(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

ya mine will also vomit milk after burp, my gal vomited quite alot last nite and this morning..
think she can't digest too much..PD ask me to cut down the amt for her feed. Is your baby on BM or FM? mine is 50/50, and I"m feeding her 115mil of FM. But when i feed her on BM and burp her, she's ok..FM is hard to digest. Currently she's taking Enfalac A+, going to change it to HA to see if it's easier to digest.
And yes my girl does have hiccups too,I think it's normal.. i know some people give water but I didn't i just hold her in upright position until her hipcups is gone.


i give up on how much to feed baby.

PD says feed as much as bb can take w/o throwing up..which is ard 120ml 2.5 to 3hrly.

MIL says too much, shd stick with 90ml.

during 1st mth check up, another PD said 90ml is too much based on his weight (wt x 150 = amt to feed for 24 hrs) - shd feed ard 75ml 8 bottles. he's 4kg now.

i am so ????

doesn't help that the FM can says 1-2 months can feed 150ml. lol
me too am confused how much to feed baby too.
When I feed him 90ml, smetimes he is full smetimes he wants more. When I make 120ml for him, he either stops at 60ml or 90ml. Faintz..
babymaking, it is definitely confusing. But I reckon one should just go with how much the baby can stomach since all babies are individuals. My PD told me my baby at 5 weeks can take 100-110ml and that 90ml is too little. He is 4.2kg now.

Think the advice on the FM tin cannot follow leh... it seems a bit unrealistic.
i think not enuf rest will slim down faster too :p at least for my case. See..this round i have more rest thats why still got 4kg excess :p

re:tummy flat
one good soln is to bind every day. My CL massage and bind for me every day since last tue, my tummy really flatten alot obviously.

re: milk consumption
i think my bb drink quite alot leh 4 oz every session wow he might be 4.5kg considered he is just 3 weeks old?
my gal is also 5 weeks old and i told PD last week when we went for 1mth check up that she's taking 105mil, she says too much, stick to 90mil. My gal weighs 4.74kg now..seems like everyone got different opinion on how much to feed our bb
im also the same...bb on my breasts half the time
really feel like a cow at times....but sometimes feel so rewarding

PIS is more powerful i heard...but the motor is much bigger...freestyle is smaller n more portable...noise level i dunno which one noiser or if its the same...so far freestyle's suction is good enuff for me
<font color="0000ff">peg</font>, PISA is more powerful. It is also very quiet.

<font color="0000ff">sharon</font>, haahaa think all of us are becoming moo moo. These couple of days, Ray is glue to me like superglue.
For ladies who are considering,i must say it is a gd pump cos it does its job efficiently and noise level is bearable.If you get from online spree,it is much cheaper,i got it from a lady-timeline is abt 3 weeks.If you wan the contacts,can PM me.
milk consumption
i think every baby is different. Should based it on your bb's weight and not age. Also they might take more during growth spurts

last night my baby took 150ml EBM and still ask for more. he is about 5kg.
I just bought a medela freestyle from ebay.

supposed to be brand new and sealed. for $539
Going to collect it later

I read that some of you are thinking of buying the pumps... can check out ebay. If the seller is in Singapore, then you can collect immediately, no need to wait for 1-2 weeks for the shipment.
Nicole : me only 1/3 time is BM 2/3 I go on FM as I like milk supply getting less and less dunno why . Like just now he just have BM and later cry I give him FM 110-115ml he also can finish it leh . So actually I dunno did he drink my milk(BM) anot .I using NAN-newborn .Now I only latch maybe 1-3time a day to clear the engor

Wasted so much on pump item end up Bo milk sad sia............

Feeling like my BM going to stop ,Nowsday I only feel engor only in morning so morning I feel him BM , whole day actually I dun feel much engor on my breast
Hi mummy :

Selling off item as below :-

1) Medela - Mini Electrical Plus (Double)(Still have 11month warranty )

2) 4 brand new AVENT Bottle storage
4oz with sealing discs

3) 3Brand new PIGEON breastmilk Storage Btl 3pcs

4)blue egg Breastmilk storage bags

Interested can PM me or email me [email protected]
wow... kiki, u are fast. chop chop gotta new pump liao.

thanks. think i will invest in PIS. my mini electric takes up too much of my time. cant imagine when CL left, how i can survive with the pumping.

thanks for the comparison.

haha. muz appreciate they are heavy sleeper. my hb will kick me out of the room. slight noise he will wake up.
milk consumption
maybe it's all depend on individual bb. mine is just taking 90ml bm. sometimes 2 hrs she demand for milk again. CL will give her another feed. but sometimes 3 hrs.
kiki, what pump are you using currently before moving on to freestyle?

Peg, its worth the investment, my PIS has been with me for 5 years already.
yup insufficent rest will lose weight. for my case, i think it's the bf that help me.

i think ur 4 kg is not difficult to shed. hope bf can help plus u doing blinding which i am doing now too.
yup...i hardly sleep in the daytime...nite time sleep bout 4-6hrs...my mum keep scolding me say i sleep too little

wow...ur boy is so big liao ar! 5kg!
how many weeks old is he?
i went buy the nipple puller juz now too...cos left side nipple seems shorter
sharon, think 4-6 hours is normal... most of us are surviving on that amount of sleep! Does anyone help u with the night feeds?
bean, engor mean u have milk. tht's what people say. latch on more often to stimulate demand or pump more often. my bb oso latch for a few min. after that CL gotta feed her 90ml. i pump out more often so hang on there.

thanks for ur assurance. i will go and buy one...heehee
Can i check if we can drink the raspberry tea when we r breastfeeding? Cos i read from the MIM website that it is only during pregnancy. The tea that was mentioned to increase milk supply is it the nursing mother's tea?
I'm using avent manual pump now... every time pump takes 30-45mins.

my boy is 6 weeks old now... gained about 2 kg already. I'm giving him 1-2 feeds of FM at night so that I can have more sleep.
nope...im doing TBF...so dun need anyone's help cos only i can feed
but baby cot juz beside my bed so i dun get out of bed unless i need to pump...hehe
i juz carry bb, latch on, burp n put him back

wow...hope my boy can grow up fast...he lost quite abit of weight cos my milk din come in...so hope now he can catch up!
i gain 11kg+ n when i discharge i still got 4kg to lose but hor till now the 4kg is still with me despite Bfeedin leh.. dunno y the 4kg like stuck in me cant get rid keke..
my boy is 4kg at 2wk+ n i tink he is reachin or alr reach 5kg now.. he is drinkin 120ml now wor.. i agree with kiki mus be flexible..

my mini E also like tt wat i do is i remove the motor n re-attach again n it work again..sometime mus adjus the wire abit also
anyone shave ur bb at 1st mth?
where u all do it?
any recommendations? or normal barber?
but bb's head so soft...im worried if go normal barber or its safe?
Hi Mummies, I have the following items to let go, please PM me if interested:

Avent Disposable Breast Pad 50 pcs (Brand New Shrink Wrapped, comes with a box of Pigeon disposable pads 24 pcs opened box) - Selling at $20

Baby-Lucky sling (lightly used) - Selling at $10

Avent Baby Carrier (brand new) - Selling at $20

Nepia M 48 pc - Selling at $12

Prices negotiable, thanks.
usually consumption is based on bb weight.

there's a formula for milk consumption based on bb weight (150 x bb wt = consumption for 24 hrs) for eg bb wt is 4kg x 150 = 450/ by 8 bottles a day, each bottle is 75ml.

if based on this formula, seems that i'm overfeeding bb by almost 30%. but 75ml is really not enough cos he cries for milk, although the PD said it's sufficient.

i'm trying to stick to 3hr feeds at 90ml, night time 120ml, it seems to work but at times do worry if i am over feeding.

another qn
my boy is now 5 weeks old and he's getting very curious about things around him. He likes to sit up and peer around his surroundings, so i often have him sit up on my lap, i'm just worried that it's not good for his back, any other suggestions how to keep him occupied so that he doesn't need to be upright?

Oh, yrs oso like dat huh ... ok, later i go try &amp; see if it works. So stressed leh ... if cannot work den tml dunno how le ... my supply slowly increasing, was 20ml initially, den past 2 days slowly increased to 40ml le. Then now the machine had to be spoiled! Angry siah ...
hi ladies, i am using PIS advance. Much better than Mini Electric and Swing. But according to Mdm Rokiah, she said Ameda better, but she said since i bought PIS liao, stick to it lor. PIS really save time as its double pump and I can use PC at the same time .. then i wont feel that pumping is taking alot of my time.
bb making, my baby is also 6 weeks old now. Sometimes when she is awake, i also dun know do what to entertain her. If put her in cot, she will cry. So, I put her in a rocker chair for a while. can either sing to her, tok to her ..
hahah exactly.. i tot so fastcanlose abt 8kg the remainin 4kg shd be v easy who knows lol~

my bb also v curious abt surroundin usu i either put him on sofa lie flat n he will look at 1 direction or turn his head here n there if not i put him in the FP rocker chair n he will entertain himself..

ya u see can work anot.. my SS hor other than mornin can pump 160ml the rest of the day 3hrly can only pump 80-120ml really tirin n still not able to meet my boi demand lor.. argh..
i tried putting him flat on his back in his cot with some visual aids (mirror/ b&amp;w cards)but he gets bored easily and cry soon after.

hmm does the FP rocker really work? if can entertain him for at least 1 hr...will go get it tomorrow. did you get the one with vibration?
Wah .. 160ml not bad wor ... mine also morning has more milk but now i'm really worried abt the machine not working.

Nowadays my boy also will cry when i put him in the cot. He wants pple to carry him ... tired leh.
hi im new in tis forum jux wanna know if any mummy whose child haf got colic?? my baby is havin it &amp; jux discharge frm hospital but still the same. any suggestion to solve tis pro
hi bb making, mine is without motor one ... so far, i didn't her sit too long .. cos i am the one to get bored becos i will sit down wif her. not more than half an hr ... My MIL say new born, their spine not firm yet, btr dun let them sit too long. when u want to play wif ur bb, then maybe let him sit ba.
sandy Dee:maybe u wanna watch the video? they say no cure for colic.....happens from 3rd weeks till 3 months.....

can use white noise ( TV) or hair dryer
personally tried hair dryer n it works for my elder.

tummy masasge too
rids wind n they love it
think cutting bb hair @ 1st mth is a chinese religious ritual - something abt bb hair from the womb is unclean so have to shave all off.

well yeah, i need something to occupy him, cos he's so inquisitive. he's attracted to TV - cos of the moving images (and we ban the tv), and gets easily bored with static toys.

he can move 180 degrees in his cot, turn on his side to reach the cards/mirror. so far been spending 15-30 min every morning playing/talking with him before &amp; after his bath and in the afternoon 15-30min of tummy/crawling time. in between he will nap, but nowadays noticed that he's awake most of the day time &amp; easily distracted even while feeding, he will struggle until we put him upright.

what else can you do with a 5-6 week baby besides singing/massage/talking/tummy time? - running out of ideas to occupy him.
Pris; me too i dun even for hayley :p me thinkng not so chinese so.......anyways everything about her n him is angelic wakakkakakak :p
Mine got batt can rock on itself but so far when he cry in his bed i will brin him out to livin room put him lie in his rocker n he will entertain himself while i do my thing until he get bored he will make some noise..

But i din pump in between the nite so maybe i manage to get 160ml

Now a lot of parent dun shave bb hair liao some jus trim a bit for the meanin wor..so it up to u la
I try to read to my bb twice a day in English and Chinese. How about swimming sessions for Zach? I heard that it will drain some energy and bb will sleep more
yeah, it's tiring, and also trying not to make it a habit to carry him all the time.

hiaks, MIL came over this week after i torn out my stitches and she say shd not carry bb too often - but when i ignore bb cry (knowing hr cry due to boredom) ..less than 5min later, she will go carry, say he cry so pitieously. then later ((range from 15-30min) when bb cry again i go pick up, she say why I carry him so often..let him cry. It's really driving me nuts.

how long can yr boy entertain himself? - mine gets bored in as short as 15min, but he can stare at the TV for ages. *tv addict in training*

yep, am planning to bring him for trial lesson at hwa xia one week after his jab. if he likes it, we will be getting a pool at home. got some BP here selling quite cheap.

oh by the way, for those bb on FM who constipated. Friso comfort works like a charm - i started zac in the morning (last fri) 1 scoop friso+ 2 scoops current FM, and he started pooing in the afternoon. i continued for the next 4 feeds, then change back to current FM and so far he has been pooping well. now he poops like 3 times a day. at least that's one issue settled.

i also dun shave bb's head. Anyway, some china websites advised against it coz bb's head still soft, can get infected easily esp if blade not clean.


hahaha, that's mils!

my mil does that too! whatever she do, it's ok. but we can't. she gave us many 'advice' on what to do abt our kids but i asked my hb if she did that to them, he said no. BTW, she didn't think that tying a kid's hands and legs up is considered as abuse. Crazy.
