(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

for those staying north area

Sun Plaza is having a children/infant fair at the atrium - today last day

saw a lot of long sleeved & footies rompers that open up in front to crotch type at $9.90 for 2pieces.

Quality is similiar to Carters.
Hi All Mum-To-Be,

I'm new here, found that this forum really useful for new mummy. Got to spend time to read through all the message,

I'm interested in pre-natal photo shooting & looking for affortable & good service of photographer. Could anyone share the info?

Thanks a lot!!!


saw a baby cot offer in a baby mag....called the person...he say they got fair at expo on 30th apr
it be $299 with free mattress, free delivery n installment..its a 5-in-1...got different levels and can even convert into a toddler bed
i saw it before at the feb baby fair n didnt buy then...most prob will go down tis 30th apr to buy

saw similar baby cot at baby kingdom n baby hypermart at $329

still on bedrest and achy all over but having fun these few days shopping online. bb is growing well at 423gm as of week20Day5, i think bb's on the heavier side. How's yr baby doing?

share share your buys...he he, online shopping is so addictive.
Good to hear that bb well. I am going for my detailed scan on Monday. Will be in my 22 wk already.

Any website to share for bb stuff? I haven't bought anything yet, want to start soon.
me too...addicted to online shopping too!
cos no energy to go out n its so crowded out there

mebby u can try SMH's bulk purchase section n overseas spree section...lotsa sprees goin on
Ooh .. yr bb is heavy! Mine is only 357g at 20wks
From the detailed scan measurement, gynae commented he's got a slightly big head and broad-faced, and not too long limbs .. huh .. i think that means he's not gonna be a tall boy .. just like me & hubby.

Why do u want to go for c-sect? Any reason? I've always thot i wld go for natural leh ... wanna feel the whole painful process .. hahaha ...
Congrats to all who know the gender of the baby.




Wow u baby is consider on the above average hor...
Is a tired long wkend. My gal is down with Food Posioning yesterday. So poor thing. Brought her to KK Hospital A & E. Now she still having fever, vomit and diahorrea. Really hope she get well soon.

Went for my details scan this morning. Baby is growing well and confirm is a gal. At wk20 5 days she is 386gm. As per the Sonograph, she is oonsider above average baby.
cherrios:no la my pre preggie weight is 52kg liao........i wish man 45~47kg kakkakakakak tat was many yrs ago liao kakakkakakakakkaka

YY:<font color="ff0000">welcome</font>

Pink:ya looo why elective?????me going though cos the first time also c -sec....my DD breeched so no choice...experience was oki so...thsi time also la.....no VBAC for me
i wld prefer natural birth cos c sect takes longer to recover. gynae did say my placenta is a bit low, but he feels still got chance to go up, therefore can consider natural birth.

will only be going for detailed scan next fri - by then will be almost 22 weeks.

re:shop online
i usually check out the sprees and BP in this forum, pricing is much lower.

SL &amp; pegsfur
yeah, bb is on the bigger size - i hope that's ok, and not indication of anything wrong.
babymaking:21~22week is good week for the scan
good luck loooo
mine would be next friday :p

any other forum which also hv sprees????

SL/pegsfur:think so far ur babies hv gained the best weight le......mine also 300++ when 20th week.......all weight on mommy

My hubby also asking me to do C-section this time.

I am still contemplating. I had natural birth previously - vaccum assisted though cos daughter was facing up instead of facing down. But it was induced birth then cos my water level was low and my blood pressure went up.

Hubby said c-section I can be more prepared and recovery is not really too slow. And there should be min complications. So far my placeta is a bit low but I think still have chance to move up.

anyway I am still thinking abt this.
PinkMaMa : I am also going for elective c section. That what I did for my 1 preg. Cos i scare of pain. I worried that i refuse to open up my leg when contractions. Haha. Instead of letting the baby out, I close up and squash the baby. And I heard abt the frightening stories from my gf hb that they saw the stitch up process. When I heard abt it my legs wobble liao. SO need not to talk abt the actual day. I think i will become jelly. My gynae encourage natural birth. But me strictly no-no. Not even LA during c section. M very coward.

Anyway not so bad abt c section, everyone told me very painful. SO I just keep my finger cross. But to my surprise I am able to walk the very next day. Not so painful afterall.
mikko"i think u still hv time to decide
u can seek ur gynae he/she will give u the best advice

yoko;wats LA and M??????
Pegsfur, I was at Dr Wong's clinic at 2.30pm. No wonder didn't see you.
I think 1st pregnacy tends to put on more weight. Now my hb bought durian but I cannot whack as sick. Have to ren...

1st pregnancy...Dr Wong keeps asking me not to eat so much.
2nd pregnancy...Dr Wongs keeps asking me to eat eat eat. My girl abit small.
morning mummies
I discussed elective c section with my gynae. Initially he suggested natural but after re-looking at my case notes, he felt that it's not a bad idea. The main reasons r my past mc history, which may contribute to a weak womb, my history of fibroids &amp; also my age. I am still thinking about it..... Not decided yet. Dh thinks that c section is a better idea, less complications.....
pink:those for binding ur tummy( to prevent any movement of the wound which will be a big one about 12 to 13cm long)

cos after sugery......the wound is super painful,without the binder....u can move but with great pain....with binder u can at least go down the bed and go toilet.

it is also used fro back support and ppl with back problems


this one looks like 3 pcs btu mine is one pc.


mine's soemthign like this.

i use it from day 1 till 1 month or more....as logn as i can

we hv to bathe cos hygenie purpose and need to change the dressign for the wound.best is to kepp it clean at all times.u dun want any infection occurring
Hope your gal get well soon!! There are so many food poisoning incident recently that it is scary!!! =(

I am so glad that your baby is growing well! =) roughly 4 more months to go till we will have our bundle of joy in our arms! :D

how many newborn or 0 - 3 mths clothes did you buy for your baby?

what brand did you buy them from?
HI mummies,

Sorry to disturb. I have the following for sale. TOMY WINNIE THE POOH, MOONLIGHT DREAMSHOW NEW IN BOX for sale at $45.

Interested, pls PM me. Thanks.
pink:no la u can get it in the hospital or i saw at watson in taka...other branches i dunno hv or not....bouhgt mine in hkg le.

YY:no probs
Thks weishy

Btw anyone knows where to go for a big selection of prams, car seats &amp; cots? Was at isetan just now but the selection quite limited.

try Baby Kingdom and Baby Hypermart...selection is alot! but i dunno bout the price..tink not cheap but good place to see everything

they are at Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Industrial Park...a few units apart
L size is depends on the size of ur bb...my ger at 8mth was wearing "L" size...

those long sleeve...i got them for bb during the hopital stay cos ESH dun provide bb clothings...
hello mummies

lol... see that the EDD table is not updated.. will try to do an updated version... both my lappie n CPU died on me..

re:Swaddle bb n bb clothes
my ger refused to be swaddled after the 1st 2 weeks... so i just let her be lor.. just make sure her body temp is okay n not fluctuating... rather bb be warm than cold..

bb clothes... my ger has outgrown her 9mths clothes, now she is wearing 12 mths clothes n she just turned 7mths today. imo, dun need to buy too many expensive clothes for kids coz they grow too fast!

how come ESH dun provide bb clothing de? so weird de?
at TMC, they wear a thin clothing for my ger (from mamil de) then they swaddle my ger and placed blanket for her too...

Thks. She is slightly better after i brought her to her usual GP.


For the binder, u can get it from the gynae. They do sell.
welcome back Taslyn!

Yeah seriously! For baby clothes just need to buy cheap but good material can already haha else very heartache o_o like wore 1 month and cannot wear already. that will be like so much $$$ gone to drain to buy expensive clothes!

:D Now i am setting budget on how much to spend on baby clothes.

Glad that your girl is feeling better now!

actually if give birth via natural, do we still need binder?
Hi all,

Same here. After knowing that baby is a girl, cant help but check out the sprees and ordering clothes for baby

I have a question too. For those who are moms and tried sling and carriers, are they necessary?

Will be getting a pram for baby that can be used from 3 months onwards so wondering how useful will sling/carriers be. And if so, which is more preferred?


wow..seeing you all talking abt bb clothings liao le. hehe..

i also bought some liao le. slowly buy wor. make a check list but don kw how much to buy wor.. hheee...

if anyone got any checklist can share share?
Weishy - LA-= local anesthesia meaning u are awake and can hear noise ard u when u do the c section.

GA means u knock out.. completly zzz toll everything is over.

M = I Am (hehe maybe too short for this)

I bought binder fr my gynae. I think around $50. Also try to get the itchy throat drops. I think that is also very important
hi babyplus mummies user.

I would like to check if its ok to use babyplus late at nite, for example at around 11pm? will we disturb the bb sleep?
Weishy.. Ya.. Cos GA may cause itchy throat. SO when u cough may hurt ur wounds. Better to be safe.

OMG insomnia. Wake up feeling hungry.I am going nuts! Any mummies encounter same issues? Insomnia?
Reira, I used those body lotion with fragnance, nappy cream destin is a good one.

mashy, I dun mind adopting a bb girl too so does dh but my mil is against it to think that she herself is an adopted daughter. Of course, I will treat the bb girl like my own and give her the best that I can give to all my children.

Tas, welcome back!

SL, hope your gal is feeling better now.

floralim, bb will be kicking when listening to bbplus, if you do not want wide awake bb, try to use it in the day or early evening.
Morning all

hope ur ger is better now...

dun know leh...
so far all the mummies from ESH have to prepare clothings for their bb stay in hosp...
they only provide the swaddle blanket...
maybe they want mummies and daddies to do their part to get the bb's clothing~~form of participation in welcoming bb?
it is like that since my hb's sis day(my niece is about 6yr old now)

Reira, oops should be without fragnance.

Will not be in here for a while or when I have the time to come in. It is holiday now in Sydney and dh is away for conference till Sunday, going to do lots of homeschooling work with Kai and also going to start packing to prepare to return to Singapore.
