(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


It's hard not to carry bb when he cries lor .. cos he cries like some abandoned baby if we ignore him. But we later found out if was becos he is hungry! It's so confusing to know his feeding pattern cos it's not fixed. Sometimes he can sleep for 5hrs straight w/o waking, sometimes he cries for milk after 2hrs of feeding.

Ovann is also on Friso comfort cos that was wat i supplemented him while in hospital. So we used the same brand when discharged since he has no prob with it. He poops like ... 3 or 4 times a day too.

Eh, how come all of yr bbs like so alert & curious de? Mine just wail & sleep & eat & poop

wah mashy, tying up kid's hands & legs NOT abuse - a bit off leh.

yeah lor, got to harden heart not to pick bb up..in time u will differntiate bb cries, i never thought it was possible, but over time, can figure out Zac's cries. now we get it like 80% of the time right..usually we mix up the diaper change cry and the boredom cry..so often check his diaper and he gets so angry and cry even more.

yeah, KKH uses mamex gold, so we contiued that at home but then 3-4 weeks down, he got constipated, so switch to friso comfort. was reading the labels in the supermarket, seems that friso comfort has slightly lower nutritional contents than other formulas making it easier to digest, hence can poop easily. so far it works on Zac to kick start his system. once kick start, we resume back on Mamex gold cos of the higher levels of dun know what aah or aha & dha which supposedly help with lining the gut which helps build up the immune system.

the formula which has highest DHA content is similac which explains why it;s so expensive.

but all formula milk is more or less the same, as in ..it meets bb's minimum nutritional needs, some more, some less.

oh yes, another thing that drives me nuts abt MIL, she kept comparing that SIL uses the most expensive formula for her gal, why we use the cheaper ones. ARGGHS.

Ovann is only a couple of weeks old rite? in 1st 2-3 weeks Zac also sleepy with short windows of alertness like 15-30min per 2-3 hrs just before feed but now he seems to have outgrow that phrase.
morning ladies

Ray is becoming like a superglue, his eyes will follow me wherever I go. And he will call for me by making some noise if my mum or anyone is carrying him more than 10 minutes.

<font color="0000ff">pegsfur</font>, if they are hungry usually opening their mouth wide, so fast, Ray does that even when lying down and make some noise and if I don't get it, he would cry and open his mouth wide during the 1st 2 weeks. Now, we have establishedthat if he is hungry, he will open his mouth wide and put his hand to his mouth or when carrying him, he will turn his head to the breast and open mouth wide.
Ya, Ovann is 2 wks old today
I forgot Zach was borned much earlier than him .. hahaa ....

Hiaz .. now that my pump is down, dunno if my milk supply will dwindle or not. Sianz .. Oh, do u have problem buying Friso? Seems like not alot of place stock it ... hubby has been running to a few supermarkets b4 he found it.

Wah .. u still read the labels huh ... i just thot all FM are more or less the same :p

Re: Jabs
Anyone had the 5-in-1/ 6-in-1 jabs with the PD (Dr Ong) at TMC? How much does it cost? Am thinking of going back to him for the jabs since i'll be going for my next gynae appt at about the same time. But the long queue at Dr Ong's is really putting me off.
Hahaha .. ya lor .. now then i realised ovann still small *paiseh*

Ya .. now tat's the 1st thing we check when he cries to see if he's hungry. And like u said, ovann will try to eat his hands or anything that brushes against his cheeks or chins .. mostly the swaddlng cloth or his clothes. So at least that's 1 recognisable cry
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>,haahaa, same here. I used the sling on him so I can get some work done.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Jabs</font>, When is bb taking 5-in-1? Ray has his hep B dose 2 already. I am not going for 6-in-1. I am very forget, is it 5 months?

<font color="0000ff">pegsfur</font>, make appointment and usual wait is not that long at Dr Ong.
the 5-in-1 jab is in 3rd month

when will bb be ready to take flights? my old folks are telling me that bb's cannot take the pressure until they're 6 mths

I'm thinking of going back to China soon. with my MIL still coming daily to my mum's place, I'll go crazy soon.
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, you used the sling right, if you direct latch her, you can also go shopping or anywhere using the sling. I always nurse Ray on the go like grocery shopping, out doing some briskwalking and Ray in the sling, anytime he needs a feed, I just latch him on and continue my activity.

<font color="0000ff">pegsfur</font>, yea, Ray also has his over stimulate cry which he was sleepy and could not sleep. Yesterday brought him to the Australian High Commission designated doctors for medical check-up for his visa application, he was awake and alert through 4 hours and the doctor and nurses over-stimulate him. They found him very alert for his age and his eyes were exploring the whole clinic.

i'm thinking whether to go to US wif my hb in nov if he confirm going there for a conference. Wonder if i can manage 2 kids alone. hmmm....
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, oh, I just the various positions, so it is easy for me even sleeping, I just latch Ray on when he has his feed at 5am in the morning and just sleep while he nurses and he will go back to sleep.

<font color="0000ff">pegsfur</font>, soon you will recognise all his cries. I am still learning to recognise them too.
<font color="0000ff">kikilala</font>, baby can take flight once they can suckle well and you just nurse during taking off and landing.

Thanks regarding the jabs, I am not letting Ray take the 6-in-1 as I heard higher occurence of fever.
wah! its going to be very challenging with 2 kids! especially the long flights there.

I went out with bb. My first time using the sling... aiyo! my whole bodyache! I need more practice!
So far my bb can entertain himself ard 30min or longer wor usu he will jus lie ther look at the surroundin or exercis his leg n arm.. My bb cries for milk n attention is v different so if he make noise wan attention i will ignore him let him cry for a while be4 i go n play with him 1...

Every bb diff 1 durin the first wk he sleep all the way only wake up 3 hrly for milk den 2nd wk hhe start to sleep less n wan pp carry... N now he sleep lesser wor..
kiki, my friend brought her 6 week old baby from Boston to Singapore... so newborns can also take flight. Who will be looking after the baby when you return to work in China?

mashy, think 2 kids will be more challenging. H will be ok since she can't run around, so its a matter of managing the elder one...
I am from the March thread and am selling my PIS Advance. I used it more during the first two mths and on/off subsequently till now. Now on TBF and am going to intro solid food to my boy, so I don't need this pump now. Will use a manual one instead.

Bought it slightly below $800. Selling for $400.

If interested, pls email me at [email protected]

i'm so stressed &amp; depressed. milk supply is low &amp; i can't seem to build it up after 1 week on fenugreek.

plus samuel's really fretful &amp; agitated.

he either drnks a bit, then struggles &amp; pushes away, then cries &amp; wants milk again.. then drnks, then pushes away again..

or he will sleep at the breast.

how to build up my milk like that?
<font color="0000ff">kikilala</font>, if you position the sling properly and change shoulder will not have too much strain on the body. So far, I love the sling as I can use it to bring Kai and Ray out alone and have hands to hold Kai and carry things.

<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, if C can entertain himself in the flight, should not have too much of a problem. Kai started on long flight about 1plus years old, by about 2 he was able to play the games on the in-flight entertainment so it was easy for me and he would ask the air-steward/ess for milk, water, etc on his own.

<font color="0000ff">Jul</font>, either you latch on more frequently, pump frequently or habnd-express frequently.
if yr boy dun want to latch regularly, you can pump every 3 hr to build up milk ss. Thats what I did and so far ss is good.

Yeah I think my letdown is slow.

Actually I have been having so many probs with BF.

1) Day 3 : I kena engorgement in hosp. LC did massage &amp; applied cabbage leaves for me tne I went home. But I was too silly to feed baby, &amp; let him sleep.. until my breasts were so engorged I cried in pain.

2) Day 4: Went to parentcraft to do massage to clear the ducts. Before that, BB was screaming in hunger, so used threader &amp; fed BB with FM. Then got 30ml of EBM thru the massage &amp; cup fed BB.

3) Day 6: BB got jaundice &amp; got admitted to hosp. I finally opened my Ameda pump &amp; started using it to express. Thru hard work, I cud work up to ard 60ml for the 2 days that I bunked in with him. But he was very sleepy when I tried to latch.

4) Day 8: Went home (LC came &amp; did massage for engorgement again b4 I went home &amp; also applied cabbage leaves). BB slept 6hrs straight w/o feeding. Then cudn't burp. Kept sleeping at the breast.

5) Day 11 : Went back to Parentcraft to deal with the sleepiness &amp; burping prob. Then Mrs Wong said I have v little milk. Almost broke down in tears.

5) Day 11 - 13 : Struggled with cup feeding EBM &amp; FM. BB keeps throwing up the milk &amp; also struggles when being cup fed. The EBM I managed to get is rather pathetic.

6) Day 14 : Started fenugreek, been taking it since then..

7) Every time after I latch BB, I can only pump like 10ml of EBM! I dunno if he's drunk everything, or I really have no milk. *sob*
celine, pris

My boy seems to want to drink every 3h+. Sometimes 4h. I can't get a handle on his feeding time. So I worry that if I pump after he latches, then I have no milk to feed him at the next feding if he gets hungry again. (by the time I latch, change diapers, get a drink, pump etc etc.. already 1.5h away from next feeding time liao!).

Then even if I pump after that, I'm dry as a bone. Can only squeeze 10ml. Dun even mention use the EBM to feed him if he wakes up early &amp; my milk hasn;t replenished.

So now I'm stuck.. dun pump = milk ss will keep decresing.. Pump, what if BB wakes up &amp; asks for milk? He dislikes cup feed. Really dunno what to do?
our breasts can be like bottomless milk generator if you keep telling them you want more.

if you can get 30ml EBM on day 4, you def got milk leh.

if yr letdown slow you can try pumping for 5min then latch yr boy to open flow then aft latching pump for at least 15min again
hi ladies,
long time no log in le.. how everyone..

for the first few days i do latch my bb and same here.. bb got jaundice so got to admit hospital for 2 days.. so in hospital they bottle feed her.. and she come back, i still latch her.. so far no nipple confusion.. cos i have to train her to bottle feed to as i wan to noe how much mlk she taking.. than i stop latching her abt 5 days cos i do massage and doesnt wan her to get oily.. so i jus started to latch her jus now.. lucky she still latch.. so if u wan u can try bottle feed than not so tired for you. than after bottlefeed than go pump again lol.. i using NUK bottle cos my sis told me the teat is quite similar to nipple.

But my consent now is my baby poopoo.. she dun poopoo so regularly leh.. sometimes 1 time but is a lot 1.. but she can 1 day dun poopoo.. but urine alot.. my confinment nanny say is ok cos she is on breastmilk.. dunno how true.. quite consent leh.. wat abt u all huh.. babies must poopoo regularly 1 rite??
Jul, try wat Celine tell you. I latch Ray 1st then pump but if breast too full and heavy, I pump out abit fast then latch him.
mebby u can try malay massage...i also got engorgement...my malay massage lady help me massage...cleared the blocked ducts, can pump alot more...she say cold cabbages help engorgement but reduces supply...so she uses massage to clear it

my bb feeds bout every 2-3hrs...sometimes he can suckle up to 1hr...so in between i only got 1-2hrs rest...after he feed, if i feel full...i juz pump out...next latch on still haf milk...so dun worry too much

i also trial n error...did cup feeding but bb drinks alot of air...need burp...else he uncomfortable...in the end i use NUK latex teat n bottle to feed him cos of jaundice...he does not haf nipple confusion

for burping, i sit him up, support the chin n cup his lower back...mebby u can try...quite easy to burp ryan tis way

re: shaving
hb n me wan shave ryan cos he dun much hair...hope regrowth will b better
jac, it is possible to have no poo but I found out that it would be bm has less calories so no poo. So during tbd, cannot go on diet.

Dun bother wif wat mrs wong says. She's the worse LC i've seen. She's now too busy with her biz to care abt bf moms.

U have milk, else u won't be able to get that 30ml on day4. In fact it's gd for the early days. Continue pumping. When your boy fall asleep, strip him. Make him very uncomfy. Jaundiced bb tend to sleep n sleep. so wake him, tickle him.
<font color="0000ff">sharon</font>, I did not shave Kai's hair even though he has very little hair when baby, now he has really thick hair

I'm a MTB due 3 nov...

I have a few brandnew medela freestyle breast pumps which I want to sell. Bought in the USA. Selling for $650 (neg). Very very good breast pump. A bit ex but its worth it! Hands free too.

I saw it selling at Taka fair for $799.

Here is the website to find out more.


Please sms me if you are interested! 91915100

Take care moms!!
jac, think I am on high fat and calories food, so far, Ray has been poo every meal during confinement and recently 3 poos a day (alot of poo each time.)
Hi Jul,
Dun give up ok?I totally agree with wat the other ladies said :
- cabbage leaves-affect supply:was advised not to use it more than twice a day.
- make bb umcomfortable so he/she will feed:pd advised tat jaundice children are very sleepy so it is vital to wake them up to feed every 3hrs
- ur milk supply will improve as u pump more
- teat:i also use NUK silicone teat head(can survive abit more sterilising than latex-will become sticky after a while) teat head and bb has no confusion wat so ever.
wat are the calories food u taking.. mayb i think i go take some so that my bb can poopoo.. cos my confinment nanny 1 vege and 1 meat and sometimes i have soup in the nite.. is no soup than i take birdnest.. still not enough mah.. hmm.. sometimes morn i got mee sua or bread with cheese.. wat other food u suggest huh..
Hi ladies,

PISA hands free kit
Jus wanna share this tip with u ladies,i have been pumping n holding on to the glass bottles til hands ache.So to make it hands free pumping,I cut a vertical slit in a pair of old bra and fitted the funnel into it.Now I can pump hands free! Freedom! Surf and pump! Yahoo!

Taka Fair
Anyone went to Taka fair? Anything worth buying?
How to tell my MIL to stop coming to my mum's place everyday? I appreciate her thoughts of wanting to help but instead of helping, she is creating more inconvienience for my mum!

In orders to maintain my sanity, I have to hide in my room. So my mum got to entertain her and not able to do her housechores during the day but rush to complete everything in the night. After 6 weeks, the whole place house is quite messy!

This morning my mum told me not to hide in my room too often after confinement, and I think my mum is also almost up the wall with entertaining my MIL

Initially. I thought she will be here for the confinement month only, but when I asked her when she is going back to work today, she told me that she had quitted! This means that she will be a permanent fixture.... faint!

Sorry for being so long-winded... I can handle all the difficulties BFing, handling the baby alone at night, etc and still have a position mind. But this is causing me to be depressed!
<font color="0000ff">jac</font>, I have fish, meal, vege and soup every meal and also a cup of milo beside red date tea during meal, I need lots of fluids. Eat enough carbo.

<font color="0000ff">PJPJ</font>,my nursing bra can hold the funnel in place.
i also want to noe...my MIL camp here during the weekends...i dun haf time to rest n she carry baby whole day n let him miss his sleep...then at nite he becomes cranky!
y cant she understand dat both bb n me need the rest??
hi mummies,
how's everyone? i've been so busy with baby ethan tat i've no time to come online. he's still drinking every 1.5-2hours. even at night, the max he sleeps is 3hours, except for last nite almost 4hours and i finally get some decent sleep.

MIM Sling
who's using this sling? i've problem using this sling leh. dunno how to use it. when i put my baby in it, he cries like dunno wat. think he doesn't feel safe. he looks like he's falling off frm the sling. am i suppose to still hold on to him even when he's in the sling? or both my hands can be free? he seems to be drooping very low even though i alreadi pull the other end veri long. is it becos my baby too small size?
