(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Haha diff ah the nurse jus told me my cervix still not in flavourable condition by take longer time so she predict tml morning...
Yah op for me at 11. Already scheduled. Today was hoping will upgrade but have room for 4 bedder leh. So think I upgrade myself tmrw if no auto upgrade :p and like wat piggytoh said, hubby cannot stay if 2 room, only allow if one bedder.

Piggytoh : jai you, jia you. Try to get some rest first before tmrw!

All the stories on BF makes me worried about my milk ss too. My mom already keep telling me to just give bb formula if I don't have milk since I am going thru C-section. Pray can perserve thru it too like all you brave moms. Now can understand that moms are "wei da" de! For the sake of baby, will be brave and strong.
Thanks for all the advice on what to pack & bring gals
Now I not so confused liao haha. Think I was a bit blur when I first started out, but now more clear. Thank God for this forum!

mickey, liz


Wow, mickey, ur labour was short!
Thanks.. I dun feel sleepy leh n the cramp is gettin stronger although not intense.... Hope no need to wait till mornin to pop
don worry so much though i knw talk is easy.

God shall be with you...

huh, 4 bedder still available? Your gynae also have auto upgrade? Which gynae?

I don wanna 4 bedder ley, want auto upgrade to 2 bedder.
TMC got wireless sufing at $10/per day is it?
Hi everyone,

piggy, jiayou. Dilation depends on individual. Sometimes it's faster for some.

Glad for you your supply is good!

Dun worry too much. If you forgot to bring anything, just ask hubby to go home and get it. Pack light as you most prob only change into your own pj on the second day, not the first day after birth.
So u opting single? Hubby also sleeping in with you? Wow, that's nice, at least at night if you want something can ask him to get for you.

But throughout the night, nurses will come in and out and take your blood pressure plus dunno what. Then every few hrs, they will give you baby to bf. Haha ... like not much time to sleep. Remind hubby to bring camera / video cam.
not opting for single bedder. He brought the dvd player and stuffs for entertainment. Don't think he will be staying over too as we have a dog at hme waiting for his dinner and bfast wor...haha

C-sect will have milk bo? I have the feeling that BM come later for c-sect.
haha ... there's a tv to every bed wor, still need dvd player? Won't be bored la, just most prob tired. Last time my bedmate also c-section, she's very hardworking, no milk also pump, not her first though so she more or less knows what to do. She says pumping will help to stimulate the milk supply.
btw, Reira, if you are reading this, can I ask you if you booked your Mdm Mas (the massage lady) in advance, how many sessions? Sessions compulsory? Last time I had a Malay lady and she gave me 7 sessions, though by the 5th session I didn't feel a difference anymore, so didn't really want her again.
Hi! Is <font color="ff6000">piggytoh</font> around?

I remembered you mentioning that your freestyle like got no suction right? Have you solve the problem? I am having the same problem now leh...

Today I went to Mums &amp; Babes looking for a bigger breasts shield. I told the sales lady about my freestyle. Then she told me the parts might be broken when I told her that I just throw the whole thing inside the sterilizer and sterile it. She taught me to on my pigeon sterilizer, let it run till the cycle is done, then throw in the funnel and membrane. If my pump still dont work, I will have to buy the spare part from USA liao. Cos she told me that she dont think their company will sell the spare parts to me cos i bought from USA (not their customer). But for your case, you can check with them bah since you got it locally.
happy national day! i didnt book the sessions with Mdm Mas in advance cos I am not sure how many sessions I need. Basic is 5 but since my tummy is so big, I might need 10. Mdm Mas will let me know after 2-3 sessions. =( tomorrow i will go through 2nd stage labour pain again - breasts massage to get rid of blocked ducts... ouch!!!! but effective.
My pigeon sterilizer only got 1 cycle, which is 6 mins. So after the 6 mins is done, put the 2 membranes and SoftFit Breastshields to sterile.
im using pigeon too but haven open it up yet..hehee
so dunno how many cycles it has....1 cycle need put anything in?
reading today's post. seems that not many mommies come online now. all busy doing confinement! for me, i sleep for 3 hrs in the afternoon today and awake till now le. donno what i was doing also. feeding, pumping..

Does anyone know if I really should pump my milk out to save or can i just drink it? i've been drinking it cos i dont intend to let Zachary drink from bottle/cup/spoon for the first month. Or should I just use cabbage leaves? will my SS suddenly dissapear?

Mdm Mas massage my breasts for me and it is in my body massage package. If you want the best breasts massage that will give you hell but will help you 99% on your block ducts, look for Mdm Rokiah. My confinement lady told me that Mdm Rokiah actually went to KL to do massage for one of those top officer's relative in malaysia!

will update for you. i booked mark this post haha. today been quite busy! went to TMC for check ups, bring my CL to lunch, shopping, resting, feeding Zachary and poof, already 12:26am.

kiki advises that it is 3 pieces for $6 @ MAH for the net undies lah. i only quote from her to let you know. =)

For TMC parking, i stayed in 4 bedder and hubby got 2 tickets.

breastfeeding: The "33 mins on the right and 67 mins on the left" i was talking about was for 1 day. After getting breasts massage from mdm mas, from 4 pm to 12 am, he only suckled for 36 mins in total.

Thanks! i shall order laninsoh cream from MIM! When Zachary suckles... my nipples hurts like hell!!! Going to see LC on monday to check if he is latching on correctly but this stubborn boy wants to find my nipples on his own to suckle...

Yes! Zachary sucking will definately stimulate more milk supply! so you are total bfding him now? We mommies have to be stubborn and sacrify for our baby's health.

I will definately let Zachary have rotavirus, peumoccocal injection. But for chicken pox... not sure. I heard even if had chicken pox vaccination, you might still get chicken pox. donno how true tho. haha now i am only concentrating to feed my milk milk monster, relax and rest.
Sad... somehow my episiotomy wound starts aching now even if i am sitting on cushion. today during dr wong's check up, she said everything is clean and no infection. but just now i poo-ed for the first time after delivery and i saw lots of blood...

i wonder if i should start taking the pain killer which dr wong ordered for me during my hospital stay... sob sob

All the best! cant wait to see kyler's photo =) hope you have a smooth, fast, no tear, no stitch delivery!

i was lucky that Dr Wong came and check on me just right before the nurse tried to do VE for me *phew* so scared TMC's nurse will be rough hahaha but after epidural, i dont care if nurse do VE for me

for Zachary, he will feed on one breast until he empty out the breast. next will be either he fell asleep cos really full or still wants more. then i latch him on the other breast. if he fell asleep, i will pump myself and drink it.

we should meet at BBP again after your confinement with our little bundle of joy!

joann S
I use the pureen pad and think it is quite good cos of the thick cotton cushion on my butt. mine goes out of shape very fast too and gets irritating cos i need to change like 10 a day lol everytime i go to toilet even tho my flow is very little now. i bought and still using this cos my episiotomy wound is aching when i sit. so sad. now i am sitting japanese style... T__T my legs feels so numb!!!

during my hospital stay, i used :

1 night gown
2 bras (1 at hospital, 1 going home)
1 set of going home clothes
half pack of pureen maternity pad - i was changing like mad cos it goes out of shape and worried it stain my night gown,

actually got massage better than no massage. but one good thing is, i start my massage on friday and during today's check up, dr wong said my womb shrink fast. today is at 11cm already (normal woman is 7cm). then gynae mentioned it is probably due to the massage.

1 cycle i think. i just need to throw things inside, pour 120ml of water, press down the button and it will auto do its job and off itself

now waiting for my milk milk monster to wake up and drink his milk. haiz... i am so scared of latching him cos he really suckle my nipples until very painful leh... they hurts even when i yawn.

actually this isnt that bad. i am always in air-con room all the time. i bath almost everyday and my CL thinks that it is neccessary to keep myself clean. =) my mil tried to tell her dont let me bath everyday but my CL stand by my side and let me bath everyday (ofcourse we keep it a secret from my mil).

How I wish my CL is my mil and my hubby also wish she is his mom. I think tomorrow hubby will have a hard time again cos I mentioned to mil I want to name my son Zachary Gabriel Zhuang instead of Zachary Zhuang "pinyin" "pinyin" like what she want. =_=

She kept telling me what we are chinese so need to be proud of ourselve and what ang moh even told her we should just use our chinese name dont need eng name.

Can someone who doesnt want to put pinyin in your baby's name give me some ideals to fight back to her?

MFK. Zachary is my son or her son? =_= Cant even respect my hubby and my decision on naming our own son. Even his chinese name she wants to interfer. Even my CL sees already gets mad at her man!
reira, do you have any milk storage bags? How about pumping out and freezing it since it can keep 3 months and later on, can be used to feed Zachary or mb even make him a milk bath! Supposed to be good for skin

Since its your hb registring the birth cert, can he jus go ahead and register first before telling your MIL. By then, she also no choice. The most she will just be unhappy for a couple of days, and she will most likely get over it. Tell her that now most pple dun use the pinyin name. The chinese characters on the birth cert is more than sufficient. Also don't want too long a name on birth cert or else the child will have hard time writing it all out during the school exam!
thanks!! i was so stupid to actually mention it to her lor... haiz! regret! i will go with hubby to register the birth cert.

yeah totally. chinese characters on birth cert is more than sufficient. She even told me what china is going to take over blah blah and chinese name will be important. Then I was like we will be putting his chinese name inside what, just that no pinyin. she is the retarded type that if she wants something, no matter what others tells her, she will not register it in her brain. my hubby gets so pissed with her all the time when she insist on making him do things he dont want. till now she still dont get it why my hubby's attitude towards her is so bad. even my CL ke lian my hubby lor!

Wah! I didnt thought of making a milk bath for Zachary. when can i do that? do i need to wipe him with normal bath water after? but will it have long lasting effect? haha if not i think i drink it bah cos don't want to keep too many milk in mil's fridge also. now she dont get the chance to feed him at all because i am latching him. but i do bring him over and let her carry once a day or something.

Anyway, I do have a lots of milk storage bags but since I am a SAHM now. I can latch him whenever he want (if not will get engorgement one right?).
reira, u can use the BM to bath Zach anytime. Infact, u can use it to soak your hands and feet too! But of course, after that have to rinse with water or else will be super sticky. Heard pple say BM has good properties for the skin ha ha but don't know how long is the effect. YOu can also put inside your hb's coffee if he don't mind!
morning mummies,

wanna check hows the feeling like when the water bag burst.. can all of u feel it or jus feel that yr undies wet wet... ??
HI morning ladies

Reira:wow so nice u hv loads of milk
keep it up ,one colig of mine made ice lollys from it kakkakakka.probs add flavour bah.

me milk also coming hope i can sustain ithhhhhhhhhhhhehehehe

yes entering china with chinese name n no pinyin is troublesome....but if no need then its oki la.

piggytoh:u mmanaged to hv A nd bb???

mickey :congrats to u ;)
My gyne is LN Sim. Have auto-upgrade provided they dun have 4 bedder. But when I checked in yesterday still have room so took 4 bedder. Anyway for me, first night just observation. That's why after delivery then change room.

Not sure abt the internet connection charges. Using my own mobile data plan. Ha if no internet last night also quite sian coz only have TV to watch.

Going into the OT in just less than 2 hours for me. Funny, dun feel so nervous today liao. So looking forward to see my baby and hold her in my arms later.

Although also worried abt BM ss after op, but must gambetei!
so many mummies gave birth already! congrats to all!

janice, u will feel something trickling down if u stand up. And yes it will wet your undies and u will know its not urine or discharge.

weishy, jia you on breastfeeding!

joia, all the best for ur C sec.

okies..thanks for the info!
saw ur FB...did u use the tee pee? hehee
how does BM taste like?

haf u delivered?

jiayou! wish u a smooth delivery
Gd morning, all mummies.

wat's the update now? Who is the 1st national day baby?
I was stressed out yesterday when i reached home. Stupid MIL kept saying i no milk everytime she hear the bb cry. Confinement auntie also same, said shd give the formula milk to prevent bb hungry and crying. Finally at 4plus ytd afternoon, we gave in, and fed baby with the 1st bottle of sample formula milk (enfalac) which TMC secretly gave us. Thereafter, 9pm, another feed of formula milk, then 2am, and then this morning (8am).

Today is the 3rd day liao, i hope my milk comes in soon. Breasts feel hard, nipples sore too (from the 3-4hrly latch on to simulate the milk supply).
yen2008:u hv to massage ur breasts n nipples abit first
maybe use a warm towel to soothe them frist b4 feeding
can try

Mich:tks i will try y very best kkekekek.....the last time wass 6 weeks...thsi time round hope longer with my girl around :p

sharon:ya the ICA person will not force us to put but for some country entrance formalities......hose unless child doesnt go to those places...if not u wont want them to stay insde the immigration office just to clarify.....for some conutries la....china is one i know....
weishy: Thanks for your advice. I have tried to massage myself. TMC nurse and lactation consultant came and also showed me how to show to latch on and massage, and their massage is very painful.
yen2008:y ai agree veyr painful but.....no choice if breast really engorged n bb not suckling.......will get inflammed le
yen2008:y ai agree veyr painful but.....no choice if breast really engorged n bb not suckling.......will get inflammed le

For chicken pox vaccination, after the jab they will might still get chicken pox but it will be mild one. So find it better. But the jab is not life time 1....

MIL is liked that 1. Just 1 ear in and 1 ear out.... Just try your best to BF baby... Don't stress yourself out... Use a warm towel to massage yr breast it will help....
hi all ladies,

just like to update that i've delivered on 060809, baby boy..
without any analgesia!! nearly given up. Asking for im pethidine, by then, already 8cm dilated!!
so no form of painkiller at all...

we are both home...didn't sleep well last night...
breastfeeding almost 1/2hrly to hrly...subsequently given in to formula milk at 2+AM...

sigh...hopefully more susu will come, and i can do without formula milk!
No news from piggy yet?

Btw, can i check with mummies who have given birth ... how do u put your newborn in the carseat? We just got the carseat &amp; was trying on it but hubby was wondering how to put a swaddled newborn in the carseat since he's all wrapped up?

First time we took out the swaddle, the put him in the car seat. 2nd time, my CL manage to swaddle him then put the safety belt across.
