(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Yup, vPOST helped me to locate the parcel already. It ended up they placed the wrong address for both parcels. Like the one suppose to be sent to me, they put the other lady's name and address (they said they haven't deliver that parcel yet)

They delivered to me at 3:30+ but I found out 1 item is missing inside (vpost ppl opened my parcel to verify thats my parcel cos got the vpost logo on the masking tape)! So now I am checking with vpost and babymallonline. Shouldnt be babymallonline cos they mark a "x" besides that item. And vPOST will only get back to me tomorrow... Somemore it is not my item lor! pegsfur's 2-pack hooded towels is missing... haiz...

donno why i feel so suay after moving to my PIL's place. First was my computer's CPU fan suddenly DIED (and this kind of CPU fan broke is VERY VERY rare too).

happy for you, at least u able to get the termination letter from your Ex company. & lucky the do it for u & type service no longer require. , ridiculous reason...

but lucky all these are at ur advantage ya.

wish u luck!!
Same here, mine was also waterbag broke.
Then I still went out for breakfast, came back and continued to sleep (it was still early at 730am). But my hb started to get panicked, quickly called the gynae for advice... haha!

Oh dear, sound bad if your MIL always have to scold the maid, it is then not very good for the bb.

I travelled when I was 6mths plus pregnant to Genting by coach. Maybe you do check with your gynae 1st.

Oh ya, I got strong craving of coffee too.

My laptop died twice, thank God went to Sim LIm Square and was able to retrieve all the pics of my daughter.
Need to start maid hunting already.... i think i will get a indo maid too.

talking abt kopi.... i dun touch kopi when hv #1. now... i drink half cup a week... my hubby also complained eh.
one cup a day should be ok.....

so tempted to go isetan sales.

No la..i don work in HR. but I buy magazine happen got this kind of stuff one. Haha..

Oh… send wrong things to her? How can like that? They follow address one wor.. or is it the address correct and the person pack wrong stuff to her?

Can see the invoices first if its from the company.



From what I know, if someone is at home, they will just deliver and just let someone sign. So if your husband don’t know what is that, he can don sign one..can said wait till the person is back than collect yourself.

But the speedpost delivery address is confirmed correct or not?

Hey..if you see hor..they put delivered 2 times wor… so got to check where is the other item been delivered to? Cos cannot delivered 2 times.

One on the 06/05 – 8.40pm
One on the 07/05 – 16.36pm

did your received one today?

thanks *mickey*
pegsfur: thanks for the pics of the rooms. =)

taslyn: yes, i guess there's no need for the premier suite... will take your advice!

so sad, been down with the flu the past 2 days... thinking of not going to work tomorrow too... these days getting very lazy!
Try to get those Indonesian maid who can speak , read and understand English.
Perhaps you could arrange for phone interview. If transfer maid, then do a face to face interview. It might help.
Mine is a Filipo maid and she was a transfer maid, hence the agency arranged us to have a face to face intereview with her.
Heehee, that time my girl was there too. She was actually the one who chose her out of the 3 shortlisted maids.

Relax and Enjoy!
Hi Sharon,

Glad you're feeling better now. I'm reaching 6 months, but just came back from Bintan 2 weeks ago. As long as gyne gives green light should be okay to still travel. Her advise was don't take cruise just in case you need to rush back. Wonder when I can go for another holiday after baby is born.

Have been feeling baby's movements more frequently now. The feeling is quite funny.But sometimes when it comes to bed time, it's quite hard to sleep, so have to talk to her, tell her its bed time and that mummy wants to sleep.

Going for my next appt with gyne tmrw. So happy can see Sophie again. Can see what's she's up to during the scan. Hehe.
lol.. okie okie for a sec i tot u working in HR.. :p

lol.. np lar.. just sharing mah.. but i really see no point to waste the $$.. must as well keep it for bb

my gynae told me can take cruise ley... tell mi to travel as much as i want.. lol

check with ur gynae b4 travelling just to play safe...
Morning All

Read the news about the indon maid abusing a 2.5 month old baby and was caught on CCTV. So sad to know that such a terrible thing happened to an infant who could not even protect himself from the kicks and slaps from the maid.

Reira, so Vpost found your parcel, that must be a relief for you.

Sharon, the weather is pretty bad, I am recovering from my sore throat, my usual family physician just laugh at me coz I am still trying to adjust back to this weather and also cant stop taking spicy food with lots of chili and sambal and no forgetting my durian milkshake haahaa. Now I am bar from chili and heaty food.

Michele, can you share with me about the clinic and dr? pm me, thanks.
Morning ladies

Pris:this is nto the first case liao
......very disturbing after watching ( if u search youtube will hv more

has ur stuffs arrived?would u like to collect on next thurs and i go collect mine too and meet at SK????

Thanks for those BF websites too
hi ladies

really sometimes cannot say leh. Yesterday just talked abt BH and that i haven't had it yet, then last night, so painful.
Like my tummy tightened and never let go. Today can't even walk properly. Now walking very much like a penguin.

Quickly took out my emergency ventolin last night and popped in 1 pill just in case. sigh.
that was a sad case...how's she coping now? trying for another oredi?

yah there were youtube clips posted in this forum then about the abuse... i read that maid was sentenced to 9 mths jail.. too light lor.. for ill treating newborns.... our government shld instill heavier sentences... to make these ppl wake up.
Good morning Mummies!!!

It has been so long since i last log on here to chat..have been fire fighting at work the last few weeks...so sianz cant wait to go on maternity leave...

Imagine i am so sotong tat i went to the wrong thread and found it weird that all names so new n tot so many new mummies meh..then hor realise i went to Aug 08 thread...kakakkakak...super blurr... Trying to catch up with the topics here though..just by reading the archive is enuff to make my head spin liao lor

Can read that some mummies r recovering from flu, cough or sore throat..me too still recovering...very difficult to recover leh..mayb i worked super late daily tats y body no rest lor... Lets all take care ya:)
Weishy, mumz said next week but no sure when they will arrive yet, will check with her again. If not you go ahead 1st, then I will meet you near sun plaza one of the days?

mashy, pray that everything is well, talk more to bb to stay in there.

Smurfy, I think too many cases of maid abusing babies or toddlers liao, so scary.
ok, I got to go get my boy ready for school. Catch up later if I have the time to come in, lots of homework for my boy from Sg Kindy haahaa.
haha yeah, i received my parcel yesterday at around 3pm. apparently they mixed it with the other lady's parcel lor.

yup! But got so many problems! Now babymallonline are refunding me for 2 items which are OOS. 1 for spree batch 1, the other for spree batch 2. I am checking with them if there are more items which was OOS and they never told me...

argh! my msn/email @msn.com is down... zzz cant even check my 2 new emails!
Good morning Ladies

With GSS coming, i am thinking for getting the Sterilizer and milk bottles (Glass or plastic).

Have been looking around, but being a first time mum, i am not sure which ones to get. Any recommendations.

I saw Pigeon Sterilizer, looks quite good, but i heard NUK is also not bad..
mashy:wow better take care ar....

smurfy:whilst in hk i dun recall if there's any such cases or ill treating......so far only those in SG and Mys(maybe)...so sad.....wonder issit the helper or us (in general....).

SK:no a hahhaha me no stay in SK ,bought some educational stuffs from a spree,pris too so can meet her up looooo.u wanna meet up at SK????we can go for lunch
(early one if nt loads of ppl :p )

any other mommies wanna meet up on thurs at SK for lunchie??? dunno much about SK so u guys hv to recommend looooooo

cheryl:heeeeeeeeeeeeeee u super funny kakkakakakkakak.u take care too
pris its oki cos next thurs i hv to go hougang so....u let me know la

Reira:issit gt virus?????me gt b4 le. its due to the msn looooo

Adeline:if bb is using nuk/pigeon hv to see it fits the steriliser or nt.....some bottles may not fit......
U cn try lookign into those food steamer too which i recommended to dollie
just another choice ( cheaper and useful)
me staying there.. but working :p... nothing much to eat in sK... mos burger..swensens..jacks place..sakae sushi.. soup rest..ajisen ramen.. jia xiang mian..
smurfy:hummmm usual stuffs loooo.

ANy idea if there's bus to Sk from yishun?i know there's one to punggol but maybe it passes by SK????
yrs ago, there is :p.. now i dunno.. it's was actually frm woodlands.. will pass by yishun mrt (Tat stretch of roaD).. AND STOP at sk bus interchange
hi mummies... had such a bad back ache yesterday that i had to take MC..

wished i had longer MC and dont need to come back to work to read emails that sandwich me in between.. I'm only a small fry and nothing to do with me but pple expet me to do things, regarding this swine flu.. think i am God meh... sigh, its making me feel so depressed man..
hello everyone!

has anyone travelled in their late 2nd trimester?

my husband can finally take leave and we r quite keen to visit New York... i will be 28 weeks pregnant then...

do u all think i'm being too ambitious?
Morning ladies

I had dream last nite ... i dreamt that i had sex with a guy, and that guy is my idol ... ANDY LAU!!!!! Hahaha .... Den in my dream, my hubby found out and i was so guilty. Alamak .. i must have been too deprived le ....
yeah, i received an email from them saying "I also am refunding you for the missing item."
I cant get to my email now. stupid msn.com domain is down. -_- first time it happens to me. feel so suay after moving to PIL's place -_- grr
anyway, i have calculated the amount to refund you le. also the updated amount for shipping others have to pay me back. but cannot access email... haiz

i dont think i got virus. more of like msn.com email service is down. those email add i have using @hotmail.com dont have any problem but my main one which is @msn.com cannot access msn or email!!
Has anyone starts feeling ur little one body parts thru tummy??? sometimes my gal will stretch n i can feel a very tight and hard feeling at my tummy and i will sayang her lor..but dunno which body part of hers la... then she will slowly go back in again...i really enjoy the feeling though at times i can be startled by her such movements
Carefreelife and SunshineG, I also intend to donate my baby's cord blood.
The office is at KKH so you can go there and let them know then they will explain and give you the form to sign.

I think TMC and dunno which hosp got the singapore cord blood representative too so you might wanna check with the recep.

carefreelife: we are donating the cord blood to the SCBB... if u wanna do so u may wanna contact them soon, cos alot of screening and questions to answer... http://www.scbb.com.sg/

cheryl: my girl's movements more obvious liao.. even hubby can feel her kicking. Mine protests when I turn too much on my side. Like taking up too much of her space, then she'll kick me in protest and wake me up, then i'll adjust myself...

yeah leh, i also enjoy the feeling.no wonder my other friends tell me to enjoy these times, cos i will miss it when she is born.
