(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

I walk alot when i was pregnant due to work so maybe tt speed up the process...mine discharge is yellowish in colour no blood...i have on n off cramp also..#1 was induce due to water level low so #2 i dont wish to induce until the last choice.:

joann s

Thanks! U mean we can't bathe? How come? No shower in the bathroom?

Oh only 10pcs, then easy to use up. Ok I will bring my Pureen ones then, since the comments here is that the normal thin sanitary pads are too thin to cushion the wound.

U did C-sect? Did u find that u needed a cardigan for the cold?

Strange.. can't find leonidas under yellow pages. Maybe u try calling 100 directory?

I find the price a bit more reasonable compared to Godiva lor.
Hi fellow mummies,
My EDD is 26 Aug but just got admitted to hospital today due to high blood pressure, pre-eclamsia.
Gyne wanted me to do C-section today but totally unprepared though the scheduled date for C-section is 12 aug. So bought one day and doing it tmrw at TMC.
So nervous!!
To all the other mummies delivering soon, JIA YOU!!
taka good enuff, will be heading down there to check out the prices for Royce as well, sort of noticed there's quite a number of gourmet choco, jams, biscotti & foods there, so will check it out as well.

Thks for the recommendation.
the pureen pads u mentioned isit from kiddy palace? if it is, i used it, dun really like it...to soft then the pad will go out of shape after awhile... i tink u can jus get normal pads those overnight ultralong one...more safe...maternity pads i feel is for ppl who go for natural cos there is wound down there n therefore need softer pads... for C section, i dun haf much flow...checked w gynae, he said its b cos c section they can us clear the blood so not much flow after tat.

Also its not That cold la...since resting in bed most of the time, there's blanket. =) but i tink can bring a swadling blanket for baby cos TMC's abit small to wrap around.

I am not sure abt TMC, but for RH, the hairdryer also not is the room, u have to ask from the nurse they will loan it to u FOC. They kept it at their counter nia.
Carefreelife & piggytoh: just caught up on previous pages and see that we are going to have National Day babies

I am admitted in TMC by the way.

Going to have a baby girl.

Gd luck on ur c-sect!

shirley, joanns

Thanks a lot for your advice. My Hubs took a look at my list & joked that he'll have to drag out the big luggage bag to put all the things I listed down. Men! Wait till I not pack, then make him bring everything for me last min, then he'll know!


Yeah mine is Pureen pads from Kiddy Palace one. I'm gog for natural, so I guess maybe I need softer pads? Unless I kena emergency C-sect

Thanks for telling me abt the blanket for BB. I was trying to decide whether to bring since they're already giving. But yet I bot a few blankets for BB to use too, so a bit wasted if dun bring & use. I was so KS I even bot 2 Swaddle Mes lor!


Yeah there are many brands like Godiva, Neuhaus, Royce, Harrod's etc.. I'm sure u'll be able to find something. Enjoy ur chocolate shopping!

but your hospital bag really got lots of barang barang.

For me, i only have
2 brassiieres (didn use at all)
2 nightgowns (didn use at all)
Cardigan (wear during check in and out)
baby mittens, booties, blanket

that's all!
Hi mummies..

how's everybody today.
me yesterday went for checkup liao le and tml will be my 39 weeks.

yesterday night mesus cramp feelings on and off till this morning.. now ok liao le.. but got brown + white sticky stuff coming from bottom.

hopefully this week can giv birth.. hehe..
Thanks n jia you:p


Oh u can start to monitor liao once have bloody show better gave ur gynae a call but if contraction not strong can wait longer if not u go hosp ur cervix dilate slow also mus inducez:p

tonight u gg liao right? hehe..
so excited for u!!! i call the clinic this earlier on and they convey the msg to doc liao le. she ask y never call this morning. i said this morning abt 10am the pain like go away.. i don kw if im gg to give birth or not.. cos i intend to see the situation first.

Than doc jst called me only. he ask me how am i?? i said ok.. jst tabian and now a bit of uncomfortable. than i told him, when got strong pain than i call him right. he said ya, when got strong pain must immediately inform him. haha..

u scared or not??? hehe..
Joia, i had pre-eclampsia too and gave birth 4 weeks ahead of schedule by c-section.

for the other mummies wondering what a c-section will be like, mine was under GA (to prevent excessive bleeding bcos of my condition) so I don't know what the delivery process will be like. but the recovery process isn't too bad at all.

the nurses will shave your lower abdomen area and stick in a urine catheter at the labour ward. then u go into the operating theatre and voila, u have a baby!

TMC provides a pack of maternity loop pads (10 pads per pack). if you have a c-section, the bleeding is less and that pack will probably be enough.

u may not want to change to ur own pajamas when still using this maternity pad bcos it will leak and u might as well dirty the hospital gown.

personally, i wore the hospital gown the whole time i was in hospital. but i wore it the other way round, with the ribbons in front, to facilitate breastfeeding. worked great!

if u want to change to disposable panties after 2nd day, make sure they are huge panties and the elastic sits nears your belly button.

i brought some nightsafe pads which are 40.5 cm long and it was super safe - no leaks. no need to be so 'kua zhang'. normal nightsafe pads will do. once i got home, i switched to normal pads actually.

TMC provided Pampers diapers for my little baby. and it was more than enough, we brought the extra home.

after a c-section, there will be a lot of wind in ur stomach. bcos wind gets in when they cut open ur stomach. the 1st day (before u are able to get up to move around) is very uncomfortable. u may want to bring some medicated oil to rub gently on ur stomach to ease the discomfort. the nurses can also give u a medicine to drink. it has a chalky taste. but once u get up to move around, the wind gets a lot better.

the best part about a c-section is that there's no fear in going to the toilet later. there's no additional pain.

all the best to everyone!
Haha now feelin ok tryin to get some sleep but cant leh.. I tink my heart beat will increase alot wheni lie on the labour bed haha...

Oh gynae never book for u the rm before that? Cos I actually request them to book MT A. But they also book TMC for me. So I received 2 hospital booklet. Think u can call up TMC to check cos I had already threw away the booklet leh. If I don't remember wrongly that is what they charge. That mean ur hubby can only go out 2 times each day lor....

GA hubby wont be able to go into the threatre with u only epi than u can have hubby to accompany u...


Have a smooth delivery....
Thanks for your "encouragement"! I am so nervous, scared, excited and alot of mixed feelings. So did u go for half conscious or knocked out (GA)?

Gynae nvr book ley since my edd was supposed to be 19 aug so he havent book. 1 Aug the nurse told me they haven book yet lor. So I din recd the booklet.

thanks for explaining the meaning of surreal. Hee...
Piggy, all the best to yur delivery..

on the topic of hospital bag, i also pack in extra pcs of bb diapers, is it necessary?? if not then i take out le.. i also have my own toletries, etc, looks like i dun need to bring them too yah...
Piggy, all the best to yur delivery..

on the topic of hospital bag, i also pack in extra pcs of bb diapers, is it necessary?? if not then i take out le.. i also have my own toletries, etc, looks like i dun need to bring them too yah...

u also admitting into TMC tml? Me am admitting into TMC tml morning lor.

Im also feeling nervous too. Just decided on last thu to go c-sect, quite sudden for me too.

Wondering how much cash to fork out in cash for c-sect, coz my gynae told me ard $800.

That is strange leh. Cos my EDD is the same as u but they had booked for me leh... I received the booklet think more than 1 wk ago...


Don't have to bring extra diaper. Hospital that pack is more than enough.... u will still be able to bring hm the balance....

no need to bring diaper, hospital will provide a packet for u bb, the entire packet will be more then enof for 3 days usage, even will hv extra for u to bring home de.

I'm at hm alr will try to upload my gal's pics when i'm free. so far BM hvnt cum in as yet..so supplement bb wif formula last9 (1st day hm cried super hard) day time try to latched her as much as possible! not sure when BM will comes in.

Wow u really packed light! How come u din use rthe bras & nightgowns at all? What did u wear the whole time?


So u wore the same hosp gown the whoile time? Did they let u have a change of hosp gown?

Wow u really packed light! How come u din use rthe bras & nightgowns at all? What did u wear the whole time?

Maybe I just KS lor. I go on trips also bring a lot of barang one haha. But guess I shd go overe my list to cut down.


So u wore the same hosp gown the whoile time? Did they let u have a change of hosp gown?

I'm gog for natural so I guess I'll have to bring more pads.

So TMC is using Pampers? I tot they switched to Huggies & Fitti?


Hi! Welcome back, & dun be discouraged. I see a lot of the mummies here also took a few days for the milk to come in.
Shirley, thanks for ur link! Now i'm looking for massage lady...i booked Mona but she oli can scheduled me on nxt SAT..abit late right?

Jul, TMC is using Pampers for my bb during my stay there think they chg back liao. Wipes is J&J de.

I do massage & latch my bb since after i delivered. yesterday hv to feed my gal wif formula cos she cried so hard last9 but day time i try to latch her as much as possible.
COngrats to all mummies who have popped!

Bfing really not easy esp in the 1st few days.. so hang in there.. latch and latch on demand and have patience cos the milk WILL come in. My milk only came in on day 5, so i had horrible sleepless nights on day 3-4 cos bb just kept crying! but didnt suppl with FM in the end.

Jiayou everyone!!

Jul, no need to pack so many things.. i just packed 1 set of clothes to go home in, and 2 packs of maternity pads. definitely no need bb diapers. do remember to bring 2-3 sets of bb mittens/socks and 1 set of clothes for bb to go home in. the hospital shld have anything else u will need. ooh pls bring ur bf pillow and nipple cream too if u intend to bf.
<font color="ff0000">Hi Mummies</font>
I had given birth on 3 Aug.
Bb boy weighed 3.55kgs, 52cm, natural with epi.
Waterbag burst when I was actually not at home, thank God I had packed some maternity pads in the car, and that evening (830pm, 2 Aug), I was wearing black pants.
Admitted to hospital @ 10pm, bb arrived at 1.50am.
Both my pregnancy, whenever the contractions came, I puked and puked, hence this time round, I insisted to have epi to stop the puking.

<font color="ff0000">Jul</font>
When bb is discharged, TCM will give you 1 diaper bag, 1 baby top, 1 swaddle cloth.
Btw, maybe you would like to bring along your netted panties.
As TCM only provides 2 netted panties.

<font color="ff6000">JTS</font>
We had to upgrade to premier ward as the day when we checked in, all the single bedded room were occupied.
Hi carefreelife,
Already admitted today as they need to monitor my blood pressure. Was still high in the afternoon. Op going to be at 11 am. Hopefully later can sleep and not toss and turn fm the nerves

Will you be getting a 2 room? Am now in 4 room but changing to 2 room tmrw.

Thanks SL and JuL.

Sunshine, how many days did u stay for your c-section w epidural. Wodering when i shld get the confinement lady to come, after 3 or 4 days.
hang in there, keep expressing and latching, like what the rest said, the milk will come. Drink lots and lots of fluid also, it helps. I didn't latch on my gal first 2 days cos I had C section and my wound was too painful for me to do any bfdg, so supplement with FM...when I came home, my ss was bad too, i cried every day cos I was depress cos the ss was very low and I really don't want to feed bb with FM, then I slowly express and initally i only got 30 mil on both breast after 1 hour of expressing ard day 5, nipple was SORE! it's day 12 now I"m only getting 50mil on both breast after 15mins of expressing..it's tuff but I'm not giving up cos I believe milk will come...I hope the same for you too. Take care there
Hi Mummies, thansk for the advise on bb diapers, i will take that out from my bag..

i also have my own maternity pad, bring abt 6pcs, will use mine after those that hte hospital provide finish, is this sufficient???

i had 2 set of nitewear n nursing bras, are these sufficient?? had yet to pack my clothes to wear home, nt sure if i should bring or jus wear what i was admitted in..

wat else do i have to take note huh.....
i just gave birth on the 6 aug. Staying at TMC 1 bedded. they actually have hairdryer in the room, full set of toiletries including toothbrush and toothpaste.
As for the baby, they will be providing everything. Pampers shld be more than enough.

Suggest to bring extra maternity pads as it would not be enough.

Suggest to bring more nightwear and nursing bras just in case.

Im staying extra night as baby has jaundice.

harlo gals..
Thanks lawshe.. I am in MT A now jus insert the pill still only 2cm open only after the nurse did the VE so pain sia... Now is waitin game the nurse say if over the nite nothin happen my gynae will come in the morning to burst my water bag n put me on drip.. Btw the nurses told me still got room for 2bedder since most opt for 1 bedder heng ah..
Nicole, you might wanna try pumping for 30mins instead of just 15mins. Pump for 5-10mins is after latching.

LawShe, 2 set of nitewear is more than enough. Just wear back what you wear to hosp when discharge lah.
I think the nurse/clinic/gynae missed out to book for me lor. I even asked the nurse haven book, they say yar. oh gosh.

my gynae have auto upgrade from 4 bedder to 2 bedder. I think most likely will be in 2 bedder lor. My c-sect at 2pm. So yours at 11am.

carefree, 2 bedder HB not allow.. I doubt can be 1st bb wor if drip maybe dilation will be faster but now only pill maybe slower wor .. Incentive? Haha i dun think have maybe hamper lor keke..
