf backache prob but i got v bad neackache...everyday sttick ko yok..machicam auntie like dat

dats good news from u! seeing the end liao...rem to update us when ur bb is born!
Me , me have water retention my ring cant wear so sad now my finger when folding like abit of aching feeling .Sleeping also aching must force myself to sleep . when turn to the wrong position like baby kena squeeze as can feel it bone like tat . I only 34 week still hv 6week to "ren"
hi piggy,
can't seem to see ur photos lei when i click on the "photos" tab.

my photos were taken by my wedding photographer...KC from greymatter...

hi sharon,
hv confirmed ur FB request to add me...
wedger pillow is a supports pillow for pregnant mother's tummy and back while sleeping. Allow breathing comfort, swell reducing, pressure relief and also better bllod circulation. Its in triangle shape.
i cant wear my ring since i was 4-5mths pregnant lei! my water retention also v bad...dunno y
every morn wake up...fingers dun feel like its mine...haha
1st step down fr the bed is always painful for my feet
re:milk bags
i think i keep asking this...how come dun see anyone of you stocking up or buying huh? which brand is cheap and good to buy? I got 3 boxes of Avent previously but I need more..

re: bb wriggling
i feel my bb hands wriggling very low near my private part leh..the feeling soooo WEIRD! :p

I've nvr done BW, but heard recommendations for Strip & Honey Pot.

Haha gd luck on your No2
Can tell u really love kids a lot.


I've been drinking soft drinks & cold one somemore thru'out pregnancy haha.


I hope mine isn't trying to engage. Feels like he's worming his way to the cerviz, & he's not a gentle fellow at all
bean & sharon,
my hands hv been in the numbness state for abt 2 months alreadi. i really hated this. sometimes when i drive, onli 2 of my fingers hv feeling.
thanks..mebby u can post on the wall..so we know who is who

when ur next appt? then can tell if bb is trying to engage?

i haf liao..but din buy it...its blue egg milk bags
Sharon : me also 1st step from bed , I will use my hand to support me up to seating position then wait awhile then stand up so It wont pain . At night woke up pee also must like tat must seat and wait while until the aching gone then I stand up to walk
not all NTUC have the kotex maternity pad 1... usu the big 1 shd have...

u cant see ah weird... later i go n check...

Bb making,
wah tt is soon 1 more wk nia... jia you:p
i onli bought a box of milkbags frm the bp. boots brand. i think $10 or $11.

i've also been drinking cold drinks. heehee.
Sharon, I know what you are describing on the numb fingers part. I had it the 1st round but not this. Its numb every morning.
And because you put on quite a bit of weight so the feet will hurt when you try to walk in the morning. All these will go away after you've delivered.

Don't think baby will be engaged at week 34. Sounds abit early.

Zen, I think its ok that we take all the cooling stuffs at this last stage.

Don't anyhow do BW now hor. I heard that BW will trigger labour. At least it happened to my friend.

Magmag, I didn't know got such pillow. Hahaha...

Celine, got mah..that time some of us mentioned about milkbag.
i tink urs still a bit early bah...

i only bott a pack of boots n lansinoh Milk bag cos dunno got milk anot so dun wanna stk up too much..
when i need pee...i need pee...always v urgent one...tink my bladder no good...cant afford to sit n wait...hehee

wats ur name on FB?
i invite u?
do share yr good buys here.
maybe i'll go down tomorrow after my check-up. need to get some nursing tops.
seem some mummies hv this numb fingers problem, i have mine for few mths since pregnant, already quite used to it now. :p

there is 2 triangle u can separate it, one to support tummy one to support ur back. so far its quite useful to me, till now i dun hv backache problem.

Next appt is in 3 weeks time. Dun feel like waiting so long. I tot it wud be at week34, but it's at week35 instead.

For some reason, my new complaints/symptoms aws start just AFTER my gynae appt. So I have to "ren" a few weeks to ask abt the new development. Sian man..


Haha the weather is so bad, hard to control the craving hor?


I also hope I'm just being paranoid. If really engaged, I will be so panicky. Reno only startiong this weekend


I bot a pack of Playtex liners just to standby. There's 140 in the box? So I think there's plenty to "tong" in case I really need.
