(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Oic ok ok thanks.. I heard if u got sore nipple the medela cream is v gd wor maybe u can try..

For natural birth tt 1 pad of loop pad is not goin to be enough cos u be usin a few pad per day so better bring some if not they goin to charge u 1 more pack if u finish the 1st 1..
I tink the loop 1 hor 1 thing gd is the initial part easier to remove n change cos use stick on 1 ur wound still hurt if u need to bend n remove panties to change pad..

Oh so it's true that Avent bottles leak huh? I got a free bottle from TMC's antenatal class. I'll go test & see if it leaks. Think we can boycott Avent liao!


Oh issit? Thanks for the info. Then I better bring my own as well. I dun wanna get another pack of ahmah pads lor!

I wonder whether to bring the dress or top/pants Pjs to hosp. Coz may be hard to use the pants just after delivery hor?
so far the avent bottle that i am using not leaking leh. but now i hv to put it aside cos it doesnt fit with the Friso bottle nipple that Mt A give. abt the pad.. i dont care lah.. i more giam then u. i even take the extra 'inko pad' that they lay below to prevent menses leak, cos cost $2.70 a pc!

i just open the avent nipple cream to try.. see how it goes.

U mean the disposable pad to protect the bed? Wah! They charge $2.70 for that???? No wonder so many misc charges!!!
I don't find the epi injection painful at all leh. I'm quite nervous when the dr is poking though cos alot of people say painful. In fact I think when the nurses put in the hand plug it is much more painful then the epi injection.

totally agree tat the needdle on hand is more painful than epi! But mine is done by the anaesthecian leh. yours done by nurse?
hi gals

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BBnGG / Sharon / Jul/ Peg: Thanks for your well-wishes!

piggy / carefreelife: All the best for your delivery! Have a safe and smooth delivery .
my bb can't wait to come into this world even though his original EDD is National Day.
So, i hope one of you all be the 1st.
maternity pads
MAH will give the loop type but they dont put the loop. instead they will give the net underwear to hold it in place.
For my case, they already open the packet in delivery room and they will put 2 pcs together. so by the end of the first day, the pkt already finish. i have to change the pad every time I go to toilet. actually i tried putting the normal pad but it is very uncomfortable as it is too thin and i'm sitting directly on the stitches. now i understand why they make the maternity pads so thick... serves as cushion too.
Ladies tks for all the well wishes

wishing all ladies in line a smooth/short n sweet delivery

My delivery story....nothing drama xcept teh waiting time outside the theatre was long1!!!!!!!about 35 mins......felt like waiting to be slaughtered

Overall nurses n staffs were very friendly n nice.Though hospital not as new as TMC....they are also in the process of ugrading.....think nurses mentioned will hv new wards comeing week or 2 .do ladies popping later may get to stay in their new rooms

NAme:Luca Yap

Weight:2.58kg ( aiya mommy absorbs liao....)

Post natal gathering

Date~ 1st oct ( can be adjusted la )

Time~lunch time



Price range set lunch is less than $10 after ++

They hv nice kids meal for those bringing their toddlers etc plus free gifts too

1)weishy (Hayley~high chair & lucas)
2)shopping queen (marcus~high chair)
3)yoko (ZJordan~high chair & Tiffany)
4) BBnGG
5)prisneo (Kai & Ray )
6) sbb
7) SL
8) In
9) JoannS
wah! our baby have the same birth day ^^ Congrats!! will update once i got the time. =( now a days so busy le... manage to sleep for 4 hrs today.

yoko, happi,cheryl, yen
Congrats!!! will update once i got the time. my list is a bit messed up and confused... so have to sort it out.

congrats!!! i was telling Mdm Mas that your c-sect is today =) will update once i fix the chart. my chart messed up when i was editing it the other day. shouldnt have done it when i was so tired!

today afternoon, i tried latching Zachary on the bed lying down and my smart boy actually latch better this way! haha when i latch, i fell asleep so CL and hubby check on Zachary if he was latching.

when i pump, there will always be milk leaking from the bottle of the breast shield... is it because my breast shield is not big enough? i am using medela freestyle with M breast shield. now my breasts became really big like rock melon... will it get better? if not i will need to look for E cup nursing bra le...

medela fitted breast shield
where can i find this? if not very pek chek cos whenever i pump, some will flow out under... like it didnt form a seal. and my nipple hurts slightly when i pump, can see it rubs against the breast shield... sob.

thanks! haha i was so kan cheong that i never thought of using scotch tape!

Is this the nipple shield? http://www.ciao.co.uk/Avent_Nipple_Shields__54851
I asked mrs wong about it when she check on me and she said dont need leh... if not i would have bought it long ago. is it worth it to use it to pay $10+ for just 2 days? will baby have confusion cos it is silicone?

Zachary had nipples confusion and I am very scared of that!!!

Thanks! where can i buy lansinoh cream? i tried using breast milk and medela purelan but it didnt work! my nipples still feels so painful altho it doesnt look sore... sob!! Good to know that Zachary's jaundice level is dropping!! I was so worried too when PD Dr Ong told me that my Zachary got mild jaundice - 7.1 but these few days he have been pooping lots of yellowish poo! hopefully tomorrow's first check up will be fine.

did you eat fish? but dont eat "hei1 chang1" (black... donno what haha). my CL said it is cheap but not very good until "bai1 chang1".
ND's girl, sharon
huh! cabbage leaves reduce milk supply? but it feels so good!

actually i donno what is engorgement leh!! well from what Mdm Mas says, my nipples are too big and Zachary's mouth is too small so he only manage to suckle half of my nipples... thats why my nipples feels so painful when he suckle!!!

leaking breast: ouch... i hate leaking breasts also. made my clothes wet!! i was so shocked when i experienced it for the first time!! yesterday night i went to kiddy palace to buy avent "ultra comfortable breast shells", it can protect sore nipples & collect excess milk. quite good. for me, when it leaks into the shell, i just use the milk as facial cos i am really lazy to sterile just 2 items!

sterile: when i sterile a lots of items (pump, shell, bottles) and i need one of the item now but dont need the other items in the sterilizer for maybe 20 hrs. is it ok for me to take out one item & leave the rest inside then use when i need them in 20 hrs?

maternity pad: I TOTALLY agree with you!!! I am going to buy another pack of pureen maternity pad because today i am using normal pad and my butt really really hurts!!! can feel the stitch is so painful!

the miracle baby milkies looks good! too bad i just bought an avent one yesterday night... =( my nipples was so sore so i went to kiddy palace to look for something like that.

i am not very sure if i latch on correctly. tomorrow i will be going to TMC for check ups. will they charge me if i go to parentcraft looking for LC to look if i latch on correctly?

yah lor... the nurses at TMC sucks (well the young one) when comes to breastfeeding. but for anything besides breastfeedings, they are quite good (example bring baby to me every 3 hrs).

=( i am on my 3rd confinement day and when i think about auntie karen leaving in about 25 days... tears will start coming out of my eyes... but she got mentioned last time her customers wanted to hire her for additional month but she rejected because she really needs to go home and rest. now we are trying to make her rest as much as possible! but she kept getting up and do this do that... help my PIL to fold clothes, mop floor ect... baby is with me now and she is preparing dinner for the whole family...

why is it that your boy refuse to latch on? I also have some problems. Zachary likes my left breast and dont like right breast. he like his head to be on the right side cos he always does that in my womb and when he was born Dr Ong told me to let him sleep on right cos of the bruise on his left.

so now i kept offering him my right breast first but it is always a struggle every feed. just now he suckled for 5 mins and went to sleep... 1 hr already le and he still don't wanna wake up. now my left breast is leaking and hard like rock melon. *sulk* i wonder if i can wake him up to drink milk without making him cranky?
oh the hand 1 hurt more huh? my sis told me it hurt more as well n the needle is quite long if not wrong...
now stress heard Mt A is full over the wkend..

but BF is v impt leh if it sux hor tt v bad... i hope mt A 1 is better..
My main problem with breastfeeding is
1) Joshua has a big appetite, only 11 days old but needs to drink
90 ml every 2 hourly +.
2) my milk flow is very slow and he gets angry and impatient when he is hungry. His screams is really deafening! He will turn all red and refuse to latch on.
So I bo pian but to give FM cos there is no other way to pacify him. I am really demoralize but I try to rationalize with myself that I also grew up drinking FM and I am perfectly fine.

On good days, he will latch on but only about once during the day. Meanwhile I just try to pump but the supply is also not enough to meet his demands. Oh yah, the LC also mentioned that cos my aerola is big so he is unable to take in the whole thing, that's y insufficient stimulation.

Got a question though , can we stimate milk supply by pumping alone?
The hand plug needle is long but flexible to go into the vein. The nurse put the plug on my wrist, so its painful every time I move my hand.
Its's so painful during the delivery that I told the nurse that I need epi for my hand.
Reira:tks tks
take ur time to update la

yellowish poo:its due to breast milk la baby
so its normal...if bb on formula ,then would be firmer and depending on the FM brands......those containing alot of iron will be darker colour though.

cabbage leaves :ya reduce milk supply...got one kind of enyzmes causing.....maybe 1 day once is oki and not too long if not.....

piggytoh:asked the nurse liao if full house how...she says bb will be at maternity ward then u at noraml wards looo so its stilloki la but bb will take a longer time to come to u when u want feeding looo

Bfing at <MT A:they encourages us to bf le,havent attend teh class so i aslo dunno whether they're good at it oki not

pink:wow ur jos can drink le
90ml is alot ar

it takes time to caltivate the correct amt for ur newborn le.....think after 4 to 6 weeks then more establish la the milk supply
keke epi for hand u so funnie... ya i tink with the hand plug diff to move much also.. so they only remove when u discharge?
Harlo Weishy.. hows ur wound now?
sigh v sian lor if no room available
wan see bb also troublesome... so when u attendin the classes? i be admitting tml evenin so prob after givin birth only stay for a nite dunno got time to attend those classes anot..
tink the breast shield is too small for u
for medela breast shield...u shld b able to find it at most dept stores or mums &amp; babes i tink (at amk hub n united sq)
piggytoh:if u natural ya stay one night looooo if c sec at least 2 nights le
let me now ur ward i can go visit hahahhahah.can see my bb

they havent tell me those class schedule le...maybe tml mornign i ask them
hahah wah u so fast can walk ard ah.. i hope can stay at same buildin la so can visit each other keke... i tink we might discharge on the same day haha...
piggytoh:ya ya should be able to le

oh ya better sk ur hubby or family members to get some packet drinks or food here....nothing around here so everything muct go out of this area to get it...like thmson plaza.......
hi mummies,

i have went for checkup.
last checkup bb is 3kg but during that checkup doc said how come increase abt 400-500g.

this week checkup bb is 2.8kg like that.. so maybe last checkup wrong. haha.. doc said its alright.

so if based on last time, this 2.8kg is the correct one..
piggytoh / weishy

doc said i can giv birth anytime but bb head not yet engage, than my below haven open also..

alamak.. if no opens that means i probably have to go c section is it?

if i give birth this week than i can see both of u at MT A leh. else how to see both of you??

Congrats to happi, weishy &amp; yen.


So can start to count down.


Hope u have a smooth delivery....

you mean they not providing food ma?
i have already fax the admission form to them to prepare confinement and vegetarian meal.

I got prepare ginger tea jst in case.



u intend to check in which room? i asking for double bed
thanks... :p

but if ur cervix not open yet n bb not engage yet how ur gynae know u can deliver anytime?
sometime cervix maybe only open when intense contraction start dun worry first

i also ask for 2 bedder but seems like all fully booked so dunno if can still stay at maternity ward anot

don kw leh.. my gynae said bb position ready to deliver. cervix me still waiting wor..

huh... if no stay at maternity ward than feel weird to stay with other not giving birth one leh.. if die die no ward than either go 4 bedded or single room liao le.. no choice..
but i tink maybe all fully booked leh i tink depend on luck now see got pp happen to discharge anot... but position head down is quite common leh.. head down does not mean anytime wor... like Irene tt time her mucus plug out but she still waited for quite some time wor.. btw if ur cervix not open tt discharge u mention this afternoon shd not be mucus plug right? did u ask ur gynae?

i think the position he said is those position where bb is ready to giv birth ba.. cos last week he said my bb position not ready to give birth.

i told my gynae liao le.. but he didn say anything. haha...he said do a VE check better.

today i ask him how big is my bb head its abt 30+cm. he said the size is ok and the size is easy to giv birth.

u kw my mum ask me to unlock my drawers so cervix open. later me going to do that.. sekali seh. haha..
I have no idea how much Zachary is drinking leh. just now he latch on for 4 mins and could last him for 2 hrs! then now, he latch on my right for 10 mins and left for 14 mins.

for milk flow, why not go for breasts massage,m to help you clear block duct? i know mdm rokiah is very very good but i think it will cost $80. i got mdm mas to clear my block duct today and milk really flow out!

yeah, cabbage leaves is good for engorgement cos it reduce some supply! now i've been pumping my breasts to ease engorgement but drink back my own breastmilk cos no place to store EBM!

thanks. when i pump, my nipples hurts so much too... i think it is really too small for me le! must go and buy a bigger one tomorrow. =) will note down that dept store, mums &amp; babes have. (kiddy palace doesnt have it!!!!)

hope you have a fast,smooth delivery tomorrow!!! ganbatte!

aiya! now u mentioned it, i TOTALLY forgot to open drawers!!! my cervix took 8.5 hrs to open from 3 to 7cm.
welcome..tink gotta ask ur hubby go buy for u
u mean u drink ur own BM? how does it taste like?
ur breastfeeding journey seems quite successful...at least ur milk ss has come in fast

u using mdm mas? is she good?
i will b using her too....
yenyen &amp; SL,

im starting to count down..super nervous..

btw what hand plug is kikila referring to?

Anyone had c-sect can tell me her experience and what are the things to take note?

For c-sect, is it painful to wear panties also?

Do you all wear nursing bra there and disposable panties when you are admitted to hospital?
hehe! The hand plug I'm refering to this thingy that the hospital will poke on the back of our hand for drips.

They put mine on the wrist instead, so my right hand is practically useless as slight movement will be painful.

they only remove my hand plug when my dr check on me later in the night.
Thanks:p hope my milk SS is as gd as u:p

Gettin into position? Meanin engage? But i remember ur gynae last appt also say u could gave birth anytime? maybe u try the drawer method who knows u admit be4 me? Keke...

I remmeber weishy mention abt the binder n lozenger... Maybe u can take note.. As for milk i tink depend on individual cos mashy milk flow come v fast i remember..
Hi all,

Congrates to all who pop! I was down with flu (very bad - had to take tamiflu tablets) for the last few days. Now still having blocked nose, but at least I feel better. Baby yet to pop, haha ... cos I told wait until after N-day, let my maid go on leave then pop. But just now had really bad contractions, this morning had cramps ... tot going to pop anytime ... maybe soon, she's making her descend. keke...

I wear my normal bra and panties when admitted to hospital. Anyway they ask me to change into the hospital gown immediately, then no need to wear bra and panties liao.

for c-sec, i think its better to wear the surgical disposable underwear (those net type). Its really comfortable and it will cover the whole stomach area.
For those delivering in MAH, they will give 1 pc free, then if you ask the nurse for extra in the ward, they will charge $8 each.
Ask your hb to go down to the phamarcy to buy - 3 for $6.
