(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

i tink hers is ard 3kg not hittin 3kg but she gave birth at wk 36 so i tink not too bad bah..
actually it not wat u eat but how much ur baby absorb i din drink maternal milk,beef or durian but my baby not v small thou...

haha it ok la cos so much cheaper in US.. in Sg so pricey..

joyful, don't worry, i have gained more! hehe..so far alrdy 14 to 15kg le...

jac, nop, me nt here long term! if here long term wil die eh...i miss sg food sooooooooo much, hav been constantly dreaming of them..so ke lian..
i wil be back end of nxt yr... in Arizona..west side of US.

piggy, i remb u said ur dh also frm saf right? maybe he will get to come here also, then you can shop also! hehee...
jac, sorry me blur blur..saw 1st part of ur post but din read 2nd part..hehee... which part of US u goin to? Nov cold cold eh...
smurfy, hehehe...u noe whose the mastermind behind all the buyin? my hubby!! lol..i told him ppl need to be confined due to the swine flu, he need to be confined due to excessive shoppin...then he still can tell me, nvm, he can shop online...wah!! i really have a hard time controlling him eh!

so far for big(in size) toys item, we bought the Tiny Love gymini, Fisherprice Rainforest Musical Gym, Little Tikes 3-in-1 gym, Fisherprice Rocking Zebra, Bouncing Tigger, Vtech Disney princess laptop.....

for clothes...i think more than 100++ pieces le..hehe..I only hang her up to 6mths clothing..the rest i fold and pack into bags, alrdy filled 4 bags full le...lol....

dh still thinking of buying those tricycle/pony can ride one..hehe..got any recommendations? motorized one better or those manual one better?
re: fart
hehe...me also eh! the tummy like alot of wind? fart out alrdy very shiok...hehee...like when i pee also wana fart lo....think its normal?

piggy, sure got chance wan la..is only c ur dh wants or not...
Huh.. but how to make bb absorb more? I gotta sleep more? I've been taking milk on alt days cos if I take daily, appears tat I'm the one gaining the weight.. :S Mayb I'll try durian. Hee..
it depend on ur baby 1 nothing much we can do... so dun need to stuff urself with food 1... perviously i din eat alot but surprisingly my baby on the heavier side... so it not how muc u eat... anyway as long as ur baby growin it ok...

Just to check have anyone tried Madam Ida (massage lady)'s sister before. I have called Madam Ida but she is fully booked till sept. She have recommended her sister instead....
why u have so many gyms?? oh the rocking zebra, i think the bb will love it.. go invest in exersaucer and jumperoo, playmat and playyard kekkeee:p
You could be right. Guess the more I worry, the more stressed I'll b.. Then guess bb will absorb even lesser... Guess as long as my gynae didn't say need to gain more weight, should b ok ba hor
Hello gals

Paiseh a lot of u have been asking for my PS photos. but I haven;t gotten round to uploading them yet.

Yest was really tired from the doc's talk - which was nothing great

Will try to upload this weekend, while staying away from home
Hi Jacqueline,
Your hubby also from RSAF? Tech? i also might be going to Idaho, hopefully next year. In actual fact, if i am not pregnant, we are suppose to leave for Idaho next mth!! So happy to find another kaki in Idaho. cheers!

Which area are you staying now?
ya as long ur gynae din say anything it ok.. like mine i wan my baby smaller but it turn out opp so now i bochap since i goin to induce 2wk earlier haha..
cos i scare baby too big n my HB wanna come back to witness the birth so if induce easier to guage but of cos if my baby decided to come out earlier den ther nothin i can do
Hi piggytoh,

U mean Weishy has tried her sister before?

Seems like everyone's bb weighing close to 3kg.. mine is at onli 2.3kg at week 34.. like veri small...
ya weishy tried be4 she say not bad... anyway mdm ida told me to rest assured her sis is as gd as her... no la ur baby size ok.. my was ard 2.2kg at wk33 alr on the heavier side cos on average they gain abt 200g per wk.. so urs is ok..
michelle, i think a balanced and healthy diet is more impt ba. as long as baby is growing well and healthy, absorbing all the nutritents, i feel the weight is not that impt? cos a big bb doesnt gurantee is healthier than a smaller bb ma... my 2cents worth la..my bb also on the small side.

smurfy, the tiny love and fisherprice ones are playmats also...hehee...those multi use ones... playard i bought the graco pack and play one already, comes with changing pad and mobile...

exersaucer and jumperoo hor...go back sg dunoe gt space to store or nt leh...still considering on that.... then like only use a few mths? if can only choose one which is better? and exersaucer gt so many brands and models! dunoe which is better also....
piggy, kk, i think i know which plane isit..hehe...

bubblemommy, my gal is 2.4kg at nearly 37wks eh...hehee... dun worry so much, as long as gynea didn't mention anything should be fine de...individual bb diff also ma, have to c the built and genes of parents...
Bubbly, I think the most impt thing now is to push the baby out. Small baby might need to feed more often as tummy small but after a while, all baby is the same.

Small baby usually catch up with those born bigger one very fast.
wow so many mummies got chance to get posted to USA. I want also leh. hehehe....

Shizuka, if you going, can I ask you to help me buy things & ship back. Heheheh....

Anyone of you having bigger appetite? I just ate Lor Mee, now hungry again. arrghh......

Thanks for the comforting words...at least I know I am nt the only one... during my visit to the gynae at week 32, i was told that bb was at 1.8kg and i was like huh and quite upset...so worried that i told my hubby to get me durian....

Huh ... i must have caught it from hubby lah ... else boh dai boh ji kena gastric .. and i had it more serious than him leh. Even my dog oso kena huh ... cos she din really want to eat her breakfast and LS a few times le ... now sleeping soundly with paws in the air.
Tulips, no prob. But i think you have to ask Jacqueline first. She is going there this NOV.

My appetite is still normal leh.
Bubbly, no need to worry lah. As long as our gynae say its ok then its ok. Must trust the professional since we pay so much for their advice.
My bb was 1.78kg at week 32. Gynae says abit smaller than average but still ok. She ask me to eat then I tell her if I can I will lor...if I cannot eat also cannot help it.

Pegsfur, yah..I think you all pass here and there. Gastric flu is painful!!!So gastric more pain or contraction more pain?

I'd say both equally pain! They have the same type of squeezy pain, just at different positions, 1 at chest, the other at tummy .. and i had both yesterday .. they just keep alternating!

Dun be sad lah. 1.8kg at 32 weeks is ok mah. Mine was 1.9kg at 32 weeks & it's supposed to be medium range?

Too big also worrisome, b/c hard to push, u may be forced to cut down ur diet, etc etc.. Big isn't aws better. Whether big/.small, most impt is healthy lor.
Here my 1st day milk expressed (on the 4th day of post natal)in TMC 2yrs back wif using medela pump...heheh. Think was $30/day. They will sterilised everything 4 you and store ur EBM. Will give ready use teat if you wanted to bottle feed bb.
This morning, spent an hour to hand wash pooh cot bumper. Really tiring!! Then after a few hours of letting it drip dry in the bathroom before bringing out to sun dry... i notice it is still foamy! end up threw it inside washing machine lol *lazy*

For chicken essence, I think we can drink a few hours after giving birth bah? Pris mentioned she bring a few and going to drink it after giving birth so that got energy or something. but i plan to ask my gynae on the next visit.

i am still wondering if i should bring my breastpump cos colostrum won't be a lot leh. like if really got milk and pump, the milk bottle will end up with maybe only one tea spoon of milk hor? then some milk will be leftover in the tubing and milk bottle.

Did you take out your sterilizer already? Mine is still in the box!!

wah! it is good that your hubby love to shop for baby leh!! my hubby not interested at all. I always tell Zachary that "mommy bought xxx for you". hubby will look at me (cos i never mention him mah) and i will then say "but daddy pay".

whoa... my boy will surely envy your girl leh! i only bought disney stack toy (from taobao), stroller/cot toy and baby mirror! oh yah hor... i havent wash any of them. *faint* can dont wash mah? lol

Wah! Thats medela lactina! Aiyo then I better dont bring my freestyle there liao! This one is real hospital grade leh! hmm... 4 days post natal means u discharge from hospital then go back?
oh my HB haven assign to any plane yet haha.. so ur HB pilot also?

alamak 1.8kg also not v small mah... like wat the gals say small baby can catch up v fast 1 i rather have a small baby at birth cos easier to push n pump him up after he is born:p
ya the chix essence check with gynae better...
for the pump i bring becos i scare my nipple short so my baby failed to latch on at least i still have pump to stimulate the milk... but if u wan to use hosp 1 can dun bring la but need to pay la...
my steriliser ah hahah i haven done anything to it open it the other day n realise i miss the period to post the warranty card
Ya, very heavy mechine! I stayed at TMC for 6D5N coz bb was having jaundice. At first was asking hb to sterilised my manual pump and bring to me in zip-block bag. But u know guys la, here forgot there forgot. End up i went to rent the pump fr TMC. Just pressed the bell to ask for the pump and bottle and when job done, press bell again, easy job.
If bring own pump, you got to spent time to sterilise the parts even in the middle of the night.
