(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

my gynae say shld not have any surcharge.
im counting down now.

eating bread, cakes etc. was so shocked abt the big increase in weight. Every wk increase 0.4kg two wks later will be a 4kg plus baby..tink i opt c-sect better. no confidence in natural ler..

hi mummies

later 3pm got check up. this sun i will be 39 weeks.

this morning i was mopping the floor, suddenly short wet. i tot what happen.

i go toilet and found this white sticky discharge. is this the mucus plug stuff or not?

i never had this kind of discharge before.

any advise?

Ya, i've already prepared a toy for coalie and also planning to bring 1 of Ovann's clothes to the hosp and let him wear so that the clothes have his scent. Will ask hubby to bring back the clothes to let coalie sniff sniff first b4 we come back & introduce them

All along coalie doesn't like kids and toddlers and she can be quite jealous if i'm holding a bb in my arms. I've seen how she reacted sometimes when i try to sayang other pple's dog.

Does yr westie go & kpo on Joshua when he cries?
Just want to share abour my past experience. During the 1st month of bfeeding, I didn't have enough supply. Here are some of the things that can be done:

<font color="0000ff">1) Latch on properly. Follow this video for info: http://www.ameda.com/community/videos.aspx. If baby not satisfied I will top up with 2oz of FM
2) At times I do mix FM (mix FM with the right amount of water first) with expressed BM
3) Latch on one side while pumping the other side to stimulate milk flow. After baby taken the second side and not satisfied, I will give the expressed BM that I've just extracted while feeding.
4) It's okay to feed more then one time each breast.

Here's a chart of how much baby needs <font color="ff0000">each feed</font> according to age (info is from the book Breastfeeding Made Simple by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., IBCLC, page 69):

3 days.....1oz (30ml)
1 week.....1.5oz (45ml)
2 weeks.... 2-2.5oz (60-75ml)
1 month.... 3-4oz (90-120ml)

During 1st day, a newborn's stomach is about the size of a marle. At each feeing he can keep down about one-sixth to one-third of an ounce )5-10ml). Not surprisingly, this is the amount of available colostrum, the early milk, that is ready and waiting for him in the breast.

Not only are newborn stomachs small, but they don't expand like adult stomatchs, especially in the first day. In one study, Samuel Zangen and his colleagues found that during the first days of life, a newborn's stomach stay firm, expelling extra milk rather than stretching out to hold it. B 3 days of age, as baby takes more and more of these small, frequent feedings, his stomach can expand to about the size of a shooter marble to hold more milk.</font>
something is still better than nothing - that's how i rationalise. will pump as long as i can regardless of supply just to give bb some benefit of BM, esp immunity in view of the many illnesses around.

eh have you checked out the various vacinnations around? planning to give all?
I just back from 38 week check up , doc do a check on the cevix , is 1com open lor . Now I see hv blood on pant leh . will it stop as doc also tell me is normal ? How long will the blood flow ? worry as I nvr wear pad ?
<font color="0000ff">CONGRATS WEISHY, YEN, HAPPI!!</font>

is the discharge stretchy n transparent?
i jus came back from my appt confirm will check in hosp tml evenin to induce he say will insert pill first den if the cervix is slow den will drip so nervous now.. keke...

u c-sect on ND ah i tink our bb will be havin same birthday
but i check with the nurse jus now they told me C-sect prob will have additional charges wor.. not v sure maybe u check with the hosp better..
i will admit tml nite ard 7-8pm den start to induce i tink prob will exceed 12am so will be ND
wanted to admit 11pm 1 but my gynae will not be ard in the ND mornin so we hope bb will come out in the am n my gynae srill ard if not gotta be deliver by my gynae brother who i have not met be4..
I checked with TMC no extra surcharge for national day but if you choose midnight or any other auspicious timing then will have surcharge.
YESSSS i had my VE on tues n i bleed so much till now still got spottin on n off.. it norm cos when the gynae did VE they might break some blood vessel so not to worry..
hahah i can only hope cos dunno how long it will takes to be fully dilated.. hopefully my bb will break the waterbag be4 i go to the hosp hahah ...
piggy and bean,
I find VE very painful leh. During the wait, the midwife will come and take measurement every few hours. One reason why I opt for epidural so early is also that I dont want to be feel the VE pain.

Tell you one very funny thing, after taking epidural cannot get down the bed anymore. So the midwife will come and drain urine through a tube. When she told me that, my response was a huge "HUH!"... She gave me a look and then say, "its painless cos you are epidural"...
it depend on how much u bleed wor but i got wear cos panty liner not enough for me...

hahah maybe ur gynae other patient not in the forum haha..
yes VE is painful!!!! i might opt for epi early also haha.. ya i heard they will put in a Catheters to drain our urine cos it hurts if we have to go to toilet on our own after the labour... btw so u find injection of epi painful?
Woohoo... piggytoh, your turn next

Have a safe, smooth and fast delivery.

Carefreelife, have a safe and smooth c-sec.
i dint apply nipple cream, i just use the balance milk to rub rub.

My experience on labour:

was not that pain as i was expected, so those who are going for epi can ' fang xin'.

Urine tube
mine was insert after the epi so i dont feel anything at all and it is gd cos during the few days after labour u wont have the sensation want to go urine...but the removing part abit pain. till now i go urine still can feel the pain alittle..wonder is the V part or the CS part.

Hm.. actually i was not aware at all they put pad for me! untill the next day the nurses come in to inform me that they r going to change my pad.

i dun direct latch on.. pump out to feed him..

my baby is small at birth, but i oso scare he might grow n demand for even more milk..

one of my cousin's baby fed on 120ml at the age of 4mth, which was tot alot ler..

Oh.. but will have leftover pads from the pack that they open for u right? What do I do with those? Throw away like very wasteful hor?

So fast hor, u already pop liao. Seems like not long ago u were still knitting my booties.
Oh ok, which brand of the bottle u using?
i was using on avent bottle and my small little one dont really noe how to suck until today i try on the bottle tips that MT A given to me when discharge, if u hv the same issue PLS try the one that Mt A give! really make a big diff!!!

i bring home wor..since i paid everything ma!


Oh me delivering at TMC. Did ur Avent bottle leak? That time mashy &amp; a few more were saying that Avent leaks.

Me have mostly Pigeon bottles, coz they came bundled with my steriliser.

Hmm.. but who will use those pads? Might as well use up at the hosp, or can reject or not? I dun wanna pay for it leh
I giam! haha
